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裂缝性低渗透油藏开发方案研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
裂缝性低渗透油藏在我国石油工业中占有十分重要的地位,如何实现这类油藏的经济、高效开发是石油部门的重要课题.根据裂缝性低渗透的渗流特征和裂缝分布特点,建立了裂缝性低渗透油藏渗流等效连续介质模型,编制了相应的裂缝性低渗透油藏数值模拟软件.利用该软件对两井油田让11区块进行了模拟,分析了不同注采方式、不同井距下的各方案的驱油效果和经济评价指标,优选出适合于该模拟区块的开发方案.计算结果表明,矩形井网最适合低渗透油藏,且井距取250 m时各项经济指标最优.可为裂缝性低渗透油藏开发方案的优化提供参考. 相似文献
Wojciech D
browski 《Water research》1984,18(6)
From the equations analogous to the Herzig-Leclerc-Le Goff equations an inequality is derived. This inequality can be used for calculating the concentration of deposit around an injection well. The full balance equation for solid particles and the kinetic equation in the general form are taken into consideration. The maximum relative error of the method is calculated. The deep radial filtration through the uniform and non-uniform porous media is considered. 相似文献
Krzysztof Tajduś 《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》2009,46(8):1296-1305
The primary objective of the following paper is to determine the value of strata elastic parameters in a selected Polish mining area using a new method based on finite element analysis, GSI geotechnical classification and “back analysis”. The individual rock layer strain parameters were estimated by means of comparing the measured subsidence trough with the result of numerical analysis carried out for the same geological and mining conditions. As a result of such an analysis, the values of the elastic modulus of the anisotropic model of strata were obtained in the region of underground mining influence. 相似文献
为明确低渗透非常规油气储层定向射孔转向压裂改造过程中裂缝扩展轨迹及其偏转距离的变化规律,综合考虑水平地应力差、射孔参数、注液参数、地层力学参数等因素对水力裂缝偏转扩展的影响,建立基于微元法的定向射孔转向压裂裂缝动态扩展模型(MEM模型)。该模型通过VisualBasic语言编制的迭代运算程序完成缝尖微小步长增量与偏转角之间的循环迭代计算,实现对转向裂缝动态扩展过程的模拟。通过比较MEM模型计算的裂缝扩展轨迹与现场压裂微地震监测结果、XFEM模型计算结果及室内压裂试验结果之间的差异,验证MEM模型的准确性。以临兴区块石盒子组致密砂岩储层为例,研究各因素对裂缝扩展轨迹及其偏转距离的影响规律与机制。研究结果表明:不同因素下裂缝扩展轨迹的变化趋势基本一致,裂缝从射孔端起裂后逐渐向水平最大地应力方向偏转,偏转幅度先增大后减小;裂缝偏转距离随水平地应力差的增加呈负对数规律减小,随射孔方位角、注液速率及压裂液黏度的增加呈线性规律增大;射孔长度对裂缝偏转距离几乎没有影响。该模型和结论对进一步认识定向射孔转向压裂过程具有重要意义。 相似文献
Water conductivity characteristics of geotextiles are mostly given as a permeability coefficient or as a permittivity value. This is only valid in case of laminar flow. Theories and models, developed to describe flow through porous media and geotextiles in order to delineate the laminar flow zone for which Darcy's law can be applied, are treated and discussed. These models are not suitable to delimit the laminar flow zone because some parameters are difficult to define. Measurements of discharges for a range of hydraulic losses allow the flow regime to be determined. In most cases there is no laminar flow and the calculated permeability values are not exact. Therefore, the water conductivity characteristic of geotextiles is better expressed asa discharge for a given hydraulic loss. 相似文献
A simple manifold flow injection analysis (FIA) for determining phosphorus in the presence of arsenate in water, by the on-line reduction of As(V) to As(III) using sodium sulfite. The FIA method is applicable for the determination of phosphorus in water samples containing less than 0.37 μg·mL?1 of AsO4 3?. A solution obtained by mixing 6.30 g of Na2 SO3 (1 M), 5.0 ml H2SO4 18 M completed up to 50 ml with deionized distilled water was used to reduce on line As(V) to As(III), using a reactor of 0.30 m. The limit of detection is 0.05584 ± 0.00167 μg·mL?1 P-PO4 3? and sampling frequency is 45 samples per hour. It is a simple and low cost methodology, easily applicable in the determination of phosphorus in samples of water contaminated with arsenate. 相似文献