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Traditional control charts, such as Hotelling’s T2, are effective in detecting abnormal patterns. However, most control charts do not take into account a time-varying property in a process. In the present study, we propose a parameter-less self-organizing map-based control chart that can handle a situation in which changes occur in the distribution or parameter of the target observations. The control limits of the proposed chart are determined by estimating the empirical level of significance on the percentile using the bootstrap method. Experimental results obtained by using simulated data and actual process data from the manufacturing process for a thin-film transistor-liquid crystal display demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Advancement in computer technology has brought shop floor control into a new era. Hierarchical and heterarchical control structures are two of the most popular control frameworks applied by industries and academics. However, the loading on the central controller may be very heavy in a hierarchical control structure, as the number of equipment in the shop floor increases. On the other hand, in a heterarchical configuration, the inter-cell communication will be very busy making control strategies to achieve. In this research, a hybrid hierarchical/heterarchical structure is proposed. This approach reduces the loading on the shop floor controller by empowering each cell controller to determine the production schedules of its corresponding equipment. However, the shop floor controller still is responsible for the global conditions of the shop such as deciding the job finishing time and balancing the utilization rate of equipment. A bidding method based on the required production costs is also proposed and implemented under the developed control structure.  相似文献   

An approach for designing a shop floor control system is proposed in this paper. In this approach, the IDEF0 model, Biemans' model, and the Phillips' CAM model are three major technologies used for determining the control request, control classification, and the control allocation. This approach has further been applied to propose a real shop floor control system in Taiwan, whose discussion is presented at the end.  相似文献   

Drilling process is one of the most important operations in aeronautic industry. It is performed on the wings of the aeroplanes and its main problem lies with the burr generation. At present moment, there is a visual inspection and manual burr elimination task subsequent to the drilling and previous to the riveting to ensure the quality of the product. These operations increase the cost and the resources required during the process. The article shows the use of data mining techniques to obtain a reliable model to detect the generation of burr during high speed drilling in dry conditions on aluminium Al 7075-T6. It makes possible to eliminate the unproductive operations in order to optimize the process and reduce economic cost. Furthermore, this model should be able to be implemented later in a monitoring system to detect automatically and on-line when the generated burr is out of tolerance limits or not. The article explains the whole process of data analysis from the data preparation to the evaluation and selection of the final model.  相似文献   

随着信息科技的快速发展,计算机中的经典算法在葡萄酒产业中得到了广泛的研究与应用。机器学习算法的特点是运用人工智能技术,在经过大量的样本集训练和学习后可以自动地找出运算所需要的参数和模型。针对数据挖掘中常用的机器学习算法进行相关的研究。以分类算法为例进行数据挖掘技术的研究。针对SVM(支持向量机)泛化能力弱的缺点,给出了一种改进的SVM-NSVM,即先对训练集进行精选,根据每个样本与最近邻类标的异同判断样本点的取舍,然后再用SVM训练得到分类器。针对kNN(k-最近邻)训练数据集大的缺点,给出了一种改进的通过渐进的思想来寻找最近邻点。实验表明,与SVM相比,NSVM在分类正确率、分类速度上有一定的优势。改进的kNN算法的复杂度明显降低。此外,设计了葡萄酒信息数据分析系统,利用数据挖掘方法对极大量的葡萄酒信息数据进行分析、对比与匹配,从而可挖掘葡萄酒的主要成分对比信息和营销潜在信息等;再对这些成分进行相应的分析,并与高质量葡萄酒中的成分进行相应的对比,最终得出葡萄酒的相关分析信息数据,其可帮助葡萄酒生产厂商对葡萄酒的成分含量、品质进行分析。  相似文献   

Giving useful recommendations to students to improve collaboration in a learning experience requires tracking and analyzing student team interactions, identifying the problems and the target student. Previously, we proposed an approach to track students and assess their collaboration, but it did not perform any decision analysis to choose a recommendation for the student. In this paper, we propose an influence diagram, which includes the observable variables relevant for assessing collaboration, and the variable representing whether the student collaborates or not. We have analyzed the influence diagram with two machine learning techniques: an attribute selector, indicating the most important attributes that the model uses to recommend, and a decision tree algorithm revealing four different scenarios of recommendation. These analyses provide two useful outputs: (a) an automatic recommender, which can warn of problematic circumstances, and (b) a pedagogical support system (decision tree) that provides a visual explanation of the recommendation suggested.  相似文献   

用于数据采掘的贝叶斯分类器研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
所谓分类器是一个函数f(x),它给需要分类的实例x赋予类标签c,∈C(j=1,2,…,m),实例x由一组属性值a_1,…,a_n描述,C是类变量,取有限个值,可看成有限个元素的集合。进行分类首先要构造一个分类器。从预先分类的实例进行有导师学习并建立分类器,是机器学习的中心问题之一。已有的分类器如决策树、决策表、神经网络、决策图和规则等,都可以看成不同  相似文献   

电磁导航智能车检测和控制系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对电磁导航智能车的信号检测、控制系统的设计和实现做了介绍。通过Matlab对不同路径进行了磁场分析,确立了传感器的排布方案,并针对采集的信号进行了后续信号处理电路的设计,完成了信号的采样,确定了控制策略,单片机根据传感器采集的跑道信号通过A/D转换进行分析,通过增量式PID来控制智能车的速度,并通过脉宽控制舵机转角来实现智能车的拐弯,最终实现了能够针对不同路径稳定快速运行的电磁导航智能车的制作。  相似文献   

非参数模型控制在液位控制系统中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对工业控制过程中液位系统的时变和明显的滞后特征,研究了非参数模型控制方法在液位控制系统中的设计方案,讨论了控制算法中引入的伪偏导数的在线估计问题,实现了通过液位系统的输入输出信息并利用递归最小二乘法对伪偏导数进行在线估计的过程,仿真实验验证了非参数模型算法对液位控制的鲁棒性、快速性及抗干扰性,通过仿真比较,展示了该算法性能优于PID算法和模糊控制的结果.  相似文献   

为提升自动控制效果,加快翻译速率,设计基于智能语音的翻译机器人自动化控制系统。采集外界智能语音信号,利用A/D转换器得到数字信号,启动语音唤醒模块激活翻译机器人,听写模式识别复杂语音信号,命令模式识别简单语音信号,得到语言文本识别结果,通过深度学习关键词检测方法提取关键词作为翻译机器人的自动化控制指令,通过单片机识别自动化控制指令。实验结果表明,该系统可有效采集外界智能语音信号,提取智能语音信号的关键词,完成翻译机器人自动化控制。  相似文献   

迭代学习控制能够实现期望轨迹的完全跟踪而被广泛关注,但是采样迭代学习控制成果目前还比较少。针对一类有相对阶和输出延迟的非线性采样系统,研究了高阶迭代学习控制算法。利用Newton-Leibniz公式、贝尔曼引理和Lipschiz条件证明了当系统的采样周期足够小,迭代学习初态严格重复,且学习增益满足要求的条件,那么系统输出在采样点上收敛于期望输出。对一阶和二阶学习算法的仿真表明高阶算法在收敛速度上比一阶有明显改善。  相似文献   

基于数据挖掘的工业控制系统防危机制研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
随着信息技术和工业自动化水平的提升,工业控制系统越来越复杂,错误也越来越难检测和避免,且常常引发工业事故,危及工业生产、国家经济安全和人民生命财产安全。针对工控系统存在的安全问题,采用复杂网络分析、数据预测、专家分析、自适应升降级等技术,提出一种包含全局防危、主动防危、实时防危、自主防危和防危认证的工业控制系统防危机制,实现对工业控制系统的安全防护。  相似文献   

针对变风量(VAV)空调系统下位机设定点变动时,整个系统完全达到稳态时间过长,且各子系统易出现超调的问题,提出采用一种迭代学习控制(ILC)的设定值序列优化方法。以空调系统中变频风机—管道静压控制回路为实例,说明该方法的可行性。采用递推最小二乘法(RLS)建立该回路的动态模型,并给出了一种新的迭代学习期望轨迹,应用迭代学习PD控制律对其动态过程进行仿真分析,并将此算法用于空调实验平台验证其控制效果。结果表明,ILC可以改善空调子系统的动态特性,为VAV空调系统的全局稳态优化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为了提高移动传感器网络时延系统控制能力,提出基于强化学习的移动传感器网络时延系统控制模型,采用高阶近似微分方程构建移动传感器网络时延系统的控制目标函数,结合最大似然估计方法进行移动传感器网络的时延参数估计,采用强化学习方法进行移动传感器网络的收敛性控制和自适应调度,建立传感器网络时延系统控制的多维测度信息配准模型,在强化跟踪学习寻优模式下实现移动传感器网络时延系统的自适应控制。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行移动传感器网络时延系统控制的自适应性较好,时延参数估计准确度较高,控制过程的鲁棒性较强。  相似文献   

水厂深度处理自动控制系统的探讨及研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
论述了净水厂自动可能工资系统主要功能及组成,从活性炭滤池、臭氧接触以及V型滤池等工艺对自动控制系统进行了探讨。  相似文献   

设计了一种用于妇科术后凝血的热极探头的温度控制系统,系统基于MSP430F149单片机,采用铂电阻测温元件和桥式电路采集信号,同时使用分段设置PID参数的控制方法控制加热元件,实现了对热极探头的温度控制.测试实验结果表明,分段设置PID参数的控制方法不仅可靠有效,使控制精度满足要求,而且减少了调节时间、克服了由于环境温...  相似文献   

针对列车智能控制系统故障诊断中的多故障特征信息输入时的时变、冗余、不确定性和空间分布性,给出了一种列车智能控制系统多信息融合故障诊断的系统结构。讨论了采用模糊神经网络进行特征层融合和证据理论进行决策层融合相结合的列车智能控制系统多信息融合故障诊断方法。故障诊断实例的结果表明:该方法能够有效地提高诊断的可信度,减小诊断的不确定性。  相似文献   

针对变风量空调系统的延迟,非线性和模型不确定性,本文提出将神经元P I D控制器应用于变风量空调系统中。该控制器综合了神经网络和P I D调节各自的有点,具有神经网络的学习和适应能力,同时具备P I D控制的广泛的适应性。仿真实验表明该控制器控制结果优于传统的P I D控制器。  相似文献   

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