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This text proposes a framework for provoking and sustaining a debate on the question of architectural design doctorates. Through a series of aphorisms it argues that the formal structure of architectural research should be defined by architects according to disciplinary specificity.
  1. Architectural design is to architecture what research is to science.

  2. The recognition of architectural design as research is more a problem of academic and social legitimisation than an epistemological one.

  3. The process of architectural design is close to the process of knowledge creation in the sciences.

  4. Architectural design is a process that incorporates and reconstructs knowledge.

  5. The doctorate is a link in the chain of professional training of scientists as researchers and of architects as designers.

  6. The ArchD is an opportunity to improve the practice of architecture.

  7. The ArchD is an exploration of architectural design, the main tool of architects.

  8. The Interface ArchD connects architectural design to theories and practices, to other forms of design and to other types of knowledge.

  9. The Didactic ArchD contributes to the training of design professors, to the conversion of design knowledge into educational content and to innovation in learning environments in architecture.

  10. The Self-reflective ArchD questions real or simulated practice, or proposes visionary designs.

  11. There is no axiological difference between architectural design and scientific research.


西班牙现、当代建筑实践在现代主义之后已逐渐探索出了一条特质鲜明的道路,国际舞台上不断涌现的优秀西班牙建筑师用作品表达着他们天赋与经验的完美结合。对于建筑师的培养——西班牙建筑教育是与建筑师职业资格无缝连接的,"5+1"的学制使得西班牙建筑学毕业生一走出校门就拥有签章的资格,所以我们可以说西班牙建筑师的职业之路在他们大学入学时便开始了。尤其是初期,也就是建筑入门的这个阶段,在整个西班牙建筑师培养的过程中占据着重要的角色。以马德里和巴塞罗那两所建筑学院为代表的设计基础课程,则是展现西班牙建筑教育构架与思路的最佳案例。  相似文献   

分析机器学习技术在建筑设计相关领域的国内外研究现状及关键技术,为建筑师将该技术应用于建筑设计流程提供指导。综合运用知识图谱手段和从前沿研究文献中搜集代表性论文,分析对比,总结归纳;从应用角度研究其在建筑设计领域的实现路径。得出机器学习技术在建筑设计领域的现状特征和未来研究趋势,明确了当前机器学习技术引入建筑设计的具体实现流程。机器学习技术为建筑师提供了从直观的数据视角呈现复杂问题和解决问题的能力,拓展了建筑学的边界。  相似文献   

裴钊 《时代建筑》2012,(4):32-35
从作为一门学科的建筑学被引入中国后,老一辈中国建筑师在20世纪30年代所致力的实践和构建的体系为中国现代建筑的发展奠定了基础。作为当今中国建筑实践的中坚力量,50年代出生的建筑师则是一个承前启后的群体,他们接受的建筑学教育来自老一辈建筑师所建立的建筑知识体系。由于历史原因,这个体系与外部和现实存在差距,这使得他们所继承的必然只是这个体系的一部分。反映在建筑实践上,80年代的中国建筑实践呈现出一种既有传承又有分裂的状态。文章试图将这两个建筑师群体放在中国的现代化进程中进行讨论,从而分析两个群体的思想及实践之间的关联。  相似文献   

庭园研究是岭南建筑学派早期较为关注的领域,对庭园空间持续深入的研究构成岭南建筑学派设计创新的重要源泉之一。庭园研究与设计实践的相互促动以及岭南建筑师群体汇聚的接力式工作,助推了岭南建筑学派的发展。现有研究对岭南庭园与现代建筑相结合的设计作品有比较全面的介绍,而对岭南建筑师的庭园设计研究则缺乏相对系统的梳理,通过对岭南建筑师1950~1980年代的庭园设计研究文献的发掘,补全历史残片,明晰历史脉络,以助系统认识岭南庭园设计研究的发展,从另一个侧面察看岭南建筑学派敢于吸收、务实创新的精神,以及自觉协作、自由发展的模式。  相似文献   

刘谞 《新建筑》2014,(3):70-73
近年西部建筑受到愈来愈多的关注,以身处新疆32年的建筑创作实践,揭示出西部建筑创作的阶段性、间隔性特点。通过具体阐述设计方法、空间认知、非既定理论这三个方面,试图提出以下几点:空间包罗万象,借助设计呈现出多样的形式:现代诸多建筑项目缺少对传统文化的尊重和保护:“非既定性”是一种有效的设计方法,它促使建筑师从“空白”开始,不断完善、充实建筑设计。  相似文献   

近几十年来,建筑设计促进了计算机领域的发展,同时,就计算机科学而言,建筑和建筑设计已被证明成为极具挑战性的领域,部分原因可归咎于对于没有接受过建筑教育或培训的计算机工作人员而言,想要理解设计究竟是如何产生的的确非常困难。而这种状况并非由于建筑师本身试图过于理性地描画设计过程或将设计笼罩在一种艺术的神秘感中而有所改善。现今,计算机在建筑实践中的中心地位已日益确立巩固,在一栋建筑中所置入的计算机的数量也在飞速增长,本文通过描述一系列新近的研究项目,回顾了计算机与建筑之间的关系,并探讨了位于电子化和真实世界之间的界线,并将其作为来源于空间句法研究的文中所述研究课题的建筑理论基础,研究描述了作为设计媒介的计算机角色的变迁,潜藏在我们设计的建筑中的计算处理,以及建筑研究正开始做出的更为广泛的理论上的贡献,即对于人类认知本质和人工智能的两方面的理解。文章于结语处总结到建筑学和当代围绕计算科学的理论发展之间的关系来自于一种双方共同的需要,以作为人类延展思维的认识论上的思考的基础。  相似文献   

当前高等教育建筑学科教学改革已成为建筑教育界关注的焦点,需要解决的问题依然是从注重理论传授到职业化实践的转变途径问题。这也反映出当代建筑教育中固化的课堂教学模式与社会发展期望建筑师具备多元化素质之间的矛盾,即未来的建筑师除了需要思考建筑本体还要考虑更多的社会问题。文章通过对建筑教育职业化与适应性的研究,对有关"情景项目课程(Live project)"在英国建筑教育中的应用与成果作了介绍,探讨建筑教育与建筑师职业规划之间新的教育价值观。  相似文献   

廖扬 《世界建筑》2009,(10):22-27
膜构建筑是建筑设计与结构设计密切结合的产物,要求膜构建筑师了解膜结构技术并能运用到设计过程中。本文以此为出发点,介绍了膜构建筑的特征、基础知识,并详尽叙述了膜构建筑的设计过程及要点。  相似文献   

刘晨 《时代建筑》2014,(1):13-19
自意大利文艺复兴时期开始,建筑与绘画和雕塑一样成为"博雅"艺术,建筑师逐渐脱离中世纪的工匠阶层,大大提高了自身的社会地位。为了描述文艺复兴时期建筑师职业的多源性与专业训练的多样化,文章通过三位出身和经历各异的建筑师来作具体分析:米开朗琪罗、帕拉第奥和珊索维诺。他们对后世建筑师的成长道路有深远影响。  相似文献   

In 2009, concerned at the low profile of disabled architects, the Royal Institute of British Architects commissioned the University of the West of England, Bristol to undertake research into the experiences of disabled people both as students and as practitioners of architecture. The aim of the research was to assess the current situation and identify and distil best practice in encouraging and enabling disabled people to pursue an architectural career. The research method included online questionnaires and interviews with disabled people who were either studying or practising as architects. Support workers, with a variety of roles and remits in both education and practice, were interviewed to assess the level and quality of provision and to determine attitudes towards disabled people. Websites of schools of architecture and practices were analysed. Significant issues were revealed relating to the representation and participation of disabled people in architectural education and employment. In particular, the educational ethos, curriculum and delivery raised concerns, as education acts as a gatekeeper to the profession. It is concluded that architecture schools and practitioners need to be proactive in creating more inclusive cultures and approaches to design which in turn could benefit the design of the built environment.  相似文献   

Drawing research     
To understand research as new to architectural design is to ignore the history of the architect. Research—as the drawing forth of ideas—has been fundamental to the practice of the architect since the Italian Renaissance. The term 'design' comes from the Italian disegno, meaning drawing, suggesting both the drawing of a line on paper and the drawing forth of an idea. Disegno enabled architecture, painting and sculpture—the three visual arts—to be recognised as liberal arts concerned with ideas, a position they had very rarely been accorded previously. Alongside the traditional practice of building, architects acquired two new means to practise architecture—drawing and writing—as important as building. Since the Italian Renaissance, independently or together, drawing, writing and building have all been examples of architectural research and means to develop architectural design and the architectural discipline.  相似文献   

In about 1949, there was a large-scale migration of architects from the mainland to Hong Kong, China. Among them were those important figures in the modern Chinese architectural history such as Robert Fan, Su Gin-Djih, and Chu Pin. Their arrival at this colony had changed its architectural practice substantially from professional organization to actually built environment. Their unique contributions to Hong Kong’s modern architecture have been a new research interest in recent years. This paper tells a story about Robert Fan and his design of the Chung Chi College campus in the 1950s with an intention to reveal the multiaspects of the so called “migrant architects” through a single architectural event. The author tries to capture the intertwining relationship between the migrant architects and educators through the reconstruction of the recruitment process for a campus architect by Chung Chi College and to identify Mr. Robert Fan’s concept of campus planning with reference to his early design experience in the mainland of China.  相似文献   

Drawing research     
To understand research as new to architectural design is to ignore the history of the architect. Research—as the drawing forth of ideas—has been fundamental to the practice of the architect since the Italian Renaissance. The term ‘design’ comes from the Italian disegno, meaning drawing, suggesting both the drawing of a line on paper and the drawing forth of an idea. Disegno enabled architecture, painting and sculpture—the three visual arts—to be recognised as liberal arts concerned with ideas, a position they had very rarely been accorded previously. Alongside the traditional practice of building, architects acquired two new means to practise architecture—drawing and writing—as important as building. Since the Italian Renaissance, independently or together, drawing, writing and building have all been examples of architectural research and means to develop architectural design and the architectural discipline.  相似文献   

建筑教育在于培养优秀的建筑师,履行对业主的承诺,保障公众的健康与财产。然而建筑师的执业行为是复杂而多变的,建筑教育有必要及时反映这些变化,其架构与主题应符合未来建筑环境的趋势。在社会快速进步、知识爆炸的时代,建筑师必须不断地充实自我,才能维持和提升自身的执业能力。因此,有必要将学院教育、继续教育与注册制度联结,作为建筑师从养成以至执业的专业生涯中终身学习的计划与目标。  相似文献   

空间结构的科学合理决定了空间的使用状态,一直以来,商业空间的营造主要依靠建筑师和建设方主观经验判断,该方式在建设规模大、空间系统复杂的商业建筑设计中及使用模式预测方面易流于经验主义与主观主义,空间句法技术用以改善这一现状使空间结构设计更加科学客观。但是在现有研究中,对空间句法分析结果实时反馈设计的研究尚存在空白,研究试图借助数字化编程平台Grasshopper,在这一方面有所尝试。文中以一个典型街区式商业建筑为例,综合应用空间句法软件Depthmap、数字化编程工具Grasshopper对其空间结构进行分析。结果显示:空间句法结合数字化编程可以高效完成空间结构量化分析,实现空间句法分析实时反馈;轴线分析、可见图解分析可以互相配合达到满足不同设计阶段分析反馈需求。  相似文献   

The design studio environment has remained the same throughout the past century. As the Studio Culture Task Force of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) (Koch et al., 2006) noted, the ongoing changes in architecture education are not aligned with today's fastchanging world, especially in the context of architectural practice. The AIAS analyzed the design studio problem and expressed doubts on the effectiveness of current studio practices in providing adequate design-thinking education. The report indicates that studio culture values project appearance instead of the actual design process. In recent years, similar problems have been the topic of debates in Khartoum. Criticisms are mostly centered on the observation that students show no interest in the design process and tend to focus on form making. As a result, efforts to teach design methods and to restore the balance between creativity and rationality in the design process have failed. The reason is related to the difficulties associated with the implicit nature of conventional design methods. These difficulties, which are common in architecture schools, include the lack of a clearly defined design methodology and the misunderstood role of the systematic approach to design in the studio. Nevertheless, signs of change are gradually emerging, as demonstrated by the global call for change in the studio environment. This call for change indicates a general agreement on the need for the reorientation of architectural design education toward an engaging policy that considers the social responsibility of architects. This study proposes that the route for change is through the return of rationalism in the studio. Since the 1960 s, many writers have recognized the importance of balancing rationality and creativity, which are mutually interdependent, in the design process. From this perspective, the research question is drawn: how can we bridge the gap between the rational and the creative design activities in the design process? A theory that conceptualizes the idea of knowledge interdependence does not exist. The available design theories, such as rational problem solving and reflective-in-action theory, deal with different aspects of design activity. Both theories fail to describe the integration of the rational and the creative aspects of the design process. Therefore, we propose the integration of the two theories into a new theory called the integrated design paradigm. The proposed theory serves as a theoretical base upon which the interdependence of the rational and the creative phases of the design process can be conceptualized. We aim to bridge the gap between the two design phases by considering research knowledge interdependency as a unifying activity. The first phase is a systematic method involving research, the use of positive theory, and the production of basic principles. The creative practice phase also involves research and focuses on understanding the rational knowledge developed in the systematic phase, including the basic principles and design strategy, as well as on the application of these concepts to the design problem. The Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Ethiopian Institute of Technology EiT of Mekelle University (MU) is currently developing a research program in which the development of and reflection on design methods is a key research area. Within this framework, the present study is intends to be an introductory effort to guide future empirical research. The present study aims to describe the design process of architects, and introduces theoretical and technical frameworks. The integrated design paradigm as a system of inquiry within the spatial relationship strategy is framed.  相似文献   

空间是现代建筑学的核心问题和关键要素,空间设计训练则是当前国内大多数建筑院校低年级建筑设计教学的重点和难点,在整个建筑教学体系中起重要作用。文章关注建筑学主干课程体系中的空间设计教学,以山东建筑大学建筑学专业二年级建筑设计课程——方体限定与展览空间设计为例,阐述相关教学探索,总结经验与不足。教学实践利用空间设计作为串联系列课程设计的主线,引入分析思考与空间操作的方法,使空间概念理解和设计思辨过程变为可教、可控,改善了传统教学模式的不足,使课程设计既符合当前建筑教育的国际趋势,也具有自身特色。  相似文献   

传统文化的继承一直是学界讨论的热点。当代中国建筑师由于缺乏对传统文化深入细致的研究,在建筑创作上始终找不到一条明确的方向去继承和发扬传统精神。通过分析安藤忠雄和王澍两位建筑师的作品,试图从创作源泉、设计手法、传统解读三个方面入手,探寻传统文化在现代建筑中的继承方式,以求对我们的建筑实践在传统继承方面提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

传统本科建筑学专业建筑师业务实践教学注重实践能力培养,而轻视创新创业、人际交往和管理等综合能力培养。基于该现状,以湖北工业大学为例,从当下建筑学学生能力与行业需求脱节、培养方式和职业规划多元化需求不匹配等问题出发,提出了双创型工作室建筑实践教育模式。该模式以专业实践教育为核心,以创新创业教育、理论教育和综合能力培养为模块,以评价机制、激励机制和竞争机制为保障,以培养“专业实践型+”多元化建筑人才为目标,以期推动高校建筑学科实践培养体系改革,提升建筑学专业创新创业教育效果。  相似文献   

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