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近年来,窃电行为出现了由原来的个别人窃电逐步变为现在个人窃电与法人窃电相结合,野蛮窃电与智能窃电相配套,少量窃电与巨额窃电相交叉的用户窃电新情况,窃电主体多元化,窃电手段多样化、智能化、专业化,查处窃电的工作难度不断加大。  相似文献   

窃电不仅给国家造成巨大的经济损失,加大其他电力用户的负担,而且危机人身及电力设施的安全。如何进行反窃电工作,长期以来一直是困扰广大用电管理人员的技术难题,为防止窃电,供电企业投入了大量的资金建设了用电信息采集系统。虽然在一定程度上防止了一些窃电行为,但由于窃电所形成"降低成本"的赚钱效应,致使窃电者绞尽脑汁、想法设法窃电,以致窃电之风屡禁不止,而且有愈演愈烈之势。在此,从公司、班组、个人三级管理角度浅谈反窃电管理。  相似文献   

通过对窃电产生的原因和窃电方法的分析,以及结合实际采取有效的防治窃电对策,使供电企业取得了显著的反窃电成果,维护了企业利益和供用电秩序。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,高科技窃电行为日益严重,窃电方式朝着专业化、隐蔽化方向发展。防窃电是供电企业维护正常供电秩序的一项重要举措。本文从电力系统的现状出发,首先对窃电的原理进行了系统的介绍,其次对当前窃电的多种方式进行了综述,并详细阐述了不同窃电方法的基本原理和特点,最后全面分析了如今常用的防窃电对策措施。本文丰富了电力工作者防窃电知识,对新形势下供电企业进行防窃电行动、维护正常供用电秩序具有指导意义。  相似文献   

当前已有的低压台区反窃电诊断方法很难精准确定窃电用户,导致无法完成反窃电工作。为解决上述问题,基于DBN深度学习算法提出新的低压台区反窃电诊断方法。采用大数据挖掘方法检测反窃电诊断大数据信息,并输出检测过程中产生的反窃电特征数据,分析反窃电识别数据,并重组通过逆行反窃电定位而形成的随机分布结构。利用DBN深度学习算法建立低压台区反窃电诊断模型,增加训练系数,以消除误差,通过清洗补正反窃电数据、辨识窃电风险和分析窃电行为三个步骤,实现对窃电量的估算。实验结果表明,基于DBN深度学习算法的低压台区反窃电诊断方法能够精准地确定出窃电用户,从而更好地完成反窃电工作。  相似文献   

本文从用电检查工作面临的窃电问题入手,描述常见的窃电方式,论述几类窃电行为的取证与认定存在的困难,分析了几种反窃电工作存在的问题,最后表述了四种用电检查反窃电对策.  相似文献   

殷瑞晨  汤迪 《移动信息》2023,45(2):214-216
常规的窃电行为检测方法是以窃电标签映射的方式进行检测,不具备窃电标签的窃电行为无法被有效检测,导致检测模型的交叉熵较大,影响了检测精准度。因此,文中设计了基于多特征融合和微信小程序的用户窃电行为检测方法。在微信小程序上设计了一个电量电费异常辅助判断的工具,提取出用户窃电行为特征。并利用多特征融合技术,构建出用户窃电行为检测模型,最大限度地提高了用户窃电行为检测精准度。采用对比实验的方式,验证了该检测方法的交叉熵更趋近于“0”,检测精准度更高,能够应用于实际生活。  相似文献   

社会经济的发展对电力能源的需求量有了大幅度增加,为了给各行各领域提供优质的供电服务,社会生产和生活用电总量持续增加,窃电问题普遍存在。在预防窃电现象方面,防窃电电能表存在着某些缺陷,例如难以准确判断窃电方式,不能及时对窃电行为加以侦察。文章旨在阐明通过充分发挥配电管理系统(DMS)实时性的特征,在DMS中创新防窃电功能,研究配电管理系统的防窃电功能。  相似文献   

本文结合笔者多年的反窃电工作经验,分析了新形势下窃电方式逐渐向专业化、规模化、复杂化转化,进而从宏观角度提出了反窃电工作开展的四点对策,对反窃电工作的开展具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

近年来,国家电网公司通过更新电网设备、提高用电科技化水平等措施,配电网线损率有所下降,但是在一些区域,配电网线损率仍然居高不下,造成了国家电力资源的巨大损失。高科技窃电问题日趋严重,进一步加剧了电网线损居高不下。加之随着新能源发电技术的发展,用户端的多能源发电将直接并入配电网中,对反窃电技术的要求也将越来越高。传统的监测窃电的手段存在查窃电即时性差、窃电后取证困难的问题,并且对分流、强磁铁、遥控器等高科技窃电手段难以有效防护。本文从电力系统的现状出发,通过电能计量原理及窃电原理分析,找出窃电的具体原因,并提出一种有效的反窃电降损方案。  相似文献   

电能是一种容易控制与转换,并且经济、实用、清洁的能源形态,同时也是电力部门向用户提供由发供用三方共同保证质量的一种特殊产品。如今,电能与其他商品一样,走进市场。质量是企业的生命,这就要求电厂不断提高电能质量,以满足客户的需求。同时,发电厂的电能质量对于电力系统的生产效率及电能的上网传输也非常重要。文中从实际出发,在电能质量诸多影响因素的基础上,对提高电能质量的方法展开探讨,提出了发电厂电能质量控制的方法与措施,为提高发电厂的电能质量奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

刘松  袁智强  陈宇晨 《电子测试》2021,(7):83-85,108
随着电力体制改革的推进,电力市场逐步多元化的发展,互联网+智慧城市对社会生活的影响,客户对电力服务的需求不断的丰富,电力营销部门势必寻求一种可以让客户主动参与用电的新型营销模式。针对新型电力营销模式,本文设计了一款基于Android平台的智能用电管理系统。结合Android架构和用电服务内容,采用模块化设计思想对客户端和服务端模块进行设计;并从逻辑、物理结构等方面对数据库进行搭建;利用JDBC实现客户端与服务端的连接。最后通过系统功能测试,基本实现用电缴费,用电查询,用电管理等需求。  相似文献   

鞠保平  许哲雄 《现代电子技术》2012,35(3):167-169,173
针对10kV高压供电、低压计量用户的窃电现象,提出一种算法用以判断窃电行为是否发生。基于此算法设计一种装置,以解决供电部门对特定用户供电的监测。该装置可以准确地记录与分析用户的用电状态,达到对疑似窃电用户进行震慑和监管的目的。  相似文献   

徐英  刘同刚 《电子测试》2016,(21):176-177
用电检查人员的反窃电能力的高低将直接对整个用电检查工作成效带来影响.但是就当前来看,目前部分用电检查人员的反窃电能力较差,所以为了促进用电检查成效的提升,本文提出了关于促进用电检查人员反窃电能力的对策.  相似文献   

文章分析了影响电力市场开发的因素和解决的建议。特别是农村供电市场的开发,其存在几个主要影响因素:电价因素、电网架构不合理、服务理念不强、人才培养滞后。因此,需要从统一销售电价、加快电力网架建设、培养农村市场供电增长点、理顺服务理念等几方面着手。  相似文献   

居民生活用电一直是电力市场中最具潜力的增长点,而对城乡居民生活用电需求的分析也一直是各界人士倍受关注的热点问题之一。本文基于leap模型从家用电器耗电量的角度分析广东省城乡居民未来5年的用电需求。结果发现,2016-2020年城镇空调、电冰箱的使用引起的用电量年均增长率分别为8.21%和8.33%;而农村空调、电冰箱的使用引起的用电量年均增长率分别为11.41%和7.31%。城乡居民用电潜在需求较大。  相似文献   

Harnessing the wind   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Spectrum, IEEE》1995,32(11):78-83
Wind power is now recognized as the one renewable-energy source on the verge of being economically viable. For developing countries, in fact, the technology is already practical for bringing pollution-free electricity to areas off the power grid. The author discusses the economic benefits of wind power and then discusses the basic principle involved in generating electricity from wind. The use of wind power by developing countries is outlined with particular reference to projects in Mexico and Indonesia  相似文献   

After an overview the phases of the development of the electrical power supply, the differences of the power supply structures and the reasons for these are discussed. The liberalization of the electricity market in Europe will offer increased opportunities for decentralised power supply in the future. An installation which is based on PEM fuel cells with an output power of 250 kW for the decentralized provision of electricity and heat from natural gas is introduced. Furthermore, the economic boundary conditions for the coupled generation of electricity and heat are discussed.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EV's) represent an important future load on the electric utility system which, if properly managed, could increase power plant utilization and reduce the average cost of generating electricity. A future EV population of 7.5 million is addressed, together with its characteristics, vehicle use, consequent recharging loads, and the impact of EV's on electric utilities in terms of the generation of electric power, fuel use, and costs. The impact on utilities will depend in part on when the vehicles are recharged. If the price of electricity is uniform throughout the day, recharging is likely to begin when vehicles are parked at home. Most of the recharging would then occur during late afternoon and early evening hours when other demands for electricity are high. In the year 2000, peak electricity demand would increase by 5700 MW, and oil- and gas-fired power plants would generate 39 percent of the recharge power. Marginal generating costs would average 7.6 cents/kWh in 1982 dollars. If electricity were priced by time of day, recharging could shift to late night hours when the other demands for electricity are low. The peak demand would increase by only 400 MW; 27 percent of the power would come from oil and gas, and marginal generating costs would average only 5.1 cents/kWh, some 25 percent less than the marginal cost of the system load without EV's. The fuels to recharge EV's were found to vary from one region of the country to the next. Utilities in the northeast would use the most oil and gas for recharging (more than 75 percent), while those in the central part of the country would use the least.  相似文献   

In recent years in Europe electricity production from intermittent renewable energy sources has increased remarkably. This has led to a demand for additional electricity storages to balance the annual fluctuations of electricity generation especially from wind and photovoltaic power plants. In this contribution we analyze which long-term storage technologies are feasible from a technical, energetic and economic point of view. The following technologies are analyzed: pump storages, compressed air storages, hydrogen from electrolysis and the production of methane from electrolysis and reaction with CO2. The major findings from these investigations are following: pump storage power plants are currently the most favorable long-term storage technology for electricity for energetic and economic reasons. With respect to power-to-gas technologies the efficiencies in the whole conversion chain have further to be improved. From an economic viewpoint it can be stated that there is still potential for technological learning. Compressed air storage power plants could be economically attractive, however, the core problem for Austria is the technical realization because of a lack of proper underground storages, e.g. salt caverns.  相似文献   

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