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为充分利用贻贝资源,创新贻贝食品种类,以贻贝、黄豆和大米为原料,采用米曲霉制曲后混合发酵,研制贻贝豆酱产品,并对其挥发性风味物质和体外抗氧化性进行评价。通过单因素实验,确定贻贝豆酱的发酵工艺条件是:食盐添加量14%,曲贝质量比1∶1,发酵温度40 ℃,发酵时间24 d。在此条件下,贻贝豆酱的感官评分最高92分,氨基酸态氮含量为0.84 g/100 g。与未发酵样品相比,经米曲霉发酵的贻贝豆酱的挥发性风味物质更丰富,醛类、酯类等特征性风味物质相对含量分别增加了11%,19.4%,总抗氧化能力和羟自由基清除能力均显著增强。采用米曲霉发酵工艺制备贻贝豆酱,为丰富贻贝产品种类提供了新途径。 相似文献
牡丹籽粕是油用牡丹籽榨油后得到的副产物,富含蛋白质、多糖、黄酮等营养成分。该研究在传统豆酱的制作原料中添加牡丹籽粕,以研究其对豆酱发酵过程中曲料酶活及营养成分的影响。通过单因素实验确定牡丹籽粕的最佳添加比例为黄豆∶籽粕为7∶3,在该条件下制得的成曲中性蛋白酶、淀粉酶和糖化酶最大酶活分别为1 177.85,686.58,1 564.36 U/g;后酵35 d后,所得牡丹籽粕豆酱中还原糖含量为9.66 g/100 g DW,多肽含量为19.53 g/100 g,总黄酮含量为1.93 mg CE/g DW,酱香浓郁、咸鲜适宜,具有良好的感官接受度,为提升牡丹籽粕附加值及开发新型营养型调味品提供了理论指导和技术思路。 相似文献
运用高通量测序技术,对采集自辽宁四平、辽中两家传统自然发酵的成熟酱醅、豆酱以及酱缸周围土壤环境的细菌群落结构进行分析。在揭示自然发酵豆酱细菌菌群动态变化的同时,比较分析土壤环境对发酵豆酱细菌菌群结构的影响。结果显示:四联球菌属(Tetragenococcus)、乳杆菌属(Lactobaillus)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、明串珠菌属(Leuconostoc)、肠球菌属(Enterococcus)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)、魏斯氏菌属(Weissella)等是农家自然发酵酱醅和豆酱的主要细菌属,并随着发酵的进行发生动态变化。同时,土壤环境对豆酱菌群结构产生一定影响,且主要的扩散细菌为放线菌门(Actinobacteria)中的考克氏菌属(Kocuria)。但后期可能随着发酵的进行,菌群结构趋于相对稳定,同时土壤环境与豆酱接触的机会减少,从而使这种影响逐渐减弱,并维持在一定水平。 相似文献
花色保健豆酱的研制及活性成分 (有效成分)测定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
花色保健豆酱是在黄豆酱中添加蜂胶及其它辅料,经乳化,增稠、匀浆,胶磨等工艺加工而成,本系列产品具有酱酯香味浓郁,风味各异,鲜美可口之特点,其活性成分总黄酮含量达50-60mg/100g保健豆酱,它是一种卫生,方便的保健调味品。 相似文献
西瓜辣豆酱是用大豆、面粉、西瓜、辣椒及多种调味料经自然发酵、精心调制而成。它营养全面、风味独特,是一种深受人们喜爱的保健调味食品。同时,该产品制作工艺简单,不需特殊设备,原料丰富,既适于工厂化生产,又可家庭小制作。1配方大豆10;面粉3~4;西瓜(带皮)30~40:盐1士;干辣椒0.1;花椒0.1;八角0.1;姜0.5;葱0.5;五香粉0.2:酱油1~1.5ZI艺流程3制作要点3.l煮豆、蒸粉将大豆用水冲洗干净后用30C温水泡Zh左右。再将适量的葱丝、姜片、花椒、八角包人纱布袋中与泡好的大豆一起放火锅中加水煮制。先用急火煮沸,后用小火煮软,约煮l~Zh,待豆心不硬,用手很容易捏碎即可捞出冷却、 相似文献
乳酸菌在传统豆酱发酵过程中发酵糖类、蛋白质等大分子物质,使其分解产生醛类、酮类、酯类等一系列小分子物质,从而增加传统豆酱的风味。文章以吉林市农家传统发酵大酱为试材,在豆酱的传统发酵过程中,从中选择性地培养并筛选分离出其中的优势乳酸菌疑似菌株,再通过16SrDNA序列分析方法,对乳酸菌进行分析和鉴定。结果表明,从吉林市农家不同发酵阶段采集的10份豆酱样品中共分离获得10株乳酸菌,通过16SrDNA序列分析比对后共鉴定出3个乳酸菌种,它们分别是戊糖片球菌(P.pentosaceus)6株,占总数的60%;屎肠球菌(E.faecium)3株,占总数的30%;乳酸肠球菌(El.actobacillus)1株,占总数的10%。可以初步推断戊糖片球菌是吉林市农家传统发酵豆酱中的优势乳酸菌菌群。 相似文献
Abstract: The objective of this study was to analyze overall contents of biogenic amines in Miso and thereby evaluate the safety of the food. Through HPLC analysis of 22 different Miso products, it was found that most samples had low biogenic amine contents. However, some samples contained both histamine and tyramine close to hazardous levels of the amines, which indicate that the amounts of biogenic amines in Miso are not completely within the safe level for human health. Meanwhile, the biogenic amine contents showed no clear relationship with physicochemical parameters, whereas they revealed a good relationship with the ratio of soybean to other grains used in raw material. Thus, it turned out that biogenic amine contents in Miso are primarily affected by the ratio of raw ingredients, especially soybeans. The aerobic plate counts of Miso samples ranged from 3 to 8 Log CFU/g, and all the strains isolated from Miso samples were found to produce biogenic amines. Most strains were identified to be Bacillus subtilis, often regarded as the predominant contaminant bacteria in Miso, and highly capable of producing tyramine and spermine. Taken together, therefore, this study suggests that variability of biogenic amine contents in Miso are primarily attributed to the ratio of raw ingredients in the food that affects the relative contribution level of bacterial contaminants to the contents. Practical Application: Biogenic amines are harmful nitrogenous compounds. The amounts of biogenic amines in Miso are less when the ratio of soybean to other grains is lower in raw materials. This information would be helpful for consumers at the time of purchasing Miso product. 相似文献
束裤是现代女性非常喜爱的塑身内衣产品之一,其着装压迫的安全性和舒适性也越来越多地受到消费者的重视。着眼于调查臀部、腰腹部受压时对皮肤血流量与皮肤温度的影响。选择两位健康的年轻女性作为试验对象,采用压力腔对腰腹部进行模拟加压,同时进行实际束裤穿着加压试验,通过对比相关结果,调查不同压迫方式对受压部位的皮肤血流量、皮肤温度的影响。 相似文献
High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) has drawn considerable attention because of its potential application in food industry. Ferritin, an iron storage protein, is widely distributed in food made from legume seeds, which is highly stable due to its shell-like structure. Therefore, it is of special interest to know whether or not high HHP treatment has effect on this protein. In this study, the structure and activity of soybean seed ferritin (SSF) were examined by circular dichroism spectrum (CD), UV–VIS and fluorescence spectrophotometry in conjunction with stopped-flow light scattering upon treatment with HHP at 400 MPa for 10 min. Results revealed that such treatment has little effect on the primary and secondary structure of SSF, but pronouncedly altered its tertiary and quaternary structure. As a result, the protein aggregation property and iron release activity were dramatically changed, while its activity of iron oxidative deposition was kept unchanged. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: Sodium chloride of different shapes (hollow pyramid, crushed flake, cube, and porous cube) and sizes (50-200 mesh) were applied by nonelectrostatic and electrostatic powder coating to popcorn coated with 1.2 to 3.3% soybean oil. Electrostatic coating was more efficient than nonelectrostatic in all cases. The smaller the particles, the higher the coating efficiency for both electrostatic and nonelectrostatic coating. Crushed flake and hollow pyramid were more efficient than cube and porous cube shapes. Coating efficiency improved as the oil content increased for nonelectrostatic but not electrostatic coating. Use of electrostatic coating can reduce waste and provide a more efficient coating method by decreasing seasoning or oil needed to reach the target level. 相似文献
以鸡胸肉为实验材料,以pH值﹑肉色﹑蒸煮出品率﹑压榨损失﹑盐溶性蛋白质溶出量和质构特征为评定指标,探讨了滚揉时间和食盐水浓度对鸡肉调理制品食用品质的影响。结果表明:在0~4℃环境中,增加食盐水浓度(0.0%~9.8%﹚,可极显著增加盐溶性蛋白的溶出量,极显著降低了蒸煮损失率和压榨损失率,显著提高鸡肉调理制品的弹性、咀嚼性和降低肉的硬度,对凝聚性和胶着性影响不显著;延长滚揉时间﹙0.0 h~14.0 h﹚可显著增加盐溶性蛋白的溶出量,极显著降低了压榨损失率,显著提高鸡肉调理制品的凝聚性、弹性、咀嚼性和胶着性,而对蒸煮损失率和硬度影响不显著。滚揉处理提高了鸡肉调理制品的pH值、改善了肉色和食用品质。 相似文献
大豆异黄酮生理活性的研究进展——(1)大豆异黄酮的代谢及雌激素特性 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
大豆尤其是大豆胚轴富含有益于人类健康的大豆异黄酮。人体内的两种专一肠道细菌能将大豆异黄酮中的大豆苷和染料木苷代谢为相应的糖苷配基大豆黄素和染料木黄酮。马雌酚是大豆黄素在肠内细菌作用下的代谢产物,具有比大豆异黄酮更高的生理活性,但是并非在所有摄取大豆异黄酮的健康成年人体内都能产生马雌酚,马雌酚的产生与体内是否存在某些特定的肠内菌丛有关。大豆蛋白能影响肠内菌丛的构成,进而提高大豆异黄酮的生物利用率。大豆异黄酮是一类选择性雌激素受体调节剂,具有雌激素和抗雌激素的双重活性,可安全有效地用于预防和治疗妇女更年期综合症。 相似文献