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N. Gordon 《Electrochimica acta》2005,50(27):5313-5321
Texturing of as-cut p-type boron doped (1 1 1) oriented silicon has been carried out by negative potential dissolution (NPD) in KOH solutions in the dark. The use of KOH in concentrations of 16-32 wt.% results in massive silicon texturing with a formation of coined triangles pits morphology. This morphology can be formed within a short etching time of less than a minute. At higher KOH concentrations (50 wt.% KOH) and under similar conditions as-cut silicon surface is being polished. NPD current-time profile has a distinguished “U” shape. Detailed mechanism accounting for NPD texturing is provided explaining this characteristic. NPD process allows a rapid etching of as-cut (1 1 1) p-type silicon by a factor of 100, compared with etching rate at OCP. NPD allows the texturing of silicon within a very short period of time once the potentials are more negative than −10 V. As the potential is further negatively shifted, silicon etch-rate increases, as well. NPD also provides a marked distinguish between two processes: texturing and polishing; a transformation between texturing and polishing is feasible once.  相似文献   

稀土在陶瓷材料中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了稀土元素的原子结构和化学特性,较详细地论述了稀土元素SiC、Si3N4、Al2O3、AlN、ZrO2、Y2O3等结构陶瓷以及功能陶瓷和陶瓷色釉料中的应用。  相似文献   

The present work describes the methods for detecting and classifying calcite in archeological ceramics, the forms of calcite and their interpretation in archeometric terms. Calcite appears in form of coarse granules and fine particles, and its origin can be primary or secondary. Coarse granules can be polycrystalline or mono-crystals of calcite. Fragments of shells, fossils or microfossils are also found. Primary calcite is the initial calcite preserved in low-fired pottery. Secondary calcite, formed after the ceramic firing, may be reformed (re-carbonated) calcite, precipitated calcite or calcite from alteration. The firing can cause the formation of a ‘reaction rim’ around coarse granules of calcite, while strong decomposition of coarse calcite causes the formation of ‘calcite ghosts’. The identification of the forms of calcite gives information on raw materials, the firing temperature and the manufacturing technology of the pottery.  相似文献   

目前,有许多学者对现代陶艺与家具空间对比、陶瓷饰品发展空间、陶艺介入空间等进行研究,对艺术瓷空间对比的研究甚少。艺术瓷创作可因陶瓷材料的变化而变化,如可塑性大小的变化,颜色的差异,土质颗粒的大小与质感的粗细不同,产生的不同效果。除此之外艺术瓷创作的空间效果,不仅具有附属于形体的表面形态,其空间分割本身也具有独特的装饰意味。  相似文献   

尹虹 《陶瓷》2005,(12):16-20
中国建筑陶瓷经过近20年的迅速发展,2004年总产量约达30亿m2,成为名符其实的世界建筑陶瓷生产超级大国(自1993年起已达到世界建陶产量第一)。而国内建筑陶瓷业产区格局主要是“三东一西”(即广东、山东、华东与夹江西部瓷都),这其中广东瓷区是以佛山瓷区为中心,佛山陶瓷具有悠久的历史,是当前全国乃至世界上产量最大,品种最齐全,产业配套最完备,会展与出口业最发达的瓷区;  相似文献   

美国防腐蚀工程师协会(NACE)主办的2008年防腐蚀技术研讨会和展览(CORROSION 2008)于3月16-20日在美国路易斯安那州新奥尔良市召开。这一活动结合了技术研讨会和产品展示的形式,是国际防腐蚀行业每年一次的盛会。今年的技术研讨活动共有近50场次、数百个现场主题报告和论文交流,而同期举办的展览则吸引了近5000名专业代表和350多家展商。  相似文献   

全国建筑卫生陶瓷标准化技术委员会于2008年10月24日-27日在贵阳市组织召开了2008年第2次标准审议会,参加会议的代表有标委会委员、主管部门领导、特邀专家及标准起草员等108人.  相似文献   

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