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Software product line engineering practices offer desirable characteristics such as rapid product development, reduced time-to-market, and more affordable development costs as a result of systematic representation of the variabilities of a domain of discourse that leads to methodical reuse of software assets. The development lifecycle of a product line consists of two main phases: domain engineering, which deals with the understanding and formally modeling of the target domain, and application engineering that is concerned with the configuration of a product line into one concrete product based on the preferences and requirements of the stakeholders. The work presented in this paper focuses on the application engineering phase and builds both the theoretical and technological tools to assist the stakeholders in (a) understanding the complex interactions of the features of a product line; (b) eliciting the utility of each feature for the stakeholders and hence exposing the stakeholders’ otherwise implicit preferences in a way that they can more easily make decisions; and (c) dynamically building a decision model through interaction with the stakeholders and by considering the structural characteristics of software product line feature models, which will guide the stakeholders through the product configuration process. Initial exploratory empirical experiments that we have performed show that our proposed approach for helping stakeholders understand their feature preferences and its associated staged feature model configuration process is able to positively impact the quality of the end results of the application engineering process within the context of the limited number of participants. In addition, it has been observed that the offered tooling support is able to ease the staged feature model configuration process.  相似文献   

Software product line engineering is a paradigm that advocates the reusability of software engineering assets and the rapid development of new applications for a target domain. These objectives are achieved by capturing the commonalities and variabilities between the applications of the target domain and through the development of comprehensive and variability-covering feature models. The feature models developed within the software product line development process need to cover the relevant features and aspects of the target domain. In other words, the feature models should be elaborate representations of the feature space of that domain. Given that feature models, i.e., software product line feature models, are developed mostly by domain analysts by sifting through domain documentation, corporate records and transcribed interviews, the process is a cumbersome and error-prone one. In this paper, we propose a decision support platform that assists domain analysts throughout the domain engineering lifecycle by: (1) automatically performing natural language processing tasks over domain documents and identifying important information for the domain analysts such as the features and integrity constraints that exist in the domain documents; (2) providing a collaboration platform around the domain documents such that multiple domain analysts can collaborate with each other during the process using a Wiki; (3) formulating semantic links between domain terminology with external widely used ontologies such as WordNet in order to disambiguate the terms used in domain documents; and (4) developing traceability links between the unstructured information available in the domain documents and their formal counterparts within the formal feature model representations. Results obtained from our controlled experimentations show that the decision support platform is effective in increasing the performance of the domain analysts during the domain engineering lifecycle in terms of both the coverage and accuracy measures.  相似文献   

A Software Product Line is a set of software systems of a domain, which share some common features but also have significant variability. A feature model is a variability modeling artifact which represents differences among software products with respect to variability relationships among their features. Having a feature model along with a reference model developed in the domain engineering lifecycle, a concrete product of the family is derived by selecting features in the feature model (referred to as the configuration process) and by instantiating the reference model. However, feature model configuration can be a cumbersome task because: 1) feature models may consist of a large number of features, which are hard to comprehend and maintain; and 2) many factors including technical limitations, implementation costs, stakeholders’ requirements and expectations must be considered in the configuration process. Recognizing these issues, a significant amount of research efforts has been dedicated to different aspects of feature model configuration such as automating the configuration process. Several approaches have been proposed to alleviate the feature model configuration challenges through applying visualization and interaction techniques. However, there have been limited empirical insights available into the impact of visualization and interaction techniques on the feature model configuration process. In this paper, we present a set of visualization and interaction interventions for representing and configuring feature models, which are then empirically validated to measure the impact of the proposed interventions. An empirical study was conducted by following the principles of control experiments in software engineering and by applying the well-known software quality standard ISO 9126 to operationalize the variables investigated in the experiment. The results of the empirical study revealed that the employed visualization and interaction interventions significantly improved completion time of comprehension and changing of the feature model configuration. Additionally, according to results, the proposed interventions are easy-to-use and easy-to-learn for the participants.  相似文献   

ContextSoftware Configuration Management (SCM) is the discipline of controlling the evolution of large and complex software systems. Over the years many different SCM systems sharing similar concepts have been implemented from scratch. Since these concepts usually are hard-wired into the respective program code, reuse is hardly possible.ObjectiveOur objective is to create a model-driven product line for SCM systems. By explicitly describing the different concepts using models, reuse can be performed on the modeling level. Since models are executable, the need for manual programming is eliminated. Furthermore, by providing a library of loosely coupled modules, we intend to support flexible composition of SCM systems.MethodWe developed a method and a tool set for model-driven software product line engineering which we applied to the SCM domain. For domain analysis, we applied the FORM method, resulting in a layered feature model for SCM systems. Furthermore, we developed an executable object-oriented domain model which was annotated with features from the feature model. A specific SCM system is configured by selecting features from the feature model and elements of the domain model realizing these features.ResultsDue to the orthogonality of both feature model and domain model, a very large number of SCM systems may be configured. We tested our approach by creating instances of the product line which mimic wide-spread systems such as CVS, GIT, Mercurial, and Subversion.ConclusionThe experiences gained from this project demonstrate the feasibility of our approach to model-driven software product line engineering. Furthermore, our work advances the state of the art in the domain of SCM systems since it support the modular composition of SCM systems at the model rather than the code level.  相似文献   

A software product line is a unified representation of a set of conceptually similar software systems that share many common features and satisfy the requirements of a particular domain. Within the context of software product lines, feature models are tree-like structures that are widely used for modeling and representing the inherent commonality and variability of software product lines. Given the fact that many different software systems can be spawned from a single software product line, it can be anticipated that a low-quality design can ripple through to many spawned software systems. Therefore, the need for early indicators of external quality attributes is recognized in order to avoid the implications of defective and low-quality design during the late stages of production. In this paper, we propose a set of structural metrics for software product line feature models and theoretically validate them using valid measurement-theoretic principles. Further, we investigate through controlled experimentation whether these structural metrics can be good predictors (early indicators) of the three main subcharacteristics of maintainability: analyzability, changeability, and understandability. More specifically, a four-step analysis is conducted: (1) investigating whether feature model structural metrics are correlated with feature model maintainability through the employment of classical statistical correlation techniques; (2) understanding how well each of the structural metrics can serve as discriminatory references for maintainability; (3) identifying the sufficient set of structural metrics for evaluating each of the subcharacteristics of maintainability; and (4) evaluating how well different prediction models based on the proposed structural metrics can perform in indicating the maintainability of a feature model. Results obtained from the controlled experiment support the idea that useful prediction models can be built for the purpose of evaluating feature model maintainability using early structural metrics. Some of the structural metrics show significant correlation with the subjective perception of the subjects about the maintainability of the feature models.  相似文献   

Extended feature models enable the expression of complex cross-tree constraints involving feature attributes. The inclusion of attributes in cross-tree relations not only enriches the constraints, but also engenders an extended type of variability that involves attributes. In this article, we elaborate on the effects of this new variability type on feature models. We start by analyzing the nature of the variability involving attributes and extend the definitions of the configuration and the product to suit the emerging requirements. Next, we propose classifications for the features, configurations, and products to identify and formalize the ramifications that arise due to the new type of variability. Then, we provide a semantic foundation grounded on constraint satisfaction for our proposal. We introduce an ordering relation between configurations and show that the set of all the configurations represented by a feature model forms a semilattice. This is followed by a demonstration of how the feature model analyses will be affected using illustrative examples selected from existing and novel analysis operations. Finally, we summarize our experiences, gained from a commercial research and development project that employs an extended feature model.  相似文献   

ContextA software product line is a family of software systems that share some common features but also have significant variabilities. A feature model is a variability modeling artifact, which represents differences among software products with respect to the variability relationships among their features. Having a feature model along with a reference model developed in the domain engineering lifecycle, a concrete product of the family is derived by binding the variation points in the feature model (called configuration process) and by instantiating the reference model.ObjectiveIn this work we address the feature model configuration problem and propose a framework to automatically select suitable features that satisfy both the functional and non-functional preferences and constraints of stakeholders. Additionally, interdependencies between various non-functional properties are taken into account in the framework.MethodThe proposed framework combines Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) to compute the non-functional properties weights based on stakeholders’ preferences and interdependencies between non-functional properties. Afterwards, Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning is applied to find the optimal feature model configuration.ResultOur approach improves state-of-art of feature model configuration by considering positive or negative impacts of the features on non-functional properties, the stakeholders’ preferences, and non-functional interdependencies. The approach presented in this paper extends earlier work presented in [1] from several distinct perspectives including mechanisms handling interdependencies between non-functional properties, proposing a novel tooling architecture, and offering visualization and interaction techniques for representing functional and non-functional aspects of feature models.Conclusionour experiments show the scalability of our configuration approach when considering both functional and non-functional requirements of stakeholders.  相似文献   

Feature models are widely used in domain engineering to capture common and variant features among systems in a particular domain. However, the lack of a formal semantics and reasoning support of feature models has hindered the development of this area. Industrial experiences also show that methods and tools that can support feature model analysis are badly appreciated. Such reasoning tool should be fully automated and efficient. At the same time, the reasoning tool should scale up well since it may need to handle hundreds or even thousands of features a that modern software systems may have. This paper presents an approach to modeling and verifying feature diagrams using Semantic Web OWL ontologies. We use OWL DL ontologies to precisely capture the inter-relationships among the features in a feature diagram. OWL reasoning engines such as FaCT++ are deployed to check for the inconsistencies of feature configurations fully automatically. Furthermore, a general OWL debugger has been developed to tackle the disadvantage of lacking debugging aids for the current OWL reasoner and to complement our verification approach. We also developed a CASE tool to facilitate visual development, interchange and reasoning of feature diagrams in the Semantic Web environment.  相似文献   

Features define common and variable parts of the members of a (software) product line. Feature models are used to specify the set of all valid feature combinations. Feature models not only enjoy an intuitive tree-like graphical syntax, but also a precise formal semantics, which can be denoted as propositional formulae over Boolean feature variables. A product line usually constitutes a long-term investment and, therefore, has to undergo continuous evolution to meet ever-changing requirements. First of all, product-line evolution leads to changes of the feature model due to its central role in the product-line paradigm. As a result, product-line engineers are often faced with the problems that (1) feature models are changed in an ad-hoc manner without proper documentation, and (2) the semantic impact of feature diagram changes is unclear. In this article, we propose a comprehensive approach to tackle both challenges. For (1), our approach compares the old and new version of the diagram representation of a feature model and specifies the changes using complex edit operations on feature diagrams. In this way, feature model changes are automatically detected and formally documented. For (2), we propose an approach for reasoning about the semantic impact of diagram changes. We present a set of edit operations on feature diagrams, where complex operations are primarily derived from evolution scenarios observed in a real-world case study, i.e., a product line from the automation engineering domain. We evaluated our approach to demonstrate its applicability with respect to the case study, as well as its scalability concerning experimental data sets.  相似文献   

Software product line engineering is about producing a set of related products that share more commonalities than variabilities. Feature models are widely used for variability and commonality management in software product lines. Feature models are information models where a set of products are represented as a set of features in a single model. The automated analysis of feature models deals with the computer-aided extraction of information from feature models. The literature on this topic has contributed with a set of operations, techniques, tools and empirical results which have not been surveyed until now. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review on the automated analysis of feature models 20 years after of their invention. This paper contributes by bringing together previously disparate streams of work to help shed light on this thriving area. We also present a conceptual framework to understand the different proposals as well as categorise future contributions. We finally discuss the different studies and propose some challenges to be faced in the future.  相似文献   

一种面向产品线的特征依赖建模方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
罗代忠  赵文耘 《计算机应用》2008,28(9):2349-2352
特征依赖建模是描述特征间相互约束的模型,是软件产品线开发中的一项关键活动。引入了特征局部依赖和全局依赖关系,在对特征依赖关系分析的基础上,提出了一种特征依赖建模方法,该方法不仅支持分解、泛化等特征局部依赖描述,还支持配置依赖、运行依赖和影响依赖等全局依赖建模。通过一个空调控制系统的产品线特征依赖建模实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

特征模型是一种描述软件产品线中共性和可变性特征的通用形式。特征模型象征着所有可能的应用程序配置空间,是实现个性化产品定制的基础。随着软件产品线的规模和复杂程度的增加,如何有效支持以用户需求为基础以及根据特定需求和利益相关者的目标进行个性定制开发是亟待解决的实际问题。提出一种根据用户需求对特征模型进行切片,进一步结合三值逻辑对行为模型进行抽象,最后利用模型检测技术对软件产品线进行验证的方法。实验结果证实了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The increasing complexity and cost of software-intensive systems has led developers to seek ways of reusing software components across development projects. One approach to increasing software reusability is to develop a software product-line (SPL), which is a software architecture that can be reconfigured and reused across projects. Rather than developing software from scratch for a new project, a new configuration of the SPL is produced. It is hard, however, to find a configuration of an SPL that meets an arbitrary requirement set and does not violate any configuration constraints in the SPL.Existing research has focused on techniques that produce a configuration of an SPL in a single step. Budgetary constraints or other restrictions, however, may require multi-step configuration processes. For example, an aircraft manufacturer may want to produce a series of configurations of a plane over a span of years without exceeding a yearly budget to add features.This paper provides three contributions to the study of multi-step configuration for SPLs. First, we present a formal model of multi-step SPL configuration and map this model to constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). Second, we show how solutions to these SPL configuration problems can be automatically derived with a constraint solver by mapping them to CSPs. Moreover, we show how feature model changes can be mapped to our approach in a multi-step scenario by using feature model drift. Third, we present empirical results demonstrating that our CSP-based reasoning technique can scale to SPL models with hundreds of features and multiple configuration steps.  相似文献   

Model driven engineering (MDE) of software product lines (SPLs) merges two increasing important paradigms that synthesize programs by transformation. MDE creates programs by transforming models, and SPLs elaborate programs by applying transformations called features. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a transformational model of a product line of scalar vector graphics and JavaScript applications. We explain how we simplified our implementation by lifting selected features and their compositions from our original product line (whose implementations were complex) to features and their compositions of another product line (whose specifications were simple). We used operators to map higher-level features and their compositions to their lower-level counterparts. Doing so exposed commuting relationships among feature compositions in both product lines that helped validate our model and implementation.  相似文献   

基于特征的领域分析与建模技术是软件产品线开发中较为主流的需求建模方法,为描述产品线共性和可变性及其之间的关系提供了良好的支持。然而在现有特征模型基础上,如何指导系统开发人员进行软件系统的详细设计是亟待解决的问题。该问题主要体现在特征之间的结构与语义关系,以及特征的可变性如何映射为合理的系统设计模型这两个方面。针对上述问题,提出一种基于特征分解模式的软件产品线参考设计方法。该方法为特征模型中具有不同结构、不同语义的特征分解模式提供参考的详细设计方案,并提出相关聚类准则以支持对应全局特征模型的设计模型优化。最后,通过成绩录入软件产品线对该方法的有效性进行验证。  相似文献   

Software product line engineering is about producing a set of similar products in a certain domain. A variability model documents the variability amongst products in a product line. The specification of variability can be extended with quality information, such as measurable quality attributes (e.g., CPU and memory consumption) and constraints on these attributes (e.g., memory consumption should be in a range of values). However, the wrong use of constraints may cause anomalies in the specification which must be detected (e.g., the model could represent no products). Furthermore, based on such quality information, it is possible to carry out quality-aware analyses, i.e., the product line engineer may want to verify whether it is possible to build a product that satisfies a desired quality. The challenge for quality-aware specification and analysis is threefold. First, there should be a way to specify quality information in variability models. Second, it should be possible to detect anomalies in the variability specification associated with quality information. Third, there should be mechanisms to verify the variability model to extract useful information, such as the possibility to build a product that fulfils certain quality conditions (e.g., is there any product that requires less than 512?MB of memory?). In this article, we present an approach for quality-aware analysis in software product lines using the orthogonal variability model (OVM) to represent variability. We propose to map variability represented in the OVM associated with quality information to a constraint satisfaction problem and to use an off-the-shelf constraint programming solver to automatically perform the verification task. To illustrate our approach, we use a product line in the automotive domain which is an example that was created in a national project by a leading car company. We have developed a prototype tool named FaMa-OVM, which works as a proof of concepts. We were able to identify void models, dead and false optional elements, and check whether the product line example satisfies quality conditions.  相似文献   

ContextAmbient Intelligence systems domain is an outstanding example of modern systems that are in permanent evolution, as new devices, technologies or facilities are continuously appearing. This means it would be desirable to have a mechanism that helps with the propagation of evolution changes in deployed systems.ObjectiveWe present a software product line engineering process to manage the evolution of FamiWare, a family of middleware for ambient intelligence environments. This process drives the evolution of FamiWare middleware configurations using cardinality-based feature models, which are especially well suited to express the structural variability of ambient intelligence systems.MethodFamiWare uses cardinality-based feature models and clonable features to model the structural variability present in ambient intelligence systems, composed of a large variety of heterogeneous devices. Since the management evolution of configurations with clonable features is manually untreatable due to the high number of features, our process automates it and propagates changes made at feature level to the architectural components of the FamiWare middleware. This is a model driven development process as the evolution management, the propagation of evolution changes and the code generation are performed using some kind of model mappings and transformations. Concretely we present a variability modelling language to map the selection of features to the corresponding FamiWare middleware architectural components.ResultsOur process is able to manage the evolution of cardinality-based feature models with thousands of features, something which is not possible to tackle manually. Thanks to the use of the variability language and the automatic code generation it is possible to propagate and maintain a correspondence between the FamiWare architectural model and the code. The process is then able to calculate the architectural differences between the evolved configuration and the previous one. Checking these differences, our process helps to calculate the effort needed to perform the evolution changes in the customized products. To perform those tasks we have defined two operators, one to calculate the differences between two feature model configurations and another to create a new configuration from a previous one.ConclusionOur process automatically propagates the evolution changes of the middleware family into the existing configurations where the middleware is already deployed and also helps us to calculate the effort in performing the changes in every configuration. Finally, we validated our approach, demonstrating the functioning of the defined operators and showing that by using our tool we can generate evolved configurations for FamiWare with thousands of cloned features, for several case studies.  相似文献   

When designing, constructing, and maintaining diverse and variable software systems, a key challenge is the complexity of systems. A potential approach to tackle this challenge are techniques from variability management and product line engineering to handle the diversity and variability. A key asset in variability management is a variability model, which explicitly specifies the commonalities and variability of a system and the constraints between variants. However, handling variability and configurations remains a challenge due to the complexity on a cognitive level as human engineers reach their limits in identifying, understanding, and using all relevant details. In this paper we address this issue by providing concepts for interactive visual tool support for the configuration of systems with the help of feature models. We discuss relevant principles from the area of information visualization and their application to the domain of feature model configuration. We discuss techniques for interactive configuration support based on a reasoning engine, which, e.g., ensures the validity of configurations. We illustrate our findings by a concrete tool solution called S2T2 Configurator.  相似文献   

Dynamic software product lines (DSPLs) propose elaborated design and implementation principles for engineering highly configurable runtime-adaptive systems in a sustainable and feature-oriented way. For this, DSPLs add to classical software product lines (SPL) the notions of (1) staged (pre-)configurations with dedicated binding times for each individual feature, and (2) continuous runtime reconfigurations of dynamic features throughout the entire product life cycle. Especially in the context of safety- and mission-critical systems, the design of reliable DSPLs requires capabilities for accurately specifying and validating arbitrary complex constraints among configuration parameters and/or respective reconfiguration options. Compared to classical SPL domain analysis which is usually based on Boolean constraint solving, DSPL validation, therefore, further requires capabilities for checking temporal properties of reconfiguration processes. In this article, we present a comprehensive approach for modeling and automatically verifying essential validity properties of staged reconfiguration processes with complex binding time constraints during DSPL domain engineering. The novel modeling concepts introduced are motivated by (re-)configuration constraints apparent in a real-world industrial case study from the automation engineering domain, which are not properly expressible and analyzable using state-of-the-art SPL domain modeling approaches. We present a prototypical tool implementation based on the model checker SPIN and present evaluation results obtained from our industrial case study, demonstrating the applicability of the approach.  相似文献   

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