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大射电望远镜馈源指向系统轨迹跟踪免疫PID控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新一代大射电望远镜(LT)馈源指向跟踪系统具有变结构、非线性、慢时变、大滞后、强耦合、多输入多输出的特点,根据生物免疫系统反馈机理,在分析了常规PID控制和模糊控制算法的基础上,提出了用模糊控制器自动调整免疫系统反馈规律的免疫PID控制器来实现馈源轨迹跟踪的策略。对LT馈源指向跟踪系统的数值仿真实验结果表明,当存在外界随机扰动时该控制算法不仅能满足对馈源轨迹跟踪精度的要求,而且控制系统具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

When an ultra-high energy neutrino or cosmic-ray strikes the Lunar surface a radio-frequency pulse is emitted. We plan to use the LOFAR radio telescope to detect these pulses. In this work we propose an efficient trigger implementation for LOFAR optimized for the observation of short radio pulses.  相似文献   

车轮电磁超声探伤技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王浩  王黎  高晓蓉 《中国测试技术》2006,32(2):66-67,70
我国铁路相关部门对车轮的检测主要采取定期检修的方式,即在规定的时间里集中大量的人力,对车轮有计划地进行检修,这样就需要很大的人力和物力。为了改善这种情况,我们研制了车轮动态自动探伤系统,本文主要介绍电磁超声表面波的激发和接收机制,利用电磁超声表面波对车轮探伤的原理,并分析了一些重要的探伤参数和缺陷波的处理方法。  相似文献   

As the intensity of low-energy background gamma is much higher than the high-energy gamma, the detector that used for high-energy pulse gamma diagnosis must be more sensitive to high-energy gamma than that to low-energy background gamma. Base on theoretical calculation and Monte Carlo simulation, this paper proposes a new method for the diagnosing of 16.7MeV high-energy pulse gamma, named “scattering-absorbing method”. The ratio of the sensitivity of high-energy gamma to that of the low-energy background gamma can reach 106 to 108 by this new method. The sensitivity of 16.7MeV high-energy gamma ranges from 10-21 to 10-16C﹒cm2. It’s better than the traditional method which is based on the magnetic analyzer and Cherenkov detector on some aspects.  相似文献   

在理论分析计算的基础上,提出了基于康普顿效应的散射吸收探测方法,该方法能实现高低能γ灵敏度比值达106~108,且对高能γ灵敏度较大,为10-21~10-16C·cm2,其性能指标在一定程度上优于目前使用的基于磁分析器与Cherenkov探测器的高能γ探测方法指标.  相似文献   

用射频磁控溅射法在不同衬底上制备出了MgxZn1-xO薄膜。X射线衍射(XRD)和原子力显微镜(AFM)研究结果表明,薄膜为六角纤锌矿结构,具有(002)方向择优取向;随氧分压增加,(002)衍射峰的角度变大,表征薄膜表面粗糙程度的方均根粗糙度减小。室温光致发光谱中有多个紫外及可见光致发光峰,其中344nm发光峰应来源于近带边发射。室温透射谱表明薄膜在可见光区具有极高的透过率,薄膜的吸收边位于340nm附近,进而估算出Mg、Zn1-xO薄膜的带隙宽度为3.59eV,与光致发光结果一致。  相似文献   

Application Specific Integrated Circuits, ASICs, similar to those envisaged for the readout electronics of the central calorimeters of detectors for a future lepton collider have been exposed to high-energy electromagnetic showers. A salient feature of these calorimeters is that the readout electronics will be embedded into the calorimeter layers. In this article it is shown that interactions of shower particles in the volume of the readout electronics do not alter the noise pattern of the ASICs. No signal at or above the MIP level has been observed during the exposure. The upper limit at the 95% confidence level on the frequency of fake signals is smaller than 1×10−5 for a noise threshold of about 60% of a MIP. For ASICs with similar design to those which were tested, it can thus be largely excluded that the embedding of the electronics into the calorimeter layers compromises the performance of the calorimeters.  相似文献   

Features and trends in the development of the stock of measurement instruments for near and vacuum ultraviolet radiation and the metrological characteristics of working measuring devices based on the use of photoelectronic detectors of continuous and pulse radiation that exhibit the photoelectric and photoconductive effect as well as infrared detectors are considered. Principles for the design of universal multichannel devices for measurement of the integral characteristics of ultraviolet radiation in the UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C bands as well as devices for measurement of the effective energy irradiance are presented.__________Translated from Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, No. 2, pp. 35–39, February, 2005.  相似文献   

We present a novel implementation of the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) with the use of the combined Rao–Wilton–Glisson (RWG) basis and testing functions. Implementation details are outlined in the context of the method of moments. For a wide variety of small sharp-edged objects, we show that accuracy of the MFIE can be greatly improved with a combination parameter of about 0.2 for the combined RWG functions. This is achieved with relatively coarse discretization for the scatterers and with only minor modifications in the existing codes based on the RWG and n×RWG functions.  相似文献   

主要研究了40米口径射电望远镜索支撑系统的误差分析与补偿问题,提出了一种基于索直线模型弹性变形的实时误差补偿方法。在索支撑系统运动学和静力学分析的基础上,建立了兼顾索弹性变形的误差模型,分析了索弹性变形对馈源跟踪精度的影响情况。针对天文规划给定的两条典型路径,根据索弹性变形量和实时控制要求,提出了一种基于索弹性变形的大跨度索支撑系统误差补偿方法,该方法不需要迭代,计算量小。仿真结果表明,该误差补偿方法提高了索支撑系统跟踪精度,同时满足射电望远镜的观测要求。  相似文献   

The large helical device (LHD) has been operated since 1998 and the 13th experimental campaign was conducted in 2009. Before final assembling, cool-down and excitation tests for the Inner Vertical (IV) field coil, which is one of the LHD poloidal field coils, were carried out in 1995. This coil, which consists of a cable-in-conduit conductor, (CICC) is cooled by the forced-flow of supercritical helium. During the tests of the IV coil, hydraulic characteristics, such as flow distribution among cooling channels and friction factors, were measured. In this paper, the consistency of the behavior of the IV coil will be presented and comparison with other fusion devices using superconducting coils will also be made at not only cryogenic temperatures but also at room temperature.  相似文献   

The synchrotron SIS100 is one of the two basic accelerators of the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI in Darmstadt. This accelerator should provide high intensity U28+ and proton beams with a pulse repetition rate of 1 Hz (i.e. a ramp rate of 4 T/s). The magnetic system of the accelerator uses superferric 2.1 T dipoles of about 3 m length and 32 T/m quadrupoles of about 1 m length. The magnet coils are made of a hollow tube cable wrapped with Cu/NbTi composite wire cooled with two phase helium flow at 4.5 K. The bore dimensions were defined to 130 × 60 mm for the dipole and 135 × 65 mm for the quadrupole. We present the developed ANSYS models for different important aspects: AC loss, magnetic field quality and mechanical stability. Preliminary studies verified the approaches and these models were applied to calculate the effects for the coil, the yoke and the beam pipe structures. We outline further steps to fully describe the SIS100 magnets including mechanical and thermal properties.  相似文献   

Several years ago at Kurchatov Institute the R&D program on the new type of superconducting magnets (SM) doped with large heat capacity substances (LHCS) in order to improve their stability was started. We began from an “external” doping by the LHCS powder mixed with epoxy resin using the wet-winding process. Later on at Bochvar Institute the methods to introduce LHCS inside superconducting wires (both NbTi and Nb3Sn based) were developed. The comparative tests of LHCS doped wires and model windings with LHCS have shown positive results regarding a considerable increase of critical energies, improving of thermomagnetic stability and training behavior. The state-of-the-art of these methods is reviewed and their perspectives are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the use of a cyclometalated luminescent iridium(III) complex for the visualization of thiols. The detection of glutathione (GSH) by complex 1 is achieved through the reduction of its phendione N^N donor, which influences the metal-to-ligand charge-transfer (MLCT) of the complex. Complex 1 produced a maximum threefold luminescence enhancement at 587 nm in response to GSH. The linear detection range of 1 for GSH is between 0.2 and 2 M equivalents of GSH, with a detection limit of 1.67 μM. Complex 1 also displays good selectivity for thiols over other amino acids.  相似文献   

An algorithm is proposed for deriving the measurement equation for indirect measurements, which is based on incorporating the features of the measurement object, the influencing factors in the transformation of the data-bearing signal as it passes from the object to the meter, and also the signal transformation in the meter. An example is given of distance measurement performed by means of electromagnetic waves in the optical range.__________Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 4, pp. 25–29, April, 2005.  相似文献   

We investigated that high-energy electron beam irradiation (HEEBI) performed in air at room temperature affected remarkably the properties of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) films grown on SiO2 substrates by radio frequency magnetron sputtering techniques. Hall and photoluminescence measurements revealed that the n-type conductivity was preserved in HEEBI treated films with low dose up to 1015 electrons/cm2 and converted to p-type conductivity with further increase in the amount of dose. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed the conversion of conductivity by showing that in-diffusion of O2 from the ambient as well as out-diffusion of Zn from the films took place as a result of HEEBI treatment at high dose of 1016 electrons/cm2. X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that all as-grown films were found to have compressive stress, which was enhanced by HEEBI treatment with the increase of doses. It was also found that worse crystallinity with a smaller grain size was observed in HEEBI treated films with a higher dose, which was correlated with rougher surface morphologies of films observed by an atomic force microscope.  相似文献   

A direct comparison was made between the air-kerma standards used for the measurement of low-energy x rays at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). The comparison was carried out at the BIPM using the BIPM reference beam qualities in the range from 10 kV to 100 kV. The results show the standards to be in agreement to around 0.5 % at reference beam qualities up to 50 kV and at 100 kV. The result at the 80 kV beam quality is less favorable, with agreement at the 1 % level.  相似文献   

为了提高射频识别(RFID)系统的多目标识别效率,研究了识别中的标签冲突,并对主流防冲突算法——根据标签数动态调整帧长的动态帧时隙ALOHA算法(DFSA算法)进行改进,建立了基于3级随机数适时选择机制的改进算法的数学模型。这种新的改进算法通过3级随机数优先级的划分,解决了碰撞时隙的重新利用,提高了算法的时隙利用率,也在DFSA算法的基础上大幅提高了算法吞吐率,解决了DFSA算法最高吞吐率36.8%的瓶颈。仿真结果表明,此改进算法可以使系统识别效率提高到69.35%,从而验证了此算法的有效性,为以后防碰撞算法的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

With the development of new technology and use of lightweight material such as composite laminates, new methods must be developed for in situ structural health monitoring of these materials. This paper introduces an approach for the detection of delamination present in GLARE aluminium specimens. The approach is based on the change in group velocity of Lamb waves with frequency–thickness product as the determinant parameter for the detection of delamination. Two methods are applied: a surface contact method, which utilises a wedge probe tuned to excite a single Lamb mode, and the embedded PZT method, which involves incorporating lead zirconate titanate (PZT) elements in the glass fibre reinforced resin matrix during the manufacture of the GLARE aluminium specimens. It was found that both methods enabled the detection of delaminations in the GLARE aluminium specimens, within certain limits, which are stated.  相似文献   

Order reduction is a computationally efficient method to estimate some lowest eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of large structural systems by reducing the order of the original model to a smaller one. But its accuracy is limited to a small range of frequencies that depends on the selection of the retained degrees of freedom. This paper proposes a new iterative order reduction (IOR) technique to obtain accurately the eigensolutions of large structural systems. The technique retains all the inertia terms associated with the removed degrees of freedom. This hence leads to the reduced mass matrix being in an iterated form and the reduced stiffness matrix constant. From these mass and stiffness matrices, the eigensolutions of the reduced system can be obtained iteratively. On convergence the reduced system reproduces the eigensolutions of the original structure. A proof of the convergence property is also presented. Applications of the method to a practical GARTEUR structure as well as a plate have demonstrated that the proposed method is comparable to the commonly used Subspace Iteration method in terms of numerical accuracy. Moreover, it has been found that the proposed method is computationally more efficient than the Subspace Iteration method. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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