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唐勇 《贵州化工》2006,31(1):17-18
研究现代化大规模的生产碳酸氢钠注射液过程中,改变生产工艺对澄明度的影响。解决现有工艺生产中生成白块问题,提高了澄明度。改进后的工艺,大量减少二氧化碳气体使用量,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

丁基橡胶药用瓶塞对大输液制剂澄明度影响的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述胶塞的洁净度、胶塞对大输液澄明度的影响,以及提高制剂澄明的措施。  相似文献   

建立了盐酸度洛西汀肠溶胶囊的溶出测定方法,并筛选出能够指导体内外相关性的溶出曲线,用于仿制药的一致性评价,为体内外相关性提供数据支持。采用Aglient ZORBAX SB-C8柱(75 mm×4.6 mm×3.5μm),流动相为磷酸盐缓冲液-甲醇-四氢呋喃(体积比为587∶323∶90),流速为1.0 ml/min,检测波长为230nm,柱温为45℃。在0.006~0.075 mg/m L范围内,盐酸度洛西汀质量浓度与峰面积呈线性关系,回收率在99.5%~102.2%之间。参照《仿制药生物等效性指导原则》筛选出4种介质用于注册批样品稳定性检测,其液相色谱检测方法具有准确和快速等特点。  相似文献   

盐酸氯丙嗪为抗精神分裂症药物,用于控制精神病患者躁动不安异常兴奋的状态。作用于动物时,能够使动物保持安静,使之处于睡眠或半睡眠状态。采用高效液相色谱法用岛津LC-10AT型高效液相色谱仪(紫外检测器),使用Eclipse SB-C18(5μm,4.6mm×150mm)色谱柱,流动相为乙腈∶0.02mol/L乙酸铵∶三乙胺(65∶35∶0.5)(用乙酸调pH=6.2),流速0.6 mL/min,柱温30℃,检测波长256nm。分析了饲料中盐酸氯丙嗪的含量,用甲醇提取饲料中的盐酸氯丙嗪,用该法测试杂质峰较少,且样品峰与杂质峰能较好的分离。通过精密度和加标回收实验检验方法的稳定性、可靠性都很良好。此法的检出限为0.02μg/mL,线性相关系数r2=0.9986,平均回收率为96.24%。  相似文献   

采用挤出滚圆及包衣制备缓释微丸,湿法制粒法制备辅料颗粒,将缓释微丸、辅料颗粒及外加物料混合压片制备了盐酸苯海拉明口腔崩解片。结果表明:盐酸苯海拉明与微晶纤维素以质量比1∶1混合后挤出滚圆,并采用乙基纤维素乙醇溶液包衣制备缓释微丸,然后再与其他辅料混合压片制备口腔崩解片,其溶出曲线与原研制剂不同介质中体外溶出相似。采用缓释微丸压片的方法制备口腔崩解片可以减缓药物溶出速度,达到与原研制剂不同介质中溶出曲线相似目的,该技术可为其他溶出类似口腔崩解片的研究开发提供参考。  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法测定盐酸度洛西汀中1-萘酚的含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立一种适用于测定盐酸度洛西汀中1-萘酚的测定方法。色谱柱为AgilentC18柱(5μm,4.6mm×250mm);磷酸盐缓冲溶液(pH=5.8)-乙腈(63∶37)为流动相;检测波长为230nm;柱温为30℃;流速1.0mL/min;进样体积为10μL。样品中盐酸度洛西汀和1-萘酚分离度良好,1-萘酚的最低检测限为0.132ng。所建立的方法简便、快速,可准确地分离盐酸度洛西汀中的1-萘酚,并能有效监控产品中的主要有关物质。  相似文献   

王转莉  段淑娥  王隽 《应用化工》2013,42(9):1718-1722
建立了快速简便测定肉类产品中盐酸克伦特罗含量的反相高效液相色谱法。简化了样品前处理方法,优化了色谱分析条件。结果表明,以Inertil/WondaSil C18(5μm,4.6 mm×150 mm)为分离柱,流动相V(0.1%磷酸)∶V(甲醇)=6∶4,流速1.0 mL/min,进样量10μL,柱温40℃,检测波长244 nm时,可以获得良好的色谱峰。绞碎的样品经饱和硼砂和硫酸锌处理除去脂肪和蛋白质,用水定容。样品加标回收率在95%103%之间,保留时间的相对标准偏差为0.14%,峰面积的相对标准偏差为6.73%。此方法前处理简单,分析时间短,测定结果准确可靠,适于肉类产品中盐酸克伦特罗的测定。  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱法测定水调散中盐酸小檗碱的含量。色谱柱为Agilent Eclipse XDB-C18柱(4.6 mm×150 mm,5 μm),流动相为乙腈:0.1%磷酸水=38:62(每100mL加入0.1 g十二烷基磺酸钠),检测波长为265 nm。结果表明,盐酸小檗碱在0.177~0.885μg(R=0.999...  相似文献   

王守箐 《化学工程师》2006,20(10):34-35
建立了盐酸特拉唑嗪片中盐酸特拉唑嗪的含量测定的HPLC内标法。以盐酸阿夫唑嗪作为内标,采用Alltima-CN柱,流动相为0.05mol·L-1NaH2PO4溶液(0.5mol·L-1的NaOH溶液调pH值至5.0)-甲醇(65:35);检测波长:246nm。结果表明:盐酸特拉唑嗪在5-50μg·mL-1的范围内呈良好的线形关系。回收率为99.6%,RSD=1.1%,N=9。  相似文献   

以乙酸铵缓冲盐溶液-乙腈(250;105)为流动相,进样量为10μL,在350 nm处用反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)法测定盐酸米诺环素原位凝胶中盐酸米诺环素的含量.结果表明,盐酸米诺环素浓度在50~1000μg·mL-1(以米诺环素计)范围内与峰面积呈良好的线性关系.该法操作简便,结果准确可靠.  相似文献   

Ceramics based on alumina undergo delayed failure in aqueous solutions as a result of stress corrosion. The effect of the loading rate on the strength of the 22KhS ceramics in aqueous solutions with pH ranging from 1 to 12 is studied. It is shown that acid and alkaline media diminish the resistance of the ceramics to delayed failure substantially. The parameters of statistical distribution of the strength also depend on the characteristics of the media. It is shown that the resistance of the 22KhS ceramics to delayed failure can be enhanced by preliminary chemical treatment.  相似文献   

通过向阳极添加单一分散性的球形造孔剂PMMA改善阳极的微观结构,研究不同含量的PMMA对阳极的孔隙率、显微结构、电性能的影响。文中分别制备了造孔剂(PMMA)含量分别为6wt.%、8wt.%、10wt.%和12wt.%四种阳极材料的单电池,通过测试阳极还原前的开口气孔率分别为17vol.%,22.4vol.%,30.6vol.%和42.1vol.%;单电池的最大功率密度分别为0.66W/cm2、0.78W/cm2、1.15W/cm2和1.01W/cm2;极化电阻分别为1.12Ω.cm2、1.03Ω.cm2、0.88Ω.cm2和1.02Ω.cm2。实验结果表明:以单一分散性的球形PMMA为SOFC阳极材料的造孔剂,其最佳添加量为10wt.%,所制备的单电池可以获得最佳的电化学性能,即以3%H2O+H2为燃料气,750℃下,单电池的开路电压(OCV)为1.01V,最大功率密度为1.15W/cm2,极化电阻为0.88Ω.cm2。  相似文献   

研究了差热定量分析面积法的准确性和不同物料样品粒度对定性差热分析的影响。研究结果表明:对不同样品,粒度在20-250目范围时,昨用差热分析作定性分析,样品粒度对分析结果基本无影响,但用差热分析作定量分析时,要控制合理的样品粒度。  相似文献   

The effects of surfactants on the growth of isothermal, underpressurized, inviscid, annular liquid jets are studied under both steady state and transient conditions by means of an interfacial mass transfer law which depends on the equilibrium interfacial concentration and a mass resistance parameter. Equilibrium interfacial concentrations governed by both Henry's and Sievert's solubility laws are considered. It is shown that, for mass Biot numbers larger than unity, the underpressurized jet grows until the pressure of the gases enclosed by the annular liquid jet is equal to that of those surrounding the jet, while, for mass Biot numbers less than or equal to one, the pressure coefficient increases very little. It is also shown that, in some cases and contrary to the results observed in the absence of mass transfer resistance, the time required by the annular jet to reach a steady equilibrium configuration may be shorter when the equilibrium interfacial concentration is governed by Sievert's law than when it is governed by Hennry's solubility law, particularly at low Peclet numbers and for high mass transfer resistances.  相似文献   

PAA-PAMPS对Al2O3-H2O体系的流变性影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了丙烯酸与2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸共聚物(PAA-PAMPS)和聚丙烯酸铵盐(PANH4)在pH3-11条件下对水基氧化铝悬浮液流变行为的影响.研究结果表明,PAA-PAMPS对悬浮液的稳定效果要优于研究广泛的PANH4,尤其在酸性条件下,PAA-PAMPS分散剂仍然可以为体系提供很强的静电位阻作用,这种强静电位阻稳定作用使得氧化铝悬浮液稳定分散.  相似文献   

The work focuses on the clouding and dye solubilization phenomena in an amphiphilic drug, nortriptyline hydrochloride (NOT), which is a tricyclic antidepressant. A 30 mM drug solution prepared in 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH: 7.07) showed CP at 45°C, which was found to decrease with the addition of long-chain alcohols and cyclohexanol but remained almost constant with short-chain alcohols. The behavior is explained on the basis of their nature: short-chain alcohols are water soluble and partition very little in micelles, whereas long-chain alcohols are hydrophobic and solubilize in drug aggregates. Diols decreased the CP. Addition of cationic surfactants increased the CP, whereas sugars caused a decrease. Dye solubilization results indicate micellar growth with fixed concentrations of surfactants.  相似文献   

An incident light interference microscopic technique has been employed to determine the drainage time, velocity of thinning and critical thickness of thin liquid films associated with foam systems. Using this technique, we have investigated the drainage and stability behavior of aqueous foam films of various sizes containing both single component and mixed surfactant systems. The surface tension, surface viscosity and elasticity for the surfactant solutions were also measured. The experimental results for the drainage time are compared with the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

The work focuses on the clouding and dye solubilization phenomena in an amphiphilic drug, nortriptyline hydrochloride (NOT), which is a tricyclic antidepressant. A 30 mM drug solution prepared in 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH: 7.07) showed CP at 45°C, which was found to decrease with the addition of long-chain alcohols and cyclohexanol but remained almost constant with short-chain alcohols. The behavior is explained on the basis of their nature: short-chain alcohols are water soluble and partition very little in micelles, whereas long-chain alcohols are hydrophobic and solubilize in drug aggregates. Diols decreased the CP. Addition of cationic surfactants increased the CP, whereas sugars caused a decrease. Dye solubilization results indicate micellar growth with fixed concentrations of surfactants.  相似文献   

论述了影响塑料电镀的主要塑料工艺因素,包括材料选择,塑件和模具设计,塑件成型工艺和塑件热处理等,并针对不同的情况给出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

讨论了对氨基偶氮苯盐酸盐的合成工艺,提出了改进措施,减少了氧化等副反应,提高了原材料利用率。  相似文献   

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