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The Bragg reflection technique improves the Q-factor of a resonator by reducing conductor and dielectric losses. This is achieved by designing a low-loss inner resonant region (usually free space) surrounded by an outer anti-resonant region made of distributed Bragg reflector layers. In this paper we develop a simple non-Maxwellian model and apply it to design three distinct cylindrical Bragg resonators based on the same set of single-crystal sapphire plates and rings by changing only the dimension of the cavity that supports the structure. To accomplish this, the simple model allows an arbitrary thickness for either the horizontal or the cylindrical dielectric reflectors by relaxing the condition that they must be lambda/4 thick. The model also allows for higher-order field variations in both the resonant and the anti-resonant regions. The resonators were constructed and experimental results were compared with the simple model and the rigorous method of lines analysis. For the fundamental mode, an unloaded Q-factor of 234,000 at 9.7 GHz was obtained. This is larger than that for a whispering gallery mode resonator. The resonator also exhibited a greatly reduced spurious mode density when compared to an overmoded whispering gallery mode resonator. 相似文献
Studies aimed at optimization of the design of a dielectric distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) produced by the reactive magnetron sputtering method for applications in near-IR vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with intracavity contacts (ICC-VCSELs) are carried out. It is shown that the reflectivity of the dielectric DBRs based on SiO2/TiO2 decreases due to the polycrystalline structure of the TiO2 layers, which causes diffusive scattering of light. In contrast, amorphous Ta2O5 layers is characterized by a low surface roughness and low fluctuation in the refractive index. Single-mode ICC-VCSELs in the 980-nm spectral range with dielectric DBR based on SiO2/Ta2O5 with a threshold current less than 0.27 mA, electric resistance of less than 200 Ω, and differential efficiency of more than 0.8 W/A are demonstrated. 相似文献
High-power semiconductor lasers based on asymmetric quantum-dimensional separate confinement InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with ultrathick waveguides were fabricated by means of metalorganic hydride vapor phase epitaxy technology. The laser characteristics were studied in a pulsed pumping regime, in which the emission was excited by current pulses of 100 ns duration at a repetition frequency of 10 kHz and an amplitude of up to 200 A. The passage to a pulsed lasing regime allowed the active region heating to be reduced and the output power to be increased to 145 W for a laser diode with a 100-μm exit aperture. The results obtained for the pulsed lasing regime show that saturation of the output power-current characteristic observed in the continuous-wave regime is fully determined by overheating of the active region of a semiconductor laser. 相似文献
Output radiation focusing in AlGaAs/GaAs quantum-well curved-grating distributed Bragg reflector (c-DBR) lasers has been theoretically
and experimentally studied. It is established that the focal spot size for c-DBR lasers is determined to a considerable extent
by the spectral perfection of laser radiation. 相似文献
Passive mode-locking has been studied in the lasers with tunnel-coupled waveguides with the active region based on InAs/InGaAs quantum dots emitting in the range of 1.3–1.31 μm. Specific optical mode formation in this composite waveguide reduces the output beam divergence and raises the temperature stability of the lasing wavelength. The reduced optical confinement factor facilitates obtaining passive modelocking regimes. High response rate of the saturable absorber associated with the carrier escape time shorter than 20 ps allows generating a third harmonic with the frequency as high as 46.1 GHz. 相似文献
Acrylate-based optical waveguides have been fabricated with optical loss of 0.5 dB/cm at 1300 nm by means of a new material system that ensures stable optical and mechanical properties over a wide temperature range. No increase in loss was measured after 500 h at temperatures up to 150 degrees C, and there was no significant increase in loss during short (<5 min) temperature excursions to 300 degrees C for bonding. Single-mode waveguides were fabricated with refractive indices for core and clad of 1.505 and 1.500, respectively, so that the mode field is very similar to that of single-mode silica fiber. Guides were fabricated on both planar and structured substrates of Si and GaAs as well as on substrates coated with metals and dielectrics. Fabrication involved spin coating and UV exposure to cross-link the polymer, but the substrate temperature did not exceed 180 degrees C. With this method guides could be fabricated on a range of substrates up to 125 cm in diameter, including those with multilayer metallization for multichip modules, providing optical interconnect capability. Microprism reflecting surfaces were fabricated in the waveguides to couple light out normal to the substrate. All the processing was compatible with normal semiconductor fabrication. 相似文献
We studied a suitable route to fabricate ferroelectric islands by focused-ion-beam milling in bismuth ferrite epitaxial thin films. Piezoresponse force microscopy shows that the damage induced by the milling process is extended to 1 μm away from the edge of the focused-ion-beam patterned islands. After a combined vacuum and oxygen atmosphere annealing procedure, ferroelectricity is fully recovered in structures with sizes down to 500 nm, while for 250 nm islands the defects at the interfaces induce polarization direction pinning. 相似文献
Lanthanide complexes, Eu(dbm) 3(Phen) and Er(dbm) 3(Phen), are employed as luminescent dopants within polymer channel waveguide devices fabricated by hot embossing. Spectroscopic properties of the complexes as dopants in the waveguide core polymer are investigated in detail. Judd–Ofelt parameters are calculated for the europium chelate and radiative properties are determined viz. potential for optical amplification. Channel waveguides fabricated by single level embossing are shown to be capable of guiding visible and infrared light emitted following optical excitation of the dopants. Multi-level polymer micro-optical benches incorporating doped channel waveguides and passive locational features for self-alignment and integration of optical fibres are fabricated in a multi-level single-step embossing process and are shown to successfully out-couple the waveguided dopant emission. 相似文献
With tightly focused femtosecond laser pulses, waveguides are fabricated in fused silica. The guiding and attenuation properties of these waveguides at wavelengths of 514 nm and 1.5 microm are studied. We demonstrate that by changing only the writing speed, waveguides with a controllable mode number can be produced. 相似文献
利用全息曝光方法制备了分布反馈量子级联激光器的光栅掩模,选择和发展了恰当的用于InGaAs/InP材料的光栅腐蚀优化工艺,得到腐蚀规律,讨论了腐蚀机制。在量子级联激光器的InGaAs/InP层上制备光栅得到分布反馈量子级联激光器,其单模特性较好,信噪比大于30dB。 相似文献
Channel waveguides with asymmetric long period gratings exhibiting coupling from the fundamental (symmetric) core mode to the first-order (antisymmetric) cladding mode were analyzed. Using this geometry, we show that it is possible to realize polarization-dependent and polarization-independent operations at desired wavelengths. We have chosen the device parameters to demonstrate its operation in the C+L band. Sensitivity of the coupling behavior to random variation in various parameters such as core and cladding dimensions, grating period, etc., has been analyzed. The proposed structure should be interesting from the point of view of realizing waveguide devices such as filters, polarizers, etc., based on waveguide gratings. 相似文献
For the first time femtosecond-laser writing has inscribed low-loss optical waveguides in Schott BK7 glass, a commercially important type of borosilicate widely used in optical applications. The use of a variable repetition rate laser enabled the identification of a narrow processing window at 1 MHz repetition rate with optimal waveguides exhibiting propagation losses of 0.3 dB/cm and efficient mode matching to standard optical fibers at a 1550 nm wavelength. The waveguides were characterized by complementary phase contrast and optical transmission microscopy, identifying a micrometer-sized guiding region within a larger complex structure of both positive and negative refractive index variations. 相似文献
Micromirrors were fabricated in gallium phosphide by mass transport to provide spatial-mode control of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSEL's). The concave mirrors were used in an external-cavity configuration to provide spatial filtering in the far field. Single-mode cw lasing was demonstrated in 15-mum-diameter VCSEL's with currents as high as 6 times threshold. The fabrication process was extended to micromirrors in gallium arsenide by use of a replication and dry-etch transfer process. 相似文献
Planar optical waveguides in Nd:BSO crystals were fabricated by the implantation of 500 keV He ions and 6.0 MeV C ions at two different substrate temperatures. The guiding modes were measured by the prism-coupling method with a He-Ne beam at 633 nm. The intensity calculation method (ICM) and reflectivity calculation method (RCM) were used for reconstructing refractive index profiles. The near-field intensity distribution of the waveguide, formed by He and C ions implanted after annealing at 300 °C, was measured by the end-face coupling setup. It was in reasonable agreement with the intensity of the waveguide mode simulated by the finite-difference beam propagation method (FD-BPM). The absorption spectra of the sample with He ions implanted at fluences of 3 × 10 16 ions/cm 2 were measured using a spectrophotometer. 相似文献
We report on the fabrication of the planar waveguides in Bi4Ge3O12 crystal by using 17 MeV C5+ or O5+ ions at a fluence of 2×10(14) ions/cm2. The reconstructed refractive index profiles of the waveguides produced by either C5+ or O5+ irradiation are the "well" + "barrier" pattern distribution. The two-dimensional modal profiles of the planar waveguides, measured by using the end-coupling arrangement, are in good agreement with the simulated modal distributions. After thermal annealing treatment at 260 °C for 30 min, the propagation loss for C5+ and O5+ irradiated waveguides could be reduced down to ~1.1 and ~4.8 dB/cm, respectively, which exhibit acceptable guiding qualities for potential applications in integrated optics. 相似文献
A selectively oxidized vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) has been designed and fabricated for operation at a wavelength of 1.546 μm. The device structure was grown on an InP substrate using III–V quaternary semiconductor alloys for the two mirror stacks and unstrained multi-quantum wells for the active layer. A threshold current as low as 2.2 mA has been achieved. The influence of the intentional and growth-related compositional grading at the heterointerfaces on the mirror reflectivity and laser characteristics has been investigated, and key sensitivities to laser performance have been determined. 相似文献
In a proposed switching grating coupler (SGC), the grating period Lambda is chosen so that the SGC converts from a first-order grating coupler to a third-order distributed Bragg reflector by means of a small change in the guided mode index. The principle for switching the radiated wave power and the effective aperture of the SGC were experimentally confirmed by use of the thermo-optic effect of a polymer waveguide. The extinction of the peak intensity of the wave radiated by the SGC and collected by an external lens was measured to be 5 dB with a temperature change of 10 degrees. 相似文献
Annealed proton-exchanged z-cut LiTaO(3) planar waveguides fabricated with pyrophosphoric acid have been characterized. For proton exchange, the extraordinary index increase Δ n(e) ranged from 0.0119 to 0.0141, depending on the exchange temperature. The effective diffusion coefficient D(e) ranged from 0.1325 μm(2)/h at 240°C to 0.545 μm(2)/h at 280 °C. Single-mode propagation losses were α = 0.7 dB/cm. Compared with benzoic acid, pyrophosphoric acid produces waveguides with a higher Δ n(e) and a lower propagation loss. For proton exchange in lithium phosphate-diluted pyrophosphoric acid, a lower Δ n(e) was obtained, but D(e) and propagation losses were not reduced. After proton exchange, the waveguides were annealed. The surface index initially increased, peaked, and then decreased. The waveguide depth d and the surface index n(s) were measured at regular intervals. Figures and empirical formulas relating the waveguide depth d and the surface index increase Δ n(s) to the anneal time, anneal temperatures, and the waveguide depth after proton exchange are given. An example is given in which, the desired waveguide parameters d and Δ n(s), the fabrication conditions could be calculated with the previously derived formulas. Propagation losses decreased to 0.4 dB/cm after prolonged annealing. 相似文献
We present a detailed analysis of the spectral characteristics of asymmetric directional couplers (ADC's) formed by K(+) -Na(+) ion exchange in BK7 glass and compare the results obtained by the use of normal-mode theory with those obtained by the use of the coupled-mode approach. Maximum power transfer is observed to occur at the wavelength at which the propagation constants of the perturbed component arms are equal. This is attributed to the strong coupling inherent in these devices. Strong coupling and asymmetry are observed to result in unequal confinement of the normal modes, leading to reduce power transfer, even when both arms of the coupler are synchronized. Additionally, significant polarization dependence is observed because of birefringence induced by both the K(+) -Na(+) exchange process and the chosen device structure. Polarization extinction ratios of 11.9 and 26.1 dB are obtained for the arms of the directional couplers. ADC's are observed to operate as bandpass filters, and by adjustment of structural parameters, the peak transmission wavelength can be tuned, with spectral bandwidths of 25-55 nm and coupling lengths of 6-12 mm. Over 90% of the input power in the TE polarization at 1.07 μm can be transferred to the second arm of the coupler, whereas power either in the TM polarization or at wavelengths outside the passband is relatively unaffected. We also show that within the bandpass, where the two arms are phase matched, exact normal-mode analysis yields the same results as the quasi-normal-mode approach, in which the normal modes are expressed in terms of the individual modes. 相似文献
A theoretical analysis of purely gain-coupled distributed feedback lasers (PGC-DFB) with antireflection facets is given. The effects of longitudinal non-uniformity of photon and carrier density above a threshold circumstance are considered. In addition, the influence of carrier-induced refractive index change on the coupling coefficient of the PGC-DFB structure is assumed. It is shown that the coupling coefficient in this structure varies with injected current and it gets a real part or an index coupled term. As a result the normalized coupling coefficient, κ L, becomes a complex number. So, above the threshold condition, the PGC-DFB laser operates like a complex coupled one. Variation of the oscillation wavelength and the threshold gain of the PGC-DFB laser in terms of current is analyzed too. Numerical analysis shows that this structure has wavelength tunability with respect to current. The theoretical model is based on the self-consistent solution of coupled wave equations and the carrier rate equation by the transfer matrix method. 相似文献