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依照跑气保用轮胎、防滑轮胎、智能轮胎三类安全轮胎,分别介绍了世界各公司开发出的一系列安全轮胎和轮胎轮辋系统,并就轻量化和安全轮胎的发展前景进行了论述。  相似文献   

“泄气保用轮胎”又称安全轮胎或零压轮胎。这种轮胎在遭到刺穿而引发漏气(即失压)后,仍可以每小时80公里的时速安全行驶160公里。而在如此长的路段,找到汽车修理厂应不成问题。  相似文献   

具有0.50或更小扁平率的泄气保用充气子午线轮胎含有一层补强内衬层和一层气密层。补强内衬层由高硬度胶料组成,其断面呈新月形,设置在胎侧的内侧;气密层含有主要由于丁基橡胶组成的胶料,它设置在轮胎的整个内表面上,至少在覆盖补强内衬层的气密层内侧相应处覆盖-橡胶层,该橡胶层主要由二烯橡胶组成;而二烯橡胶中的聚丁二烯橡胶在橡胶成分中的用量为50(重量)份或更多。  相似文献   

安全轮胎的发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,由轮胎漏气爆胎而导致的恶性交通事故屡见不鲜,为克服充气轮胎在行驶过程中因突然跑气而导致的交通事故,世界各大轮胎公司都加快了研制安全轮胎的步伐,汽车用户也在寻求安全轮胎的保护,本文主要介绍了安全轮胎的应用及其发展前景.  相似文献   

普利司通公司在八十年代初就开始制造在失压状态下也能行驶到安全场所的轮胎。最初是在1987年作为标准原装胎装于ボルシエ959型汽车。1999年以后,由于装备泄气保用轮胎的汽车相继走向市场,所以普利司通公司向汽车厂家运送泄气保用轮胎的数量也在增加,截至2005年9月,普利司通公司的泄气保用轮胎累计出货已经突破300万条。  相似文献   

1安全轮胎的定义和内涵安全轮胎的英文是run—flattire,如果直译就是“瘪了还能走的轮胎”。对于run—flattire,业界通常译为“跑气保用轮胎”、“缺气保用轮胎”、“漏气保用轮胎”或“零压轮胎”。安全轮胎是一种“失压可防可控+无压正常行驶”的轮胎。它是在充气轮胎基础上发展起来的产品,是对充气轮胎的完善(如图l所示)。  相似文献   

The present paper gives an overview of the actual tools available for the estimation of the fire development and of the resulting thermal actions on structural members. A case study is developed on the basis of the Fire Safety Engineering methodology, respectively with two different approaches, one based on ‘advanced’ tools and another one based on ‘simplified’ tools. Indeed, three categories of fire models are used in this study, each of which corresponding to a different level of precision and complexity: hand calculations, zone models, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. The case study is relative to the calculation of the heating of a portal frame in a gymnasium, under localised real fire conditions. It is shown through comparisons that, in this case, predictions of analytical methods are, to certain extent, in good agreement with predictions of the CFD model. In particular, it is demonstrated the relevance of using a simplified method of EN 1991‐1‐2 to predict thermal actions to vertical members. The obtained results also highlight the need to develop more relevant analytical methods in order to predict the temperature field during a fire in a large volume. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

轮胎技术的发展趋势(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着汽车的高性能化和高速化,要求轮胎具有良好的路面抓着性、操纵稳定性和乘坐舒适性,而且要求轮胎式样新颖,因此轮胎新技术的发展迅速。本文对轮胎新技术的应用和优越性作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Three decades after the pioneering development of sugarcane ethanol in Brazil, the arrival of the new century has seen a worldwide boom in the automotive biofuel industry. Although fire safety of biofuels has not been perceived so far as a potential barrier to sustainability of their development, very limited scientific work can be found on the matter. This paper is a first contribution to the discussion of these issues within the fire safety community. It aims at identifying research needs from an initial overview based on existing safety data pertaining to currently available biofuels for transport. The paper comprises a first analysis of fire risk typology presented by such biofuel technologies, including first lessons from recent accidents. At first sight, when considering aspects of fire safety from a technical point of view, it seems a simple problem, but analysis shows that from the point of view of safety of biofuels, it is not correct to summarize the regulatory position by simply saying that fuel ethanol is a flammable product, whereas biodiesel is not. Clearly, a more in‐depth analysis of fire safety issues is needed that will also have to consider significant changes in biofuel technologies in the future. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) was firstly used as fire safety agent for thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). And, the fire safety improvement of PMDA in TPU was intensively investigated by limiting oxygen index (LOI), smoke density test (SDT), cone calorimeter test, and thermogravimetric/infrared spectroscopy, respectively. It has been found that PMDA could significantly improve the ignition level, and the LOI value increase to 28.5% when 8.0 wt% PMDA was incorporated into TPU; PMDA also could effectively suppress the smoke production and heat release during the combustion process. The peak heat release rate and total smoke release of the sample with 8.0 wt% PMDA were decreased by 68% and 22% compared with pure TPU in cone calorimeter test. The thermogravimetric/infrared spectroscopy results showed that PMDA could improve the thermal stability of TPU composites at high temperature and increased the release of CO2, H2O, and so on. All results confirmed that PMDA would have a good prospect in reducing the fire hazard of TPU.  相似文献   

常灵光 《化工设计》1999,9(6):43-46
阐述用于火炬防止回火所采用的各种设备的工作原理和技术性能。对于所开发的自调式动力密封器,阐明了理论依据,并公布技术诀窍。  相似文献   

陈民 《水泥工程》2006,(3):33-34
详细总结了爆破工程意外事故——早爆、迟爆、自然爆和拒爆的造成原因和处理对策;全面探讨了爆破有害效应——爆破地震、空气冲击波、个别飞石和毒气等的产生和预防控制手段;简要介绍了爆破安全技术引用系统工程理论的发展现状;强调了就预防爆破事故应遵守的精心设计、精心施工、加强安全管理这三条原则。  相似文献   

本文依托ABAQUS非线性有限元软件,建立了12.00-20 18PR特种越野轮胎的稳态滚动模型,鉴于轮胎实际行驶状态的复杂性,为针对轮胎轮辋配合安全获取合理的仿真设置工况,故通过考虑牵引制动、侧偏和侧倾多工况的不同组合,得到接触区域关于接触压力、摩擦应力分布等关键评价因素的变化趋势,获得对轮胎轮辋配合安全具有实际研究意义的工况。确定了可靠的仿真环境,将有效指导轮胎有关接触安全问题的深入研究。  相似文献   

Full‐scale fire experiments were conducted at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to investigate tire fire interactions with the passenger compartment of a motorcoach. A single full‐scale experiment with a partially furnished interior was conducted to investigate tire fire growth within the passenger compartment and the onset of untenable conditions. A tire fire was initiated using a burner designed to imitate the frictional heating of hub and wheel metal caused by failed axle bearings, locked brakes, or dragged blown tires. Measurements of interior and exterior temperatures, interior heat flux, heat release rate, toxic gases, and visibility were performed. Standard and infrared videos and still photographs were also recorded. The results of this single experiment showed that after fire penetration into the passenger compartment, the tenability limits were reached within 8 minutes near the fire and within 11 minutes throughout the passenger compartment.  相似文献   

针对近年来钢结构在建筑工程中广泛被应用的实际,结合火灾危险性特点和危害,分别论述了几种防火涂料的性能和适用性,并指出了防火涂料的发展方向。  相似文献   

仿生轮胎具有安全性能高、经济舒适性强、节能等优点,能满足汽车在不同路面的安全行驶。本文主要从结构仿生和功能仿生两个方面概述仿生设计学在仿生轮胎上的应用,并结合当前轮胎发展趋势从多样化、智能化、绿色化、自主化等方面对仿生轮胎进行展望。  相似文献   

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