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The commissural and associational projections to the rat dentate gyrus are believed to be anatomically homologous fiber systems. They are often referred to as the so-called commissural/ associational system of the dentate gyrus. However, whereas characteristic laminar termination patterns within the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus have been described for the different cells of origin of the associational projection, the axons of the different cell types of commissural neurons have long been believed to terminate exclusively within the inner molecular layer. Only recently, a previously unknown commissural projection to the outer molecular layer of the dentate gyrus was described and the question was raised whether the commissural fibers could exhibit a heterogeneity similar to that of the associational projections. Using the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin, which labels individual axons and their collaterals, we have studied the termination pattern of commissural axons in the dentate gyrus of the septal hippocampus. At least four different commissural fiber types could be revealed on the basis of their laminar termination pattern: fibers to the inner molecular layer (type 1), fibers to the outer molecular layer (type 2), fibers terminating throughout the molecular layer (type 3), and fibers terminating in both the granule cell layer and the molecular layer (type 4). These observations demonstrate a previously underestimated heterogeneity of the commissural projection. In addition, there is a great deal of parallelism between the different commissural and associational fibers, pointing to a coordinated action of the two systems in the two hippocampi.  相似文献   

We have examined the development of the laminar and areal distribution of cortical commissural neurons in a marsupial mammal, the wallaby Macropus eugenii. In this species, commissural axons approach the major cerebral commissure, the anterior commissure, via either the internal capsule or the external capsule and first cross the midline at postnatal day 14 (P14). By retrogradely labelling these axons with 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine (DiI) at P15, we show here that the cell bodies of these neurons are restricted to a region of cortex adjacent to the rhinal fissure. Most of these labelled neurons are located in the compact cell zone of the cortical plate, with only a few labelled cells found in the zone of loosely packed cells deep to this layer. Over the subsequent 66 days, commissural neurons are found progressively more dorsally, rostrally, and caudally, so that, by P80, they are present throughout the extent of the neocortex. At this age, they are mainly pyramidal in morphology and form a single band within the deeper part of layer 5 of the developing cortex. From P80 to adulthood, the distribution of commissural neurons has been assessed in the visual cortex by using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. At P80, labelled neurons with immature pyramidal morphology are present throughout the occipital cortex; as in DiI material, somata are located in deep layer 5. At P165, previously shown to be the age when commissural axon numbers peak, widespread labelling is present in the occipital region, with labelled cells now found in two bands corresponding to layers 3 and 5. After this age, neurons become more restricted in distribution, so that, by adulthood, commissural neurons are no longer apparent throughout area 17 but are restricted to a localised region around the area 17/18 boundary. Within this region, labelling is still present in layers 3 and 5 but is more dense in layer 3. The gradual restriction of commissural fields seen here in the wallaby is similar to that reported in the neocortex in many eutherians. These findings also support studies in eutheria, suggesting that subplate neurons do not appear to play a major role in commissural development.  相似文献   

The rat fascia dentata is characterized by a simple cytoarchitecture and characteristic lamination of afferents. Entorhinal afferents are believed to terminate exclusively in the outer two thirds of the molecular layer, whereas commissural fibers are believed to terminate exclusively in the inner molecular layer of the fascia dentata. A sharp border divides these two major afferent fiber systems and is regarded as the main boundary of the fascia dentata. This concept of a highly laminated brain structure has made the fascia dentata attractive for studies analyzing normal or pathological processes of the brain. Recently, entorhinal as well as commissural fibers have been identified which do not follow the classical lamination of the fascia dentata. Using anterograde tracing with Phaseolus vulgaris-Leucoagglutinin, an entorhino-dentate projection to the molecular layer, granule cell layer, and hilus of the fascia dentata was described. With the same technique, GABAergic commissural fibers to the outer molecular layer of the fascia dentata were revealed and a previously unknown heterogeneity of the commissural projection was demonstrated. These previously unknown fiber systems complicate the interpretation of lesion effects in this brain region and have to be taken into account as possible sources of sprouting fibers following the partial denervation of the fascia dentata.  相似文献   

The efferent and afferent connections of the lateral posterior nucleus (LP) of the albino rat were investigated light microscopically with the silver-degeneration-methods and the HRP-methods as well. The results are: 1. The main projection region of the LP is the area of 18a of the peristriate visual cortex. Most degenerating axons terminate in layer IV. A few fibers pass layers III and II and terminate in layer I. It is not sure if there are also terminating fibers in layer IV. We could not find a topistic relation between LP and area 18 a. 2. We observed a small number of degenerating fibers in area 17, too. 3. A part of the degenerating fibers runs to the temporal cortex end enters area 20. 4. There is no evidence for a projection of the LP to both the subcortical regions and to the superior colliculus. 5. The majority of the LP's afferent fibers originates - on the subcortical level - from the superior colliculus. Especially the lamina III (Str. opticum) of the ipsilateral and of the contralateral side is here the source of fibers terminating in the LP. 6. Other subcortical sources of fibers terminating in the LP are: the pretectal region, the ventral part of the LGN, the Zona incerta, the thalamic reticular formation, and the dorsal raphe nucleus. 7. There exists a fiber projection of the area 17 to the LP. The axons originate mainly from pyramidal cells in layer V. It is discussed whether the area-17-fibers terminating in the LP are collaterals of the fibers terminating in the superior colliculus. The projection of the area 18a to the LP is of greater importance. The axons of this area originate mainly from cells of the layer VI. It becomes obvious that the thalamic relay-station of the second visual pathway seems to project nearly exclusively to the neocortex. In contrast to the dorsal LGN, however, the LP is not only a simple relay-station for visual information as also non-visual information arrives here. The morphological basis for these inputs has not yet been clarified completely. We have to take into consideration as well as the connections with the superior colliculus and the pretectal region and the cortical connections. It is remarkable that there exists also a projection of LP-fibers to a region outside the classical visual cortex. In mammals of higher evolution that kind of projection extends increasingly. It is discussed if - under comparative-anatomical aspect - the morphological changes in the pulvinar region are an expression of the neocorticalization, whereas the morphological changes in the dorsal LGN reflect mainly the functional specialization of the visual system.  相似文献   

During neural development, specific recognition molecules provide the cues necessary for the formation of initial projection maps, which are reshaped later in development. In some systems, guiding cues for axonal pathfinding and target selection are provided by specific cells that are present only at critical times. For instance, the floor plate guides commissural axons in the spinal cord, and the subplate is involved in the formation of thalamocortical connections. Here we study the development of entorhinal and commissural connections to the murine hippocampus, which in the adult terminate in nonoverlapping layers. We show that two groups of pioneer neurons, Cajal-Retzius cells and GABAergic neurons, form layer-specific scaffolds that overlap with distinct hippocampal afferents at embryonic and early postnatal stages. Furthermore, at postnatal day 0 (P0)-P5, before the dendrites of pyramidal neurons develop, these pioneer neurons are preferential synaptic targets for hippocampal afferents. Birthdating analysis using 5'-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) pulses showed that most such early-generated neurons disappear at late postnatal stages, most likely by cell death. Together with previous studies, these findings indicate that distinct pioneer neurons are involved in the guidance and targeting of different hippocampal afferents.  相似文献   

The development of the entorhinal, ipsilateral associational, and commissural afferents to the dentate gyrus have been studied autoradiographically, following the injection of small amounts of tritiated proline into the medial and lateral parts of the entorhinal cortex, and into fields CA3c and CA4 of the hippocampus, in a series of rats, on the third, sixth, and twelfth postnatal days. Clear labeling of the entorhinal afferents were found at the third postnatal day, and from the earliest stage studied the afferents from the two parts of the entorhinal cortex appear to be spatially segregated within the stratum moleculare of the dentate gyrus: the fibers from the lateral entorhinal area occupying the outermost one-third, or so, of this stratum, while those from the medial entorhinal cortex occupy its middle zone. The ipsilateral hippocampo-dentate associational pathway is present at the third postnatal day, but the commissural projection (which shares with it the inner part of the stratum moleculare) could not be labeled until the sixth postnatal day. By the twelfth day the characteristic adult pattern of distribution of the terminals of the two hippocampo-dentate pathways is established. Although this pattern is best accounted for on the basis of a temporal competition for the available synaptic sites on the proximal parts of the dendrites of the granule cells, the spatial segregation of these two fiber systems from those arising in the entorhinal cortex, is probably due to the selective fasciculation of fibers in each group of afferents and to their early cytochemical specificity.  相似文献   

The intracortical arborizations of neurons from the ventroposterolateral thalamic nucleus (VPL) in the cat were studied by intraaxonal injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) following identification of their receptive fields. In the primary somatic sensory cortex (SI) VPL cells terminated in different cytoarchitectonic areas according to their receptive field modality. Fibers excited by deep tissue or joint rotation arborized preferentially in area 3a. Those responding tonically to cutaneous stimuli were located in the anterior part of area 3b; hairdriven cells terminated in area 3b and in the rostral pole of area 1. All fibers had a similar laminar distribution within SI. Axons terminated mostly in layers VI, iV, and the lower part of layer III. None terminated in layers I and II. Most terminal arbors were oriented along the mediolateral axis of the brain. The main arborization of a single VPL cell formed a bush of about 500 micrometers in diameter. some fibers generated two such bushes with an uninvaded region of about 300 micrometer between them. It is proposed that this patchy organization underlies in part the columnar organization of areas SI. Many VPL cells had secondary projection sites in SI. These were issued from smaller-sized collaterals and were located in a different cytoarchitectonic area than that of the main terminal plexuses. A significant number of these collaterals projected to area 4, Insufficient filling of the collaterals by HRP prevented a more complete characterization of the secondary arbors.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to identify the terminal distributions of thalamocortical axons arising in chemically characterized subdivisions of the medial geniculate complex. Large injections of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase or small injections of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin were made in the medial geniculate complex of Macaca fuscata. The terminal distributions of labeled axons in the cortex were correlated with auditory cortical fields demonstrable by different intensities of immunoreactivity for parvalbumin. Fibers from the ventral nucleus terminated mainly in layer IV and deep portion of layer III (IIIB), with additional terminations in layers I-IIIA and in layer VI. In layers IIIB-IV, a major terminal plexus was formed by a small number of dense patches, 300-500 microns in diameter, surrounded by smaller satellite patches. The patches conformed to a similarly lobulated pattern of parvalbumin fiber immunoreactivity. Terminations of some individually labeled thalamocortical fibers were restricted to a single patch, whereas others innervated more than one patch by collateral branches. Fibers from the dorsal nuclei ending in areas of less dense parvalbumin immunoreactivity surrounding the primary auditory cortex formed much larger terminal patches centered largely in layer IIIB. Fibers from the magnocellular nucleus had relatively few terminal branches but innervated extremely wide areas by collaterals of single axons. Two types of axons arose from the magnocellular nucleus, one terminating preferentially in middle cortical layers and the other exclusively in layer I. These may arise respectively from parvalbumin- and calbindin-immunoreactive cell populations in the magnocellular nucleus.  相似文献   

Retinal fibers approach close to the tectal midline but do not encroach on the other side. Just before the entry of retinal axons into the superior colliculus (SC), a group of radial glia differentiates at the tectal midline; the spatiotemporal deployment of these cells points to their involvement in the unilateral containment of retinotectal axons. To test for such a barrier function of the tectal midline cells, we used two lesion paradigms for disrupting their radial processes in the neonatal hamster: (1) a heat lesion was used to destroy the superficial layers of the right SC, including the midline region, and (2) a horizontally oriented hooked wire was inserted from the lateral edge of the left SC toward the midline and was used to undercut the midline cells, leaving intact the retinorecipient layers in the right SC. In both cases, the left SC was denervated by removing its contralateral retinal input. Animals were killed 12 hr to 2 weeks later, after intraocular injections of anterograde tracers to label the axons from the remaining eye. Both lesions resulted in degeneration of the distal processes of the tectal raphe glia and in an abnormal crossing of the tectal midline by retinal axons, leading to an innervation of the opposite ("wrong") tectum. The crossover occurred only where glial cell attachments were disrupted. These results document that during normal development, the integrity of the midline septum is critical in compartmentalizing retinal axons and in retaining the laterality of the retinotectal projection.  相似文献   

This study aimed at elucidating the branching pattern of striatal and thalamic projections arising from prelimbic (Cg3) cortex in the rat. Small pools (5-15 cells) of neurons were microiontophoretically injected with biotin-dextran or biocytin and their labeled axons were individually reconstructed from serial horizontal sections immunostained for calbindin-D28k to delineate striatal patch/matrix compartments. Reconstruction of > 40 axons shows that all Cg3 corticofugal fibers, including corticothalamic axons from layer VI, course through the patch network in the rostromedial sector of the striatum. Corticostriatal projections arise from two types of layer V cells: (i) long-range corticofugal neurons, whose main axons reach the brainstem and/or spinal cord, and (ii) neurons arborizing into both striatum and claustrum, either ipsi-, contra- or bilaterally. The axons of these two types of neurons arborize profusely in striatal patches and only sparsely in the matrix. Layer VI neurons do not arborize in the striatum but target principally the thalamus. The same corticothalamic axon can innervate the anterior, rostral intralaminar and mediodorsal thalamic nuclei. These findings support the concept that no corticofugal fiber system exists that is solely devoted to the striatum. They also shed new light on how neural information from prelimbic cortex is conveyed to various subcortical limbic structures in the rat.  相似文献   

Transplant-to-host neuron migration and neurite projection were demonstrated using the mouse allelic Thy-1 system, namely, BALB/c (Thy-1.2) embryonic olfactory bulb (OB) as the graft and 5- to 6-week-old AKR (Thy-1.1) OB as the host. From OB transplants inserted into the host OB, small neurons were often extensively moved mainly in the internal granular layer and showed almost the same morphology as the normal granule neurons. Some large neurons also migrated. Furthermore, inside OB the transplants sent axons mainly into the internal granular layer and dendrites into the external plexiform layer. Outside OB the axons arrived at the anterior olfactory nucleus, primary olfactory cortex, olfactory tubercle, and cortical nucleus of the amygdaloid complex. These fibers appeared to terminate in normal target areas. These findings show that the olfactory system at 5-6 weeks of age still has the capacity to integrate newly migrated neurons and to receive newly growing fibers from the transplant.  相似文献   

The postnatal development of serotonin (5HT)-immunoreactive axons was studied in the visual cortex of the cerebrum in both normal and microcephalic rats during early postnatal and young adult stages. Severe microcephaly in rat offspring was induced by prenatal exposure to methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM), an anti-mitotic agent, on day 15 of gestation. From postnatal day 1 (PND 1) to PND 5, fine and short 5HT fibers were irregularly dispersed throughout the occipital cortex in both the control and MAM-treated rats (MAM-rats). A conspicuous aggregation of dot-like 5HT terminals was found in controls, but not in MAM-rats, in a shallow layer of the dorsomedial region of the occipital cortical plate. On PND 7, such an aggregation of 5HT terminals was found in both groups. The density of the aggregation increased up to PND 9, but then decreased gradually, finally becoming unrecognizable at around PND 15 in both groups. MAM-rats, however, always showed hyperaggregation of 5HT terminals when compared with controls on the same PND. The density of 5HT fibers gradually increased, and finally made up a network-like formation at PND 28 in both groups, its pattern was essentially identical to the abnormal distribution of 5HT fibers during the later stage. As a result, the network-like formation of 5HT fibers in the MAM-rats at PND 28 was markedly twisted and somewhat hyperdense. In Nissl-stained preparations from PND 9 to 15, the 5HT terminal aggregation in the control rats was precisely confined to the newly forming layer IV of the visual cortex. In the MAM-rats, on the other hand, the aggregation of 5HT terminals was not associated with a specific cortical layer because of a disarranged cytoarchitecture of the microcephaly.  相似文献   

THE ipsilateral and contralateral corticocortical connections to the fifth somatosensory area (SV) in the feline cortex were determined from the location of retrogradely labelled cells following a single injection of HRP into SV. The injection was made into physiologically defined components of the body representation in SV. After injection of HRP into the face regions of SV, HRP-labelled cells were located ipsilaterally in areas 6 beta, 3b and 1-2 of the primary somatosensory (SI), in the second somatosensory (SII), third somatosensory (SIII), and fourth somatosensory (SIV) areas, along the ansate sulcus, and in areas 5a and 6a beta of the ipsilateral cortex, as well as in area 1-2 of SI and in SV of the contralateral cortex. On the other hand, after HRP had been injected into the trunk/hindlimb area, HRP-labelled cells were located in areas 3a, 1-2 of SI, in area 5, in SII, in SIII and in SIV of the ipsilateral cortex, as well as in area 1-2 of SI, and in SV of the contralateral cortex. The extent of these interconnections suggests that SV receives multiple sensory inputs and may function to integrate this information.  相似文献   

The function of the projection from the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) to the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) in rats was investigated by recording sensory evoked potentials (SEP) in SI during glutamate activation and lidocaine blockade of SII. In anesthetized animals, glutamate stimulation of SII decreased SEP latency and increased SEP amplitude, whereas no changes were evident during lidocaine blockade of SII. In awake animals, a second, later component of the SEP appeared. This second component was almost completely eliminated during lidocaine blockade of SII. We conclude that the projection from SII to SI in rats slightly facilitates the SEP response in anesthetized animals and is responsible for a major portion of the late component of the SEP in awake animals.  相似文献   

The areal and laminar distributions of the projection from the parvocellular part of laminae C of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (Cparv) were studied in visual cortical areas of the cat with the anterograde tracing method by using wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. A particular objective of this study was to examine the central visual pathways of the W-cell system, the precise organization of which is still unknown. Because the Cparv in the cat is said to receive W-cell information exclusively from the retina and the superior colliculus, the results obtained would provide an anatomical substrate for the W-cell system organization in mammals. The results show that the cortical targets of the Cparv are areas 17, 18, 19, 20a, and 21a and the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian (PMLS) and ventral lateral suprasylvian(VLS) areas. In area 17, the projection fibers terminate in the superficial half of layer I; the lower two-thirds of layer III, extending to the superficial part of layer IV; and the deep part of layer IV, involving layer Va. These terminations form triple bands in area 17. The projection terminals in layer I are continuous, whereas those in layers III, IV, and Va distribute periodically, exhibiting a patchy appearance. In areas 18 and 19, the projection fibers terminate in the superficial half of layer I and in the full portions of layers III and IV, forming double bands. In these areas, the terminals in layer I are continuous, whereas those in layers III and IV distribute periodically, exhibiting a patchy appearance. In area 20a, area 21a, PMLS, and VLS, projection fibers terminate in the superficial part of layer I, in part of layer III, and in the full portion of layer IV, although they are far fewer in number than those seen in areas 17, 18, and 19. The present results demonstrate that the Cparv fibers terminate in a localized fashion in both the striate and the extrastriate cortical areas and that these W-cell projections are quite unique in their areal and laminar organization compared with the X- and Y-cell systems.  相似文献   

The lateral geniculate nucleus of the rat was injected with the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) to see if geniculo-cortical axons terminate on vasoactive intestinal polypeptide immunoreactive (VIP-IR) neurons of the primary visual cortex. PHA-L-labelled boutons attached to VIP-IR perikarya and dendrites were identified as presynaptic parts of asymmetrical synapses. This geniculo-cortical projection to VIP-IR cells in the visual cortex and comparable findings in the somatosensory cortex suggest that sensory input from specific thalamic nuclei may influence local circuit inhibition and the metabolic state within the cortical domain via VIP-IR neurons.  相似文献   

Most of the neurons of the ventral nerve cord send out long projecting axons which cross the midline. In the Drosophila central nervous system (CNS) cells of the midline give rise to neuronal and glial lineages with different functions during the establishment of the commissural pattern. Here we present evidence that beside the previously known NETRIN/FRAZZLED (DCC) signalling system an additional attractive system(s) is operating in the developing embryonic nervous system of Drosophila. Attractive cues appear to be provided by the midline neurons. We show that the glial cells present repulsive signals to the previously described ROUNDABOUT receptor in addition to a permissive contact-dependent signal helping commissural growth cones across the midline. A novel repulsive component is encoded by the karussell gene. Furthermore the midline glial cells separate anterior and posterior commissures. By genetic criteria we demonstrate that some of the genes we have identified are acting in the midline glia whereas other genes are required in the midline neurons. The results lead to a detailed model relating different cellular functions to axonal patterning at the midline.  相似文献   

The primary visual cortex (V1) of primates is unique in that it is both the recipient of visual signals, arriving via parallel pathways (magnocellular [M], parvocellular [P], and koniocellular [K]) from the thalamus, and the source of several output streams to higher order visual areas. Within this scheme, output compartments of V1, such as the cytochrome oxidase (CO) rich blobs in cortical layer III, synthesize new output pathways appropriate for the next steps in visual analysis. Our chief aim in this study was to examine and compare the synaptic arrangements and neurochemistry of elements involving direct lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) input from the K pathway with those involving indirect LGN input from the M and P pathways arriving from cortical layer IV. Geniculocortical K axons were labeled via iontophoretic injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase into the LGN and intracortical layer IV axons (indirect P and M pathways to the CO-blobs) were labeled by iontophoretic injections of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin into layer IV. The neurochemical content of both pre- and postsynaptic profiles was identified by postembedding immunocytochemistry for gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) and glutamate. Sizes of pre- and postsynaptic elements were quantified by using an image analysis system, BioQuant IV. Our chief finding is that K LGN axons and layer IV axons (indirect input from M and P pathways) exhibit different synaptic relationships to CO blob cells. Specifically, our results show that within the CO blobs: 1) all K cell axons contain glutamate, and the vast majority of layer IV axons contain glutamate with only 5% containing GABA; 2) K axons terminate mainly on dendritic spines of glutamatergic cells, while layer IV axons terminate mainly on dendritic shafts of glutamatergic cells; 3) K axons have larger boutons and contact larger postsynaptic dendrites, which suggests that they synapse closer to the cell body within the CO blobs than do layer IV axons. Taken together, these results suggest that each input pathway to the CO blobs uses a different strategy to contribute to the processing of visual information within these compartments.  相似文献   

The pathways by which somatosensory information could be relayed from the cortex to the amygdaloid complex were investigated by using the anterograde axonal transport of biocytin following cortical microinjections. Injections of biocytin into head and limb areas of secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) produced heavy labeling of fibers and terminals in granular and dysgranular parietal insular cortex from bregma to 3.8 mm behind bregma but only extremely sparse labeling in the lateral and basolateral amygdaloid nuclei. Biocytin injections into granular parietal insular cortex produced a heavy labeling of the subjacent dysgranular parietal insular cortex, but only sparse labeling in the basolateral amygdala. Biocytin injections into dysgranular parietal insular cortex resulted in heavy labeling of the subjacent agranular parietal insular cortex and strong labeling of fibers and terminals in the dorsal part of lateral nucleus, with moderate labeling of fibers in the anterior and posterior basolateral nuclei, and the central nucleus. Injections into S2 labeled the ventroposterior medial, ventroposterior lateral and posterior thalamic nuclei; injections in rostral granular and dysgranular parietal insular cortex labeled the ventral posterior and parvicellular part of ventroposterior lateral thalamic nuclei; and injections in middle to caudal dysgranular parietal insular cortex labeled only the posterior nucleus. These results suggest that whereas somatosensory cortex projects only very sparsely to the amygdala, somatosensory-related inputs to the amygdala arise in the dysgranular parietal insular cortex. The association of dysgranular parietal insular cortex with the posterior thalamus suggests it may relay nociceptive information to the amygdala.  相似文献   

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