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Roasting is a common process for chickpeas to improve their texture, palatability, appearance, shelf-life, physical, and functional properties. This study aimed to determine the effect of different roasting methods (conventional, microwave, and microwave + conventional) on the proximate and amino acid compositions, powder properties, texture, and sensorial properties of the chickpeas. For this purpose three different roasting times (3, 5, and 7 min), microwave powers (100, 300, and 600 W), and microwave roasting + conventional roasting treatment (100 W + 250 °C, 300 W + 250 °C, and 600 W + 250 °C) were applied to raw chickpea samples. The moisture content and water activity values of roasted chickpeas were found to be lower than 7% (w.b.) and 0.50, respectively. The lower ash and protein contents, hygroscopicity value, wettability time and higher fat content and L* value were observed for control compared to roasted samples. The flowability behaviour of the samples was found at a fair level. Roasting methods significantly affected the amount of amino acids in chickpeas but do not reduce the nutritional quality of their proteins. The hardness value of chickpea samples from the suture and cheek angle was decreased parallel to the increase in the roasting temperature and time. The highest sensory scores in terms of general appeal were obtained from the combined group (300 W–250 °C) for 3 min.  相似文献   

稻米是我国最大宗的主食品种,与国民健康息息相关。长期以来,我国稻米加工与消费重在追求口感与外观品质,导致过度加工现象普遍,营养流失严重。由于稻米糠层中含有丰富的营养物质,加工精度显著影响稻米的营养价值。碾米加工过程及加工精度也会对其淀粉结构及性质、米饭的蒸煮感官品质产生影响。综述了加工精度对稻米的营养物质含量、米粉特性及米饭蒸煮和感官品质的影响,以期为稻米的适度加工提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对中华绒螯蟹中游离氨基酸的检测分析、氨基酸的滋味活度值的计算、9种游离氨基酸不同浓度下的滋味和感知强度的感官分析,结果表明,蟹肉中TAV>1的游离氨基酸类型有Arg、Ala、Gly、Met、Glu、Pro、His和Val对蟹肉整体滋味有贡献,其中Arg和Pro在低浓度下呈现甜味,在高浓度下呈现苦味,Ala和His可接受的阈值倍数范围较广,Glu和Pro可接受的阈值倍数范围较窄。对蟹肉游离氨基酸的模拟液进行去除实验和逐一添加实验的电子舌检测结果显示,Ala、Gly和Met是影响蟹肉滋味的重要氨基酸类型。   相似文献   

This paper presents the results from an investigation to assess the development of a Cabernet Sauvignon wine bottled with different closures including a screw cap (ROTE, roll-on-tamper-evident) and different ullage volumes (4, 16 and 64 mL of air). The wines were filled manually, sealed using commercial equipment and stored under controlled temperature and humidity conditions. The concentration of free and total SO2, and phenolic compounds including anthocyanins, selected pigments, pigmented polymers and tannins, and colour measurements using spectral and CIELAB methods, have been determined in the wines over a two-year storage period. In addition, sensory analysis of the aroma and palate properties of the wines was performed after 6, 9, 11, 18 and 24 months' storage. The wines sealed under the screw cap with either 4 or 64 mL ullage volumes were clearly different from each other and the other treatments in the study, and these differences were seen within the first year after bottling. The wines bottled under the more commercially relevant conditions, screw cap with 16 mL headspace, synthetic closure or natural bark closure, were more similar in both composition and sensory characters, although subtle differences between different closures were evident. 'Rubbery' and 'struck flint' like aromas (generically termed reduced aroma) were detected in some of the wines in the study but were not a large or dominating character. The scores for this character were highest in the wine sealed under the screw cap with the smallest ullage volume.  相似文献   

研究来自法国两个不同饲养环境的silurus(Silurus glanis)鱼的风味,对于熟鱼肉进行感官鉴评.通过流体萃取物的风味特征对其进行风味评价.比较了两种收集方法.两种养殖条件对熟鱼肉的风味有影响.在室外不进行换水饲养两年对比于在室内活水饲养一年发现鱼肉中干草味、青草味和热牛奶味较强,霉味、煮鸡蛋味和煮白菜味较弱.用铁氟龙容器收集风味物质提取物,比用玻璃长颈瓶收集风味描述更强,显示了流体萃取法与熟鱼风味分析的相关性.  相似文献   

The odour of silurus (Silurus glanis) coming from two types of rearing environment developed in France was studied. Odour sensory analysis was performed on cooked fillets of silurus. The odour representativeness of extracts obtained by dynamic headspace was assessed. Two methods of extract collection were compared. Rearing environment had an effect on the odour of cooked fillets of silurus. Silurus reared in outdoor ponds for 2 years with no renewal of water had a stronger odour of hay, cut grass and hot milk and a weaker odour of mouldy, hard‐boiled egg and cooked cabbage than silurus reared in indoor concrete ponds for 1 year with renewed geothermal water. Odour extracts collected with the Teflon bag method were more representative of the odour of cooked fillets of silurus than those collected with the glass flask method. Teflon bags showed the relevance of dynamic headspace extraction to analyse the odour of cooked fillets of silurus. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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