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Verifying the accuracy and rigor of data exchanged within and between businesses for the purposes of traceability rests on the existence of effective and efficient interoperable information systems that meet users’ needs. Interoperability, particularly given the complexities intrinsic to the seafood industry, requires that the systems used by businesses operating along the supply chain share a common technology architecture that is robust, resilient, and evolves as industry needs change. Technology architectures are developed through engaging industry stakeholders in understanding why an architecture is required, the benefits provided to the industry and individual businesses and supply chains, and how the architecture will translate into practical results. This article begins by reiterating the benefits that the global seafood industry can capture by implementing interoperable chain‐length traceability and the reason for basing the architecture on a peer‐to‐peer networked database concept versus more traditional centralized or linear approaches. A summary of capabilities that already exist within the seafood industry that the proposed architecture uses is discussed; and a strategy for implementing the architecture is presented. The 6‐step strategy is presented in the form of a critical path.  相似文献   

Interoperability is a critical component of full‐chain digital traceability, but is almost nonexistent in the seafood industry. Using both quantitative and qualitative methodology, this study explores the barriers impeding progress toward large‐scale interoperability among digital traceability systems in the seafood sector from the perspectives of seafood companies, technology vendors, and supply chains as a whole. We highlight lessons from recent research and field work focused on implementing traceability across full supply chains and make some recommendations for next steps in terms of overcoming challenges and scaling current efforts.  相似文献   

The Interoperable Seafood Traceability Technology Architecture Issues Brief reflects the growing need to establish a global, secure, interoperable support system for seafood traceability. Establishing effective traceability systems relies on the development of a cohesive and consistent approach to the delivery of information technology capabilities and functions. The ability of business to utilize traceability for commercial gain is heavily influenced by the supply chain in which they operate. The Issues Brief describes factors associated with enterprise‐level traceability systems that will impact the design of technology architecture suited to enabling whole chain interoperable traceability. The Brief details why a technology architecture is required, what it means for industry in terms of benefits and opportunities, and how the architecture will translate into practical results. The current situation of many heterogeneous proprietary systems prevents global interoperable traceability from occurring. Utilizing primary research and lessons learned from other industries, the Brief details how the present situation can be addressed. This will enable computerized information systems to communicate syntactically by sharing standardized packages of data. The subsequent stage, semantic interoperability, is achieved by establishing a common language (ontology). The report concludes with a series of recommendations that industry can act upon to design a technology architecture suited to enabling effective global interoperable traceability.  相似文献   

In the last decade, a range of drivers within the seafood sector have incentivized the application of traceability to issues beyond food safety and inventory management. Some of the issues motivating the expanded use of traceability within the global seafood sector include: increased media attention on the legal and social risks within some seafood supply chains, governmental traceability requirements, private‐sector sustainability commitments, and others. This article begins with an overview of these topics in the seafood industry, and why many nongovernment organizations (NGOs), companies, and government actors have turned to traceability as a tool to address them. We discuss how traceability connects to key requirements of environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Later, we review the range of traceability services, tools, software solutions, and the due diligence measures that are currently being leveraged within the seafood sector. The paper concludes with a discussion of several NGO‐ and industry‐led traceability initiatives that are examples of seafood traceability improvements.  相似文献   

我国是一个渔业生产大国,长期以来,由于水产加工业发展迟缓,已经影响到渔业,特别是养殖渔业的生产与销售。主要原因在于,水产加工业过多依赖日本、台湾的设备与技术,以及产品设计脱离了我国传统的消费习惯与饮食习惯。作结合我国传统的消费习惯,提出了水产加工新的发展思路以及产品设计与营销理念。  相似文献   

Challenges in the Traceability of Seafood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increasing global trade of foods and animal feeds have to be channelled in right directions to guarantee product safety, transparency and the protection of consumer health. According to this fact the European Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 lays down the common principle for implementing traceability systems in product supply chains. However, seafood is a highly perishable food item which is increasingly global traded so that a lot of particular conditions and difficulties more have to be taken into account compared to other food products. This review discusses the relevant regulations for traceability in seafood and gives a survey about the most important analysis techniques for characterizing seafood. Received: September 17, 2007  相似文献   

The traceability practices and systems of 48 separate seafood businesses were assessed as part of an evaluation of 9 global seafood value chains (from catch to point of sale to the consumer). The purpose was to gain insights and provide knowledge about the impact of traceability on improving seafood industry business performance, including reducing waste, and enhancing consumer trust. In addition, the project developed and delivered a tool that can be used by stakeholders that are seeking to better understand the return on investment of implementation of traceability practices and solutions. Using structured and semistructured interviews of over 80 individuals, the research revealed that traceability is more highly valued by businesses, regardless of their size, if they engage more often in highly collaborative activities with their suppliers and customers. A survey in 5 nations about consumer perceptions with regards to seafood and the key factors influencing their purchasing decisions delivered insights into the discrete choices that consumers make when buying seafood products. The consumer survey data were incorporated into a “Discrete Choice Simulator” that others can use to compare and contrast the preferences of consumers in these countries and better understand what factors regarding traceability impact on their buying decisions. The research concluded with several recommendations for businesses, governments, and nongovernment organizations.  相似文献   

本文介绍了饲料可追溯管理的概念及发展概况,并对当前我国饲料行业推行可追溯管理过程中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了对策。  相似文献   

食品供应链可追溯体系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立食品及其供应链活动准确、及时的可追溯体系已经成为食品行业健康发展的一个主要因素。文中主要讨论了食品供应链及其可追溯体系的概念、可追溯系统的分类及特征、用于可追溯体系建立的技术及其发展等内容。同时指出了有关食品可追溯体系后续有待研究的一些问题。  相似文献   

Distributed ledgers are becoming commonly used technologies to trace agrifood supply chains in view of their safety, immutability, transparency, and scalability. In the present review, we discuss the most relevant case studies of agrifood supply chain traceability using blockchain (BC) and other distributed ledgers technologies. Considering that each supply chain actually has specific requests of traceability, we here suggest a logical scheme in order to favor the identification of the BC structure that is more appropriate for each agrifood supply chain, including the identification of supply chains where complex BC technologies are actually not necessary.  相似文献   

Food allergy is a serious disease worldwide; it can significantly lower the standard of living of affected individuals and may be life-threatening. In particular, hypersensitivity to seafood has been increasing in recent years owing to rising consumption. The mucosal immune system plays a critical role in the onset of seafood allergy and other allergic diseases. Recently, experimental and clinical evidence has shown that probiotics significantly modulate immune responses and thus suppress allergic reactions. Therefore, in this review, we summarized the basic knowledge of seafood allergy, the mucosal immune system, and probiotic activities. We also reviewed the critical immune factors involved in allergic reactions, as well as the potential mechanism and the potential use of probiotics to ameliorate seafood allergy. The elucidation of these topics may help us to develop preventive and therapeutic approaches for seafood allergy and other immune disorders in the future.  相似文献   

浙江沿海海产品中汞形态分析测定与分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立水产品中汞形态分析的盐酸溶液提取、高效液相色谱-原子荧光光谱联用仪测定方法,从提取剂盐酸溶液浓度、络合剂选择、泵速和气体流速方面进行条件优化,方法学评价结果表明该方法准确度高、精密性好;采自浙江沿海的160 个实际样品测定数据证明大部分水产品肌肉中都有甲基汞检出,甲基汞是水产品肌肉中存在的主要形态,其质量分数占总汞质量分数的65.0%~95.2%,食物链级别较高的食肉鱼类甲基汞含量高于普通鱼类;海产品中鱼皮和内脏的总汞含量值高于其鳃和肌肉部位的总汞含量值,且在内脏、鳃和鱼皮中主要是以无机汞形态存在。  相似文献   

食品冷藏链关键技术设备的发展与应用前景   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
阐述了食品冷藏链及其实现条件和基本要求,分析了中国的食品冷藏链及行业现状,指出国内冷冻食品加工行业即将进入高速发展期,并带动制冷技术在行业内的广泛应用。据此,着重分析了食品冷藏链的主要环节、制冷技术与速冻设备,提出了制冷系统的节能措施。  相似文献   

随着消费者对食品质量安全的要求不断提高,快速响应、高效控制、安全保障成为现代食品安全领域的重要课题。由于现有技术存在优质原始信息少、信息不对称、可靠性差等问题,以及缺乏准确高效的食品安全事件预测和溯源技术,安全管控的效果难以满足社会需求。本文通过区块链技术,建立去中心化、低成本高效率、信息可靠的执行环境,构建从农田到餐桌的大米全产业链质量全息数据库,采用具基于危害因子的食品风险评估与安全溯源技术,设计多角色、多环节和多要素的智能管理系统,以实现食品质量安全的高效管控。  相似文献   

李航  董瑞 《食品与机械》2021,37(5):134-138
以后疫情时代为背景,对中国冷链物流市场发展现状以及食品冷链物流信息追溯体系痛点进行了分析,发现和总结出目前中国食品冷链物流追溯体系存在的问题。并基于区块链技术对食品冷链物流追溯体系进行构建研究,从参与方设置、体系框架设计和运作过程优化3个维度构建了基于区块链技术的食品冷链物流追溯体系,并从政府、企业和消费者3个方面阐述了新构建的追溯体系的具体实现路径。  相似文献   

通过对美、日、英、意大利等国的纺织服装业分析,结合国情,阐述了中国服装业应抓住加入“WTO”后的机遇,借鉴国外产业发展的经验和教训,正努力使我国由世界服装生产大国变为世界服装强国。  相似文献   

稻米作为世界主要粮食作物之一,当今稻米质量安全形势不容乐观,因此开发稻米可追溯体系已成为国内外研究热点。从产地判别关键技术(指纹技术、稳定同位素技术、多元素分析技术、近红外光谱技术)与可追溯体系关键技术(信息识别技术、信息编码技术、信息传输技术)两方面归纳总结了稻米可追溯关键技术的研究现状。在此基础上分析了稻米可追溯体系发展趋势,同时新技术也将继续应用于可追溯体系。  相似文献   

The rise in milk adulteration and contamination, fraud incidents and improper handling necessitates effective traceability systems in the Indian dairy industry. Thus, this review investigates current trends, associated challenges, traceability and its fundamental applications to address food safety and quality issues. The paper covers the evolution of milk adulteration and contamination detection techniques from conventional to emerging. Such information and analytical technologies can improve transparency and safety in the dairy industry by implementing effective traceability systems. This review will explore the challenges and future opportunities associated with the current situation in the Indian dairy industry.  相似文献   

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