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To clarify the higher‐order mechanism of human color perception, we measured the color appearances of 78 colored lights by an elemental color‐scaling method and by a categorical color naming method. The colors covered nearly the entire CIE 1931 xy‐chromaticity diagram with three different surrounds. The results showed that firm basic color zones derived by categorical color naming can be mapped with no overlap in an opponent‐color response space. We propose a network model with a threshold selector, maximum selectors, and multiplication units with gain factors to generate the categorical color responses quantitatively from the elemental color responses. The model can predict the categorical color naming results in different surround conditions with no change of parameters. This suggests that a nonlinear color vision mechanism for color categorization exists between the primary visual cortex (V1) and the inferior temporal cortex (IT) in the human brain. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 27, 225–232, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.10060 相似文献
A preprocessing to CIECAM02 input color for color appearance prediction was proposed. In this study, 8640 color appearance matching pairs (NCS color charts with red, green, yellow, and blue backgrounds in a light booth and their reproductions with gray background on a CRT screen) were obtained by psychophysical experiment using the simultaneous‐binocular technique. Because only the lightness of background is included in CIECAM02, a color inducing vector based on opponent‐colors theory was introduced to preprocess CIECAM02 inputs, so that CIECAM02 may predict the corresponding color of an input color with chromatic background as well. By data fitting, a color preprocessing formula describing a relationship between the color inducing vector and the NCS chromaticness was conducted. Furthermore, the formula's performance was tested and the results showed that it was good for implementing the color appearance prediction of input colors with different chromatic backgrounds.© 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 32, 40–46, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20287 相似文献
Y. Nayatani 《Color research and application》2001,26(4):290-304
Some modifications are made to the achromatic color perceptions in Hering's opponent‐colors theory. They are the introduction of the reference color Gray and the use of the orthogonal coordinate system. The modified opponent‐colors theory has a symmetrical structure for the three opponent‐colors axes, whiteness‐grayness‐blackness, redness‐grayness‐greenness, and yellowness‐grayness‐blueness, and it unifies the Hunt and the Stevens and Jameson–Hurvich effects. It is also noted that two kinds of color‐appearance spaces exist. One is the color‐appearance space derived from color perceptions of object colors (called the CPS color‐appearance space). The other is that modeled from their colorimetric values for predicting color perceptions (called the UCS color‐appearance space). The CPS color‐appearance space is mainly described in this article. Scaling of the CPS color‐appearance space and the existence of the reference color perception Gray are discussed in detail. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 26, 290–304, 2001 相似文献
Rolf G. Kuehni 《Color research and application》2000,25(2):123-131
Five color order systems (Munsell Renotations, Munsell Re‐renotations, OSA‐UCS, NCS, and Colorcurve) have been compared by optimizing the powers applied to individual opponent‐color functions. The results indicate general similarities in that powers applied to the red and green functions tend to be closer to 1, while those applied to the blue function and the yellow function are generally smaller. Specifically, there are many individual differences that make each system unique. The results inspire confidence in the veracity of the opponent‐color system methodology. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 25, 123–131, 2000 相似文献
Chanprapha Phuangsuwan Mitsuo Ikeda Janjira Mepean 《Color research and application》2018,43(3):349-357
The color appearance of negative afterimages was measured by the elementary color naming method, and the results were compared with those obtained by the two‐room technique. Twenty adapting stimuli were presented on a display sequentially. Subjects first assessed the color appearance of the stimuli. After looking at the adapting stimulus for 10 seconds, the subjects assessed color of the afterimage. Apparent hue of the afterimage was in general not opponent color to the adapting color. The relation between the adapting stimuli and the afterimages was analyzed by the angle difference Δθ, when apparent hues are expressed by the angles of the points on the polar diagram of the opponent color theory. The relation relationship of Δθ to the angle of the adapting color θing was quite similar to the results obtained by the two‐room technique, implying that the chromatic adaptation shown by the afterimage also occurs in the brain rather than in the retina. 相似文献
Rolf G. Kuehni 《Color research and application》2001,26(3):209-222
A synthesis of the author's recent work on color‐order systems and color‐difference evaluation is provided in context of current knowledge and practices. The development of a colorimetric model is demonstrated using Munsell “Celtic crosses” as a model of perceptual space. Issues surrounding color‐matching functions, unique hues, the Helmholtz–Kohlrausch effect, and lightness and chroma crispening are addressed, as is the difficulty of reconciling a difference‐based hue, chroma, lightness model with an Euclidean model. A new lightness scale and treatment of lightness crispening is proposed. The results indicate that, despite problems, relatively simple modified opponent‐color models provide good accuracy in predicting color‐order system and supra‐threshold small color‐difference data. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 26, 209–222, 2001 相似文献
Ji Young Kim 《Color research and application》2010,35(6):443-453
The purpose of this study was to identify the color characteristics of Korean culture, the color consciousness of Korean people based on their arche‐pattern sentiment, and to analyze the colors of the costumes of Korean folk festivals, which clearly suggest the archetype of Korean tradition. The range of this study is focused on Korea's important intangible cultural assets in which the colors used in folk festivals were fully expressed, and 20 folk games and plays were selected from among different festival events. Hundred and fifteen pictures from these 20 folk games/plays were used to extract the costume colors and conduct color analyses. Among 647 colors extracted in total, this article used 199 colors after excluding overlapping colors. The results show that Korean folk festivals have served as the medium of nondifferentiation that goes beyond the differentiated order of reality. Costumes for these Korean folk festivals, such as folk games and folk plays, have a sacred meaning as ritualistic robes. Five element colors in these costumes for the Korean folk festival are used as a means of circulatory thinking and as a symbol of Chaos—the very origin of undifferentiated thinking—beyond one's daily lives. It was found that these highly chromatic five element colors have always been used, wherever this undifferentiated thinking was strongly expressed. Delivering visually strong impacts, these five element colors symbolize the concept of the Arche‐pattern theory, being related to infinite freedom without any restrictions. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2010 相似文献
A novel general transformation between reflectance spectra and the corresponding coordinates of the Munsell Color System is presented. The coefficient values of the transformation were experimentally determined by mapping the actual reflectance spectra of the chips in the Munsell Book of Color into the Munsell Color Order System and by minimizing the distance between calculated and actual coordinates. The experiment was repeated with a selected set of points of the Munsell Renotation System. Both the Smith–Pokorny functions and the CIE 1931 standard color‐matching functions were used as a basis of the transformation. There is a good correspondence between calculated and actual coordinates of the Munsell Color System. It is also shown that the linear part of the same transformation applied to the basis functions results in one achromatic response function and two chromatic response functions in accordance with the opponent‐colors theory. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 31, 57–66, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20173 相似文献
Color‐matchingfunctions may be considered dimension reduction functions that project a spectral reflectance function into the desired space of colors. Using a gray metameric pair with maximal spectral difference we compare the abilities of various human and other observers with regard to the transition wavelengths for that metameric pair. Transition wavelengths are shown to be a convenient tool for comparing and classifying observers regardless of the number of dimension reduction functions. Four human observers were identified as differing in a comparable manner from the CIE 2° standard observer. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 29, 183–186, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20004 相似文献
A new type of color‐appearance model is presented together with its formulations. It is named In‐CAM(CIELUV), which means the integrated color‐appearance model using CIELUV space. Using the In‐CAM(CIELUV), we can integrate its fields of applications in both colorimetric engineering and artistic color design. Various applications are introduced in colorimetric and color design fields. The In‐CAM(CIELUV) connects directly colorimetric color space and perceptual Hue‐Tone color order systems. In other words, the In‐CAM (CIELUV) gives a colorimetric basis for Hue‐Tone system. The three color attributes in the In‐CAM(CIELUV) space are mutually independent. This is a very convenient feature for selecting color combinations. Some two‐color combinations selected systematically in the In‐CAM(CIELUV) space are shown. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 33, 125–134, 2008 相似文献
I. Tortajada Montañana J. Montalvá Colomer M. Aguilar Rico 《Color research and application》2012,37(5):336-342
The aim of this article is to study the influence of an achromatic Ronchi grating (white and black stripes) used as a background, over a periodic chromatic test (red or green). Depending on the grating frequency, two parameters were used to study this influence: modulation ratio and grating contrast. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2012 相似文献
Fifty years ago, in 1969, Berlin & Kay published Basic Color Terms—Their Universality and Evolution and set in‐motion a large‐scale systematic research program for studying color naming and categorization across first‐language speakers from different ethno‐linguistic societies. While it is difficult to gauge the impact a research program can make over 50‐years, many linguists, anthropologists, cognitive scientists, and perceptual psychologists consider the Berlin & Kay book as one of the top‐most influential works in cross‐cultural studies not only of color linguistics, but of cognition and language more generally. Today reverberations from the Berlin & Kay (1969) research program continue to resonate through recently available data sets that are being examined with new quantitative analysis methods and modeling approaches. Here we review the origins of the Basic Color Terms phenomenon, and note a few of the numerous directions from which on‐going related work continues to bring forth interesting results in the color categorization arena. 相似文献
Xiao‐Ping Gao John H. Xin Tetsuya Sato Aran Hansuebsai Marcello Scalzo Kanji Kajiwara Shing‐Sheng Guan J. Valldeperas Manuel José Lis Monica Billger 《Color research and application》2007,32(3):223-229
This study investigates the relationship between color perceptual attributes and color emotions, as well as the influence of different cultural backgrounds. Totally 214 color samples were evaluated on 12 emotion variables by subjects from seven different region groups in the psychophysical experiment. By factor analysis, it was found that three factors were sufficient to represent 80 “region‐emotion” variables. For each variable, there is no distinct difference among different region groups. The 12 emotion variables could be divided into four categories, namely, activity index, potency index, definition index, and temperature index. Factor scores were further calculated to study the determinants on each factor. The analysis showed that the three factors were mainly related to chroma, lightness, and hue, respectively. It was concluded that chroma and lightness were the most important factors on color emotion, whereas the influences of hue and cultural background were very limited. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 32, 223–229, 2007 相似文献
Despite the crucial role of color appearance in forming first impressions, it is still not clear how color evokes personality associations—that is, a color‐personality association (CPA). This study aims to propose a method for quantifying the relationships between color attributes and CPAs for single colors. Specifically, we first collected the CPAs of five traits evoked by single colors (i.e., extraverted–introverted, moody–unemotional, agreeable–disagreeable, organized–disorganized, and wide interests–narrow interests) in a carefully controlled experiment. Then, multiple linear regression (MLR) analyses were adopted to predict these CPAs based on three color attributes (lightness, chroma, and hue). Our results showed that (1) the personality associations could be evoked by colors and perceived consistently by observers; (2) the relationships between the color attributes and the CPAs could be well quantified by separately conducting MLR analyses in different regions of hue (i.e., red, green, blue, and yellow regions); and (3) both lightness and chroma were significant predictors in almost all predictive models and they might have different relative importance or directions of effect when predicting the CPAs in different regions of hue, even for the same trait. This study improves the understanding of how color evokes personality associations and takes the first step toward developing the method for predicting the CPAs for multicolor combinations. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 42, 388–396, 2017 相似文献
Lane Yoder 《Color research and application》2005,30(4):252-264
Opponent processing is widely accepted as providing a general framework for the standard model of human color vision. After the cones' responses are transmitted to second stage neurons, however, there is no consensus on exactly how synaptic connections are organized. The Relative Absorption Model introduced here is an explicit neural network that generates neural correlates of color vision. The model makes detailed predictions of known color and neural phenomena, including familiar aspects of color perception. Until now these phenomena have not had an explicit neural explanation. The model's simplicity shows that color does not require complex processing of spectral information. The network receives excitatory and inhibitory input from three classes of spatially proximate photoreceptors with different spectral sensitivities. Four second stage neurons provide symmetric input to four third stage neurons, whose outputs are correlates of red, green, blue, and yellow. These color cells identify which receptor type has the greatest absorption of photons and which has the least. Their response intensities correspond to the differences between those absorptions and the middle absorption. A single second stage neuron computes violet and purple information that is then transmitted through the red and blue channels, the only channels in the network capable of conveying the information. Five additional neurons produce correlates of black and white. The white cell's response intensity measures the smallest of the three absorptions, and the black response measures how far the largest absorption is from full saturation. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 30, 252–264, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20121 相似文献
Shigeharu Tamura Yosuke Okamoto Seiji Nakagawa Takashi Sakamoto Yasushi Shigeri 《Color research and application》2015,40(3):218-223
Here, we propose a color barrier‐free illumination consisting of white, red, and blue LEDs for people with deuteranopia‐type defects in color perception. Color perceptions of 20 volunteers with normal vision and four examinees of deuteranopia were evaluated by both the Ishihara test for color blindness and the Farnsworth Panel D‐15 test under color barrier‐free illumination. The illumination was comparably effective, not only for discriminating between red and green but also for discrimination of the hues on a color chip continuously. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 218–223, 2015 相似文献
This study looks at the perceived quality of light‐emitting diode (LED)‐based lighting of various colors. The objective was to find out whether LEDs could provide better (i.e., more relevant and acceptable) lighting than that which is obtained with standard halogen or fluorescent sources. The perception of objects was assessed under different lighting schemes. Subjects were invited to add red, cyan and/or amber to white LED‐based light to match the halogen and fluorescence rendering on specific targets: a color chart and a painting. They were also asked to rate the difference between the two, and to express their preference. The results obtained for the perception of LED‐based lighting were quite positive. Color blendings of LED light were found to provide illuminated situations similar to halogens or fluorescent sources. These blendings were well accepted, and indeed often preferred, although the color rendering index (CRI) was always low. This indicates that the CRI as it stands is inadequate to characterize the color rendering of solid‐state light sources, and needs to be updated. LED‐based lighting systems seem to have considerable potential for use in shops and display units, where they may well outperform existing lighting systems. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 34, 310–320, 2009 相似文献
Jennifer A. Veitch Lorne A. Whitehead Michele Mossman Toby D. Pilditch 《Color research and application》2014,39(3):263-274
As light‐emitting diode (LED) light sources mature, lighting designers will be able to deliver white light with a variety of spectral power distributions and a variety of color rendering properties. This experiment examined the effects of three spectral power distributions (SPDs) that were matched in illuminance and chromaticity on three measures of color perception: one objective (performance on the Farnsworth‐Munsell 100 hue test) and two subjective (judgments of the attractiveness of one's own skin, and preferences for the saturation of printed images). The three SPDs were a quartz‐halogen (QH) lamp and two LED sources that were matched to the QH lamp in terms of both illuminance and chromaticity; the three light sources were nominally CCT = 3500 K, x = 0.40, y = 0.39 and ~ 400 lx. LED A used three channels (red, green, blue), and had very poor color rendering (Ra = 18). LED B used four channels (red, amber, cyan, white) and had very good color rendering (Ra = 96, whereas the QH had Ra = 98). Secondary hypotheses addressed the effects of age and skin and eye color on the dependent measures. As expected, LED A delivered very different color perceptions on all measures when compared to QH; LED B did not differ from QH. The results show that it is possible for LED sources to match the familiar incandescent sources. However, although it is possible to deliver what appear to be millions of colors with a three‐chip (RGB) device, there is the risk of creating a very poor luminous environment. © 2013 National Research Council Canada and Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 39, 263–274, 2014; Published Online 12 April 2013 in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/col.21811 相似文献