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OBJECTIVE: Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN), retained in the microvascular bed, can contribute to postischemic myocardial reperfusion injury. Since a beneficial effect of ACE-inhibition on reperfusion injury has been reported, we investigated the impact of cilazaprilat on PMN dependent reperfusion injury in isolated guinea pig hearts. METHODS: Hearts (n = 5 per group) were subjected to 15 min of ischemia. Immediately thereafter, a bolus of PMN was injected into the coronary system. External heart work (EHW) and total cardiac nitric oxide release were measured. For microscopic evaluation, hearts received rhodamine 6G labelled PMN after ischemia, were arrested 5 min later and further perfused with FITC dextran (0.1%). Localization of retained PMN was assessed by fluorescence microscopy. Leukocyte activation was studied by FACS analysis of the adhesion molecule CD11b before and after coronary passage of the PMN. The ACE-inhibitor cilazaprilat (Cila, 2 microM) and the NO-synthase inhibitor nitro-L-arginine (NOLAG, 10 microM) were used to modulate nitric oxide formation of the heart. RESULTS: Postischemic EHW recovered to 67 +/- 5% (controls) and 64 +/- 6% (Cila) of the preischemic value. Addition of PMN severely depressed recovery of EHW (39 +/- 2%) and NO release (39 +/- 6% of the preischemic value). Simultaneously, ischemia led to a substantial increase in postcapillary PMN adhesion (from 21 +/- 5 to 172 +/- 27 PMN/mm2 surface) and CD11b-expression of the recovered PMN (3-fold). Cila attenuated postischemic PMN adhesion (83 +/- 52 PMN/mm2) and activation of PMN, whereas it improved recovery of work performance (64 +/- 4%) and NO release (65 +/- 4%) in the presence of PMN. Conversely, NOLAG increased PMN adhesion (284 +/- 40 PMN/mm2) and myocardial injury. We conclude that ACE-inhibition prevents leukocyte dependent reperfusion injury mainly by inhibition of postcapillary leukocyte adhesion. The effect may be mediated by NO, given the proadhesive effect of NOLAG.  相似文献   

Effects of prolonged sevoflurane, isoflurane and halothane anaesthesia in oxygen on clinical, cardiopulmonary, haematologic, and serum biochemical findings were compared in healthy, premedicated cats breathing spontaneously during 6 h of anaesthesia using rebreathing (semi-closed circuit) or non-rebreathing (Bain coaxial circuit) system. Recovery from anaesthesia with sevoflurane was more rapid than that with halothane or isoflurane in both systems. Respiration and heart rates during sevoflurane anaesthesia were similar to those during isoflurane rather than halothane anaesthesia in both systems. The degree of respiratory acidosis during prolonged sevoflurane anaesthesia was similar to that during isoflurane anaesthesia, and was less than that during halothane anaesthesia in both rebreathing and non-rebreathing systems. Prolonged sevoflurane anaesthesia induced mean arterial pressure similar to isoflurane or halothane anaesthesia in the non-rebreathing system, but it depressed mean arterial pressure less than isoflurane or halothane anaesthesia in the rebreathing system. Time related increase in the arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure was observed during halothane anaesthesia especially in the rebreathing system, however, no significant time-related changes in cardiopulmonary variables were observed during either sevoflurane or isoflurane anaesthesia in both systems. There were no significant differences among sevoflurane, isoflurane and halothane anaesthesia in serum biochemical values in both systems.  相似文献   

An increase in synaptosomal Ca2+ triggers neurotransmitter release and volatile anesthetics have been shown to inhibit neurotransmitter release by inhibition of Ca2+ entry. We have examined the effect of isoflurane and halothane on the kinetics of increase and decrease of Ca2+ in rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes ([Ca2+]in). We have also used specific Ca2+ antagonists to examine the role of L-, N-, and P-type Ca2+ channels. Synaptosomal [Ca2+]in was measured spectrofluorometrically using fura-2 as a Ca2+ reporter; Ca2+ transients were initiated by depolarization with 40 mM KCl. We found that < or = 1 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration halothane and isoflurane decreased peak [Ca2+]in by approximately 40%, that both anesthetics decreased the rate of [Ca2+]in increase and decrease, that specific voltage-dependent calcium channel antagonists had little effect on peak or plateau [Ca2+]in, and that the volatile anesthetics increased the permeability of synaptosomal membranes to Ca2+. These results suggest that the volatile anesthetics, at clinically relevant concentrations, can alter Ca2+ homeostasis in the synapse. IMPLICATIONS: Clinically relevant concentrations of halothane and isoflurane markedly depress K+-evoked increases in rat cerebrocortical synaptosomal calcium (Ca2+) unrelated to L-, N-, and P-type voltage-dependent calcium channels and increase the Ca2+ permeability of the synaptosomal membrane. These changes in Ca2+ dynamics could have profound effects on Ca2+ signaling in the synapse.  相似文献   

The potency and time course of action of rocuronium were studied in patients anesthetized with 66% nitrous oxide in oxygen and 1.5 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration of sevoflurane or isoflurane, or a propofol infusion. Potency was estimated by using the single-bolus technique. Neuromuscular block was measured by stimulation of the ulnar nerve and by recording the force of contraction of the adductor pollicis muscle. The mean (95% confidence limits) of the 50% and 95% effective doses were estimated tobe 142 (129-157) and 265 (233-301) microg/ kg, 165 (146-187) and 324 (265-396) microg/kg, and 183 (163-207) and 398 (316-502) microg/kg during sevoflurane, isoflurane, and propofol anesthesia, respectively (P < 0.05 for sevoflurane versus propofol). The mean +/- SD times to onset of maximal block after rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg were 0.96 +/- 0.16, 0.90 +/- 0.16, and 1.02 +/- 0.15 min during sevoflurane, isoflurane, and propofol anesthesia, respectively. The respective times to recovery of the first response in the train-of-four (TOF) stimulation (T1) to 25% and 90% were 45 +/- 13.1 and 83 +/- 29.3 min, 35 +/- 6.1 and 56 +/- 15.9 min, and 35 +/- 9.2 and 55 +/- 19.4 min. The times to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.8 were 103 +/- 30.7, 69 +/- 20.4, and 62 +/- 21.1 min, and the 25%-75% recovery indices were 26 +/- 11.7, 12 +/- 5.0, and 14 +/- 6.9 min, respectively. There were no differences among groups in the times for onset of action or to recovery of T1 to 25%. However, the times for recovery of T1 to 90%, TOF ratio to 0.8, and recovery index in the sevoflurane group were all significantly longer compared with the other two groups (P < 0.05, < 0.01, and < 0.01, respectively). We conclude that the effects of rocuronium, especially duration of action, are significantly enhanced during sevoflurane compared with isoflurane and propofol anesthesia. IMPLICATIONS: In routine clinical use, the effects of rocuronium are enhanced by sevoflurane, in comparison with isoflurane and propofol anesthesia, and the recovery is slower. Particular attention should be paid to monitoring of neuromuscular block during sevoflurane anesthesia.  相似文献   

Exposure to traces of inhaled anaesthetic agents may impair the health of the operating theatre personnel. Although no cause-effect relationship has been found, most public health authorities recommend various occupational exposure standards to minimize possible health risks. If metabolites of the substances are known, biological monitoring is an alternative to the monitoring of the operating theatre's air. The new anaesthetic agent Sevoflurane is considerably more transformed to fluoride than Isoflurane. Concerning fluoride there exist Biological Tolerance Values of 4.0-7.0 mg fluoride (F-) per gram creatinine (Crea). The aim of our study was to compare the fluoride excretion under the occupational exposure to sevoflurane and isoflurane. By the means of a direct-reading instrument trace concentrations of sevoflurane, isoflurane, and nitrous oxide were measured during 40 anaesthetic procedures. Urine samples were collected before (Z1) and after the workshift (Z2), and in the morning of the next day (Z3). The analysis was done by the means of an ionselective electrode. The personnel-related concentrations (median, range) were 0.50 (0.16-7.04) ppm isoflurance and 27.36 (5.87-467.10) ppm nitrous oxide, and 0.79 (0.15-1.95) ppm sevoflurane and 17.74 (2.45-84.20) ppm nitrous oxide. The resulting fluoride values presented at Z1, Z2, and Z3 as median (range) during exposure to isoflurane were 0.15 (0.11-0.53), 0.19 (0.11-0.53), 0.20 (0.11-0.31) mg F-/g Crea, and 0.15 (0.10-0.46), 0.22 (0.13-0.44), 0.23 (0.15-0.69) mg F-/g Crea during exposure to sevoflurance, respectively. The trace concentrations were clearly under 10 ppm for the volatile substances and 100 ppm for nitrous oxide. The values are comparable to data recorded under similar working conditions. The measured fluoride values were low and remained under the legal tolerance values. Under the described conditions potential health risks were low.  相似文献   

Despite improvement in early diagnosis, surgical techniques, and general patient care, most deaths of cancer patients result from metastases. Recent studies have revealed that cytokines produced by cancer cells or by stromal cells play an important role into development the cancer metastasis. The formation of a cancer metastasis involves several major steps: 1) extensive vascularization; 2) local invasion; 3) adherence either to capillary endothelial cells or to subendothelial basement membrane; 4) extravasation; and 5) proliferation. In colon cancer, several cytokines such as growth factors, inflammatory cytokines, and angiogenic factors have been confirmed to be involved in each step of metastasis. This paper summarizes the involvement of cytokines in the development of invasion and metastasis in colon cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inhibitory effects of volatile anaesthetics on platelet aggregation have been demonstrated in several studies. However, the influence of volatile anaesthetics on intracoronary platelet adhesion has not been elucidated so far. METHODS: Isolated hearts of guinea pigs were perfused with buffer in the absence or presence of volatile anaesthetics (0.5 and 1 MAC) at constant coronary flow rates of 5 ml/min for 25 min, then 1 ml/min for 30 min and again 5 ml/min for 10 min. Before, during and after low-flow perfusion, a bolus of human platelets was applied into the coronary system. To simulate thrombogenic conditions, 0.3 U/ml human thrombin was infused during low-flow perfusion and reperfusion. The number of platelets sequestered to the endothelium was calculated from the difference between coronary in- and output of platelets. The myocardial production of lactate and consumption of pyruvate and coronary perfusion pressure were also determined. RESULTS: At a flow rate of 5 ml/min only about 3% of the applied platelets did not emerge from the coronary system, in any group. In contrast, 13.1 +/- 1.2% (mean +/- SEM) of infused platelets became adherent in low-flow perfusion in the control group without anaesthetic. The adherence was reduced with each 1 MAC isoflurane (to 6.2 +/- 1.2%), sevoflurane (to 4.4 +/- 0.9%) or halothane (to 3.2 +/- 1.5%) (each P < 0.05 vs. control). Volatile anaesthetic, 0.5 MAC, did not inhibit platelet adhesion to a statistically significant extent in any case. Perfusion pressure and metabolic parameters were not statistically different between the control and the hearts exposed to anaesthetics. CONCLUSION: Volatile anaesthetics in a concentration of 1 MAC can reduce the adhesion of platelets in the coronary system under reduced flow conditions. This action does not arise from vasodilation or inhibition of ischaemic stress.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effects of desflurane, sevoflurane, and isoflurane on left ventricular-arterial coupling and mechanical efficiency were examined and compared in acutely instrumented dogs. METHODS: Twenty-four open-chest, barbiturate-anesthetized dogs were instrumented for measurement of aortic and left ventricular (LV) pressure (micromanometer-tipped catheter), dP/dtmax, and LV volume (conductance catheter). Myocardial contractility was assessed with the end-systolic pressure-volume relation (Ees) and preload recruitable stroke work (Msw) generated from a series of LV pressure-volume diagrams. Left ventricular-arterial coupling and mechanical efficiency were determined by the ratio of Ees to effective arterial elastance (Ea; the ratio of end-systolic arterial pressure to stroke volume) and the ratio of stroke work (SW) to pressure-volume area (PVA), respectively. RESULTS: Desflurane, sevoflurane, and isoflurane reduced heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and left ventricular systolic pressure. All three anesthetics caused similar decreases in myocardial contractility and left ventricular afterload, as indicated by reductions in Ees, Msw, and dP/dtmax and Ea, respectively. Despite causing simultaneous declines in Ees and Ea, desflurane decreased Ees/Ea (1.02 +/- 0.16 during control to 0.62 +/- 0.14 at 1.2 minimum alveolar concentration) and SW/PVA (0.51 +/- 0.04 during control to 0.43 +/- 0.05 at 1.2 minimum alveolar concentration). Similar results were observed with sevoflurane and isoflurane. CONCLUSIONS: The present findings indicate that volatile anesthetics preserve optimum left ventricular-arterial coupling and efficiency at low anesthetic concentrations (< 0.9 minimum alveolar concentration); however, mechanical matching of energy transfer from the left ventricle to the arterial circulation degenerates at higher end-tidal concentrations. These detrimental alterations in left ventricular-arterial coupling produced by desflurane, sevoflurane, and isoflurane contribute to reductions in overall cardiac performance observed with these agents in vivo.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials and EEG are used to monitor the central nervous system and the depth of anesthesia in anesthetized patients. In this study, we examined EEG, VEP, SEP and ABR at various concentrations of isoflurane or sevoflurane, and evaluated the influence of volatile agents and their usefulness for the monitoring of the depth of anesthesia. With increasing concentrations of isoflurane and sevoflurane, AE (frequency which account for 80% of total voltage) showed dose-related reduction and EEG showed a trend toward a slower wave and higher amplitude. With increasing concentrations of isoflurane and sevoflurane, P100 of VEP showed a significant dose-related reduction in its amplitude and increase in its latency. So we could not record P100 at the level of the anesthesia of 1.0 MAC with 66% N2O. N20 of SEP can be easily recorded at any depth of anesthesia. And the trend showed consistent dose-related changes in amplitude and latency. With increasing concentrations of isoflurane and sevoflurane, wave III and V of ABR increased significantly in latency, but the changes were very small. In conclusion, the effect of isoflurane and that of sevoflurane on evoked potentials and EEG are similar with each other and with other volatile agents. SEP is the most consistent and reliable factor to monitor the depth of anesthesia neurophysiologically.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of sevoflurane and isoflurane anesthesia on renal function in elderly patient who underwent gastrectomy. Plasma inorganic fluoride level was significantly higher in sevoflurane group compared with isoflurane group from 3 hours after the beginning of anesthesia to the 3rd operative day. In contrast, parameters such as urinary beta 2 microglobulin, urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, and urinary gamma-GTP activities increased in both groups, but the increase was not significant. Serum BUN and creatinine levels were within normal limits. These results suggest that elderly patients without renal dysfunction appear unlikely to have any significant problem after prolonged sevoflurane anesthesia.  相似文献   

Propofol's effect on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction during one-lung ventilation (OLV) has not been determined. Twenty patients who had long-term OLV for esophageal surgery were allocated randomly to one of two study groups; one in which isoflurane administration preceded propofol, and another in which sevoflurane administration preceded propofol. Arterial and mixed venous blood samples and hemodynamics were measured as follows: before OLV, during OLV, OLV at 4 cm of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), OLV after conversion from volatile anesthetics to propofol, OLV at 4 cm of PEEP, and after OLV. After the application of 4 cm of PEEP during propofol anesthesia, PaO2 increased significantly in both groups. The shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) increased significantly after the initiation of OLV in both groups and decreased significantly after the conversion from volatile anesthetics to propofol in both groups. Propofol can be used safely during OLV because PaO2 increased after the application of 4 cm of PEEP during propofol anesthesia, and Qs/Qt decreased significantly after the conversion from inhaled anesthetics to propofol anesthesia. IMPLICATIONS: During one-lung ventilation, the arterial partial pressure of oxygen values with propofol were greater than those with isoflurane and sevoflurane, and shunt fraction values with propofol were lower than those with both volatile anesthetics. Propofol improved oxygenation and shunt fraction during one-lung ventilation compared with volatile anesthetics.  相似文献   

Cost control in anesthesia is no longer an option; it is a necessity. New anesthetics have entered the market, but economic differences in comparison to standard anesthetic regimens are not exactly known. Eighty patients undergoing either subtotal thyroidectomy or laparoscopic cholecystectomy were randomly divided into four groups, with 20 patients in each group. Group 1 received propofol 1%/sufentanil, Group 2 received desflurane/sufentanil, Group 3 received sevoflurane/sufentanil, and Group 4 received isoflurane/sufentanil (standard anesthesia) for anesthesia. A fresh gas flow of 1.5-2 L/min and 60% N2O in oxygen was used for maintenance of anesthesia, and atracurium was given for muscle relaxation. Concentrations of volatile anesthetics, propofol, and sufentanil were varied according to the patient's perceived need. Isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane consumption was measured by weighing the vaporizers with a precision weighing machine. Biometric data, time of surgery, and time of anesthesia were similar in the four groups. Times for extubation and stay in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) were significantly longer in the isoflurane group. Use of sufentanil and atracurium did not differ among the groups. Propofol patients required fewer additional drugs in the PACU (e.g., antiemetics), and thus showed the lowest additional costs in the PACU. Total (intra- and postoperative) costs were significantly higher in the propofol group ($30.73 per patient; $0.24 per minute of anesthesia). The costs among the inhalational groups did not differ significantly (approximately $0.15 per minute of anesthesia). We conclude that in today's climate of cost savings, a comprehensive pharmacoeconomic approach is needed. Although propofol-based anesthesia was associated with the highest cost, it is doubtful whether the choice of anesthetic regimen will lower the costs of an anesthesia department. IMPLICATIONS: Cost analysis of anesthetic techniques is necessary in today's economic climate. Consumption of the new inhaled drugs sevoflurane and desflurane was measured in comparison to a standard anesthetic regimen using isoflurane and an IV technique using propofol. Propofol-based anesthesia was associated with the highest costs, whereas the costs of the new inhaled anesthetics sevoflurane and desflurane did not differ from those of a standard, isoflurane-based anesthesia regimen.  相似文献   

The most common cause of intraperitoneal adhesions is previous abdominal surgery. Postoperative adhesion formation results from a fibroproliferative inflammatory reaction that begins with an influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) into the peritoneal cavity. Adherence of the PMNs to the endothelial cells (EC) is necessary for PMN migration into the tissue in response to a stimulus. Several receptor-counterreceptor pairs of ligands such as CD11/CD18 on the PMN and ICAM-1 (CD54) on EC have been identified. Monoclonal antibody against CD11/CD18 (R15.7) inhibits PMN adherence and migration and consequently protects against PMN-induced tissue injuries. We therefore studied the effect of preventing PMN-EC adherence, using anti-CD18 monoclonal antibody, on postoperative adhesion formation in rabbits. Group 1 was a control receiving physiologic saline, and group 2 received anti-CD18 antibody (R15.7, 2 mg/kg). The treatment was administered iv at the end of surgery and repeated on the first and second postoperative days. Peritoneal adhesions were induced at laparotomy by repairing two peritoneal defects, by oversewing the defect (model 1), and by resuturing the removed parietal peritoneum in its place as an ischemic graft (model 2). Adhesions were evaluated blindly at 10 days after operation by measuring the percentage of the suture line covered with adhesions (model 1) or by a scoring system (model 2). All control animals developed intraperitoneal adhesions and the percentage of the suture line covered with adhesions was 25 +/- 5.9% (mean +/- SEM) and the mean score in model 2 was 0.9 +/- 0.2. Anti-CD18 antibody, R15.7, increased the degree of postoperative adhesion formation in both models, but the results were significant only in model 2. Also, anti-CD18 antibody significantly decreased peritoneal neutrophils from 11.1 x 10(7) +/- 1.8 x 10(7) to 2.2 x 10(7) +/- 0.4 x 10(7) (P < 0.001) on the first postoperative day. It is concluded that inhibition of PMN-EC adherence does influence the postoperative adhesion formation. These results might suggest that PMNs have a role in modulating postoperative adhesion formation.  相似文献   

Antepartum plasma hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA was quantified in 155 mothers coinfected with HCV and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), and HCV RNA was serially assessed in their infants. Of 155 singleton infants born to HCV antibody-positive mothers, 13 (8.4%) were HCV infected. The risk of HCV infection was 3.2-fold greater in HIV-1-infected infants compared with HIV-1-uninfected infants (17.1% of 41 vs. 5.4% of 112, P = .04). The median concentration of plasma HCV RNA was higher among the 13 mothers with HCV-infected infants (2.0 x 10(6) copies/mL) than among the 142 mothers with HCV-negative infants (3.5 x 10(5) copies/mL; P < .001), and there were no instances of HCV transmission from 40 mothers with HCV RNA concentrations of < 10(5) copies/mL. Women dually infected with HIV-1 and HCV but with little or no detectable HCV RNA should be reassured that the risk of perinatal transmission of HCV is exceedingly low.  相似文献   

We recently performed a laparoscopic cholecystectomy on three patients receiving preoperative oral anticoagulant therapy. The patients requiring anticoagulants for pre-existing cardiac conditions have the following risks at surgery: thromboembolism, hemorrhage, endocarditis, and cardiopulmonary dysfunction. In patients receiving anticoagulant therapy, one must thus maintain a balanced international normalized ratio of the prothrombin time to prevent thromboembolism or hemorrhage. Warfarin sodium was discontinued preoperatively in all patients. Heparin sodium was individualized according to each patient's risk of thromboembolism. As a result, these patients all underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy without complications. Attention was paid to achieve hemostasis in the operative field and the trocar inserted sites during the procedure. The administration of warfarin sodium was resumed on the first postoperative day in all patients. Restarting warfarin sodium early also helps to simplify postoperative management. A broad spectrum of antibiotic therapy was also used to reduce the risk of endocarditis. Each patient's cardiopulmonary function was carefully monitored. The minimal invasion experienced during a laparoscopic cholecystectomy may thus facilitate the management of gallstones in patients receiving systemic anticoagulation treatment based on the findings of this limited series.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of isoflurane and sevoflurane on oxygenation and shunt fraction during one-lung ventilation (OLV). Twenty patients undergoing lobectomy for lung cancer and scheduled for long-term OLV were enrolled in this study. Patients were allocated to treatment with either isoflurane or sevoflurane. Arterial oxygenation, shunt fraction, and hemodynamics were evaluated at the end of two-lung ventilation; 20 min after the initiation of OLV; 20 min after the application of 4-cm positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to the dependent lung; 20 min after 8-cm PEEP; and 20 min after the conversion from OLV to two-lung ventilation. There was no significant difference between isoflurane and sevoflurane with regard to oxygenation, shunt fraction, or hemodynamics during OLV. PaO2 values after the application of 4-cm PEEP increased from 131.1 +/- 11.8 mm Hg to 190.6 +/- 22.9 mm Hg in the isoflurane group (P < 0.05) and from 127.2 +/- 14.3 mm Hg to 192.4 +/- 26.9 mm Hg in the sevoflurane group (P < 0.05). The selection of either isoflurane or sevoflurane for OLV was made without regard to arterial oxygenation and shunt fraction. PEEP application to the dependent lung is useful for improving oxygenation during OLV, but 8-cm PEEP had no added effect compared with 4-cm PEEP. Implications: We compared the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane on oxygenation, hemodynamics, and shunt fraction during one-lung ventilation in 20 patients undergoing scheduled lobectomy for lung cancer. There was no significant difference between isoflurane and sevoflurane with regard to oxygenation, shunt fraction, and hemodynamics during one-lung ventilation. The application of 4-cm positive end-expiratory pressure increased the partial pressure of arterial oxygen during one-lung ventilation.  相似文献   

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