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Developmental stages in reading English words were examined among 118 Chinese children in Grades 2, 4, and 6 from a working-class elementary school in Tianjin, China. Proficiency in Chinese and English, ability to make orthographic analogies in both languages, and strategies in reading English words were assessed. Results suggest that Chinese children follow stages in alphabetic reading development similar to those of native English-speaking children: the prealphabetic stage, the partial alphabetic stage, and the full alphabetic stage. The use of orthographic analogy does not form a separate stage independent of the alphabetic decoding stages; rather, it is a concurrent option available to Chinese children from an early age. Children more readily made onset-vowel analogies than vowel-coda analogies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The authors assessed the relative benefits of 3 styles of adult book reading for preschoolers' emergent literacy. A describer style focused on describing pictures during the reading, a comprehender style focused on story meaning, and a performance-oriented style introduced the book and discussed story meaning on completion. Forty-eight 4-year-olds were randomly assigned to receive 1 of the 3 reading styles over a 6-week period. Pretests and posttests measured children's receptive vocabulary, print, and story comprehension skills. A describer style of reading resulted in the greatest overall benefits for children's vocabulary and print skills, but a performance-oriented style was also beneficial when children's initial skill levels were taken into account. Future book-reading interventions should be tailored to children's initial skill levels. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The authors explored different aspects of children's reading motivation and how children's motivation related to the amount and breadth of their reading. The reading motives assessed included self-efficacy, intrinsic–extrinsic motivation and goals, and social aspects. Fourth- and 5th-grade children (N?=?105) completed a new reading motivation questionnaire twice during a school year. Children's reading amount and breadth were measured using diaries and questionnaires. Children's reading motivation was found to be multidimensional. Their motivation predicted children's reading amount and breadth even when previous amount and breadth were controlled. An intrinsic motivation composite predicted amount and breadth of reading more strongly than did an extrinsic motivation composite. Some aspects of girls' reading motivation were more positive than boys'. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Children's understanding of their own cognitive skills, or metacognition, has been hypothesized to play a major role in learning and development. In this study, we examine the developing relation between children's metacognition and reading comprehension. Children in third- and fifth-grade classes were given an experimental curriculum, Informed Strategies for Learning (ISL), designed to increase their awareness and use of effective reading strategies. In both grades, children in experimental classes made significant gains in metacognition and the use of reading strategies compared with children in control classes. The multivariate profiles of reading skills derived from the developmental analyses helped to identify subgroups of children who responded differently to the metacognitive instruction. Although there were specific aptitude-by-treatment interactions, there was a general trend for metacognition and strategic reading to become more congruent from 8 to 10 years of age. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Examined inferential processing during reading. Adults and 3rd, 5th, and 8th graders read stories implying a consequence and answered questions. Some of the inferences were more necessary than others for comprehension according to T. Trabasso and P. Van den Broek's (see record 1987-18271-001) causal criteria, and the readers engaged in either superficial or integrative reading. Results showed that elaborative inferences were not as likely to be generated as those more necessary for comprehension. The necessity manipulation also produced a similar pattern of responding among the 4 groups, suggesting that even the young children were sensitive to the causal criteria. In addition, the integrative reading condition prompted a general slowdown for the 2 younger groups, whereas the 2 older groups were not as affected by reading condition. This pattern was interpreted in terms of differences in attention demands and working memory capacity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
To investigate the popular recommendation that children practice reading aloud at home, the conversations of 76 3rd graders reading to their mothers were audiotaped, transcribed, and coded. Conversations between below-average readers and their mothers were marked by the frequent use of error corrections. High-school-educated mothers made significantly more error corrections than did college-educated mothers, despite equal numbers of above-average and below-average readers in each group. High-school-educated mothers made significantly more comments than did college-educated mothers. College-educated mothers asked significantly more questions, including high-level questions, than did high-school-educated mothers. Girls spoke more during the conversations than did boys. Text difficulty effects are underscored, and practical implications are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Development of reading self-concept in young children was examined in 4 experiments. Experiment 1 revealed a negative item response phenomenon similar to that reported by H. W. Marsh (see record 1986-11523-001), who found that children's responses to negative items on a self-concept scale were inconsistent with their responses to positive items. In Experiment 2, developmental psycholinguistic factors were considered in an effort to eliminate the negative item response phenomenon by changing the wording and presentation of the items. Experiment 3 suggested that reading self-concept may be defined as comprising three subcomponents: perceptions of competence in reading, perceptions of difficulty with reading, and attitudes toward reading. Experiment 4 showed how the relations among these subcomponents change with increasing age and how they relate to the development of reading and reading-related skills. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Achieving biliteracy is a remarkable accomplishment, and it is important to understand the range of factors that permit its successful realization. The authors investigated a factor known to affect reading in monolingual children that has received little attention in the second-language literature: morphological awareness. The researchers tracked the relationships between performance on past tense analogy tasks (the measure of morphological awareness) and reading of English and French in a group of 58 French immersion children across Grades 1-3. Early measures of English morphological awareness were significantly related to both English and French reading, after controlling for several variables. In contrast, early measures of French morphological awareness were significantly related to French reading only. Later measures of morphological awareness in French were significantly related to English and French reading. These relationships persisted even after controlling for several variables. Results of this study suggest that morphological awareness can be applied to reading across orthographies and that this relationship changes as children build their language and literacy skills. These findings are discussed in light of current theories of second-language reading acquisition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Two experiments were conducted to assess how children who differ in vocabulary knowledge learn new vocabulary incidentally from listening to stories read aloud. In both experiments, 4-yr-old children were classified as having either high or low word knowledge on the basis of a median split of their Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test—Revised (PPVT—R) standard scores. In Exp 1, children either listened passively or labeled pictures using novel words during the book readings. We found that children with larger vocabularies produced more novel words than did children with smaller vocabularies, and children who answered questions during the book readings comprehended and produced more words than did children who passively listened to the story. In Exp 2, children either listened to readings of a book, pointed to pictures during the readings, or labeled pictures during the readings. Children with larger vocabularies comprehended more novel words than did children with smaller vocabularies. Children who actively participated by labeling or pointing learned more words than did children who listened passively to book readings. Findings clarify the role of active responding by demonstrating that verbal and nonverbal responding are effective means of enhancing vocabulary acquisition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The research addresses the role of lexical analogies in early reading by examining variation in children's self-reported strategy choices in the context of a traditional clue-word reading task. Sixty 5- to 6-year-old beginning readers were given a nonword version of a traditional clue-word reading analogy task, and changes in strategies were examined using measures of immediately retrospective verbal reports. The findings revealed that the children's performance was accompanied by their use of a wide repertoire of reading strategies, the most prominent being the use of lexical analogies and grapheme-to-phoneme correspondence rules. Distinct profiles of reading were derived from an analysis of the children's strategy choice, showing strong patterns of individual differences with regard to the extent to which children reported making analogical responses and applying grapheme-to-phoneme correspondence rules to aid their nonword reading. The benefits of using immediately retrospective verbal reports of strategies as a way of examining individual differences in children's early reading are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Blewitt Pamela; Rump Keiran M.; Shealy Stephanie E.; Cook Samantha A. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2009,101(2):294
Shared book reading, and the conversation that accompanies it, can facilitate young children's vocabulary growth. To identify the features of extratextual questions that help 3-year-olds learn unfamiliar words during shared book reading, two experiments explored the impact of cognitive demand level, placement, and an approximation to scaffolding. Asking questions about target words improved children's comprehension and production of word–referent associations, and children with larger vocabularies learned more than children with smaller vocabularies. Neither the demand level nor placement of questions differentially affected word learning. However, an approximation to scaffolding, in which adults asked low demand questions when words first appeared and high demand questions later, did facilitate children's deeper understanding of word meanings as assessed with a definition task. These results are unique in experimentally demonstrating the value for word learning of shifting from less to more challenging input over time. Discussion focuses on why a scaffolding-like procedure improves children's acquisition of elaborated word meanings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Multiple indicators of children's reading habits and attitudes: Construct validity and cognitive correlates. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
63 5th-grade children completed daily-activity diaries indicating how they spent their nonschool time for 15 days. From these diaries, estimates of the minutes per day that were spent in various activities were derived. The estimate of book-reading time from the activity diary correlated with new measures of individual differences in exposure to print that use a checklist-with-foils logic and that have very brief administration times. Both diary-estimated and checklist-estimated book reading predicted a variety of verbal outcome measures, but estimates of television watching did not. Multiple regression and factor analysis confirmed the convergent and discriminant validity of a construct argued to be best conceived of as nonschool print exposure that appears to be measured as well by the checklist tasks as by the activity-diary method. In contrast, certain types of questionnaire methods of assessing reading habits and attitudes appear to assess the extent of general positive attitudes toward reading rather than the degree of print exposure itself. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
In an investigation using 30 children (Grades 5-7) who were experiencing reading difficulties, procedures involving partial reinforcement and attribution retraining were assessed in terms of their relative effectiveness in developing reading persistence. Two levels of a partial reinforcement variable, termed N length (the number of successive failures prior to success), were factorially combined with the presence or absence of attribution retraining. A 5th condition received success-only training. These manipulations occurred in the context of a reading task presented on 3 successive days. A posttest measure of persistence revealed that the number of difficult sentences attempted by the Ss was increased jointly by both independent variables. However, Ss receiving success-only training or partial reinforcement with nonsuccessive failure (N lengths of 1), without the benefit of attribution retraining, did not show improvement from pretest to posttest. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Hoeft Fumiko; Ueno Takefumi; Reiss Allan L.; Meyler Ann; Whitfield-Gabrieli Susan; Glover Gary H.; Keller Timothy A.; Kobayashi Nobuhisa; Mazaika Paul; Jo Booil; Just Marcel Adam; Gabrieli John D. E. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,121(3):602
The ability to decode letters into language sounds is essential for reading success, and accurate identification of children at high risk for decoding impairment is critical for reducing the frequency and severity of reading impairment. We examined the utility of behavioral (standardized tests), and functional and structural neuroimaging measures taken with children at the beginning of a school year for predicting their decoding ability at the end of that school year. Specific patterns of brain activation during phonological processing and morphology, as revealed by voxel-based morphometry (VBM) of gray and white matter densities, predicted later decoding ability. Further, a model combining behavioral and neuroimaging measures predicted decoding outcome significantly better than either behavioral or neuroimaging models alone. Results were validated using cross-validation methods. These findings suggest that neuroimaging methods may be useful in enhancing the early identification of children at risk for poor decoding and reading skills. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Compared comprehension for speeded reading and for listening to compressed speech. A reading and a listening group of 30 undergraduates were presented with 3 easy and 3 difficult passages, with 1 passage at each difficulty level presented at each of 3 speeds, 180, 290, and 380 words/min. No differences between reading and listening comprehension levels or quality were found at any of the speeds or difficulty levels, contrary to previous suggestions of a listening disadvantage. Reading and listening comprehension were related to Ss' habitual reading speeds. There was evidence of a working-memory processing limit of about 275 words/min. This processing limit indicates the importance of silent reading strategies. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Construction of a text microstructure is affected by the number of different arguments that must be activated and maintained in working memory, the number of propositions that must be formed, and the hierarchical arrangement of the propositions. Previous research has shown no developmental differences as a function of the latter 2 factors. The present study shows that there are, however, developmental differences in the effect of number of different arguments. 18 4th graders and 18 6th graders of high and average reading ability read and immediately recalled 24 paragraphs, half containing few and half many different arguments, from 3 content areas: history, science, and familiar experiences such as a trip to the zoo. Results indicate the difference between many- and few-different-argument passages in reading time per proposition recalled was significantly greater for 4th than for 6th graders. The results suggest that the effect is due to developmental differences in working memory that affect the overall retrievability of the microstructure but not how it is hierarchically organized. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Reinforcement of structural materials by Long Strong Fibres 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A. Kelly 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》1972,3(9):2313-2325
Materials which flow at low stresses such as soft metals or plastics, can be strengthened by incorporation of stronger fibres.
The mechanical principles governing this reinforcement are presented in a fashion applicable to discontinuous fibres and to
matrices which have flow stresses dependent upon the strain rate. The strengths attainable by composites containing discontinuous
fibres are discussed. Compliant matrices of small breaking strain,e.g. cement or plaster, are reinforced with fibres in order to prevent a single crack leading to rupture of the composite. The
rules governing the density of cracks, the stress-strain curve of the composite and the cracking strain of the matrix within
the composite are discussed and applied. Finally the relationship between fibre reinforcement and dispersion hardening is
commented upon and the ways in which fibres interfere with dislocation motion and rearrangement discussed. 相似文献
32 learning disabled and slowly developing readers were assigned to reading instruction programs on context cue use differing only in extent of pupil control over determination of errors. Results indicate no main effect for experimental condition. However, a significant interaction was found between pretreatment Locus of Attribution (Intellectual Achievement Responsibility Scale) and Experimental Condition. Ss high in internal control benefited more under a condition in which they were encouraged to determine the correctness of their responses. Conversely, Ss low in internality benefited more from a condition in which the teacher determined the correctness of their responses. The results suggest that individual differences in locus of attribution may be important determinants of the extent to which learning-disabled and slow readers benefit from different approaches to reading instruction. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Informed Strategies for Learning: A program to improve children's reading awareness and comprehension. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Paris Scott G.; Cross David R.; Lipson Marjorie Y. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1984,76(6):1239
Examined the role of awareness about their own cognitive skills on the learning and development of 87 3rd graders and 83 5th graders. Half of the Ss were given an experimental curriculum—informed strategies for learning (ISL)—designed to increase Ss' awareness and use of effective reading strategies. The remainder of the Ss were used as controls. Results show that Ss who participated in ISL made larger gains than did controls on cloze and error detection tasks. No differences between groups were found on 2 standardized tests of reading comprehension. Findings demonstrate that metacognition can be promoted through direct instruction in classrooms and that increased awareness can lead to better use of reading strategies. (47 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Petrocelli John V.; Percy Elise J.; Sherman Steven J.; Tormala Zakary L. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,100(1):30
Counterfactual thoughts typically take the form of implied or explicit if–then statements. We propose that the multiplicative combination of “if likelihood” (the degree to which the antecedent condition of the counterfactual is perceived to be likely) and “then likelihood” (the perceived conditional likelihood of the outcome of the counterfactual, given the antecedent condition) determine the strength and impact of counterfactuals. This construct, termed counterfactual potency, is a reliable predictor of the degree of influence of counterfactual thinking upon judgments of regret, causation, and responsibility. Through 4 studies, we demonstrate the predictive power of this construct in a variety of contexts and show that it plays a causal role in determining the strength of the effects of counterfactual thought. Implications of counterfactual potency as a central factor of counterfactual influence are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献