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Cobalt in a 23 wt.% Co containing Ni-base superalloys was systematically substituted by Ni in order to study the effects of stacking fault energy (SFE) on the creep mechanisms. The deformation microstructures of the alloys during different creep stages at 725 °C and 630 MPa were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that the creep life increased as the SFE decreased corresponding to the increase of Co content in the alloys. At primary creep stage, the dislocation was difficult to dissociate independent of SFE. In contrast, at secondary and tertiary creep stages the dislocations dissociated at γ/γ interface and the partial dislocation started to shear γ precipitates, leaving isolated faults (IFs) in high SFE alloy, while the dislocations dissociated in the matrix and the partials swept out the matrix and γ precipitates creating extended stacking faults (ESFs) or deformation microtwins which were involved in diffusion-mediated reordering in low SFE alloy. It is suggested that the deformation microtwinning process should be favorable with the decrease of SFE, which could enhance the creep resistance and improve the creep properties of the alloys.  相似文献   

Microstructure evolution during dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of superalloy 718 was studied by optical microscope and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique. Compression tests were performed at different strains at temperatures from 950 °C to 1120 °C with a strain rate of 10−1 s−1. Microstructure observations show that the recrystallized grain size as well as the fraction of new grains increases with the increasing temperature. A power exponent relationship is obtained between the dynamically recrystallized grain size and the peak stress. It is found that different nucleation mechanisms for DRX are operated in hot deformed superalloy 718, which is closely related to deformation temperatures. DRX nucleation and development are discussed in consideration of subgrain rotation or twinning taking place near the original grain boundaries. Particular attention is also paid to the role of continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX) at both higher and lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Wedge-shaped AZ31 plates with two kinds of initial textures were rolled at 573 K to investigate the effect of initial texture on dynamic recrystallization (DRX). The results indicated that the initiation and nucleation of DRX were closely related to the initial texture. The initiation and completion of DRX in the TD-plate were significantly retarded compared with that in the ND-plate. Twin related DRX nucleation was mainly observed in the ND-plate samples; while gain boundary related DRX nucleation was mainly observed in the TD-plate samples. The different DRX behavior between the TD- and ND-plates was attributed to the different deformation mechanism occurring before DRX initiation. For the ND-plate, dislocation glide was considered as the main deformation mechanism accompanied with {1 0 −1 1}-{1 0 −1 2} double twin, which led to the increment of a faster increasing stored energy within the grains. And {1 0 −1 1}-{1 0 −1 2} double twin was mainly found to be DRX nucleation site for the ND-plate. For the TD-plate, {1 0 −1 2} extension twin was the dominant deformation mechanism which resulted in a basal texture with the c-axis nearly parallel to ND. The stored energy caused by dislocation motion was relatively small in the TD-plate before a basal texture was formed, which was considered as the main reason of that DRX was retarded in the TD-plate compared with that in the ND-plate. Based on the difference in deformation mechanism and DRX mechanism caused by the different initial texture, the variation in grain size, micro-texture and misorientation angle distribution in the ND and TD plates were discussed.  相似文献   

During torsional deformation in the temperature range BOO-1200°C, and strain rate range 0.1-7.0 s-1, Waspaloy exhibited high strain hardening and low ductility up to 950°C and rapidly rising ductility above that, as a result of undergoing dynamic recrystallization. Above 950°C, the strain rate was related to the stress exponentially and to the temperature through an Arrhenius relationship with an activation energy of 410 kJ/mole. Microstructural studies showed that dynamically recrystallized grains formed, containing a substructure which persisted without change in dimension during the steady-state region. The dynamic recrystallization resulted in a movement of the grain boundaries away from the cracks and pores, thus slowing down their growth and providing high ductility.  相似文献   

This work investigates the strain rate dependence of dynamic recrystallization behaviour of high-purity zinc in room temperature compression under strain rates of 10-4 s-1,10-2 s-1 and 0.5 s-1.Results from electron backscatter diffraction provide insight into the deformation and dynamic recrystallization mech-anisms operative.Continuous dynamic recrystallization,twin-induced dynamic recrystallization,and discontinuous dynamic recrystallization are all active under compressive deformation at room temper-ature.Due to the high stacking fault energy of Zn,continuous dynamic recrystallization is the dominant mechanism while discontinuous dynamic recrystallization only operates in the early stages of compres-sion at 10-4 S-1.Dynamic recrystallization kinetics are enhanced at higher strain rates(10-2 s-1 and 0.5 s-1)due to an increased contribution from twin-induced dynamic recrystallization.The present study reveals that the controlling mechanisms for continuous dynamic recrystallization are basalslip and 2nd order pyramidalslip activity.Because the activation of slip systems is mainly deter-mined by crystallographic orientation,continuous dynamic recrystallization behaviour varies with grain orientation according to their propensity for basal and 2nd order pyramidal slip.  相似文献   

This article presents a new approach for filtering the faults, thanks to the defined dynamic fault tree (DFT). The proposed methodology includes the dependencies between fault events in the models. Two problems must thus be solved: they relate to the filtering of false alarms, and the reduction of the size of the ambiguity of fault isolation related to the occurrence of a failure. In response to the expressed need for diagnosis, as well as for the need for filtering and localization of the failures, it is necessary to introduce new dynamic gates, making it possible to translate new dependencies, relationships. Based on previous techniques, the approach presented in this paper is based on four peculiar powerful features. First, the concept of the precedence between events is taken into account in order to resort to an adapted configuration for the fault isolation. Second, another relevant data to establish a diagnosis is to take into account the concepts of redundancies between various sets. The appearance of the same phenomenon on various sets can make it possible to refine the fault isolation. The knowledge of the character of the failures is a third important concept; indeed according to the character of the identified breakdowns, one will be able for example to refine the localization or to filter certain events considered non-representative of the character of the breakdown. Fourth, the time duration of the alarm is a more interesting resource to be exploited. The proposed DFT model can be modularized and each module translated into a High Level Petri Net (HLPN). Translation of DFT modules into HLPN has proved to be very flexible and various kinds of new dependencies can be easily accommodated. In order to exploit this flexibility a new representation, called the event diagram, is introduced.  相似文献   

Cu, Cu-0.1 at.%Ge and Cu-5.7 at.%Ge with stacking fault energies (SFEs) of 78, 54, and 15 mJ/m2, respectively, were processed by cold-rolling at the liquid nitrogen temperature. X-ray diffraction measurements indicate that decreasing SFE decreases the average grain size but increases the microstrain, dislocation density, and twin density in the cold-rolled samples. Tensile testing results show that the strength and ductility of the materials increase simultaneously with decreasing SFE. The relationship between the structure and mechanical properties of the materials is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of the volume fraction of I-phase on the hot compressive behavior and processing maps of the extruded Mg-Zn-Y alloys was examined, and the obtained results were compared with those of the cast alloys in a previous work. The average grain sizes, fractions of dynamically recrystallized (DRXed) grains, and sizes of DRXed grains of the extruded alloys after compressive deformation were significantly smaller, higher and smaller, respectively, than those of the cast alloys after compressive deformation under the same experimental conditions. This was because the microstructures of the extruded alloys, having much more grain boundaries and more refined I-phase particles than the cast alloys, provided a larger number of nucleation sites for dynamic recrystallization than those of the cast alloys. The constitutive equations for high-temperature deformation of the extruded and cast alloys could be derived using the same activation energy for plastic flow, which was close to the activation energy for lattice diffusion in magnesium. Compared with the cast alloys, the onset of the power law breakdown (PLB) occurred at larger Zener-Holloman (Z) parameter values in the extruded alloys. This was because the extruded alloys had finer initial grain sizes and higher fractions of finer DRXed grains compared to the cast alloys, such that the onset of PLB caused by creation of excessive concentrations of deformation-induced vacancies was delayed to a higher strain rate and a lower temperature. The flow-stress difference between the extruded alloys and the cast alloys could be attributed to the difference in the fraction of DRXed grains. According to the processing maps, the extruded alloys exhibited higher power dissipation efficiency and flow stability than the cast alloys. This agreed with the microstructural observations.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation that characterizes the evolution of the dynamically recrystallized structure of 30Cr2Ni4MoV ultra-super-critical rotor steel during hot deformation, as a starting point for studies of the static recrystallization (SRX) and the metadynamic recrystallization (MDRX) behaviors, by hot compression tests which are performed at the temperatures from 1243 K to 1543 K and strain rates from 0.001 s−1 to 0.1 s−1 on Gleeble-3500 thermo-mechanical simulator, and the corresponding flow curves are obtained. A third-order polynomial is then fitted to the work hardening region of each curve. The critical stress for initiation of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) can be calculated by setting the second derivative of the third order polynomial. By regression analysis, the activation energy in whole range of deformation temperature is determined to be Q = 368.45 kJ/mol. The complete DRX grain size (Ddrx) of the test steel is a function of Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) and is independent of the true strain. The relationship of Ddrx and Z is found to be described in a form of power law function with an exponent of −0.24.  相似文献   

Complex stamping operations are becoming widespread in the automotive industry to produce vehicle body parts with adequate mechanical strength and reduced wall thickness. The need for weight reduction drives the development of new metallic materials capable of achieving a good balance between formability and mechanical properties. Advanced high strength steels play a major role in this scenario. The aim of this work was to develop a materials selection strategy for hot stamped automotive body parts using the Ashby approach. The selection process was based on the formability of metallic alloys derived from two fundamentals materials properties, the strain hardening exponent and the stacking fault energy.  相似文献   

In order to improve the understanding of the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) behaviors of as-cast AZ80 magnesium alloy, a series of isothermal upsetting experiments with height reduction 60% were performed at the temperatures of 523 K, 573 K, 623 K and 673 K, and the strain rates of 0.01 s−1, 0.1 s−1, 1 s−1 and 10 s−1 on a Gleeble 1500 thermo-mechanical simulator. Dependence of the flow stress on temperature and strain rate is described by means of the conventional hyperbolic sine equation. By regression analysis, the activation energy of DRX in the whole range of deformation temperature was determined to be Q = 215.82 kJ mol−1. Based on dσ/d? versus σ curves and their processing results, the ?ow stress curves for AZ80 magnesium alloy were evaluated that they have some characteristic points including the critical strain for DRX initiation (?c), the strain for peak stress (?p), and the strain for maximum softening rate (?*), which means that the evolution of DRX can be expressed by the process variables. In order to characterize the evolution of DRX volume fraction, the modified Avrami type equation including ?c and ?* as a function of the dimensionless parameter controlling the stored energy, Z/A, was evaluated and the effect of deformation conditions was described in detail. Finally, the theoretical prediction on the relationships between the DRX volume fractions and the deformation conditions were validated by the microstructure graphs.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of fine and coarse undissolved particles in a billet of the Mg-7Sn-1Al-1Zn (TAZ711) alloy on the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) behavior during hot extrusion at low and high temperatures and the resultant microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloy.To this end,partially homogenized (PH) and fully homogenized (FH) billets are extruded at temperatures of 250 and 450 ℃.The PH billet contains fine and coarse undissolved Mg2Sn particles in the interdendritic region and along the grain boundaries,respectively.The fine particles (<1 μm in size) retard DRX during extrusion at 250 ℃ via the Zener pinning effect,and this retardation causes a decrease in the area fraction of dynamically recrystallized (DRXed) grains of the extruded alloy.In addition,the inhomogeneous distribution of fine particles in the PH billet leads to the formation of a bimodal DRXed grain structure with excessively grown grains in particle-scarce regions.In contrast,in the FH billet,numerous nanosized Mg2Sn precipitates are formed throughout the material during extrusion at 250 ℃,which,in turn,leads to the formation of small,uniform DRXed grains by the grain-boundary pinning effect of the precipitates.When the PH billet is extruded at the high temperature of 450 ℃,the retardation effect of the fine particles on DRX is weakened by their dissolution in the α-Mg matrix and the increased extent of thermally activated grain-boundary migration.In contrast,the coarse Mg2Sn particles in the billet promote DRX during extrusion through the particle-stimulated nucleation phenomenon,which results in an increase in the area fraction of DRXed grains.At both low and high extrusion temperatures,the extruded material fabricated using the PH billet,which contains both fine and coarse undissolved particles,has a lower tensile strength than that fabricated using the FH billet,which is virtually devoid of second-phase particles.This lower strength of the former is attributed mainly to the larger grains and/or absence of nanosized M2Sn precipitates in it.  相似文献   

The response of structures and materials subject to impulsive loads remains a field of intense research. The dynamic loading and temperature increase affect the material’s mechanical/failure response. For example, strains due to explosive blast will increase at rates from 102 to 104 s−1, leading to regimes of elastic/plastic wave propagation, plane stress and adiabatic deformations. Few constitutive models consider high strain rate effects, however some constitutive approaches that were developed and tested at low strain rate regimes will also be addressed here due to their relevance. Specific reference will be made to strain rate regimes close to 104 s−1, where shock waves may develop. The paper focuses on constitutive models for polycrystalline face-centred-cubic (FCC) metals since their behaviour under high strain rate regimes is not yet fully understood mostly due to path loading dependency. Reference is also made to aluminium alloys since they are widely used in virtually all fields of industry and in armour and protective structures and systems. A basic review of the main theoretical aspects that constitute the basis for most of the constitutive models described is also presented and the main features of each model are thoroughly discussed.  相似文献   

为研究ECAP变形对超细晶铜再结晶行为的影响,室温条件下对纯铜进行12道次等通道转角挤压(ECAP)变形,分别在100、150、280℃下对不同道次的超细晶铜进行退火处理,分析其硬度及微观组织变化规律.结果表明:经12道次ECAP变形后,铜的晶粒尺寸细化到约250 nm,硬度达146 HV;随着变形道次增加,超细晶铜的热稳定性降低,软化速度加快,在150℃退火时,1道次超细晶铜完成再结晶的时间约为20 h,12道次为0.5 h;12道次ECAP超细晶铜等温退火温度越高,完成再结晶时间越短,150℃完成再结晶时间约为1 200 s,200℃时缩短至600 s,280℃时再结晶仅需50 s;利用Arrhenius公式计算了再结晶激活能,1道次约为1 eV,12道次为0.78 eV,ECAP变形降低了铜的再结晶激活能.  相似文献   

The hot deformation behaviors of Ni18Cr9Co9Fe5Nb3Mo superalloy were explored in the formation temperature range free ofγ'phase with various strain rates applied.The hot deformation behaviors are initially modeled with Arrhenius equation which gives an average activation energy of 581.1 kJ mol-1.A modified Arrhenius approach,including the updated Zener-Hollomon parameter is proposed to consider the change of activation energy under different deformation conditions which turns out a relatively accurate computation for activation energy of hot deformation,i.e.,the standard variance for modified model calculated in the covered deformation condition is just 35.4 % of that for Arrhenius equation.The modified model also proposes a map for activation energy which ranges from 571.5-589.0 kJ mol-1 for various deformation conditions.Microstructural features of the representative superalloy specimens were characterized by electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) techniques in order to clarify the influence of activation energy on the microstructural formation.It is found that the Ni-based superalloy samples with higher activation energy are promoted by the degree of dynamic recrystallization which suggests that the rise in activation energy gives either a better recrystallization rate or finer grains.  相似文献   

The theories of fault trees have been used for many years because they can easily provide a concise representation of failure behavior of general non-repairable fault tolerant systems. But the defect of traditional fault trees is lack of accuracy when modeling dynamic failure behavior of certain systems with fault-recovery process. A solution to this problem is called behavioral decomposition. A system will be divided into several dynamic or static modules, and each module can be further analyzed using binary decision diagram (BDD) or Markov chains separately. In this paper, we will show a very useful decomposition scheme that independent subtrees of a dynamic module are detected and solved hierarchically. Experimental results show that the proposed method could result in significant saving of computation time without losing unacceptable accuracy. Besides, we also present an analyzing software toolkit: DyFA (dynamic fault-trees analyzer) which implements the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

权国政  赵磊  王阳  石彧  周杰 《功能材料》2011,42(6):1142-1146
热物理模拟获得了铸态AZ80镁合金热压缩真应力-应变曲线,以此作为计算动态再结晶体积分数演变的底层数据.通过求解流动应力的双曲正弦表征模型,获得了本构模型与动态再结晶激活能等重要参数.分析峰值应力出现之前与之后的硬化曲线,识别了真应力-应变曲线所隐含的关键应变点:临界应变,峰值应变及最大软化速率应变.进一步引入表征晶体...  相似文献   

The deformation behavior of a Ti40 titanium alloy was investigated with compression tests at different temperatures and strain rates to evaluate the activation energy and to establish the constitutive equation, which reveals the dependence of the flow stress on strain, strain rate and deformation temperature. The tests were carried out in the temperature range between 900 and 1100 °C and at strain rates between 0.01 and 10 s−1. Hot deformation activation energy of the Ti40 alloy was calculated to be about 372.96 kJ/mol. In order to demonstrate the workability of Ti40 alloy further, the processing maps at strain of 0.5 and 0.6 were generated respectively based on the dynamic materials model. It is found that the dynamic recrystallization of Ti40 alloy occurs at the temperatures of 1050-1100 °C and strain rates of 0.01-0.1 s−1, with peak efficiency of power dissipation of 64% occurring at about 1050 °C and 0.01 s−1, indicating that this domain is optimum processing window for hot working. Flow instability domains were noticed at higher stain rate (≥1 s−1) and stain (≥0.6), which located at the upper part of the processing maps. The evidence of deformation in these domains has been identified by the microstructure observations of Ti40 titanium alloy.  相似文献   

Tensile and low cyclic fatigue tests were used to assess the influence of micro-additions of Ti/V/Zr on the performance of Al–7Si–1Cu–0.5Mg (wt.%) alloys in the as-cast and T6 heat-treated conditions and their improvement was compared to the base alloy. The microstructure of the as-cast Al–7Si–1Cu–0.5Mg (wt.%) base and modified alloys consisted of α-Al, eutectic Si, and Cu, the Mg- and Fe-based phases Al2.1Cu, Al8.5Si2.4Cu, Al7.2Si8.3Cu2Mg6.9 and Al14Si7.1FeMg3.3. In addition, the micro-sized Ti/V/Zr-rich phases Al6.8Si1.4Ti, Al21.4Si4.1Ti3.5VZr3.9, Al6.7Si1.2TiZr1.8, Al2.8Si3.8V1.6Zr and Al5.1Si35.4Ti1.6Zr5.7Fe were identified in the modified alloys. It was also noticed that increasing the content of Ti–V–Zr changed the morphology of Ti/V/Zr-rich phase. The tensile test results showed that the T6 heat-treated alloy modified with the addition of a higher content of Ti–V–Zr achieved the highest tensile strength of 343 MPa over the base alloy and alloys modified with additions of Ti, Ti–Zr and lower contents of Ti–V–Zr. The plastic strain energy density coefficient of the alloy modified with the addition of a higher content of Ti–V–Zr in the T6 temper condition was higher than the other studied alloys and reached 162 MJ m−3. The fatigue life of the same alloy was considerably longer than that of the other studied alloys, including the base alloy. The fractography revealed that all the studied alloys showed similar fracture behavior. The tensile cracks propagated through the eutectic Si and primary phases, exhibiting intergranular fracture along with some cleavage-like features of the plate-shaped Zr–Ti–V-rich intermetallics with the presence of fatigue striations on the latter, indicating their ductile nature. It is believed that the morphological changes of intermetallic precipitates containing Zr, Ti and V enhance the fatigue life of the alloy modified with additions of larger amounts of Ti–V–Zr in the T6 condition.  相似文献   

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