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The paper discusses issues of decision support within the context of sustainable development and more specifically sustainable water cycle management to provide a context and a rationale for the decision support approach adopted within an on-going U.K. EPSRC-funded project, WaND. The paper proposes a set-up for a flexible, upgradeable, efficient and modular decision support framework and associated tools. Furthermore, the paper presents early prototypes of three decision support tools developed within the proposed framework including initial results for one of them.  相似文献   

There are two parts to the challenge of providing the infrastructure necessary for universal access to water and sanitation. One challenge is the extension of existing infrastructure and new infrastructure to serve all in today's urban areas and to keep up with the expected rapid growth of cities; the other is the refurbishment of existing infrastructure to maintain access to water and sanitation. Meeting the second challenge is the more costly; it is also essential to meeting the first challenge. Infrastructure is the means, not the end, with a requirement for clear policies on objectives, priorities and service standards. Delivery will require effective planning, regulation, innovation, capacity building and training. Although the infrastructure costs will be high, the benefits will be greater.  相似文献   

开发基于Web框架的水资源管理决策支持系统是实现水利现代化建设的一个重要措施。采用ASP.NET作为开发语言,以MapXtreme为Web GIS平台,开发了B/S模式的城市水资源管理决策支持系统。该系统提供对各类水资源信息进行整理、统计、分析评价、预测和预警等功能。系统在Intranet环境下运行,界面友好,操作方便,具有很强的灵活性和可移植性。  相似文献   

城市给水排水管网系统专用GIS平台开发与应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陈宇辉  刘遂庆 《给水排水》2006,32(1):101-104
运用地理信息系统进行城市给水排水管网数据管理,有助于提高企业管理的质量和效率。但是目前采用的GIS软件平台都是覆盖电信、电力、国土资源、煤气、交通、水利、水务运营等多个专业的通用GIS平台,应用于城市给水排水行业有较多冗余功能,既浪费资源也降低系统的运行效率。一般不能直接满足行业的特殊需求,需进行二次开发。以华东地区某市给水管网地理信息系统应用为例,对城市给水排水管网专用GIS平台的开发与应用进行一次尝试。  相似文献   

周鑫根 《给水排水》2004,30(10):39-41
在对国内外给排水以及相关领域调研的基础上,从探索城市给排水现代化内涵与理念入手,构建了城市给排水现代化评价指标体系,给出了城市给排水指标体系框架图。为了反映城市给排水现代化指标的先进性与可达性,将其与国内外城市给排水指标作了对应比较。同时,结合浙江实际设定了浙江省城市给排水现代化阶段目标值。  相似文献   

This paper introduces an integrated approach for the assessment of receiving water quality and the relative contribution of the urban drainage system to perceived receiving water quality problems. The approach combines mass balances with relatively simple receiving water impact models. The research project has learned that the urban drainage system is only one of the determining factors with respect to receiving urban water quality problems. The morphology of the receiving waters and the non-sewer sources of pollution, such as waterbirds, dogs, or inflow of external surface water might be equally important. This conclusion underlines the necessity to changes today's emission based approach and adopt an integral and immission based approach. The integrated approach is illustrated on a case study in Arnhem, where the receiving water quality remained unsatisfactory even after retrofitting a combined sewer system into a separated sewer system.  相似文献   

我国城市供水排水产业发展分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用大量图表和统计数字分析了我国城市供水排水产业近年的发展情况,认为城市供水基本特征是设施短缺的矛盾得到缓解,用水结构发生显著变化,供水损失率有所增加;城市排水基本特征为排水设施的投资持续增长,排水管网及污水处理厂的建设步伐明显加快,但城市污水处理率有待进一步提高。阐述了当前我国发展城市供水排水产业的主要政策和措施。  相似文献   

Various environmental and economic aspects of urban water and wastewater crises in a number of the Arabian Gulf States are discussed. An integrated approach, which considers simultaneously the problems of urban waters (shortage of water supply and problems associated with urban drainage) and those in connection with wastewater (i.e. environmental impact) is proposed. The feasible link between the main factors affecting these problems and the anticipated results encourage the implementation of the proposed approach. The conclusions suggest immediate municipal legislation.  相似文献   

城市建设对水系的影响及可持续城市排水系统的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
郝天文 《给水排水》2005,31(11):39-42
城市扩张往往对水系产生很大的影响,具体表现在径流条件的改变、水面面积减少、水体 污染和防洪排涝风险增大,而传统的城市排水系统不仅不能解决这些问题,反而在一定程度上加剧 这种不利局面。针对这种情况,推荐一种新的城市排水系统,即可持续城市排水系统(SUDS),该系 统具有防洪、雨水利用和减污的特点,并能充分体现城市水系的多功能性。SUDS可克服传统排水系 统的不足,缓解城市建设对水系的不利影响,保证城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

城市供水水源地水质健康风险评价   总被引:78,自引:3,他引:78  
环境健康风险评价是当今环境科学领域十分关注的重要课题。在简要介绍水环境健康风险评价基本方法的基础上,建立了健康风险评价模式,并根据某市供水水源地水质实测资料,进行分析与评价。结果表明:(1)基因毒物质由饮水途径所致健康危害的个人年风险按大小排列为Cr6+>As>Cd,而躯体毒物质的个人年风险按大小排列为Pb>CN>酚>NH3>Hg,但前组的影响远大于后组;(2)饮用水源各类污染物所致健康危害的个人年总风险2000年为6.53E-05,超过国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受值5.0E-05a-1,远远超过瑞典环保局、荷兰建设和环境部推荐的最大可接受水平1.0E-06a-1。结论对城市供水水源风险管理和水环境保护措施的制定具有参考价值。  相似文献   

城市节水和污水再生利用是实现健康水循环的必然要求,也是可持续水管理的重要内容.将我国城市节水和污水再生利用与南水北调战略从经济、环境和生态等多方面进行了比较,结论表明,城市节水和污水再生利用策略在水供需目标的有效性、经济性、决策风险、资源可靠性、生态环境影响、公众可接受性和用水效率等方面具有明显的优势.从技术进步的角度来看,城市节水和污水再生利用潜力的发挥,将显著降低南水北调所需的调水量,对当前我国调水区域的城市水资源管理战略将产生重大的影响.  相似文献   

Managing sewerage systems is a highly complex task due to the dynamic nature of the facilities. Their performance strongly depends on the know-how applied by the operators. In order to define optimal operational settings, two decision support tools based on mathematical models have been developed. Moreover, easy-to-use interfaces have been created as well, aiding operators who presumably do not have the necessary skills to use modelling software. The two developed programs simulate the behaviour of both wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and sewer network systems, respectively. They have essentially the same structure, including raw data management and statistical analysis, a simulation layer using the application programming interface of the applied software and a layer responsible for the representation of the obtained results. Four user modes are provided in the two software including the simulation of historical data using the applied and novel operational settings, as well as modes concerning prediction of possible operation periods and updates. Concerning the WWTP software, it was successfully installed in Nantes (France) in June 2004. Moreover, the one managing sewer networks has been deployed in Saint-Malo (France) in January 2005. This paper presents the structure of the developed software and the first results obtained during the commissioning phase.  相似文献   

开展城市地下水污染调查及评价工作在我国还是近10年来的事,对于地下水污染调查及评价方法各城市都有各自的特点,本文主要介绍了张掖城市地下水污染调查及评价中对水文地质调查、污染现状调查、工业“三废”评价、地下水污染评价等方面的工作方法及评价模式。  相似文献   

城市供水网络的综合安全评判方法及运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对供水网络安全性评价具有模糊性的特点,根据相关历史资料建立供水管网安全等级表,引入改进的层次分析法(AHP)确定评价指标的权重,在此基础上,发展了模糊模式识别模型和模糊综合评判相结合的多层次多级复杂系统模糊集评价方法.并对青岛市某区域管网进行了安全评价,提出了该区域供水管网的安全等级.  相似文献   

In the drinking water and air pollution fields, odour quality characterisation and intensity of each odour characteristic needs to be developed to evaluate the causes of the odours present. Drinking water quality characterisation has matured to the point where an "odour wheel" is described and the primary chemicals producing the odour are known and therefore a potential treatment can be defined from the odours reported. Sufficient understanding of the types of odorous compounds that can arise from wastewater and compost treatment processes and odours in the urban environment are starting to emerge. This article presents the anatomy of the odour wheels. It is hoped that the foundation of odour wheels will evolve as odour quality data are reported and linked with chemical causation. The compost and urban odour wheels are presented in print for the first time.  相似文献   

Virtual water flows and trade liberalization.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The linkages between agricultural trade and water resources need to be identified and analyzed to better understand the potential impacts that a full liberalization, or lack thereof, will have on water resources. This paper examines trade of virtual water embodied in agricultural products for most countries of the world. The main purpose of the paper, however, is to examine the impact of trade liberalization on virtual-water trade in the future. Based on a simulation of global agricultural trade, a scenario of full liberalization of agriculture was used to assess the net effect of virtual water flows from the relocation of meat and cereals' trade. The paper also identifies the main reasons behind the changes in the magnitude and direction of the net virtual water trade over time, and shows that virtual water trade flows are independent of water resource endowments, contrary to what the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem states. Finally, based on a formal model, some input demand functions at the country level are estimated. The estimates of the income and agricultural support elasticities of demand for import of virtual water have the expected sign, and are statistically significant. Variables found to have some explanatory power of the variance of virtual water imports are average income; population; agriculture as value added; irrigated area, and exports of goods and services.  相似文献   

本文运用层次分析法原理建立了城市水资源开发利用措施综合效益评价模型,根据可持续发展观与循环经济理念,从能源节约、水资源良性循环、生态环境保护、社会公平等角度出发,提出了综合反应社会、经济与环境效益的评价指标体系.以建立的模型与指标体系对天津市的污水回用措施、海水淡化措施与南水北调措施做了综合效益评价,结果表明,污水回用措施的综合效益高于南水北调措施和海水淡化措施,南水北调措施的综合效益又高于海水淡化措施.  相似文献   

In recent years integrated models have been developed to simulate the entire urban wastewater system, including urban drainage systems, wastewater treatment plants, and receiving waterbodies. This paper uses such an integrated urban wastewater model to analyze the frequency of receiving water quality in an urban wastewater system with the aim of assessing the overall system performance during rainfall events. The receiving water quality is represented by two indicators: event mean dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and event mean ammonium concentration. The compliance probability of the water quality indicators satisfying a specific threshold is used to represent the system performance, and is derived using the rainfall events from a series of 10 years' rainfall data. A strong correlation between the depth of each rainfall event and the associated volume of combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharges is revealed for the case study catchment, while there is a low correlation between the intensity/duration of the rainfall event and the volume of the CSO discharges. The frequency analysis results obtained suggest that the event mean DO and ammonium concentrations have very different characteristics in terms of compliance probabilities at two discharging points for CSO and wastewater treatment plant effluent, respectively. In general, the simulation results provide an understanding of the performance of the integrated urban wastewater system and can provide useful information to support water quality management.  相似文献   

云南省城市饮用水安全评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔艳强  范弢  杨佳 《人民长江》2011,42(7):51-55
从水质、水量和应急能力3个方面构建了城市饮用水安全评价指标框架,并对云南省城市饮用水安全进行评价。水质以一般污染物指数、有毒有机物项目指数、湖库营养状况指数为指标进行评价,得出水质安全率为96.3%;水量评价以工程供水能力指数、枯水年来水量保证率和地下水开采率为指标,结果86%的水源地水量评价为安全;应急能力评价采用了层次分析法(AHP)法,评价结果为差;水量水质综合评价结果为安全。根据评价结果对城市饮用水源地的风险源做了分析,并从水源地保护、完善安全供水设施和建立应急机制3个方面对安全保障措施提出了建议。  相似文献   

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