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蒸汽辅助重力泄油技术是指利用高温高压的蒸汽作为驱动力,通过重力作用将油井内的油液排出,以达到开发油田的目的。该技术具有节约能源、提高采油效率等优点,在国内外得到了广泛应用。本文对SAGD技术的基本原理、开发过程、优缺点及应用实例进行分析,以期为相关研究提供参考和启示。 相似文献
已开发油田一直都是中国石油原油产量的中坚力量,更是为保障国家能源安全作出卓越贡献的功臣。为了让老油田“青春”再现,中国石油天然气股份有限公司一直在寻找重大接替开发技术的突破口。 相似文献
以S油藏为研究对象,应用数值模拟、油藏工程等方法对厚层块状超稠油油藏蒸汽吞吐后期转换开发方式进行研究。研究结果表明,该油藏适合火驱辅助重力泄油开发,先导试验井组已取得预期效果,预计最终采收率达到58.0%,较吞吐开发提高采收率33.2%。该项研究成果对同类油藏吞吐后期大幅度提高采收率提供了借鉴。 相似文献
利用比例物理模拟技术,开展了直井-水平井组合多介质辅助重力泄油物理模拟实验。研究了多介质辅助重力泄油蒸汽腔的形成和发育特点、开采机理及生产特征,优选了注采参数,预测了开发效果,为现场实施及开发方案编制提供借鉴。 相似文献
针对小洼油田洼38块下第三系沙三段深层、特稠油油藏的特点及目前蒸汽吞吐开发进入尾声的现状,利用热采数模软件,对蒸汽吞吐后转蒸汽辅助重力泄油(简称SAGD)开发方式主要油藏工程参数如:生产层位、SAGD组合形式、直井与水平井水平距离、直井与水平井垂直距离、注汽直井井数、注入参数、水平井排液量进行了数模研究,并得出了结论。 相似文献
通过对蒸汽辅助重力泄油技术、先导试验方案介绍以及试验效果评价,归纳总结了5点保证SAGD生产效果调控技术要点,详细阐述了吞吐预热阶段和SAGD生产阶段不同的调控原则、技术手段、技术界限和操作要点。经过科学合理的动态监测、跟踪分析和调控,馆陶油层SAGD先导试验取得了好的效果,全面到达并超过了方案设计的各项生产指标,并指出了SAGD技术的改进方向,即由SAGD技术向SAGP技术发展。 相似文献
结合邯宝焦化厂生产实际,分析了粗苯蒸馏工序管式炉加热富油存在的问题以及焦炉煤气资源、环保因素等对管式炉运行造成的影响,介绍了富油加热工艺的改造,即以干熄焦自产中压蒸汽为热源的富油加热器,替代以焦炉煤气为燃料的管式炉。生产实践表明,改造后吨苯洗油消耗由62 kg降至57 kg,且缓解了公司焦炉煤气资源紧张局势,年可节约能源消耗费用约600万元,省去了管式炉尾气脱硫脱硝装置投入,提升了安全生产水平,经济效益和环保效益显著。 相似文献
SAGD采出水净水剂的研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
针对辽河油田超稠油SAGD采出水含油量高的特点,以多元醇、环氧氯丙烷、二甲胺和乙二胺为原料,合成了一种适用于处理超稠油SAGD采出水的净水剂GBEDE-08;并考察了药剂加量、沉降时间和水温对GBEDE-08除油效果的影响.实验结果表明:GBEDE-08不仅除油性能良好,而且除油速度快;在水温90℃、沉降时间90 min和投加质量浓度为300 mg/L的条件下,可将采出水含油质量浓度从62 517 mg/L降低到145 mg/L,除油率达到99%以上,是一种高效的净水剂. 相似文献
以多元脂肪醇、环氧氯行丙烷和二甲胺为原料合成出一种净水剂。用红外光谱、热重分析等测试方法分析了产品的结构及热稳定性。采用自行设计的可在高温高压情况下评价净水剂除油性能的装置,评价了产品在处理呈高温、高压状态,且含油量高的超稠油SAGD采出水时,药剂加量、沉降时间和沉降温度对药剂除油效果的影响。结果表明:产品具有良好的热稳定性且除油性能良好、除油速度快。在沉降温度为180℃、沉降时间30 min和投加质量浓度为300 mg/L的条件下,可使采出水油质量浓度从70 053 mg/L降低到453 mg/L,除油率达到99%以上。 相似文献
将原有的钠型离子交换改造为预处理-反渗透-混床工艺作为低压蒸汽锅炉补给水的处理系统。工程运行结果表明,改造后的系统提高了锅炉给水的水质,降低了锅炉水中的盐含量,大大降低了锅炉发生过热器爆管的几率。 相似文献
金隆铜业转炉废热锅炉汽包液位三冲量控制 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
介绍了锅炉汽包液位单冲量、双冲量和三冲量控制方式的特点.结合转炉间歇式生产的特点,金隆铜业在转炉2H1B作业方式下废热锅炉汽包液位采用2段式液位设定结合三冲量控制方式,在转炉3H2B作业方式下废热锅炉汽包液位采用3段式液位设定结合三冲量控制方式,保证了废热锅炉安全、稳定运行.同时对废热锅炉安装和使用提出几点建议. 相似文献
The steam‐assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) process is one of the key in situ recovery processes being used today to recover heavy oil and bitumen. In this process, steam injected through a horizontal well, flows convectively towards the outer edges of a depletion chamber. At the edges of the depletion chamber, the steam releases its latent heat to the cool oil sand and raises its temperature. The heated oil is mobile and flows under the action of gravity to a horizontal production well located several metres below the injection well. It remains unclear what is the exact mechanism of chamber growth. Some have suggested that in addition to heat conduction, it is by convective steam flow in the form of pointed fingers at the edges of the chamber which penetrate the oil sand. In theory published by Butler [Butler, J. Can. Petroleum Technol. 1987;26(3):70–75], it was determined that the fingers can be as long as 6 m for Athabasca bitumen reservoirs. In this research, a new theory is derived and provides predictions of the rise rate which compare better to estimates derived from field thermocouple data and physical model experimental observations than values obtained from Butler's theory. The results suggest that in the absence of mobile water, heat conduction rather than steam fingers at the chamber edge is the dominant heat transfer mechanism. 相似文献
The use of steam‐assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) to recover bitumen from Athabasca deposits in Alberta has been growing. Butler [Butler, J. Can. Pet. Tech. 1985;24:42–51] derived a simple theory to calculate the production rate of oil during SAGD in an ideal reservoir. This simple and useful theory made several assumptions about the properties of the reservoir and operating conditions of the process. The theory also assumed that the highest mobility oil is at the edge of the steam chamber and that the oil phase velocity is highest at the chamber edge and reduces with distance into the oil sand. This research examines flow conditions at the edge of the steam chamber. Specifically, a new theory is derived that takes into account the impact of oil saturation and relative permeability on the oil mobility profile at the edge of a steam chamber. It is shown that the flow behaviour at the edge of a steam chamber is more complex and is not fully represented by Butler's theory. Contrary to Butler's theory, the oil mobility has its maximum some distance away from the edge of the steam chamber. The results reveal that the higher the thermal diffusivity of the oil sand, the deeper the location where the oil phase velocity is maximum. The developed model has been validated against published experimental and field data. 相似文献
在氯碱企业自备电厂循环流化床锅炉汽包水位的自动控制中引用了人工智能、自适应、模糊等先进的控制理念,设计并实施二维Fuzzy-PID混合控制,实现了热力锅炉汽包水位的智能控制,有效避免了蒸汽负荷变化、燃烧工况变化和供水压力变化对汽包水位的影响,锅炉汽包水位稳定在±10 mm(差压式水位测量)、±20 mm(电容式水位测量)以内(工艺要求±50 mm),实现了锅炉的安全运行。 相似文献
为了解决220t/h水煤浆锅炉长期运行后出力下降的问题,进行燃料特性、配风及送风量、炉膛温度场分布、尾部排烟参数等方面的测量及分析,提出2台锅炉检修及运行方面的改进建议。 相似文献