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Accountability is an extremely important issue in computer and network systems. One of the goals of accountability is the capability to trace an event (e.g., the leaking of secure information or an outside attack), even after the event occurred so that the causes can be determined. This article first provides a survey of accountability with a general overview of the topic, using electronic patient records and various computer and network attacks as a model. Then, it describes and analyzes practical framework applications of accountability systems. An insurable network architecture, called A-NET is proposed. Then, an algorithm to achieve true accountable administration is proposed, namely, that an administrator's activities must be accountable. Finally, accountability for wireless LANs, ad hoc networks, and wireless mesh networks are studied.  相似文献   

Secure routing in mobile wireless ad hoc networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We discuss several well known contemporary protocols aimed at securing routing in mobile wireless ad hoc networks. We analyze each of these protocols against requirements of ad hoc routing and in some cases identify fallibilities and make recommendations to overcome these problems so as to improve the overall efficacy of these protocols in securing ad hoc routing, without adding any significant computational or communication overhead.  相似文献   

Topology and mobility considerations in mobile ad hoc networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Brent  Raouf   《Ad hoc Networks》2005,3(6):762-776
A highly dynamic topology is a distinguishing feature and challenge of a mobile ad hoc network. Links between nodes are created and broken, as the nodes move within the network. This node mobility affects not only the source and/or destination, as in a conventional wireless network, but also intermediate nodes, due to the network’s multihop nature. The resulting routes can be extremely volatile, making successful ad hoc routing dependent on efficiently reacting to these topology changes.

In order to better understand this environment, a number of characteristics have been studied concerning the links and routes that make up an ad hoc network. Several network parameters are examined, including number of nodes, network dimensions, and radio transmission range, as well as mobility parameters for maximum speed and wait times. In addition to suggesting guidelines for the evaluation of ad hoc networks, the results reveal several properties that should be considered in the design and optimization of MANET protocols.  相似文献   

A mobility measure for mobile ad hoc networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A mobility measure for mobile ad hoc networks is proposed that is flexible because one can customize the definition of mobility using a remoteness function. The proposed measure is consistent because it has a linear relationship to the rate at which links are established or broken for a wide range of mobility scenarios, where a scenario consists of the choice of mobility model, the physical dimensions of the network, the number of nodes. This consistency is the strength of the proposed mobility measure because the mobility measure reliably represents the link change rate regardless of network scenarios.  相似文献   

应用Palm积分分析随机点模型、随机方向模型和随机游走模型的平稳速度分布,证明速度衰减问题源于各个移动周期内速度和持续时间的相关性.应用Palm积分和几何概率分析随机点模型和随机方向模型的平稳节点分布,证明这2种模型具有非均匀节点分布特征.应用中心极限定理证明无边界区域随机游走模型的轨迹端点成正态分布.结果表明时间型随机游走模型是最合理的个体移动模型.  相似文献   

Self-regulating network utilization in mobile ad hoc wireless networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In mobile ad hoc wireless LANs, it is very difficult to maintain a targeted network utilization due to the time-varying nature of the contention-based medium access control protocol and the lack of a central control. Furthermore, previous research has been mainly focusing on the aspect of optimizing the performance at each station. But doing so may result in a very low overall network utilization. Therefore, self-regulating network utilization is very important to provide quality-of-service (QoS) in mobile ad hoc wireless networks. Through self-disciplining its own behaviors locally, each station will optimize its protocol parameters to meet the targeted overall network utilization, which is very important for QoS provisioning to multimedia services. This paper proposes and evaluates a fully distributed scheme for each station to self-regulate its behaviors through adapting the local protocol parameters to meet the targeted overall network utilization with the changes in the network environment such as the number of stations and channel quality.  相似文献   

Flows transported across mobile ad hoc wireless networks suffer from route breakups caused by nodal mobility. In a network that aims to support critical interactive real-time data transactions, to provide for the uninterrupted execution of a transaction, or for the rapid transport of a high value file, it is essential to identify robust routes across which such transactions are transported. Noting that route failures can induce long re-routing delays that may be highly interruptive for many applications and message/stream transactions, it is beneficial to configure the routing scheme to send a flow across a route whose lifetime is longer, with sufficiently high probability, than the estimated duration of the activity that it is selected to carry. We evaluate the ability of a mobile ad hoc wireless network to distribute flows across robust routes by introducing the robust throughput measure as a performance metric. The utility gained by the delivery of flow messages is based on the level of interruption experienced by the underlying transaction. As a special case, for certain applications only transactions that are completed without being prematurely interrupted may convey data to their intended users that is of acceptable utility. We describe the mathematical calculation of a network’s robust throughput measure, as well as its robust throughput capacity. We introduce the robust flow admission and routing algorithm (RFAR) to provide for the timely and robust transport of flow transactions across mobile ad hoc wireless network systems.  相似文献   

Mobile ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks have promised a wide variety of applications. However, they are often deployed in potentially adverse or even hostile environments. Therefore, they cannot be readily deployed without first addressing security challenges. Intrusion detection systems provide a necessary layer of in-depth protection for wired networks. However, relatively little research has been performed about intrusion detection in the areas of mobile ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks. In this article, first we briefly introduce mobile ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks and their security concerns. Then, we focus on their intrusion detection capabilities. Specifically, we present the challenge of constructing intrusion detection systems for mobile ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks, survey the existing intrusion detection techniques, and indicate important future research directions.  相似文献   

A particularly severe attack on routing protocols in ad hoc networks is the so-called worm- hole attack in which two or more colluding attackers record packets at one location, and tunnel them to another location for replay at that remote location. When this attack targets specifically routing control packets, the nodes that are close to the attackers are shielded from any alternative routes with more than one or two hops to the remote location. All routes are thus directed to the wormhole established by the attackers. In the optimized link state routing protocol, if a wormhole attack is launched during the propagation of link state packets, the wrong link information percolates throughout the network, leading to routing disruption. In this article we devise an efficient method to detect and avoid wormhole attacks in the OLSR protocOLSR protocolol. This method first attempts to pinpoint links that may potentially be part of a wormhole tunnel. Then a proper wormhole detection mechanism is applied to suspicious links by means of an exchange of encrypted probing packets between the two supposed neighbors (endpoints of the wormhole). The proposed solution exhibits several advantages, among which are its nonreliance on any time synchronization or location information, and its high detection rate under various scenarios.  相似文献   

Random waypoint (RWP) mobility model is widely used in ad hoc network simulation. The model suffers from speed decay as the simulation progresses and may not reach the steady state in terms of instantaneous average node speed. Furthermore, the convergence of the average speed to its steady state value is delayed. This usually leads to inaccurate results in protocol validation of mobile ad hoc networks modeling. Moreover, the probability distributions of speed vary over the simulation time, such that the node speed distribution at the initial state is different from the corresponding distribution at the end of the simulation. In order to overcome these problems, this paper proposes a modified RWP mobility model with a more precise distribution of the nodes' speed. In the modified model, the speeds of nodes are sampled from gamma distribution. The results obtained from both analysis and simulation experiments of the average speed and the density of nodes' speed indicate that the proposed gamma random waypoint mobility model outperforms the existing RWP mobility models. It is shown that a significant performance improvement in achieving higher steady state speed values that closely model the pre‐assumed average speeds are possible with the proposed model. Additionally, the model allows faster convergence to the steady state, and probability distribution of speed is steady over the simulation time. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of the main challenges in building intrusion detection systems (IDSs) for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is to integrate mobility impacts and to adjust the behaviour of IDSs correspondingly. In this paper, we first introduce two different approaches, a Markov chain‐based approach and a Hotelling's T2 test based approach, to construct local IDSs for MANETs. We then demonstrate that nodes' moving speed, a commonly used parameter in tuning IDS performances, is not an effective metric to tune IDS performances under different mobility models. To solve this problem, we further propose an adaptive scheme, in which suitable normal profiles and corresponding proper thresholds can be selected adaptively by each local IDS through periodically measuring its local link change rate, a proposed unified performance metric. We study the proposed adaptive mechanism at different mobility levels, using different mobility models such as random waypoint model, random drunken model, and obstacle mobility model. Simulation results show that our proposed adaptive scheme is less dependent on the underlying mobility models and can further reduce false positive ratio. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

移动分布式无线网络中具有QoS保证的UPMA协议   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
该文基于有效竞争预约接入、无冲突轮询传输的思想提出了支持节点移动性、多跳网络结构和服务质量(QoS)的依据用户妥善安排的多址接入(UPMA)协议。它大大提高了信道的使用效率,保证了发送节点能快速接入信道,同时,最大程度地保证所有实时业务的时延和带宽要求。最后,我们考察了它对Internet数据业务的支持性能。  相似文献   

目前多数移动自组织路由协议选择路径都是基于跳数最短的单径路由.从能量角度看,多数路由协议并没有充分利用网络资源.文章提出一种多径节能路由(Muhipath Saving Dynamic Source Routing,MSDR)协议.实验结果表明,该协议不仅提高了网络可靠性,而且还有效地延长了节点的工作时间和网络的整体寿命.  相似文献   

Efficient on-demand routing for mobile ad hoc wireless access networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we consider a mobile ad hoc wireless access network in which mobile nodes can access the Internet via one or more stationary gateway nodes. Mobile nodes outside the transmission range of the gateway can continue to communicate with the gateway via their neighboring nodes over multihop paths. On-demand routing schemes are appealing because of their low routing overhead in bandwidth restricted mobile ad hoc networks, however, their routing control overhead increases exponentially with node density in a given geographic area. To control the overhead of on-demand routing without sacrificing performance, we present a novel extension of the ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol, called LB-AODV, which incorporates the concept of load-balancing (LB). Simulation results show that as traffic increases, our proposed LB-AODV routing protocol has a significantly higher packet delivery fraction, a lower end-to-end delay and a reduced routing overhead when compared with both AODV and gossip-based routing protocols.  相似文献   

Flooding-based route discovery is widely assumed in existing routing protocols of wireless ad hoc networks. Network-wide flooding enables the discovery of optimal routes from sources to destinations; however, as all network nodes are required to participate in the relays of route request packets, substantial control overhead is inevitable. Some efficient broadcast schemes can suppress redundant packet relays, but they often suppress the discovery of optimal routes, too. In this article we propose to dynamically create a prerouting region between each source-destination pair and limit the propagations of route request packets only within this region. The prerouting region effectively restricts route discovery activities to the nodes that most likely constitute the optimal or near-optimal routes. Consequently, not only is route construction overhead significantly reduced; route optimality is also guaranteed. The article presents a region-based routing (REGR) protocol covering both new route formation cases and route update cases. Simulations show that our protocol is particularly beneficial to dense and large-scale mobile ad hoc networks.  相似文献   

Wireless mobile ad hoc networks consist of mobile nodes interconnected by wireless multi‐hop communication paths. Unlike conventional wireless networks, ad hoc networks have no fixed network infrastructure or administrative support. The topology of such networks changes dynamically as mobile nodes join or depart the network or radio links between nodes become unusable. Supporting appropriate quality of service for mobile ad hoc networks is a complex and difficult issue because of the dynamic nature of the network topology and generally imprecise network state information, and has become an intensely active area of research in the last few years. This paper
  • 1 This article, except for some minor changes, is essentially the same as one that appears in 103 . The latter is a revised and updated version of 51
  • presents the basic concepts of quality of service support in ad hoc networks for unicast communication, reviews the major areas of current research and results, and addresses some new issues. The principal focus is on routing and security issues associated with quality of service support. The paper concludes with some observations on the open areas for further investigation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Mobile ad hoc networks are collections of mobile nodes that can dynamically form temporary networks without the need for pre-existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. These nodes can be arbitrarily located and can move freely at any given time. Hence, the network topology can change rapidly and unpredictably. Because wireless link capacities are usually limited, congestion is possible in MANETs. Hence, balancing the load in a MANET is important since nodes with high loads will deplete their batteries quickly, thereby increasing the probability of disconnecting or partitioning the network. This article discusses the various load metrics and summarizes the principles behind several existing load balanced ad hoc routing protocols. Finally, a qualitative comparison of the various load metrics and load balanced routing protocols is presented.  相似文献   

    We consider a mobile ad hoc sensor network. The mobility of the sensor nodes is designed with the cost of communication and mobility in mind along with consideration of the possible scanning tasks of the nodes. Our mobility algorithm is developed in the context of a distributed system where, for any single mobile node, only local information about associated energy costs is known. We use a distributed simulated annealing framework to govern the motion of the nodes and prove that, in a limiting sense, a global objective function comprising mobility and communication energy costs are minimized. This paper concludes with a simulation study focusing on mobile sensors with dual roles of scanning and relaying higher priority tracking traffic from tracking nodes.  相似文献   

    Position‐based reactive routing is a scalable solution for routing in mobile ad hoc networks. The route discovery algorithm in position‐based routing can be efficiently implemented only if the source knows the current address of the destination. In this paper, a quorum‐based location management scheme is proposed. Location servers are selected using the minimum dominating set (MDS) approach, and are further organized into quorums for location update and location query. When a mobile node moves, it updates its location servers in the update quorum; when a node requests the location information of another node, it will send a query message to the location servers in the query quorum. We propose to use the position‐based quorum system, which is easy to construct and guarantees that the update quorums always intersect with the query quorums so that at least one location server in the query quorum is aware of the most recent location of the mobile node. Clusters are introduced for large scale ad hoc networks for scalability. Experiment results show that the proposed scheme provides good scalability when network size increases. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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