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Between 1988 and 1991, we treated 595 women with breast cancer in the Breast Disease Section of the Cancer Research Foundation of Pakistan. We report here on 61 patients who were pregnant or lactating. Most patients presented at a late stage of disease because of ignorance, social taboos, or fear of hospitalization and operation. The largest diameter of the breast mass at presentation was 15 cm. Lymph nodes were involved in 70.5% of cases. Multiparity, young marriages, malnutrition, and unhygienic conditions are ripe in the rural environment of Pakistan. No oral contraceptives are used. Modern and conventional methods of treatment did not increase the survival rate of these cancer patients.  相似文献   

Experiments in ob/ob female mice demonstrated that leptin injections not only reduced weight and fat mass, but also restored fertility and partial lactation. To explore factors regulating ob gene expression in reproductive women, we measured serum leptin, body fat, energy expenditure, and milk production in 65 women at 36 weeks of gestation, and at 3 and 6 months postpartum. Serum leptin was measured by solid-phase sandwich enzyme immunoassay, and serum insulin and PRL by solid-phase 125I RIA. Total body water by deuterium dilution, body volume by hydrodensitometry, and bone density by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry were used to estimate body fat. Serum leptin per unit fat mass was significantly higher at 36 weeks of pregnancy than at 3 and 6 months postpartum (1.25 vs. 0.75, 0.73 ng.mL-1.kg-1). Postpartum normalization of leptin was associated with changes not only in weight and fat mass, but also serum insulin. Leptin was not different between lactating and nonlactating women. Leptin may have affected milk production indirectly through its negative effect on serum PRL. Adjusted for fat-free mass and fat mass, rates of energy expenditure were not significantly correlated with leptin. Our results provide evidence that factors other than fat mass alone modulate serum leptin in reproductive women.  相似文献   

Epithelioma adenoides cysticum (EAC) is a well-known genodermatosis which follows an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. Questions still remain, however, concerning an apparent excess of females with EAC. An analysis of nineteen previously published pedigrees and one newly ascertained pedigree, which in the aggregate included over 175 cases of EAC, induced no excess of affected females, but rather, a marked deficit males. This deficiency was not the consequence of sex linkage or decreased viability, and was most evident in large pedigrees and sibships, sibships not including the probands, and late birth orders. In these situations, the penetrance of EAC in male gene carriers was only 50%, but was close to 100% in female gene carries. Under maximum detection conditions, i.e. small pedigrees, small sibships, sibships containing the proband, and early birth orders, the penetrance in males increased to 85% and was again close to 100% in females. These findings suggested that the deficit of affected males was best explained by a comination of lessened expressivity and penetrance, effects which were magnified under situations of poor detection. A review of familial cases of EAC indicated no consistent associated anomalies such as those that characterize the naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome.  相似文献   

The iron reserves were assessed using Cook's formulas in 86 women in following trimesters of pregnancy and in the course of labour. The range of obtained iron reserves' levels was wide and amounted from -570 mg to 874 mg. The iron reserves' levels differed statistically in the groups of women with normal iron amount, with hypoferraemia and with sideropenic anaemia diagnosed on the basis of haematologic and iron indexes. Iron reserves insufficient for the maintenance of iron positive balance in organism were found in about 30% of examined gravidae.  相似文献   

The data presented are evident of the fact that the causative agents of pyelonephritis in pregnant women and puerpera are mostly Ecsherichia. Ilebsiella, Enterococcus and Ps. aeruginosa were isolated not so often. Strains with multiple antibiotic resistance were mainly isolated from the urine. It should be noted that 64 per cent of the Klebsiella strains and 90 per cent of the Proteus strains were sensitive to ampicillin. It should be taken into account in development of rational therapy of pyelonephritis in pregnant women and puerpera.  相似文献   

Chlortetracycline was administered to the rabbits per os in a single dose of 150000 Units/kg. After 29-30 days of pregnancy the rabbits were sacrificied 1--3--6--9--12--24-hours and 2--3--4 days after the drug administration. Three-four rabbits were examined in every experiment. The antibiotic levels were determined by the agar-diffusion method. It was found that chlortetracycline was present in bactericidal concentrations in all 60 tissues of the rabbits and fetus examined except the rabbits eye lens. In some tissues of the rabbit and fetus chlortetracycline persisted up to 3 and 2 days respectively. The antibiotic levels in the organs, tissues and fluids of the fetus were many times lower than those in the rabbits. The concentration peak in the fetus was attained somewhat later and the rate of the concentration decrease was lower as compared to the same indices in the rabbit. The highest concentrations of chlortetracycline in the fetus were registered in the amniotic membranes, joints, bones, urine and amniotic fluid.  相似文献   

Surface forces nonuniformity within the volume of a capillary system for a given structure has been examined in terms of its effect on a wetting fluid distribution. This approach enables the distribution for a porous body with a uniform structure to be quantified using a specific function for the pore volume size distribution. The surface forces nonuniformity effect is illustrated using a fibrous structure impregnated with molten copper.Institute of Materials Science Problems, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev. Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 8(368), pp. 66–69, August, 1993.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: CIN is the most frequent neoplasm in pregnancy. At present, in Italy, Pap test and colposcopy are not included in routine examinations in prenatal visits. METHODS: In this study, we submitted 560 pregnant women to Pap test during prenatal visits. In case of abnormal or doubtful smears a colposcopy and target biopsy were performed. RESULTS: Of the 560 women studied, 124 had genital bleeding and the other 436 were asymptomatic. Six cases of CIN symptomatic women and 5 cases in the asymptomatic ones. In no cases we thought necessary a therapeutic operation. We limited the therapy to a follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: In our opinion, it is necessary to treat CIN during pregnancy.  相似文献   

1. Serum prolactin (PRL) levels, both basal and post-suckling peak, were estimated in fifty-seven lactating women. 2. Basal PRL levels were significantly higher in all lactating women irrespective of the duration of lactation as compared to the levels in non-pregnant, non-lactating women. 3. There was significant positive correlation (r 0.69, P less than 0.001) between the basal PRL levels and the post-suckling peak values. 4. After 8 months of lactation, peak post-suckling, PRL levels were not significantly different from basal values. 5. Basal PRL levels were significantly lower (P less than 0.05) in mothers whose infants were being supplemented. 6. PRL levels were not related to the mother's nutritional status as determined by body-weight. 7. The findings suggest that high PRL levels during lactation prolong the duration of lactional amenorrhoea and hence the relative infertility.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether body mass index (BMI) is related to energy intake during pregnancy, and whether BMI, energy intake and other factors are related to net weight gain. DESIGN: Longitudinal, duration of pregnancy. SUBJECTS: 156 healthy pregnant women residing in Quedlinburg county, Germany. METHODS: Weighed 7 d food records and standardized anthropometric measures in the first, second and third trimester. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical technique was used to analyze differences in energy intake, net weight gain and birthweight across BMI groups, and the Cochran-Mantel Haenszel test was used to analyze food group intake by BMI group. RESULTS: Women at the highest level of BMI were significantly less often in the high energy intake category than women at the medium or low level of BMI (15% vs 36% and 48%). Net weight gain during pregnancy was independently influenced by BMI status and energy intake. Women at the highest level of BMI gained significantly less weight (4.2 kg) from first to third trimester than women at the medium or low levels of BMI (weight gains of 6.2 kg and 5.9 kg, respectively). Women with a low daily energy intake gained 4.6 kg during pregnancy, while women with medium and high energy intakes gained 6.0 kg and 6.1 kg, respectively. Examination of net weight gain simultaneously across BMI and parity groups revealed a much lower net weight gain among multigravid women at the highest BMI level (3.3 kg). Primigravid high BMI women, in contrast, gained 6.9 kg, whereas multigravid and primigravid women at medium and low BMI levels gained average of 4.8 kg and 6.5 kg, respectively. The mean birth weight in the three BMI groups did not differ and was not influenced by age, marital status, education, parity or smoking. CONCLUSION: Because other studies have shown that weight gain during pregnancy increases the risk of subsequent overweight, multigravid high BMI women may prevent an increased weight retention after pregnancy due to lower weight gain in the current gestation. A lower caloric diet may help to accomplish a lower weight gain during pregnancy in overweight women without increased risk of low birth weight infants. These findings indicate further investigation of the associations between BMI, parity and caloric intake during pregnancy are needed to increase understanding of factors affecting subsequent weight gain.  相似文献   

The main risk factors for deep vein thrombosis in pregnancy and after delivery are preeclampsia, operative delivery, adiposity, prolonged bed rest, and haemostatic defects (antithrombin, protein C and protein S deficiencies), activated protein C resistance, lupus anticoagulant/antiphospholipid antibodies. Hyperhomocystinaemia is a general risk factor for deep vein thrombosis. The clinical diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis is difficult and must be confirmed by imaging techniques. Positive D-dimer has high sensitivity, but low specificity to detect acute thrombosis. Standard treatment is unfractionated heparin intravenously for 7-10 days, followed by subcutaneous injections. Anticoagulant treatment is prolonged for 6-12 weeks after delivery, usually with warfarin. During pregnancies associated with high risk of thrombosis, low molecular heparin prophylaxis is given during pregnancy and 6-12 weeks after delivery. Thrombosis in pregnancy must be followed by adequate investigation for an underlying thrombotic predisposition.  相似文献   

Plasma leptin concentrations were measured every 20 min for 24 h in eight normal weight women and in eight upper body and eight lower body obese women matched for body mass index. The circadian rhythm of leptin, which could mathematically be described by a cosine, was characterized by an acrophase just after midnight in all subjects. The amplitude of a cosine fit as well as the average 24-h leptin concentration were increased by 280% and 420%, respectively, in obese compared to normal weight women. All characteristics of leptin concentration profiles were similar in upper body and lower body obese women, except for a significantly higher amplitude in the lower body obese group. Visceral and sc body fat depots were measured using magnetic resonance imaging in all three groups. Average 24-h leptin concentrations were strongly correlated with sc fat (r = 0.84), whereas visceral fat was not an independent predictor of the plasma leptin level. A loss of 50% of the overweight was associated with a 55% decrease in the average 24-h leptin concentrations in obese women (95% confidence interval, 12.3, 26.6), whereas the characteristics of the circadian rhythm of leptin remained unchanged. Finally, it was observed that a fasting plasma leptin concentration is not an acceptable indicator of the average leptin concentration over 24 h.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The rationale for rubella vaccination in the general population and for screening for rubella in pregnant women is the prevention of congenital rubella syndrome. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the prenatal rubella screening program in Quebec. METHODS: A historical cross-sectional study was designed. Sixteen hospitals with obstetric services were randomly selected, 8 from among the 35 "large" hospitals in the province (500 or more live births/year) and 8 from among the 50 "small" hospitals (fewer than 500 live births/year). A total of 2551 women were randomly selected from all mothers of infants born between Apr. 1, 1993, and Mar. 31, 1994, by means of stratified 2-stage sampling. The proportions of women screened and vaccinated were ascertained from information obtained from the hospital chart, the physician's office and the patient. RESULTS: The overall (adjusted) screening rate was 94.0%. The rates were significantly different between large and small hospitals (94.4% v. 89.6%). Five large hospitals and one small hospital had rates above 95.0%. The likelihood of not having been screened was statistically significantly higher for women who had been pregnant previously than for women pregnant for the first time (4.8% v. 1.4%; p < 0.001). Of the 200 women who were seronegative at the time of screening (8.4%), 79 had been vaccinated postpartum, had a positive serological result on subsequent testing or did not require vaccination, and 59 had not been vaccinated postpartum; for 62, subsequent vaccination status was unknown. INTERPRETATION: Continued improvement in screening practices is needed, especially in small hospitals. Because vaccination rates are unacceptably low, it is crucial that steps be taken to address this issue.  相似文献   

157 bacterial isolates from cases with urinary tract infections (UTI) were studied for their susceptibility to some of the available quinolones as compared to other commonly used antimicrobial agents in UTI. Resistance to nalidixic acid was observed in 62.4% of isolates whereas for pefloxacin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin and lomifloxacin it was 54.7%, 52.5%, 51.5% and 50.3% respectively. Aminoglycosides and third generation cephalosporins showed resistance in fewer isolates. Gentamicin resistance was observed in 21% and corresponding figure for amikacin, cefotaxime and ceftriaxone was 7%, 8.9% and 12.1% respectively. Nitrofurantoin showed resistance in 36.3% of isolates and 48% isolates were resistant to cephalexin. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of quinolones was more than 64 mcg/ml which is > 8 times in resistant strains as compared to sensitive isolates.  相似文献   

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