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The W-doped Nb4AlC3 ceramics [(Nb1-xWx)4AlC3, x?=?0–0.0375] were successfully fabricated by in-situ reactive hot-press-aided method using elemental niobium, aluminum, graphite and tungsten powders. The XRD results suggest that the matrix phase (Nb1-xWx)4AlC3 and the second phase (Nb1-xWx)C were simultaneously formed when W was added. The SEM images show that (Nb1-xWx)C is dispersed in the W-doped Nb4AlC3 ceramics matrix. The mechanical properties of Nb4AlC3 were greatly enhanced by W doping. Typically, the (Nb0.975W0.025)4AlC3 exhibits the highest flexural strength (483?±?21?MPa), fracture toughness (8.5?±?0.3?MPa?m1/2) and Young′s modulus (382?±?18?GPa) at room temperature (RT), which are increased by 59%, 15% and 30%, respectively, compared with the present Nb4AlC3. The Vickers hardness of (Nb0.9625W0.0375)4AlC3 (4.8?±?0.2?GPa) is 92% higher than that of Nb4AlC3. The (Nb0.975W0.025)4AlC3 also retains a high flexural strength of 344?±?4?MPa at 1400?°C (71% of RT value), which is much higher than the RT flexural strength (303?±?22?MPa) of the present Nb4AlC3. The strengthening effect is attributed to the solid solution of W and the incorporation of the second phase (Nb1-xWx)C. The excellent mechanical properties endow the W-doped Nb4AlC3 ceramics as promising high-temperature structural materials.  相似文献   

The presented work compared the etching behavior between combustion synthesized Ti3AlC2 (SHS-Ti3AlC2) and pressureless synthesized Ti3AlC2 (PLS-Ti3AlC2). Because the former had a more compact structure, it was harder to be etched than PLS-Ti3AlC2 under the same conditions. When served as anode material for Li-ion batteries, SHS-Ti3C2 showed much lower capacity than PLS-Ti3C2 at 1?C (52.7 and 87.4?mAh?g?1, respectively) due to the smaller d-spacing. Furthermore, Potentiostatic Intermittent Titration Technique (PITT) was used to determine the Li-ion chemical diffusion coefficient (DLi+) of Ti3C2 in the range of 10?10 ??10?9 cm2 s?1, indicating that Ti3C2 could exhibit an excellent diffusion mobility for Li-ion.  相似文献   

Silicon nitride ceramics have been produced by microwave sintering at 28 GHz with Y2O3, Al2O3 and MgO as sintering additives. The effect of initial β content of the Si3N4 starting powder on the microstructural development has been assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and quantitative image analysis. Phase transformation behaviour was assessed by X-ray diffraction. Mechanical properties of the sintered bodies were determined through assessment of hardness and fracture toughness. It was found that the samples sintered from powders with lower initial β content developed larger grains than those from higher β content powders, due to fewer nucleation sites during the →β transformation. However, attempts to develop a more bimodal microstructure by using a mixture of the two grades of powder, in an effort to increase both fracture toughness and fracture strength, were unsuccessful. In this case the microstructure was similar to that developed in the materials produced from higher β content powders. The mechanical properties of the sintered bodies were very similar, despite differences in microstructure. This was attributed to the strong bonding between the grains and grain boundary phase resulting in crack paths in all the materials that were predominantly transgranular, with little debonding or crack deflection. Under these circumstances the effect of larger grains is eliminated.  相似文献   

Porous Ti3AlC2 ceramics were fabricated by reactive synthesis. The process of fabrication involved five steps: (i) the pyrolysis of stearic acid at 450 °C; (ii) the decomposition of TiH2 at 700 °C, which leads to the conversion of TiH2 to Ti; (iii) the solid–liquid chemical reaction of solid Ti and molten Al at 800–1000 °C, which converts the mixture to Ti–Al compounds; (iv) the newly synthesized Ti–Al compounds that react with surplus Ti and graphite to form ternary carbides and TiC at 1100–1200 °C; and (v) reactive synthesized ternary carbides and TiC that yield porous Ti3AlC2 at 1300 °C.  相似文献   

The ultra-low cement bonded Al2O3-SiC-C castables were prepared with the introduction of a novel Si2BC3N antioxidant. The microstructure evolution and the mechanical properties were evaluated in coke bed and air atmosphere. Besides, the thermal properties, including thermal shock, hot modulus of rupture, oxidation and refractories under load, were comparatively investigated. The results show that the Si2BC3N powder together with B4C and Si can satisfy the oxidation resistance requirements over a full temperature range. Si2BC3N has mainly two effects depending on the treating temperature: 1) it protects the carbon from oxidation and increases the structure integrity when the specimens are treated below 1100?°C; 2) it stimulates the growth of SiC whiskers under 1400?°C due to the enhanced reaction between SiO and CO. Consequently, the CMOR and CCS of the Si2BC3N containing specimens have been improved attributing to the structural integrity and more SiC whiskers formation, regardless of the treating atmosphere. Besides, the thermal properties such as the hot modulus of rupture, thermal shock and refractories under load are also optimized with Si2BC3N addition.  相似文献   

A study of Ti3AlC2 materials prepared with Self Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS) method followed by uniaxial hot pressing (HP) is presented. Three groups of materials have been synthesized from different substrates using pure element and/or intermetallic powders. The SHS prepared powders and dense HP materials were characterized with x-ray diffraction and were found to contain more than 80% of the Ti3AlC2 MAX phase with anisotropic distribution of the crystallographic directions of its crystallites with respect to the HP pressure axis. This is accompanied with different mean size of the crystallites. The measured temperature dependencies of the electrical resistivity are consistent with those reported in the literature but show a higher R(300?K)/R(4?K) ratio of 3.5. They also exhibit slightly different values of thermal coefficient and residual resistivity between the materials studied. The magnetoresistance at 4?K and 300?K, investigated up to 35?kOe applied field, revealed a quadratic field dependence. The corresponding values of the electronic carrier density are found to be of 30% larger at 4?K than at 300?K and different between the materials studied. The results are discussed with respect to the Local Density of States calculations and compared with the resistivity and magnetoresistance data for others materials, like copper, and aluminum.  相似文献   

A suspension stabilizer-coating technique was employed to prepare x mol% Yb2O3 (x = 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0) and 1.0 mol% Y2O3 co-doped ZrO2 powder. A systematic study was conducted on the sintering behaviour, phase assemblage, microstructural development and mechanical properties of Yb2O3 and Y2O3 co-doped zirconia ceramics. Fully dense ZrO2 ceramics were obtained by means of pressureless sintering in air for 1 h at 1450 °C. The phase composition of the ceramics could be controlled by tuning the Yb2O3 content and the sintering parameters. Polycrystalline tetragonal ZrO2 (TZP) and fully stabilised cubic ZrO2 (FSZ) were achieved in the 1.0 mol% Y2O3 stabilised ceramic, co-doped with 1.0 mol% Yb2O3 and 4.0 mol% Yb2O3, respectively. The amount of stabilizer needed to form cubic ZrO2 phase in the Yb2O3 and Y2O3 co-doped ZrO2 ceramics was lower than that of single phase Y2O3-doped materials. The indentation fracture toughness could be tailored up to 8.5 MPa m1/2 in combination with a hardness of 12 GPa by sintering a 1.0 mol% Yb2O3 and 1.0 mol% Y2O3 ceramic at 1450 °C for 1 h.  相似文献   

This study aims to fabricate Li2Mg3TiO6 ceramics with ultrafine grains using a novel cold sintering process combined with a post-annealing treatment at a temperature <?950?°C. In this study, phase composition, sintering behavior, microstructure evolution, and microwave dielectric properties of the resultant nanocrystalline ceramics were investigated for the first time. The as-compacted green pellets at 180?°C yielded a high relative density of ~ 90% and the ceramics that were post-sintered over a broad temperature range (800–950?°C) possessed highly dense microstructure with a relative density of ~ 96%. The average grain size varied from 100 to 1200?nm for the samples sintered at 800–950?°C. Furthermore, the quality (Q × f) values of the obtained specimens exhibited a strong positive dependency on the grain size, which increased from 17,790 to 47,960?GHz for grain sizes ranging between 100 and 1200?nm, while the dielectric permittivity (εr) and temperature coefficient of the resonant frequency (τf) values did not undergo any significant changes over this range of grain size.  相似文献   

ZrB2 ceramics containing 10-30 vol% SiC were pressurelessly sintered to near full density (relative density >97%). The effects of carbon content, SiC volume fraction and SiC starting particle size on the mechanical properties were evaluated. Microstructure analysis indicated that higher levels of carbon additions (10 wt% based on SiC content) resulted in excess carbon at the grain boundaries, which decreased flexure strength. Elastic modulus, hardness, flexure strength and fracture toughness values all increased with increasing SiC content for compositions with 5 wt% carbon. Reducing the size of the starting SiC particles decreased the ZrB2 grain size and changed the morphology of the final SiC grains from equiaxed to whisker-like, also affecting the flexure strength. The ceramics prepared from middle starting powder with an equiaxed SiC grain morphology had the highest flexure strength (600 MPa) compared with ceramics prepared from finer or coarser SiC powders.  相似文献   

The effect of Al2O3 on mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2/Al2O3 composite fabricated by SPS was studied systematically. The results show that the hardness of the Ti3SiC2/Al2O3 composite can reach 10.28 GPa, 50% higher than that of pure Ti3SiC2. However, slight decrease in the other mechanical properties was observed with Al2O3 addition higher than 5–10 vol.%, which is believed to be due to the agglomeration of Al2O3 in the composite.  相似文献   

Pb(Co1/3Nb2/3)O3 (PCN) ceramics have been produced by sintering PCN powders synthesized from lead oxide (PbO) and cobalt niobate (CoNb2O6) with an effective method developed for minimizing the level of PbO loss during sintering. Attention has been focused on relationships between sintering conditions, phase formation, density, microstructural development, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of the sintered ceramics. From X-ray diffraction analysis, the optimum sintering temperature for the high purity PCN phase was found at approximately 1050 and 1100 °C. The densities of sintered PCN ceramics increased with increasing sintering temperature. However, it is also observed that at very high temperature the density began to decrease. PCN ceramic sintered at 1050 °C has small grain size with variation in grain shape. There is insignificant change of dielectric properties with sintering temperature. The PE hysteresis loops observed at −70 °C are of slim-loop type with small remanent polarization values, which confirmed relaxor ferroelectric behavior of PCN ceramics.  相似文献   

Al alloy/Ti3SiC2 composites with compressive strengths ranging from 743 to 932 MPa have been successfully fabricated by a new two-step pressureless infiltration method. 6061 Al alloy ribbons prepared by melt spinning were employed as the Al alloy matrix for melt infiltration. Shifts in phase constitution and reaction mechanisms of Ti3SiC2 preforms in molten Al at 950 °C were investigated, and the compression performance of Al alloy/Ti3SiC2 composites was tested. The Vickers hardness of the composites was enhanced to a maximum of 751 HV by increasing the Al content.  相似文献   

MgO-doped BaTiO3 (BaTiO3/MgO) ceramics were prepared by a solid-state sintering method. The effects of MgO doping on the dielectric properties of BaTiO3/MgO were investigated in terms of its microstructural development. The BaTiO3/MgO was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and x-ray powder diffraction. Results show that grain growth of the BaTiO3/MgO during sintering was inhibited by adding MgO at least 0.5 mol%. It resulted in a high resistance of the BaTiO3/MgO sintered at high temperature. The BaTiO3/MgO possessed a broad temperature stability and met Electronic Industries Association (EIA) ×7R specification. The improved dielectric properties of the BaTiO3/MgO are attributed to the decreased tetragonality of BaTiO3 lattice due to Mg2+ substitute for Ti4+.  相似文献   

In-situ synthesis of dense near-single phase Ti3SiC2 ceramics from 3Ti/SiC/C/0.15Al starting powder using spark plasma sintering (SPS) at 1250 °C is reported. Systematic analysis of the phase development over a range of sintering temperatures (1050–1450 °C) suggested that solid state reactions between intermediate TiC and Ti5Si3 phases lead to the formations of Ti3SiC2. The effect of starting powder composition on phase development after SPS at 1150 °C was also investigated using three distinct compositions (3Ti/SiC/C, 2Ti/SiC/TiC, and Ti/Si/2TiC). The results indicate that the starting powder compositions, with higher amounts of intermediate phase such as TiC, favor the formation of Ti3SiC2 at relatively lower sintering temperature. Detailed analysis of wear behavior indicated that samples with higher percentage of TiC, present either as an intermediate phase or a product of Ti3SiC2 decomposition, exhibited higher microhardness and better wear resistance compared to near single phase Ti3SiC2.  相似文献   

yPb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-(1 − x − y)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (yPIN-(1 − x − y)PMN-xPT) polycrystalline ceramics with morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) compositions were synthesized using columbite precursor method. X-ray diffraction results indicated that the MPB of PIN-PMN-PT was located around PT = 0.33-0.36, confirmed by their respective dielectric, piezoelectric and electromechanical properties. The optimum properties were found for the MPB composition 0.36PIN-0.30PMN-0.34PT, with dielectric permittivity ?r of 2970, piezoelectric coefficient d33 of 450 pC/N, planar electromechanical coupling kp of 49%, remanent polarization Pr of 31.6 μC/cm2 and TC of 245 °C. According to the results of dielectric and pyroelectric measurements, the Curie temperature TC and rhombohedral to tetragonal phase transition temperature TR-T were obtained, and the “flat” MPB for PIN-PMN-PT was achieved, indicating that the strongly curved MPB in PMN-PT system was improved by adding PIN component, offering the possibility to grow single crystals with high electromechanical properties and expanded temperature usage range (limited by TR-T).  相似文献   

Dense Si2BC3N ceramics were prepared through SPS sintering the amorphous Si2BC3N and Al4SiC4 powders obtained from mechanical alloying. The phase compositions, microstructures, and mechanical properties, as well as the thermal shock resistance were investigated. In addition, evaluations of oxidation and the ablation resistance were also preceded. The results show that Al4SiC4 phase can be detected at 1200 and 1400?°C under pressureless sintering. However, Al4SiC4 can be decomposed to AlN and SiC phases under higher temperatures. As for the bulk Si2BC3N ceramics, the Al4SiC4 additive induce the development of turbostratic BN(C) plates and improve the relative density consequently. Besides, the Al4SiC4 plates are embedded in the matrix of ceramics. Therefore, the mechanical properties and thermal shock resistance are improved apparently with the addition of additive. Meanwhile, the additive containing composites have superior ablation resistance than the pristine Si2BC3N ceramics due to their higher relative density.  相似文献   

Steatite, as ceramic with composition predominantly resting on magnesium silicate, was produced from economic resources – talc, aluminosilicate clays, and either BaCO3 or feldspar as flux. Titanium dioxide was a doping agent. Four steatite mixtures were mechanically activated in a planetary ball mill for 30, 45 or 60?min, prior to the thermal treatment. Two-step sintering with initial phase set at 1350?°C and holding period conducted at 1250?°C was applied to initiate diffusion and prevent grain growth. Thereby, a high density ceramic material with low-porous submicron structure was acquired. The effects of TiO2 addition on densification, microstructure, and dielectric characteristics of steatites were monitored. The thermal stability of green mixtures was tested by differential thermal and thermogravimetric analyses. Changes in crystallinity and mineral phase composition were observed by the X-ray diffraction technique. Microstructural visualization with spatial arrangements of individual chemical elements on surface of the sintered ceramics was acquired by scanning electron microscopy accompanied with EDS mapping. In order to test the possibility of employment of the obtained steatites in insulation materials, electrical measurements were conducted by recording variations of the dielectric constant and loss tangent as a function of alternations in the mix-design and the mechanical activation period.  相似文献   

Multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/alumina (Al2O3) nanocomposites containing CNT from 0.15 vol.% to 2.4 vol.% have been successfully fabricated by simple wet mixing of as-received commercial precursors followed by pressureless sintering. Extent of densification of nanocomposites sintered at low temperature (e.g. 1500 °C) was <90%, but increased up to ∼99% when sintered at 1700 °C and offered superior performance compared to pure Al2O3. Nanocomposites containing 0.3 vol.% MWCNT and sintered at 1700 °C for 2 h in Argon led to ∼23% and ∼34% improvement in hardness and fracture toughness, respectively, than monolithic Al2O3. In addition, the highest improvement (∼20%) in bending strength was obtained for 0.15 vol.% MWCNT/Al2O3 nanocomposite compared to pure Al2O3. Weibull analysis indicated reliability of nanocomposites increased up to 0.3 vol.% MWCNT, whereas, beyond that loading consistency was the same as obtained for pure Al2O3. Detailed microstructure and fractographic analysis were performed to assess structure-property relationship of present nanocomposites.  相似文献   

Yttria-stabilized zirconia (Y-TZP) samples with different Fe concentrations were prepared aiming to study the effects of Fe2O3 doping on colour and mechanical properties. Since colour is an important optical property for jewellery and watchmaking, the investigation of colour in zirconia ceramics has a great scientific and technological interest. An investigation of the mechanical and optical properties, specifically the colour, was developed starting from commercial partially yttria-stabilized zirconia (Y-TZP) powders produced by Emulsion Detonation Synthesis (EDS). Within the strategies to get colours, the use of colouring oxides such as iron oxide (Fe2O3) was the chosen approach. The addition of specific ions into the ZrO2 matrix can be used to tune zirconia colour without compromising its outstanding mechanical properties. Doping with iron oxide has proved to be a suitable, reproducible and irreversible colouring mechanism, allowing the development of a chromatically beige stable material with respect to its use in different processing conditions such as different atmospheres and temperature ranges. XRD results suggested that iron ions dissolved into tetragonal zirconia phase are at interstitial positions since the unit-cell volume of the tetragonal zirconia increases with increasing iron content. The effect of dopant addition on the mechanical properties of Y-TZP ceramics was also assessed. Compared to the undoped samples, doped ones exhibit a similar Vickers hardness (>1200?MPa) and biaxial flexural strength (>1000?MPa). However, it was observed that Fe2O3 doping slightly decreased the fracture toughness of Y-TZP ceramics.  相似文献   

Cement-based ceramic pellets were prepared and their properties were studied for electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding applications. The shielding materials were made of Portland cement with the addition of different concentrations of manganese oxide (MnO2) up to 10 wt%. The pellets were sintered at 850 °C for 5 h and then polished prior to characterizations of density, porosity, microstructures, dielectric properties, and EMI shielding effectiveness (SE). Results show that the MnO2-cement pellets have good dielectric properties, i.e. high dielectric constant (∼300) and low dielectric loss (<0.3). The dielectric constant increased with increasing MnO2 content in the cement matrix. The SE values of the MnO2-cements fluctuated between 2 dB and 9 dB in the frequency range of 8-13 GHz. The sample with 10 wt% MnO2 additive had SE values of up to 9 dB. Most of the samples with high additive concentrations produced SE exceeding 7 dB.  相似文献   

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