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An expression for the radiation admittance of an infinite planar array of rectangular waveguide apertures is formulated and a technique for finding the complete equivalent circuit of the waveguide to space junction is given. The formulation includes multiple layers of dielectric above the array ground plane and waveguide elements which are center loaded with dielectric. Experimental verification of the radiation admittance formulation and the equivalent circuit concepts is given.  相似文献   

Equivalent circuit model for arrays of square loops   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Square-loop arrays are of interest as frequency selective surfaces. Experimental results for these arrays are presented, and a simple equivalent circuit model is described which predicts the plane-wave transmission characteristics for normal incidence. These elements are a new member of the group of arrays for which simple equivalent circuits are available.  相似文献   

Equivalent circuit model of quantum-well lasers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A study of equivalent circuit model of quantum well lasers derived from quantum well rate equation has been carried out. Pulse response simulation results obtained from a SPICE simulator indicates that various modulation properties, e.g., turn-on delay, relaxation oscillation frequency, and on/off aspect ratio, have a substantially different behavior than those of DH lasers. This model offers a fundamental building block for the simulation of the over all signal transmission when using quantum-well lasers as a light source  相似文献   

This paper investigates the properties of the on-wafer interconnects built in a 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS technology for RF applications. A scalable equivalent circuit model is developed. The model parameters are extracted directly from the on-wafer measurements and formulated into empirical expressions. The expressions are in functions of the length and the width of the interconnects. The proposed model can be easily implemented into commercial RF circuit simulators. It provides a novel solution to include the frequency-variant characteristics into a circuit simulation. The silicon-verified accuracy is proved to be up to 25 GHz with an average error less than 2%. Additionally, equivalent circuit model for longer wires can be obtained by cascading smaller subsections together. The scalability of the propose model is demonstrated.  相似文献   

基于广义传输线方程的矩形波导等效电路   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
介绍了广义传输线方程在波导分析中的应用,讨论了建立在该方程基础上的具有不连续性的矩形波导的等效电路,提出了用两个频点来提取整个频带内电路参数的方法,以加载金属膜片的矩形波导为例进行了数值计算,并应用等效电路来计算S参数,计算结果和用Ansoft公司的HFSS软件所得结果相符合.  相似文献   

A new CPW to waveguide transition is developed based on the concept of tapered slot antenna and E-plane probe coupling. The transition consists of a tapered slotline probe and a slotline to CPW matching section. The current design has the advantages of broad bandwidth, compact size, low fabrication cost, and high reliability. The characteristics of a prototype transition are investigated by numerical simulation on Duroid substrate and WR-90 waveguide. The back-to-back combination is measured to verify the agreement with the simulated results and realization of this design  相似文献   

A fabrication procedure has been developed for multimode deposited silica waveguide (DS guide), consisting of uniform and thick glass layer formation for core and cladding, and amorphous Si mask film for reactive sputter etching. The embedded multimode DS guide with a square core cross section has a transmission loss of 1.3 dB/cm at 633 nm wavelength. Waveguide parameters, such as core dimension, refractive index, and index difference, are similar to those of a multi-mode silica fiber. A multimode optical branching circuit with eight output ports was demonstrated by the above fabrication procedure. Excess insertion loss was 2 dB.  相似文献   

Jochen  P. 《Electronics letters》1970,6(3):61-62
Calculations are carried out for a van der Pol type oscillator with external force. It is illustrated how the condition of synchronisation is changed when (i) the admittance of the microwave diode is assumed to consist of an additional voltage-dependent susceptance and (ii) the frequency-determining resonator has a series reactance.  相似文献   

A general formulation for the scattering from multiple waveguide discontinuities is presented. It is based on the modal analysis technique in which the corresponding fields are expanded in terms of vector eigenfunctions and the boundary conditions are imposed at each junction. Analytic expressions for the global scattering matrices are derived using a recurrence procedure that requires substantially less computation than the traditional cascading techniques. The matrix equations are truncated in a manner that satisfies the conditions for a good overall convergence, which is illustrated for step discontinuities in circular waveguides. Numerical results are presented for a thick iris in a circular waveguide and for iris-matched dielectric window designs  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》1969,5(23):581-583
An equivalent circuit is proposed for the acoustoelectric oscillator, and results are presented which show that the circuit can provide a good analogue of a practical device. Suppression of oscillations and changes of the resonant frequency were observed when an oscillator was connected to a reactive load. Both of these effects may be explained in terms of the equivalent circuit.  相似文献   

Coaxial waveguides are very commonly used in many microwave subsystems for the connection of various components. Significant size reduction could, therefore, be achieved by integrating the design of the coaxial transition in the computer-aided design (CAD) of microwave filters. In this context, we first discuss in this paper a coaxial transition, which can be efficiently designed interactively using an accurate and efficient CAD procedure. The key elements of the CAD tool developed are then described and a specific example of a microwave filter is discussed. In addition to theory, measured results are also presented, thereby fully validating both the CAD tool and the structures proposed  相似文献   

For normal incidence of a Gaussian beam on a multimode optical fibre, theory predicts that only HE1m, modes are excited, and this is confirmed experimentally for a liquid-core fibre of normalised frequency v = 125. Discrete-mode propagation is observed, indicating that the amount of mode conversion due to fibre imperfections is thus very small.  相似文献   

In the present contribution we construct a high-frequency circuit model for the excitation of eigenmodes in general waveguides due to externally impinging electromagnetic waves. The circuit model, consisting of distributed sources in a transmission line model, is based on Lorentz's reciprocity theorem. The classical quasi-TEM solution of this problem is found as a special case from the full-wave model. The theory is illustrated with numerical examples of electric dipoles radiating above thick coupled lossy microstrip lines  相似文献   

A simple equivalent circuit is presented for a commonly encountered radial-line/coaxial-line junction. The equivalent circuit is applicable to the usual situation where the dominant modes in the respective lines are the only propagating modes.  相似文献   

An equivalent circuit model for the double-electron layer tunneling transistor (DELTT) integrated with an antenna is presented in this paper. This device is used basically for THz detection, and the antenna is used to efficiently couple THz radiation into the device for processing. Developing an equivalent circuit model is extremely helpful in matching the antenna to the device.  相似文献   

A rate equation model for static and dynamic behavior for bidirectional transmission in a multisection semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is presented. The rate equations for each section have been implemented on an electrical simulator. Here, we have used the model to study the inline photodetection in presence of bidirectional transmission. Small signal photodetection response in presence of co- and contrapropagating signals is given. The photodetection crosstalk expression in bidirectional transmission has also been reported. Simultaneous bidirectional photodetection experiments using a three-electrode SOA show good agreement between measured crosstalk and simulated results obtained by harmonic balance method. A photodetection response nearly free of crosstalk has been obtained for certain operating conditions due to the cross gain modulation between contrapropagating signals  相似文献   

The problem associated with propagation in the Earth?ionosphere waveguide under geometrically perturbed conditions may be handled using a method outlined earlier for the parallel-plate waveguide. In this communication, the details are outlined, based on a transformation due to Zucker and Cohn. The equations are in the form used by Wait in his treatment aimed at justifying the two-dimensional approach.  相似文献   

高速电路设计与库模型应用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯军  金杰 《电路与系统学报》2005,10(4):125-127,94
通过对TSMC 0.18μm CMOS工艺库模型的分析,电路仿真结果比较以及实际限幅放大器电路流片测试结果的验证比较,提出在深亚微米工艺中,大信号高速电路的设计适宜选用混合信号管进行。  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》1969,5(13):297-298
A 2-terminal hard oscillator having fifth-degree stimulance characteristics is analysed making use of the method of nonlinear condition of oscillations. Amplitudes of both stable and unstable limit cycles are determined, and the influence of parameter values on circuit behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

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