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The fact that calcium ions regulate the secretion of thyroid hormones could be extended to explore how the mechanisms of anuran metamorphosis is controlled by thyroid hormones. In the present study, an attempt was made to investigate the effects of both calcium channel blocker, Diltiazem (DT) and calmodulin inhibitor, Trifluoperazine (TFP) on metamorphosis and various developmental stages of the anuran tadpole, Rana tigerina. Both DT (25 microM) and TFP (2 microM) treatments caused total inhibition of the development and metamorphosis of the tadpole at premetamorphic stages. The metamorphosis was delayed by DT and totally inhibited by TFP when tadpoles were exposed at prometamorphic stages. Both drugs could not affect the tadpoles at climax stage. The findings suggest an active involvement of thyroid hormone in premetamorphic tadpoles. Calcium channel blockage with DT could not prevent the progression of tadpoles through prometamorphic stages which suggest that the change in calcium pool is not a determining factor mediating thyroid hormone release mechanism. The study suggests that in tadpole growth thyroid hormone secretion is modulated by calmodulin bound intracellular calcium.  相似文献   

A 70-year-old woman presented at our hospital with the chief complaint of gross hematuria and pain on urination. Cystoscopy revealed a broad-based tumor covered with mucus on the right wall of the bladder and therefore a transurethral resection was performed. At surgery the tumor was found to arise from the diverticulum and could not be resected because of the risk of perforation. A histopathological examination disclosed adenocarcinoma including a small region of signet ring cell carcinoma. The tumor was thus diagnosed to be adenocarcinoma originating from the vesical diverticulum and total cystectomy and urinary diversion (ileal conduit) were scheduled. At operation, the carcinoma was found to have infiltrated into the cecum. The operation procedure was therefore changed to partial cystectomy and excision of the cecum in consideration of both the patient's quality of life and her overall prognosis. Although a tumor originating from the vesical diverticulum and adenocarcinoma are both considered to be factors indicating a poor prognosis, no signs of recurrence or metastasis have been detected in this patient at 26 months after the operation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Delayed-interval delivery is infrequent in twin gestation and more rare in triplet and quadruplet gestation. Coexistence of a triploid pregnancy with a normal fetus has not previously been reported to have resulted in survival of the normal fetus. CASE: A 26-year-old woman, gravida 2, para 0-0-1-0, was diagnosed with a quadruplet pregnancy. At 16 1/2 weeks' gestation she developed preeclampsia and severe hyperemesis. Ultrasound was consistent with partial molar pregnancy in quadruplet D. Quadruplet D died in utero, and the preeclampsia and hyperemesis resolved. At 19 5/7 weeks, spontaneous rupture of the membranes and preterm labor occurred, and quadruplet A, stillborn female weighing 260 g, was delivered. With the use of antibiotic therapy, tocolysis and bed rest, the remaining two fetuses were maintained in utero until 32 6/7 weeks' gestation, when quadruplet B, a 1,470-g female, and quadruplet C, a 1,700-g female, were delivered. CONCLUSION: This was the first reported case of surviving fetuses coexisting with a partial molar pregnancy. This case was also complicated by preterm delivery and successful delayed-interval birth in a quadruplet pregnancy.  相似文献   

On the basis of long clinical experience principles are substantiated and schemes are suggested of therapy of childhood disseminated sclerosis (DS), these being as follows: 1) pulse therapy with high dose intravenous corticosteroids, a switch-over to oral intake followed by synacten-depo during the phase of exacerbation; 2) long-term maintenance therapy during transition to the phase of remission. The above algorithm allowed the patients to be helped out of the exacerbation. Analysis of 3-to-11 yr catamnesis permitted assessing the efficacy and outcomes of the proposed therapy in children. Of the 21 cases, thirteen showed stabilization of the process as evidenced by continuing remission of one to 3 years in duration. Eight children showed short-time remission, with neurological deficit slowly progressing, resulting in invalidism in 7 patients. In summary, the proposed therapeutic regimen for DS exacerbation in children permits achieving quick regression of the neurologic symptomatology, returning progression of neurological deficit, which observation was recordable in two thirds of the patients. In 1/2 of children DS runs an aggressive course that does not respond even to intensive therapy; in these, long-term remission was not achievable, this resulting in progression of the neurologic symptomatology and, in the long run, disability under protracted course of the condition.  相似文献   

A case of post-traumatic pseudocyst of the pancreas is presented. The elevated and compressed stomach showed an appearance on X-ray film which might be interpreted as free peritoneal air. The term pseudopneumoperitoneum is defined and other causes of this condition are mentioned.  相似文献   

We describe one case of hemangiopericytoma touching a 44-year-old man. It is a rare vascular tumor originating from pericytes surrounding capillaries. The main typical features of it are the difficulty in doing an histologic diagnosis and the impossibility to make out a reliable prognosis. The therapy of choice is a surgical procedure sometimes in combination with radio- and/or chemotherapy.  相似文献   

A clinically malignant tongue ulcer in a 63-year-old White man was proved by histological examination and culture to be due to Blastomyces dermatitidis. In addition, pulmonary lesions caused by B. dermatitidis were found at autopsy.  相似文献   

Cutaneous ossification is a rare phenomenon in collagen diseases, despite the rather frequent occurrence in these diseases of dystrophic calcinosis. We observed metaplastic woven bone formation associated with calcification in biopsy material obtained from a 49-year-old woman suffering from mixed connective tissue disease together with multiple subcutaneous indurations. This is the first case of the presence of metaplastic bone formation in a patient with mixed connective tissue disease.  相似文献   

A 76-year-old man had shown sustained excruciating facial pain in the maxillary region for more than 30 years. Since he was suffering from blepharospasm, facial electromyography was performed and revealed a perioral dystonia. This possible cause of facial pain might have been overlooked had dystonia not been considered and electromyographical studies performed. Repeated intramuscular perioral injections of botulinum toxin brought about complete pain relief. This case shows that involuntary activity of facial muscles can cause a severe chronic pain syndrome. Possible mechanisms include irritation of ascending trigeminal fibers, muscle ischemia due to compression of blood -vessels, or release of pain-producing substances.  相似文献   

Pyomyositis is a primary infection of skeletal muscle. We report the case of a previously healthy six-year-old who suffered from pyomyositis in the right lower back. He presented with lower back pain and low-grade fever for one week. After a series of laboratory and imaging studies, the diagnosis of right multifidus muscle pyomyositis with abscess formation was made. The patient recovered rapidly after incision and drainage therapy, accompanied by antibiotic treatment. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was cultured from the abscess discharge. It was strongly suspected that herbal medicines and common cold medication the patient had been prescribed before admission to our hospital produced a masking effect that delayed the diagnosis.  相似文献   

A 74-year-old man was admitted to our hospital. Diagnosis of invasive bladder cancer was made and a total cystectomy was performed on January, 30, 1980. Histological examination showed transitional cell carcinoma, grade 2, pT1 is N0M0. After 16 years, when he suffered left femur, he had right inguinal lymphnode swelling. On the biopsy of the inguinal mass, histology was transitional cell carcinoma. The urethral washing cytology was positive. Lung CT scan dem onstrated multiple lesions. He was diagnosed of the urethral recurrence, right inguinal lymphnode metastasis and lung metastasis of bladder cancer. This case is the 5th case of urethral recurrence of bladder cancer following cystectomy in our hospital.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old boy with severely discolored primary maxillary incisors was treated with bonded porcelain veneer restorations. Two years previously, the child had been treated with topical application of sodium fluoride-silver nitrate solution to arrest dental caries associated with a nursing bottle habit. With minimal chair time, the incisors were restored with laboratory-processed porcelain veneer restorations that were bonded with resin cement. This is perhaps the only report to date of the use of porcelain veneer restorations for primary anterior teeth.  相似文献   

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