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Distance transformation (DT) has been widely used for image matching and shape analysis. In this paper, a parallel algorithm for computing distance transformation is presented. First, it is shown that the algorithm has an execution time of 6N−4 cycles, for an N×N image using a parallel architecture that requires ⌈N/2⌉ parallel processors. By doing so, the real time requirement is fulfilled and its execution time is independent of the image contents. In addition, a partition method is developed to process an image when the parallel architecture has a fixed number of processing elements (PEs); say two or more. The total execution time for an N×N image by employing a fixed number of PEs is 2[N2/M+2(M−1)], when M is the fixed number of PEs.  相似文献   

Given n items, a parallel algorithm for generating all the n! permutations is presented. The computational model used is a linear array which consists of n identical processing elements with a simple structure. One permutation is produced at each other time step. The elapsed time to produce a permutation is independent of the integer n. The basic idea used is the iterative method and the exchange of two consecutive components in an existing permutation. The design procedures of this algorithm are considered in detail. The ranking and unranking functions of the required permutations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Optical interconnections attract many engineers and scientists’ attention due to their potential for gigahertz transfer rates and concurrent access to the bus in a pipelined fashion. These unique characteristics of optical interconnections give us the opportunity to reconsider traditional algorithms designed for ideal parallel computing models, such as PRAMs. Since the PRAM model is far from practice, not all algorithms designed on this model can be implemented on a realistic parallel computing system. From this point of view, we study Cole’s pipelined merge sort [Cole R. Parallel merge sort. SIAM J Comput 1988;14:770–85] on the CREW PRAM and extend it in an innovative way to an optical interconnection model, the LARPBS (Linear Array with Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System) model [Pan Y, Li K. Linear array with a reconfigurable pipelined bus system—concepts and applications. J Inform Sci 1998;106;237–58]. Although Cole’s algorithm is optimal, communication details have not been provided due to the fact that it is designed for a PRAM. We close this gap in our sorting algorithm on the LARPBS model and obtain an O(log N)-time optimal sorting algorithm using O(N) processors. This is a substantial improvement over the previous best sorting algorithm on the LARPBS model that runs in O(log N log log N) worst-case time using N processors [Datta A, Soundaralakshmi S, Owens R. Fast sorting algorithms on a linear array with a reconfigurable pipelined bus system. IEEE Trans Parallel Distribut Syst 2002;13(3):212–22]. Our solution allows efficiently assign and reuse processors. We also discover two new properties of Cole’s sorting algorithm that are presented as lemmas in this paper.  相似文献   

The computational complexity of a parallel algorithm depends critically on the model of computation. We describe a simple and elegant rule-based model of computation in which processors apply rules asynchronously to pairs of objects from a global object space. Application of a rule to a pair of objects results in the creation of a new object if the objects satisfy the guard of the rule. The model can be efficiently implemented as a novel MIMD array processor architecture, the Intersecting Broadcast Machine. For this model of computation, we describe an efficient parallel sorting algorithm based on mergesort. The computational complexity of the sorting algorithm isO(nlog2 n), comparable to that for specialized sorting networks and an improvement on theO(n 1.5) complexity of conventional mesh-connected array processors.  相似文献   

It has been observed by many researchers that systolic arrays are very suitable for certain high-speed computations. Using a formal methodology, we present a design for a single simple programmable linear systolic array capable of solving large numbers of problems drawn from a variety of applications. The methodology is applicable to problems solvable by sequential algorithms that can be specified as nested for-loops of arbitrary depth. The algorithms of this form that can be computed on the array presented in this paper include 25 algorithms dealing with signal and image processing, algebraic computations, matrix arithmetic, pattern matching, database operations, sorting, and transitive closure. Assuming bounded I/O, for 18 of those algorithms the time and storage complexities are optimal, and therefore no improvement can be expected by using dedicated special-purpose linear systolic arrays designed for individual algorithms. We also describe another design which, using a sufficient large local memory and allowing data to be preloaded and unloaded, has an optimal processor/time product.An earlier version of this paper was presented at Supercomputing '88.This work was partially supported by ONR under the contract N00014-85-K-0046 and by NSF under Grant Number CCR-8906949.  相似文献   

The length of the longest common subsequence (LCS) between two strings of M and N characters can be computed by an O(M × N) dynamic programming algorithm, that can be executed in O(M + N) steps by a linear systolic array. It has been recently shown that the LCS between run-length-encoded (RLE) strings of m and n runs can be computed by an O(nM + Nm − nm) algorithm that could be executed in O(m + n) steps by a parallel hardware. However, the algorithm cannot be directly mapped on a linear systolic array because of its irregular structure.In this paper, we propose a modified algorithm that exhibits a more regular structure at the cost of a marginal reduction of the efficiency of RLE. We outline the algorithm and we discuss its mapping on a linear systolic array.  相似文献   

In this paper,1 we present efficient algorithms for sorting on the Parallel Disks Model (PDM). Numerous asymptotically optimal algorithms have been proposed in the literature. However, many of these merge based algorithms have large underlying constants in the time bounds, because they suffer from the lack of read parallelism on the PDM. The irregular consumption of the runs during the merge affects the read parallelism and contributes to the increased sorting time. In this paper, we first introduce a novel idea called the dirty sequence accumulation that improves the read parallelism. Next, we show analytically that this idea can reduce the number of parallel I/O’s required to sort the input close to the lower bound of . We verify experimentally our dirty sequence idea with the standard R-Way merge and show that our idea can reduce the number of parallel I/Os to sort on the PDM significantly.  相似文献   

This paper presents a parallel algorithm for computing the inversion of a dense matrix based on modified Jordan's elimination which requires fewer calculation steps than the standard one. The algorithm is proposed for the implementation on the linear array with a small to moderate number of processors which operate in a parallel-pipeline fashion. A communication between neighboring processors is achieved by a common memory module implemented as a FIFO memory module. For the proposed algorithm we define a task scheduling procedure and prove that it is time optimal. In order to compute the speedup and efficiency of the system, two definitions (Amdahl's and Gustafson's) were used. For the proposed architecture, involving two to 16 processors, estimated Gustafson's (Amdahl's) speedups are in the range 1.99 to 13.76 (1.99 to 9.69).  相似文献   

线阵CCD摄像器件TCD142D及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章介绍了线阵CCD器件及其驱动电路的工作原理,给出了TCD142D的各技术参数和性能指标,同时介绍了CCD测量系统的组成和参数设定方法。  相似文献   

For an arbitrary n × n matrix A and an n × 1 column vector b, we present a systolic algorithm to solve the dense linear equations Ax = b. An important consideration is that the pivot row can be changed during the execution of our systolic algorithm. The computational model consists of n linear systolic arrays. For 1 ≤ in, the ith linear array is responsible to eliminate the ith unknown variable xi of x. This algorithm requires 4n time steps to solve the linear system. The elapsed time unit within a time step is independent of the problem size n. Since the structure of a PE is simple and the same type PE executes the identical instructions, it is very suitable for VLSI implementation. The design process and correctness proof are considered in detail. Moreover, this algorithm can detect whether A is singular or not.  相似文献   

We present two fast algorithms for sorting on a linear array with a reconfigurable pipelined bus system (LARPBS), one of the recently proposed parallel architectures based on optical buses. In our first algorithm, we sort N numbers in O(log N log log N) worst-case time using N processors. In our second algorithm, we sort N numbers in O((log log N)2) worst-case time using N1+ε processors, for any fixed ε such that 0 < ε < 1. Our algorithms are based on a novel deterministic sampling scheme for merging two sorted arrays of length N each in O(log log N) time on an LARPBS with N processors. To our knowledge, the previous best sorting algorithm on this architecture has a running time of O((log N)2) using N processors  相似文献   

The hardware, system software and Scientific application examples with relative performances are reported for the ICAP-1, ICAP-2, ICAP-3 and ICAP-3090 experimental systems, with emphases on motivation, strategy and accomplishments. These pioneering efforts are considered in the light of future large-scale computational applications, which will require parallel super computing power and also a new outlook to computational models.  相似文献   

目前的信任链传递模型在解决应用层的信任传递问题上采用串行完整性度量方案,增加了系统的时间开销,影响系统效率。论文提出了一种新的信任链传递模型,该模型利用虚拟化技术提出并行分类完整性度量方法,降低了应用层可信传递过程中的完整性度量时间开销,同时用户也可以根据自己的需求决定是否允许应用程序运行;通过对所提模型的形式化验证,表明新模型满足可信传递需求。  相似文献   

传统的流水线设计是以转移指令为中心的,大量逻辑资源被用于提高处理器转移预测的能力,以保证向流水线发射和执行部件提供充足的指令流。在阵列众核处理器中提出了一种以访存为中心的核心流水线设计。通过提高访存装载指令在流水线中的执行优先级,以及访存装载指令的预测执行机制,可以有效减少顺序流水线因访存延迟所带来的停顿,提高流水线性能和能效比。测试结果表明,以4KB容量的装载指令访存地址表为例,访存为中心的流水线设计可以带来8.6%的流水线性能提升和7%的流水线能效比提高。  相似文献   

针对线阵相机特殊使用场景中所需要的高精度图像,对线阵相机进行高精度标定。提出一种基于光束法平差的双线阵相机标定方法。通过背景差分法获取线阵相机的特征点的像素坐标。再利用已有的直接线性变换方法和非线性优化方法求出相机的内参,外参,畸变参数后,将得到的初始参数与世界坐标作为待优化集合,利用LM法和光束法平差对该集合进行更进一步的优化,使得双线阵系统的重投影误差降到最低。实验表明,该方法与传统的线阵相机标定方法相比重投影误差降低了75.01%。  相似文献   

A simple and efficient algorithm for the bandwidth reduction of sparse symmetric matrices is proposed. It involves column-row permutations and is well-suited to map onto the linear array topology of the SIMD architectures. The efficiency of the algorithm is compared with the other existing algorithms. The interconnectivity and the memory requirement of the linear array are discussed and the complexity of its layout area is derived. The parallel version of the algorithm mapped onto the linear array is then introduced and is explained with the help of an example. The optimality of the parallel algorithm is proved by deriving the time complexities of the algorithm on a single processor and the linear array.  相似文献   

Based on the current fiber optic technology, a new computational model, called a linear array with a reconfigurable pipelined abus system (LARPBS), is proposed in this paper. A parallel quicksort algorithm is implemented on the model, and its time complexity is analyzed. For a set of N numbers, the quicksort algorithm reported in this paper runs in O(log2 N) average time on a linear array with a reconfigurable pipelined bus system of size N. If the number of processors available is reduced to P, where P < N, the algorithm runs in O((N/P) log2 N) average time and is still scalable. Besides proposing a new algorithm on the model, some basic data movement operations involved in the algorithm are discussed. We believe that these operations can be used to design other parallel algorithms on the same model. Future research in this area is also identified in this paper.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of exploring a large state-space for a goal state where although many such states may exist in the state-space, finding any one state satisfying the requirements is sufficient. All the methods known until now for conducting such search in parallel using multiprocessors fail to provide consistent linear speedups over sequential execution. The speedups vary between sublinear to superlinear and from one execution to another. Further, adding more processors may sometimes lead to a slow-down rather than speedup, giving rise to speedup anomalies reported in literature. We present a prioritizing strategy which yields consistent speedups that are close toP withP processors, and that monotonically increase with the additon of processors. This is achieved by keeping the total number of nodes expanded during parallel search very close to that of a sequential search. In addition, the strategy requires substantially smaller memory relative to other methods. The performance of this strategy is demonstrated on a multiprocessor with several state-space search problems.This research has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Contract No. CCR-89-02496.  相似文献   

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