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为满足装饰板发展的需要,我厂1986年用硫酸盐马尾松浆进行了装饰板底层纸的生产,该产品当年通过省级鉴定,并获省优秀新产品称号。一、质量要求装饰板底层纸是一种特殊的浸渍原纸,是装饰的基材,其主要质量要求是:①具有较高的吸水性能,保证底层纸在浸渍过程中的上胶量;②水抽出物的pH值应接近中性,使装饰板生产中的挥发份控制适宜,防止产品发脆;③具有较高的物理强度,满足装饰板生产过程及成品强度的要求;④纤维组织均匀无杂质,避免底层纸之间局部脱离。  相似文献   

汽车过滤用树脂浸渍纸   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
梁钦雄 《天津造纸》2000,22(1):35-42
用于汽车润滑油、空气和燃料油过滤的介质,目前最适宜的是纸张,它已经大部分替代了其它过滤介质,例如:矿物棉、棉织品废料和羊毛毡等。也许未来将是新过滤技术的天地,但目前选用树脂浸渍纸作为过滤介质已经获得确认。  相似文献   

通过采用红外光谱、DSC-TG分析手段对4种聚酰亚胺树脂(PM1~PM4)的结构和热稳定性进行了分析;用聚酰亚胺树脂浸渍对位芳纶原纸,考察聚酰亚胺树脂的上胶量对对位芳伦纸强度性能的影响以及对位芳纶原纸与4种浸渍树脂的相容性。结果表明,PM1树脂的酰胺化程度较高,为带有胺端基芳香族聚酰亚胺,与对位芳纶分子结构相近,因此与对位芳纶原纸的相容性最好;聚酰亚胺树脂的上胶量随着树脂浸渍液质量分数的增大而升高,当PM1树脂浸渍液质量分数25%时,其上胶量达36.68%,对位芳纶纸的抗张指数为52.4 N·m/g,伸长率为0.8%,撕裂指数为43.1 N·m2/g,此时对位芳纶纸的强度性能最为理想。  相似文献   

机油滤纸经树脂浸渍处理后,其结构强度和机械强度都能得到改善,从而使滤纸得到更好的应用,而选择合适的浸渍树脂是提高滤纸性能的重要组成部分。本文首先对机油滤纸原纸的生产、树脂浸渍涂布工艺进行了介绍,其次对机油滤纸用浸渍树脂进行了梳理和总结,最后对浸渍树脂的发展趋势作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

浸渍装饰纸用的表面活性剂   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
历史上人类对表面活性剂的认识首先是通过肥皂,据说大约在公元前100年,罗马人已经开始使用与之类似的东西了。  相似文献   

浸渍树脂中添加纳米碳纤维对碳纸性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
在质子交换膜燃料电池用碳纸制备工艺的浸渍工序用树脂中加入纳米碳纤维,研究它对碳纸强度、透气性及电性能的影响。结果表明,添加纳米碳纤维后,碳纸抗张强度和导电性能提高,而透气度减小;纳米碳纤维的用量以1.5%为最佳。  相似文献   

装饰板底层纸是一种特殊的浸渍、热压原纸,是装饰贴面板的基材用纸。目前大多数生产厂家原料是木浆。本文就用废纸箱生产底层纸作一介绍。1 废纸箱纤维组成 选用5层废香蕉包装纸,其中面层、底层、中层是针叶木浆,经分析测定比例为70%,中间两层瓦楞纸是草浆,比例为30%.2 生产流程 废纸箱→水力碎浆机→沉砂沟→漂洗机→ φ330盘磨(3台串联)→浆池→调浆箱→冲浆 池→除砂器→CX筛→高位箱→纸机→复卷3 主要生产工艺条件 1)洗涤:因为废纸箱中含有胶料,洗涤不净,直接影响底层纸的吸水性能,所以洗涤前要通蒸汽加…  相似文献   

阻燃装饰板底层纸的生产工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄鸿 《中华纸业》2004,25(6):24-26
底层纸是生产阻燃装饰板的基本材料.本文介绍了生产底层纸的纤维原料选择、工艺流程、工艺参数、助剂选用、质量指标控制等.  相似文献   

浸渍纸生产技术与生产中常见质量问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋丹丹  陆平 《人造板通讯》2005,12(12):15-16,21
简要介绍浸渍纸生产技术涉及的工艺、设备和原料,并针对生产中常见的质量问题进行了分析探讨.  相似文献   

本研究提出了一种采用同质同源的芳纶树脂液浸渍协同冷压光制备间位芳纶纸的新工艺,芳纶树脂液中的强极性分子使间位芳纶纤维发生部分润胀和溶解。同时,形成的再生芳纶聚合物可以填充孔隙,且在压力作用下,纤维接触面积显著增加,产生更多氢键结合,纸张结构致密性和物理性能得到进一步提升。结合响应面法,以干燥时间、干燥温度和冷压光压力为自变量,以拉伸强度和击穿强度为响应值,对工艺参数进行优化。结果表明,干燥时间2.1 min、干燥温度79.8℃、冷压光压力17.27 MPa的最优条件下制备的间位芳纶纸,其拉伸强度、杨氏模量和击穿强度分别为36.93 MPa、887.13 MPa和16.42 kV/mm,与热压工艺制得的间位芳纶纸相比,分别提高了119%、127%和4%。  相似文献   

温志清  胡健  窦晓丽  杨进 《中华纸业》2010,31(24):48-53
通过三聚氰胺的改性以及PVA的增韧,研制成一种水溶性改性酚醛树脂,将其应用于汽车工业滤纸的增强。主要探讨了影响树脂及浸渍滤纸性能的一些因素如原纸定量、上胶量、固化工艺以及树脂合成的相关因素如酚醛摩尔比、反应温度和反应时间、改性剂和PVA用量。研究结果表明:采用甲醛/苯酚=3.25的摩尔比投料,通过两步碱催化合成工艺,在50~85℃程序升温下连续反应2~4h,并加入占甲醛用量6.88%的三聚氰胺以及PF树脂绝干量1.5%的PVA改性剂,可制备出综合性能较好的水溶性酚醛树脂。用该改性酚醛树脂浸渍滤纸后固化,纸的物理性能都得到明显的改善。耐破度可达到328kPa、抗张强度达5.15kN/m、伸长率达4.78%、7.5°挺度2.4mN·m,而且树脂贮存时间能达到20d。  相似文献   

装饰原纸的透气度和吸水性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
冯长龄 《上海造纸》2004,35(4):36-39
本文对装饰原纸的透气度和吸液性能作了简要的分析,并对其在生产中的控制作了简述.  相似文献   

从预固化度的定义入手,通过大量实际生产数据分析了影响浸渍纸预固化度的主要因素:胶粘剂、浸渍工艺、浸胶量和挥发份等.指出了预固化度与板材质量的关系以及控制这一指标的措施.  相似文献   

The detection of carbamate pesticides by an enzyme-inhibition method on impregnated (ethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, beta,beta'-oxydipropionitrile) cellulose thin layer plates is described. The enzyme-substrate combination: pig liver esterase-indophenylacetate (chromogenic substrate) was the most sensitive. The following parameters concerning the sensitivity of the method were investigated: enzyme source, substrate, pH, inhibition time, inhibition temperature, thickness of the cellulose layer, stationary phase.  相似文献   

影响浸渍纸甲醛释放量的因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过试验,探究了影响浸渍纸甲醛释放量的因素,着重分析了浸胶量、挥发物含量、三聚氰胺-甲醛树脂和尿素-三聚氰胺-甲醛树脂游离甲醛含量等对浸渍纸甲醛释放量的影响.  相似文献   

综述我国浸渍纸层压木质地板的现状、特点,存在问题及其发展方向。  相似文献   

High quality decorative laminate panels typically consist of two major types of components: the surface layers comprising décor and overlay papers that are impregnated with melamine-based resins, and the core which is made of stacks of kraft papers impregnated with phenolic (PF) resin. The PF-impregnated layers impart superior hydrolytic stability, mechanical strength and fire-resistance to the composite. The manufacturing involves the complex interplay between resin, paper and impregnation/drying processes. Changes in the input variables cause significant alterations in the process characteristics and adaptations of the used materials and specific process conditions may, in turn, be required. This review summarizes the main variables influencing both processability and technological properties of phenolic resin impregnated papers and laminates produced therefrom. It is aimed at presenting the main influences from the involved components (resin and paper), how these may be controlled during the respective process steps (resin preparation and paper production), how they influence the impregnation and lamination conditions, how they affect specific aspects of paper and laminate performance, and how they interact with each other (synergies).  相似文献   

王晓琴  李黎 《木材加工机械》2010,21(3):29-34,14
选择了四个树种的实木复合地板的表板,使用脲醛树脂及其水溶液对其进行浸渍处理后,测量分析了表板尺寸稳定性的四个指标,结果表明表板的增重率、增容率、阻湿率和抗涨率都有明显提高。而不同树种表板变化趋势不同。  相似文献   

Impregnated papers are widely used as decorative, protective and balance sheets in decorative laminates for the furniture, flooring and building industries. One important property of such composites is their warping behaviour. Especially for laminate flooring, warping of the lamellae is undesirable. In the present study the influence of important process parameters in the manufacturing of impregnated papers is quantitatively analyzed based on an industrial experiment carried out at an Austrian impregnation plant. Catalyst concentration, moisture content, resin loading and base paper supplier were varied according to an experimental design. The thermal properties of the impregnated papers and the warping behaviour of the corresponding boards were evaluated using response surface methodology. The resulting models allowed quantifying the relative importance of single factors on composite warp and defining the useful working range. Determination of the thermal properties of impregnated papers using DSC and TMA was not sufficient to predict laminate warp.  相似文献   

Papers impregnated with melamine formaldehyde based resins are widely used in decorative surface finishing of engineered wood based panels for indoor and outdoor applications. For cost-effective production of high-quality impregnated papers it is of great importance to understand the complex interplay between manufacturing conditions and technological property profile. In the present study, three raw papers from different suppliers were impregnated with melamine formaldehyde resin in an industrial scale experiment to study the influence of some important manufacturing variables on the processability of impregnated papers. As numerical factors the resin loading, the final moisture content and the amount of curing catalyst were systematically varied according to a statistical central composite design. The model papers were analyzed for their rheological and thermal properties using the dynamic mechanical method developed by Golombek. As target values flow time, cure time, curing rate and flexibility were used to calculate quantitative models for the processability of the impregnated papers using response surface methodology. It is shown that the relevant rheological and thermal paper parameters are significantly influenced by the supplier of the raw paper as well as the manufacturing variables.  相似文献   

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