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18 19–55 yr old migraine headache patients were assigned to a group that learned (1) to raise finger temperature, via visual biofeedback, after neutral imaginal experiences or (2) to raise finger temperature after stressful imaginal experiences. At the completion of training, Ss participated in an outcome session without feedback. Laboratory training, combined with home practice using the same respective imaginal experiences, resulted in Ss' being able, with on-task concentration, to raise finger temperature without feedback and also resulted in significant clinical reductions in headache activity. Improvement was more marked at 4-wk follow-up. Ss trained in vascular recovery after stress showed more improvement than did other Ss. Overall, the Ss who showed the most reliable vascular recovery conditioning effects were those whose migraine prodromal symptomatology was not an accurate predictor of headache or absence of headache. The significance of what is called homeostatic reconditioning, after stress, in stress-related disorders, rather than the "aspirin" approach of many biofeedback treatments, is discussed. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated EMG biofeedback training as a method to reduce test anxiety among 40 university students. A procedure combining EMG biofeedback training with systematic desensitization (SD) was compared to an automated SD program not using EMG feedback. The study also evaluated the effectiveness of EMG feedback relaxation training without SD. Ss were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: (a) EMG biofeedback training with SD, (b) EMG biofeedback relaxation training, (c) automated SD, and (d) no-treatment control. At the end of the program, all participants were administered the Suinn Test Anxiety Behavior Scale, Sarason's Test Anxiety Scale, and an anagrams test, given under threat conditions. Results suggest that EMG biofeedback training is a useful technique for reducing test anxiety, but not necessarily more effective than SD. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed the relative efficacy of EMG biofeedback training to reduce tension levels in Ss characterized either by the presence of the coronary-prone behavior pattern (Type A) or by its absence (Type B). 55 college students, classified as Type A or B on the basis of Jenkins Activity Survey (Form T) scores, were randomly assigned to either a biofeedback or a control group. Ss met for 6 training sessions, then returned for a 7th session to perform without biofeedback a series of easy (4-digit recall) and difficult (7-digit recall) tasks. Biofeedback Ss attained a greater degree of relaxation during training than did control Ss, regardless of A/B status. Also, biofeedback Ss maintained greater relaxation during task performance than did control Ss. Across groups, Type A's performed significantly better than Type B's on difficult tasks, and although Type A biofeedback Ss had EMG levels as high as Type B controls for the actual duration of performance tasks, they maintained significantly lower EMG levels than either group prior to, between, and after performance tasks. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated whether heart rate biofeedback training is as effective as muscular relaxation training in reducing speech anxiety. A combined muscle relaxation/biofeedback treatment group was also included in this study. All treatment groups were compared to a false-biofeedback placebo control group. This investigation also assessed whether the degree of autonomic nervous system awareness significantly influences the treatment process. 10 speech-anxious undergraduate Ss, high and low scorers on the Autonomic Perception Questionnaire, were assigned to each group. Results indicate that all 4 groups demonstrated a decrease in self-reported anxiety. Assessment of physiological measures (heart rate and skin conductance) indicated that the 3 treatment groups were associated with less physiological responding during the posttreatment assessment of anxiety, relative to the false-biofeedback group. Moreover, among the 3 treatment groups, the combined relaxation/biofeedback group demonstrated the lowest level of responding. The degree of autonomic awareness was not related to therapeutic improvement. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

36 male undergraduates were instructed to raise or lower heart rate (HR) in a 7-session biofeedback experiment. HR, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, frontalis EMG activity, and skin conductance level were simultaneously recorded throughout biofeedback training. Principal axes factor analyses showed that physiological response patterning concomitant with the development of HR control was different early in training than later in training for both speeding and slowing conditions. These results indicate that Ss used different HR control strategies. Also indicated was a tendency for greater HR response specificity as training progressed for both speeding and slowing. HR speeding sessions (but not slowing) were also found to be associated with a significant increase in perceived state anxiety as measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In anticipation of receiving painful stimuli, 20 female 21-27 yr old Ss learned to control their heart rate when provided with external feedback and reward for criterion heart rate changes and were instructed to increase or decrease their rate. Voluntary slowing of heart rate led to a relative reduction in the perceived aversiveness of the stimuli, particularly for those Ss who reported experiencing cardiac reactions to fear situations in daily life. It is concluded that biofeedback training for relevant physiological responses may possibly serve as a behavioral strategy for changing anxiety and fear reactions. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

43 college students suffering from recurrent tension headache were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 EMG biofeedback training conditions. Although all Ss were led to believe they were learning to decrease frontal EMG activity, actual feedback was contingent on decreased EMG activity for half of the Ss and increased EMG activity for the other half. Within these 2 groups, Ss also viewed bogus video displays designed to convince them they were achieving large (high success) or small (moderate success) reductions in EMG activity. Results show that regardless of actual changes in EMG activity, Ss receiving high-success feedback had substantially greater improvement in headache activity (53%) than Ss receiving moderate success feedback (26%). Performance feedback was also related to score changes in locus of control and self-efficacy measures administered pre- and posttreatment. Changes in these 2 cognitive variables during biofeedback training were correlated with reductions in headache activity following treatment, while changes in EMG activity exhibited during training were uncorrelated with outcome. (54 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Prevention of learned helplessness (LH) through the use of thermal biofeedback training and varied explanations of performance was explored. One group of Ss received biofeedback training directly prior to exposure to an experimentally produced LH situation. A 2nd group also received biofeedback training but were given false/negative feedback about their performance. A 3rd group received only the LH procedure, and a 4th group served as a no-treatment control. Only in the biofeedback group receiving accurate feedback was there any prevention of the subsequent development of LH behavior. (8 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

48 female undergraduates participated in an interview study under 1 of 4 conditions; Ss were reinforced for smiling during the interview with a "biofeedback" light, given noncontingent biofeedback, given noncontingent biofeedback and instructed to smile whenever a signal light was illuminated, or asked to simulate affective responses after hearing the same instructions given to participants in the smile-instructed group. Smile-reinforced Ss smiled significantly more than control and smile-instructed Ss and reported significantly more positive feelings with buttonpresses and on a rating form. Results are interpreted as supporting facial feedback theories of emotion. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated locus of control and performance in a biofeedback situation where the goal was to increase EEG alpha rhythms using 24 female Ss. Ss with an internal locus of control were better able to use feedback to increase alpha activity than external Ss. Data indicate that definitions of environment should not stop at a person's skin but should also include internal processes and functioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

27 16-64 yr old Ss with chronic tension headaches were divided into 3 groups. Nine were assigned to auditory EMG feedback, 9 to progressive relaxation instructions, and 9 to placebo treatment. Ss came for 2 wks of pre- and posttreatment assessment, with 4 wks of intervening treatment. Measures were taken on headache frequency, intensity and duration, frontalis EMG recordings, medication intake, Nowicki-Strickland Loss of Control Scale, and the Psychosomatic Checklist. Comparison of postassessment and 4-mo follow-up data indicate that biofeedback and verbal relaxation instructions were equally superior to the medicine placebo on all measured variables in the direction of clinical improvement, except for shifts in locus of control. All groups experienced equally significant shifts toward internality. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In anticipation of receiving painful stimuli, 20 female Ss learned to regulate their heart rate (HR) when provided with meter biofeedback and monetary bonuses for HR changes and instructions to increase or decrease their rate. Voluntary slowing of HR was associated with a relative reduction in perceived aversiveness of the stimuli, particularly in those Ss who scored high on a cardiac-awareness questionnaire (i.e., reported experiencing cardiac reactions to fear situations in daily life). These fingings replicate and extend previous findings by the authors (see record 1974-31631-001) on HR self-regulation, perception of aversive stimulation, and individual differences in cardiac awareness. They also provide further support for the hypothesis that biofeedback training for relevant physiological responses may serve as a behavioral strategy for changing anxiety and fear reactions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of respiratory constraint on heart rate control was assessed in a biofeedback situation with feedback consisting of changes in both illumination level and intensity of pre-recorded baby's cry. Subjects were reinforced for alternately increasing and decreasing heart rate on each of seven days during which respiration was unconstrained (Phase 1). This phase was followed by eight days when respiration was constrained during training sessions with a control respirator (Phase 2). Seven additional days of training followed in the unconstrained situation (Phase 3). Results indicate that the control of heart rate in biofeedback situations is very closely related to respiratory and other somatic activity. The implication of these findings for the field of visceral control is discussed.  相似文献   

Assigned 135 university students to 5 experimental conditions-no verbal instructions, verbal instructions, videotape feedback, videotaped model presentation, videotaped feedback and modeling. Results show that groups which were exposed to videotape training inputs performed significantly better than did control groups. Specifically, videotape model presentations resulted in significant performance improvement, and the addition of videotape feedback to modeling resulted in a significant but relatively small incremental performance improvement. Videotape feedback alone did not result in significant performance improvement. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared an EMG feedback group of 10 normal undergraduate males with 2 control conditions of 10 Ss each. One control group was told to relax but given no specific instructions nor feedback, only a constant tone. The 2nd control group was given instructions about relaxation, a constant tone but no feedback. The feedback group received variable-tone feedback from the frontalis muscle. Every S had 1 baseline session and 7 21-min practice sessions over a 2-wk period. The feedback group achieved significantly lower EMG scores than the 2 control groups, which did not significantly differ between themselves. Measures of subjective anxiety (Mattsson's Anxiety Scale) showed significant decreases between the beginning and end of each session for all 3 groups, but only 1 of the 6 measures of state anxiety (e.g., Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, Nowlis Mood Adjective Check List, and Mooney Problem Checklist) favored the feedback group over the controls. No differences between groups emerged on measures of trait anxiety. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Utilized a delayed, differential paradigm to investigate electrodermal, cardiac, and vasomotor conditioning in 18 psychopathic, 18 nonpsychopathic, and 18 "mixed" inmates. 3 tones, each 10 sec. long, were presented 16 times each in random order, alone, or followed by a shock or slide of a nude female. The psychopaths gave very little evidence of differential electrodermal conditioning. However, they acquired differential cardiac and digital vasomotor responses just as readily as did the nonpsychopaths to the CS followed by shock or by slides. Neither group gave any evidence of differential cephalic vasomotor conditioning. The psychopaths exhibited a lower level of tonic electrodermal activity and were less electrodermally responsive than were the other Ss. There were no differences between groups in tonic heart rate or in cardiac or digital vasomotor responsivity. However, the psychopaths responded to shock with cephalic vasodilation while the nonpsychopaths responded with vasoconstriction. (34 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the relative effectiveness of 4 types of relaxation training using electromyograph (EMG) and self-report measures of relaxation as dependent measures. Ss were 50 undergraduates. The experimental groups were (a) classic Jacobson-Wolpe instructions, (b) EMG feedback, (c) EMG feedback plus Jacobson-Wolpe instructions, and (d) EMG feedback plus a monetary reward. These groups were compared with each other and a no-treatment control group over 3 baseline and 12 training periods. All groups reported increased relaxation, but EMG measures showed that in speed of learning and depth of relaxation the EMG groups were superior to the Jacobson-Wolpe group, and the control group did not master relaxation at all. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The passive avoidance learning deficits of disinhibited Ss have been attributed to their difficulty inhibiting dominant responses. To date, evidence for this hypothesis has been derived from complex tasks. In 2 experiments, a cued reaction time (RT) task requiring no learning or memory was used to evaluate the degree to which groups of disinhibited Ss inhibit simple dominant responses. Disinhibited groups were incarcerated psychopaths identified with R. D. Hare's (1985) Psychopathy Checklist and undergraduate males who scored low on the Socialization Scale. Both disinhibited groups committed more errors than controls on trials containing misleading cues, but in both samples, findings were limited to trials in which Ss expected to make right-hand responses. Although alternative interpretations are possible, these data are consistent with the proposal that disinhibited individuals are less likely to inhibit well-established dominant responses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

40 Ss, including 30 who had been previously rated as suggestible and 10 as nonsuggestible, were pretested and then retested on equivalent forms of 3 learning tasks: digit symbol substitution, memory for words, and abstract reasoning. All Ss received the pretests in the same way. The 30 suggestible Ss were retested under 1 of the following 3 experimental treatments with 10 Ss assigned at random to each treatment: task-motivating instructions, hypnotic induction procedure with task-motivating instructions, and control. The 10 nonsuggestible Ss were retested under a task-motivating-instructions treatment. Analyses of covariance indicated that (a) task-motivating instructions given alone or following a hypnotic induction procedure did not significantly affect performance on the memory for words or abstract reasoning tasks; and (b) task-motivating instructions produced a comparable enhancement of performance on the digit symbol substitution task in hypnotized and nonhypnotized Ss and in suggestible and nonsuggestible Ss. (33 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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