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随着实时多媒体业务向移动Ad hoc网络的引入,如何为移动Ad hoc网络提供服务质量保证成为当前研究的热点。本文介绍了为移动Adhoc网络提供QoS路由的三种实现机制:MAC层的TDMA资源管理,普通的QoS测量、CDMA的不同传输之间的冲突避免。  相似文献   

节点可以自由自主地进入网络拓扑并且无须基础网络设施的特性,使得移动Ad Hoc网络应用广泛,同时也使得它在提供一定的服务质量(QoS)时面临许多新的挑战,本文通过Ad Hoc网络QoS的体系结构设计和支持QoS的路由算法设计两个方面来考虑,对近年来国内外在这方面的研究成果作了全面的概括总结和比较分析。  相似文献   

何宇  车东 《中国新通信》2009,11(5):13-16
由于Adhoc网络的特殊性,传统的路由协议不能直接应用到Adhoc网络中。因此有必要对Adhoc网络QoS路由协议发展现状进行探究。本文介绍了Adhoc网络QoS路由的概况和它存在的主要问题,以及应对的策略,这有助于进一步改进和完善Adhoc网络的QoS路由技术。  相似文献   

Ad hoc网络与传统的有线网络和无线局域网不同,具有其独特的特点,传统的路由选择不适合Ad hoc网络。为了适应Ad hoc网络的特殊性,研究人员结合服务质量提出了基于Ad hoc网络的多种QoS路由。本文介绍了不同的QoS路由算法以及QoS路由算法的优化。  相似文献   

刘伟  张剑 《移动通信》2006,30(10):89-91
文章介绍了商用网络QoS保障机制,结合Ad hoc网络的特点,从数据层面、控制层面和管理层面给出了Ad hoc网络的QoS保障机制设计框架,并初步分析了相关QoS保障机制的实现方法。  相似文献   

一种Ad hoc网络中的主动式QoS路由设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着移动技术的发展,QoS已经成为Adhoc网络中的研究热点。在最短路径算法的基础上,对在TDMA机制下的自组织网络主动式QoS路由进行改进,将带宽和误码率作为约束条件,把实际自组织网络中各个节点占用时隙的先后而影响传输时延作为路由判决的主要依据,较好地避开了干扰和拥塞,从而获得了较高的系统吞吐量,并进行了模拟仿真,验证了协议的有效性。  相似文献   

由于Ad hoc网络自身的特殊性,传统的路由协议不能直接用于这种多跳无线网络。迄今为止业界已经设计了多种可行的Ad hoc路由算法,但是对Ad hoc网络中的QoS路由算法的研究才刚刚开始,并且面临着巨大的挑战。本文首先阐述了QoS路由的概念和目标,然后详细讨论了Ad hoc网络中实施QoS路由的难点和可能采用的策略,接着介绍了当前相关的研究工作,最后指出了今后可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

QoS保证体系在Ad hoc网络中扮演着重要的角色.在引入Ad hoc网络中QoS保证体系的基本组件和面临的新挑战之后,对其中的QoS路由协议进行了讨论,按照先应式、反应式、基于群集、利用地理位置信息、组播、多径等类别,对近几年来的各种研究成果进行了阐述和分析,并对未来的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

利用遗传算法具有较强的全局搜索能力和模拟退火算法具有较强的局部搜索能力的特征,提出了一种融合模拟退火策略的遗传算法来解决Ad Hoc网络中QoS路由问题.首先,利用遗传算法快速搜索到近优解,然后,使用模拟退火算法的搜索策略进行细致寻优.较好地克服两种算法各自的缺点,发挥它们的优势.实验结果表明:与单独使用遗传算法或模拟退火算法相比可获得更好的网络性能.  相似文献   

带宽受限和拓扑改变频繁使得移动Ad hoc网的QoS(服务质量)保障十分困难.文中全面论述了支持移动Ad hoc网用户QoS性能的关键技术,重点研究了QoS服务模型、QoS信令、QoS路由技术、QoS MAC(媒体访问控制子层)协议等方面的问题,同时指出了与这些问题相关的未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of self-organized mobile nodes that are capable of communicating with each other without the aid of any established infrastructure or centralized administration. Routing algorithm has been a challenge task in the wireless ad hoc network for a long time due to the dynamic nature of network topology. A recent trend in ad hoc network routing is the reactive on-demand philosophy where routes are established only when required. The on-demand routing protocol for ad hoc network is appealing because of its low routing overhead and its effectiveness when the frequency of route re-establishment and the demand of route queries are not high. However, considering the increasing demand of Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements in many applications, the current on-demand routing protocols used for ad-hoc network should be adapted appropriately to effectively meet the stringent QoS requirements of specific multimedia traffic. We thus propose a routing protocol which tries its best to satisfy QoS requirements of specific multimedia traffic in the volatile environments of a MANET. The results of a series of simulations exhibit the practicability and feasibility of our approaches. This research was partially supported by National Science Council under grant NSC 93-2213-E-026-001  相似文献   

彭强 《中国新通信》2008,10(19):21-25
拓扑控制的实现途径是调节网络中每个节点的传输功率,而其所优化的网络指标有所差别,通常是减少节点的功率消耗以延长网络的生存时间。现有的拓扑控制算法关注在保证连通性的情况下优化网络的功率使用,较少考虑业务QoS指标对网络连接性要求。一种基于业务需求的拓扑控制算法被提出,在拓扑控制算法中引入业务QoS指标,如时延、带宽等。通过理论分析和计算机仿真结果表明,该算法对有QoS要求的业务有较好的支持。  相似文献   


Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Wimax) is power station through which mobile network, commonly known as A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is used by the people. A MANET can be described as an infrastructure-less and self-configure network with autonomous nodes. Participated nodes in MANETs move through the network constantly causing frequent topology changes. Designing suitable routing protocols to handle the dynamic topology changes in MANETs can enhance the performance of the network. In this regard, this paper proposes four algorithms for the routing problem in MANETs. First, we propose a new method called Classical Logic-based Routing Algorithm for the routing problem in MANETs. Second is a routing algorithm named Fuzzy Logic-based Routing Algorithm (FLRA). Third, a Reinforcement Learning-based Routing Algorithm is proposed to construct optimal paths in MANETs. Finally, a fuzzy logic-based method is accompanied with reinforcement learning to mitigate existing problems in FLRA. This algorithm is called Reinforcement Learning and Fuzzy Logic-based (RLFLRA) Routing Algorithm. Our proposed approaches can be deployed in dynamic environments and take four important fuzzy variables such as available bandwidth, residual energy, mobility speed, and hop-count into consideration. Simulation results depict that learning process has a great impact on network performance and RLFLRA outperforms other proposed algorithms in terms of throughput, route discovery time, packet delivery ratio, network access delay, and hop-count.


移动Ad Hoc网络中的QoS路由研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动自组网是一种无基础设施的无线多跳新型网络。如何在移动自组网中提供不同的QoS保证是其面临的一个重要问题,而QoS路由则是其中的核心技术和热点问题。目前研究人员已经提出了几种QoS路由协议.但都是通过在具体的路由协议中增加QoS参数约束路由来保证QoS,仍存在一些问题,需要进一步研究和改进。  相似文献   

移动自组织网QoS路由协议研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Qo S路由协议在移动自组织网的 Qo S保证中有十分重要的作用。本文首先从自组网特点出发 ,分析 Qo S路由设计的基本要求 ,然后从路由建立、链路状态信息的维护、路由控制开销和拓扑变化对协议的影响等方面详细介绍了 4种自组网 Qo S路由协议 ,最后提出了今后的研究方向  相似文献   

UWB技术的出现,为移动自组网络的应用研究带来了机遇和挑战。UWB信号的测距能力使路由协议的设计更加灵活。本文针对UWB技术的特点进行了阐述,总结了现有的UWB路由协议研究,并提出了该领域面临的问题和亟待解决的关键技术。  相似文献   

To provide high quality communications service among mobile wireless devices is basically a challenging task in wireless ad hoc networks. In this paper, we propose a Route Stability based QoS Routing (RSQR) protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) which is an extension of QoS routing with throughput and delay constraints. Ensuring a data path to be valid for sufficiently longer period of time is a very difficult problem in MANET due to its highly dynamic nature. We propose a simple model for computing link stability and route stability based on received signal strengths. By including some extra fields in route request/reply packets, the route stability information can be utilized to select a route with higher stability among all the feasible routes between a given source destination pair. Further, inclusion of a signal strength based admission control enhances the performance of the routing. Results of our experiments show performance improvements in terms of packet delivery ratio, control overhead and average end-to-end delay in comparison with a QoS routing protocol proposed by Q. Xue and A. Ganz.  相似文献   

房超  杨杨  何永洪 《通信技术》2007,40(12):217-219
移动Ad Hoc网络是一种无线多跳自治系统网络,如何提供QoS保障是它面临的重要问题,其中QoS路由是一个关键技术。文章首先介绍了AdHoc网络的特点,并且介绍了其QoS保障技术。接着对当前AdHoc网络主要的路由协议进行了详细的分析与研究,并从几个方面进行了比较和分析。最后指出了Ad Hoc网络QoS路由协议中需要解决的问题和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

支持多速率传输的动态Ad hoc路由协议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
该文提出了一种支持动态多速率传输的无线Ad hoc网络路由方案,它能够增加网络的吞吐量和减少分组的传输时延。该方案把路由功能分为两个部分:广域路由功能和本地路由功能。本地路由功能是一个独立的子层,负责在广域路由功能选择的中继节点之间适当地增加新转发节点,使最终路由中的每段链路都能使用高速率进行传输,从而减小数据发送过程中总的信道占用时间。该文设计了一种LDSR协议来执行本地路由功能。仿真结果显示了新的路由方案能够有效地利用网络节点的多速率传输能力,获得更好的网络性能。  相似文献   

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