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34Mb/s数字微波帧同步检测与保护电路设计李泞亚在数字微波通信设备中,帧同步是中频调制解调机完成基带自动倒换不停机误码检测的关键部件。本文设计的电路,与能完成同样功能的电路相比,除工作可靠以外,其优点是把搜捕校核计数器与同步保护计数器设计于一体,从... 相似文献
高速SDH帧同步系统性能与同步码组选择 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
介绍了高速 SDH系统中的帧同步器的设计 ,分析了影响帧同步器性能的参数选择。在分析的基础上 ,以 STM- 4为例选择帧同步器参数和帧同步码组 ,实现了一种应用于高速SDH系统的并行帧同步器的设计。 相似文献
帧同步是脉位调制中关键的一部分,其性能的好坏直接影响到整个系统的性能。本文根据脉位调制信号的特点,采用了插入同步头序列的方法,提出了两种性能较好的同步头序列,并且给出了它们的算法。 相似文献
介绍了ADSL(非对称数字用户环路)的基本原理,并提出了一种ADSL系统中帧(符号)同步的简单解决方法及其计算机模拟结果。 相似文献
高速声数据通信传输对帧同步处理的性能有特殊的要求.提出一种基于相关检测的软件帧同步方法,通过设置合适的检测门限可以实现对同步头码的快速识别.针对通信异常引起的丢帧问题,引入帧计数器处理机制,大大提高了系统的抗干扰能力.理论和实验均表明了所提帧同步方法的有效性. 相似文献
广播式自动相关监视系统(ADS-B)是一种应用于空中交通监管的技术手段。ADS-B系统可以通过机载设备广播飞机的呼号、位置、高度、速度和其他一些参数信息。本文介绍了ADS-B系统S模式信号的编码方式、消息结构,并对信号报头检测的原理进行阐述,通过仿真和实际测试验证了理论方法的可实现性。 相似文献
On sequential frame synchronization in AWGN channels 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
We present a framework for the analysis of frame synchronization based on synchronization words (SWs), where the detection is based on the following sequential algorithm. The received samples are observed over a window of length equal to the SW; over this window, a metric (e.g., correlation) is computed; an SW is declared if the computed metric is greater than a proper threshold, otherwise the observation window is time-shifted one sample. We assume a Gaussian channel, antipodal signaling, equally distributed data symbols, and coherent detection, where soft values are provided to the frame synchronizer. We state the problem starting from the hypothesis testing theory, deriving the optimum metric [optimum likelihood ratio test (LRT)] according to the Neyman-Pearson lemma. When the data distribution is unknown, we design a simple and effective test based on the generalized LRT (GLRT). We also analyze the performance of the commonly used correlation metric, both with "hard" and "soft" values at the synchronizer input. We show that synchronization can be greatly improved by using the LRT and GLRT metrics instead of correlation and that, among correlation-based tests, sometimes hard correlation is better than soft correlation. The obtained closed-form expressions allow the derivation of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for the LRT and GLRT synchronizers, showing a remarkable gain with respect to synchronization based on correlation metric. 相似文献
We study practical frame synchronization based on sequential search of sync markers: these synchronizers can be used for frames of both known or unknown lengths. First, according to the hypothesis testing theory, a new simple metric is derived for the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, based on the generalized likelihood ratio test, thus without any assumption on the statistical distribution of the data symbols. An analytical performance evaluation is then given, with closed form expression for the characteristic function of the decision variable. It is shown that a remarkable gain is obtained with respect to correlation based tests. 相似文献
Frame synchronization for coded systems over AWGN channels 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
For the additive white Gaussian noise channel, we consider the problem of frame synchronization for coded systems. We present an algorithm that takes advantage of soft information provided by a soft decoder to produce an enhanced estimate of the frame boundary. To reduce complexity, a companion algorithm is introduced that is a hybrid of the optimal uncoded frame synchronizer introduced by Massey and the list synchronizer introduced by Robertson. The high-complexity coded maximum-likelihood frame synchronizer used by Robertson will accordingly be replaced by our algorithm, which operates on decoder-provided soft decisions. The algorithm begins by obtaining a list of high-probability starting positions via the log-likelihood function of the optimal uncoded frame synchronizer. Then, a test /spl delta/ is used to decide if the decision of the optimal uncoded frame synchronizer is sufficient, or whether list synchronization is required. If the test chooses in favor of using the optimal uncoded synchronizer, the estimate is obtained with relative ease. Otherwise, list synchronization is performed, and statistics provided by the decoder are used to resolve the frame boundary. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the frame-synchronization-error rate (the probability of the synchronizer making an error) achieves the lower bound for signal-to-noise ratio values exceeding 1 dB. 相似文献
利用训练帧进行OFDM系统同步的新算法 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
本文主要讨论了OFDM系统的定时和频率偏差估计算法,针对现有的ML(最大似然)算法定量不够精确,频偏估计范围过小的缺点,提出了一种新算法,该算法利用OFDM训练帧进行定时估计和频偏捕获,结合ML算法进行频率估计,仿真结果说明,新算法克服了ML算法的缺点,能精确定时并进行较大范围的频偏估计。 相似文献
Turbo codes are sensitive to both (timing) synchronization errors and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) mismatch. Since turbo codes are intended to work in environments with very low SNR, conventional synchronization methods often fail. This paper investigates blind symbol-timing synchronization and SNR estimation based on oversampled data frames. The technique is particularly suitable for low-rate turbo codes operating in additive white Gaussian noise at low SNR and modest data-transfer rates, as in deep space, satellite, fixed wireless, or wireline communications. In accordance with the turbo principle, intermediate decoding results are fed back to the estimator, thereby facilitating decision-directed estimation. The analytical and simulated results show that with three or more samples per symbol and raised cosine-rolloff pulse shaping, performance approaches that of systems with perfect timing and SNR knowledge at the receiver. 相似文献
Energy efficient communications over the AWGN relay channel 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gomez-Vilardebo Jesus Perez-Neira A.I. Najar Montse 《Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2010,9(1):32-37
This paper addresses the energy efficiency analysis of the relay channel under additive white Gaussian noise. We consider the rate bounds given by decode and forward and the cut set bound and assume that resources are optimally allocated to maximize the spectral efficiency according to the channel information and the sum network energy. The low energy analysis tools are used to compute the maximum rate per energy (RPE) and the slope of the spectral efficiency as a function of the energy per bit. Using these metrics, the energy efficiency benefit of several capabilities at terminals is investigated. Specifically, we take into account: i) the phase synchronization between transmitters, ii) the full duplex capability at the relay and iii) the channel access via superposition. 相似文献
AWGN信道中超窄带调制VMSK的最佳解调性能 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以甚小移键控(VMSK)为例,针对加性白高斯噪声(AWGN)信道中的解调性能进行研究,基于信号接收的分类器模型,从最基本的概率方法出发,利用最小错误率贝叶斯准则,得到最低误比特率的接收方式及其性能.并从相关检测一致性、最佳性能以及可推广性的角度进行了详细阐述.分析结果表明,VMSK调制方式中表示1和0的信号波形中相同部分的能量并不能提高误码率性能.若要获得相同的误码性能,VMSK需要比BPSK更高的信噪比.此结论可以推广到其他UNB调制. 相似文献
In this paper, pilot-symbol-assisted transmission in conjunction with high-performance coding over the block-independent noncoherent additive white Gaussian noise channel is investigated. Several approximate iterative receivers are proposed, which either perform carrier-phase estimation separately from detection, or joint carrier-phase estimation/decoding in an iterative fashion. The performance of the proposed receivers is analyzed using density evolution. The power allocation to the pilot symbol is quantified, and it is shown that an optimal allocation scheme exists that minimizes the overall information bit signal-to-noise ratio required for error-free communication. This optimal power allocation, which could be utilized in code design, is found to be sensitive to the channel coherence interval, as well as to the particular receiver used. In addition, a simple upper bound on the performance of any receiver that performs joint iterative carrier-phase estimation and detection, is derived. The obtained results are compared with the simulated performance of the proposed receivers. 相似文献
Capacity-achieving input distribution for the blockwise noncoherent M-APSK/AWGN channel is characterised. Upper and lower bounds on the normalised capacity, with and without the use of differential encoding, are derived. They show that the coherent channel capacity is approached with increasing channel coherence interval. Moreover, they indicate that the coherent capacity is approximated faster with differential encoding. 相似文献