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纳米胶体动压空化射流抛光加工实验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在研制了纳米胶体动压空化射流抛光原型设备的基础上,使用单晶硅作为工件材料进行空化射流抛光与普通射流抛光的定点抛光对比实验。结果表明:加工角度为90°时,空化射流抛光与普通射流抛光加工轮廓相似,均呈现"W"形状,并且其加工表面质量最好的位置均处在去除最多的圆环处。与普通射流抛光相比,采用旋转导叶喷嘴的空化射流抛光加工效率更高,所得到的表面质量更好。在本实验条件下,加工单晶硅表面得到了Ra0.758 nm的表面粗糙度。 相似文献
利用分子动力学模拟了纳米Si O2颗粒与单晶硅(100)表面的碰撞过程,以此来分析纳米胶体射流抛光的材料去除机理。仿真结果显示:粒径为7 nm的Si O2颗粒其速度在50 m/s时,与单晶硅工件表面的碰撞作用不会引起工件表面的原子排布的变化;而若要使碰撞对单晶硅工件表面原子排布产生影响,纳米Si O2颗粒的速度需大于250 m/s。以单晶硅工件为加工对象进行了纳米胶体射流抛光加工试验。利用激光拉曼光谱对加工前后单晶硅工件表面原子排布状况进行了比较,其结果与分子动力学仿真结果吻合。利用X射线光电子能谱,研究了加工前后纳米Si O2颗粒与单晶硅工件表面原子之间化学键的变化。通过仿真和试验得出:纳米胶体射流抛光中,纳米颗粒碰撞所产生的机械作用不能直接去除工件材料,材料的去除是纳米颗粒与工件表面之间机械作用和化学作用的共同结果。 相似文献
磨料射流表面抛光研究综述 总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1
作为精密超精密光学制造工艺过程中的一个重要环节,各种新型表面抛光方法与工艺始终吸引着科研人员不断深入研究与探索。磨料射流抛光方法为小型复杂零件的表面抛光提供了一个新思路,成为精密超精密光学加工技术的重要组成部分。对磨料射流表面抛光过程中衍生的磨料水射流抛光、磁射流抛光、负压吸流抛光、磨料气射流抛光、冰粒水射流抛光、纳米胶体射流抛光的抛光原理、方法及特点进行了综述,分析了各射流表面抛光技术材料去除的最新发展;从加工原理、磨料选择、抛光精度、数学模型等方面对上述新型射流抛光技术进行深入分析与比较,其中磁射流抛光、纳米胶体射流抛光、磨料水射流抛光的抛光精度较高,可以实现表面粗糙度纳米级的超精密抛光,而磨料气射流抛光、冰粒射流抛光从加工成本上来讲则相对较低。最后,对磨料射流表面抛光在去除函数优化、精度效率的提高、应用范围扩展、在线检测、商业化应用等方面的发展趋势进行了预测。 相似文献
纳米磨料硬度对超光滑表面抛光粗糙度的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
通过均相沉淀法制备了纳米CeO2和Al2O3粉体,研究了在相同抛光条件下纳米CeO2、Al2O3和SiO2磨料对硅片的抛光效果,用原子力显微镜观察了抛光表面的微观形貌并测量其表面粗糙度.结果表明:纳米CeO2磨料抛光后表面具有更低的表面粗糙度,在5 靘5 靘范围内表面粗糙度Ra值为0.240 nm,而且表面的微观起伏更趋向于平缓;考虑了纳米磨料在抛光条件下所发生的自身变形,其变形量相当于一部分抵消了纳米磨料嵌入基体材料的切削深度,而这个切削深度最终决定了抛光表面的粗糙度;分析指出这个变形量与纳米磨料的硬度成反比,硬度低的纳米磨料由于自身变形量大,导致切削深度小,抛光后表面的粗糙度值低.解释了在相同的抛光条件下不同硬度的纳米磨料具有不同的抛光表面粗糙度的原因. 相似文献
蓝宝石晶片纳米级超光滑表面加工技术研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文提出以蓝宝石塑性磨削和化学机械抛光为主要手段,以原子力显微镜为主要检测工具,来制备满足光电子领域要求的纳米级超光滑蓝宝石晶片的新方法。在高刚性磨床上,用W7的金刚石砂轮以f=1μm/r进给量,实现了蓝宝石晶片的浅损伤塑性域磨削。配制了以SiO2溶胶为抛光料的监宝石晶片专用抛光液,稳定地获得了无损伤层的RMS小于0.2nm的超光滑蓝宝石晶片表面。GaN外延生长所需蓝宝石晶片的合理抛光参数是:SiO2的粒子直径为7nm、浓度为3%、pH=11、压力P=200Pa。 相似文献
氧化锆陶瓷大抛光模磁流变抛光试验研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
目的研发一种高效、高质量氧化锆陶瓷超光滑表面加工技术。方法采用大抛光模磁流变抛光方式加工氧化锆陶瓷,利用自主研发的磁流变平面抛光装置,配制含有金刚石磨粒的磁流变抛光液,通过设计单因素实验,研究抛光时间、工作间隙、工件转速和抛光槽转速等主要工艺参数对氧化锆陶瓷平面磁流变加工性能的影响,并对材料去除率和表面粗糙度进行分析。结果在工作间隙为1.4 mm、工件转速为100 r/min、抛光槽转速为25 r/min的工艺条件下,表面粗糙度在达到饱和之前随时间的增加而降低。抛光30 min达到饱和,表面粗糙度Ra达到0.7 nm。继续延长抛光时间,表面粗糙度不再改善。氧化锆陶瓷的材料去除率随着工件转速和抛光槽转速的增加而增大,随着工作间隙的增大而减小。当工件转速为300 r/min时,材料去除率可以达到1.03 mg/min;抛光槽转速为25 r/min时,材料去除率可以达到0.80 mg/min;工作间隙为1.0 mm时,材料去除率最高可达0.77 mg/min。结论采用大抛光模磁流变抛光方法可以提高氧化锆陶瓷的材料去除率,同时获得纳米级表面粗糙度,实现氧化锆陶瓷的高效超光滑表面加工。 相似文献
通过磨料浆体射流抛光加工SKD12模具钢的试验研究,分析了浆体射流的加工参数与抛光加工工件表面质量之间的关系,得出了各个工艺参数对磨料浆体射流加工质量的影响规律。结果表明:模具钢抛光表面Ra值与磨料尺寸成正比,与工件的初始Ra值无关;走刀速度4 mm/s、喷射压力0.7 MPa、靶距5 mm、磨料浓度75 g/L时工件表面质量最佳;氧化铝磨料比碳化硅磨料抛光质量高;当走刀间距为1.25D时表面粗糙度值最低,且喷嘴直径越大表面Ra值越小。 相似文献
介绍了磨液射流磨削抛光实验装置的组成及实验过程,通过磨液射流磨削抛光钛合金(TC4)试件,取得了磨削抛光的工艺参数,为异型曲面工件的表面抛光探索了一种有效方法。 相似文献
近年来,在非传统抛光方法中,微磨料浆体射流抛光由于初始成本,无热损伤,不改变材料力学和物理性能,抛光特性不受工件抛光位置影响,被认为是当前对具有复杂表面的硬脆性材料制品进行超光滑表面加工的最有潜力方法之一.本文详细介绍了微磨料浆体射流抛光技术的应用及特点、装置设计原理及实例、材料去除机理,重点分析了喷射压力等工艺参数对抛光效果的影响,并提出了微磨料浆体射流抛光中有待进一步深入开展的研究工作. 相似文献
射流抛光是应用于先进光学制造业的一种新的加工方法,喷嘴是射流抛光设备的重要元件。传统的针形喷嘴加工效率较低,不能满足大平面光学玻璃的加工需求。为此,设计了新型喷嘴以提高射流抛光效率,对不同结构参数的喷嘴进行了数值模拟。模拟结果表明:新型喷嘴可满足大平面光学玻璃的加工需求;选择较小的喷嘴出口宽度、较大的喷嘴收缩角度和收缩段长度可有效地提高射流抛光的加工效率。 相似文献
Material removal rate in fluid jet polishing is significantly enhanced when ultrasonic cavitation bubbles are introduced at the nozzle outlet. In this paper, two theories are put forward to explain the process mechanism: a micro-scale hypothesis in which the surface is micro-jetted by collapsing bubbles, and a macro-scale hypothesis in which vibration of the fluid in the impingement region increases abrasive particle erosive action. Experimental investigation suggests the higher likelihood of the macro-scale phenomenon, and a material removal model is proposed accordingly. Process footprints simulated by this model were found to agree well with experimental measurements. 相似文献
Use of hydro-abrasive jet machining (HAJM) for machining a wide variety of materials—metals, poly-mers, ceramics, fiber-reinforced
composites, metal-matrix composites, and bonded or hybridized mate-rials—primarily for two- and three-dimensional cutting
and also for drilling, turning, milling, and deburring, has been reported. However, the potential of this innovative process
has not been explored fully. This article discusses process control, integration, and optimization of HAJM to establish a
plat-form for the implementation of real-time adaptive control constraint (ACC), adaptive control optimiza-tion (ACO), and
CAD/CAM integration. It presents the approach followed and the main results obtained during the development, implementation,
automation, and integration of a HAJM cell and its computer-ized controller. After a critical analysis of the process variables
and models reported in the literature to identify process variables and to define a process model suitable for HAJM real-time
control and optimi-zation, to correlate process variables and parameters with machining results, and to avoid expensive and
time-consuming experiments for determination of the optimal machining conditions, a process predic-tion and optimization model
was identified and implemented. Then, the configuration of the HAJM cell, architecture, and multiprogramming operation of
the controller in terms of monitoring, control, process result prediction, and process condition optimization were analyzed.
This prediction and optimization model for selection of optimal machining conditions using multi-objective programming was
analyzed. Based on the definition of an economy function and a productivity function, with suitable constraints relevant to
required machining quality, required kerfing depth, and available resources, the model was applied to test cases based on
experimental results. 相似文献
Yaw-Terng Su Tu-Chieh Hung Chun-Cheng Weng 《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》2003,43(12):1069
A process planning method for removing an arbitrary and axially symmetric error profile by the cylindrical polishing process (abbreviated as the CPP process) is proposed in this study. This method is to plan the dwelling-time of the polishing tool so that the error profile can be accurately removed. The tool dwelling-time distribution is solved by a non-negative least square method. By using this method, the residual error between actual and desired removal depths may be induced. It is shown that the residual error is related to the width of the machining zone, the wavelength of the error profile, and the tool’s resolution. The computer simulations indicate that the residual error is always negligible when the wavelength of the error profile is larger than the width of the machining zone. If the wavelength of the error profile is large, a small size of the tool’s resolution is found effectively to reduce the residual error. The experimental study confirms that an arbitrary error profile can be accurately removed on the basis of the proposed method. 相似文献
A Taguchi and experimental investigation into the optimal processing conditions for the abrasive jet polishing of SKD61 mold steel 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
F.C. Tsai B.H. Yan C.Y. Kuan F.Y. Huang 《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》2008,48(7-8):932-945
This study introduces an abrasive jet polishing (AJP) technique in which the pneumatic air stream carries not only abrasive particles, but also an additive of either pure water or pure water with a specified quantity of machining oil. Taguchi design experiments are performed to identify the optimal AJP parameters when applied to the polishing of electrical discharge machined SKD61 mold steel specimens. A series of experimental trials are then conducted using the optimal AJP parameters to investigate the respective effects of the additive type and the abrasive particle material and diameter in achieving a mirror-like finish of the polished surface. The Taguchi trials indicate that when polishing is performed using pure water as an additive, the optimal processing parameters are as follows: an abrasive material to additive ratio of 1:2, an impact angle of 30°, a gas pressure of 4 kg/cm2, a nozzle-to-workpiece height of 10 mm, a platform rotational velocity of 200 rpm, and a platform travel speed of 150 mm/s. Applying these processing parameters, it is found that the optimal polishing effect is attained using #8000SiC abrasive particles and a 1:1 mixture of water-solvent machining oil and pure water. The experimental results show that under these conditions, the average roughness of the electrical discharge machined SKD61 surface is reduced from an original value of Ra=1.03 μm (Rmax: 7.74 μm) to a final value of Ra=0.13 μm (Rmax: 0.90 μm), corresponding to a surface roughness improvement of approximately 87%. 相似文献
Tan Wang Hao-Bo Cheng Zhi-Chao Dong Hon-Yuen Tam 《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》2013,213(9):1532-1537
The Gaussian-like removal character having its peak value in the middle is appropriate for excellent imaging quality in optical iterative manufacture. A similar removal curve of magnetorheological jet polishing was explored by using a novel polishing tool with eccentric rotation motion. As a result, the removal model with eccentric rotation motion was established based on the normal fluid impact dynamics theory, and the new-model-based removal characters with different eccentric distances were simulated. In addition, tending gene was put forward to estimate the optimal eccentric distance, with which the profile of the removal distribution approximates Gaussian character mostly. Experiments were conducted to verify the theoretical model on the K9 optical mirror with different eccentric distances using a novel setup. The polishing results indicated that the experiment value was consistent with the theoretical value. All these results have proved that the optimized model is successful and suitable for high precision polishing of complex surfaces. 相似文献
微磨料水射流加工技术的射流直径在10 μm~100 μm之间,较常规磨料水射流直径(500 μm~1200 μm)小一个数量级,在微加工领域仍保持常规磨料水射流的许多的性能,尤其适宜对硬脆材料、复合材料等难加工材料进行微加工.目前其孔加工精度已达到相当于激光微加工技术的水平.为加深对该新技术的最新发展的理解,本文介绍了微磨料水射流加工技术射流生成方式、装置设计的关键技术、主要参数对加工性能的影响及部分应用示例.最后提出了微磨料水射流加工技术中有待深入研究的工作. 相似文献
Massimiliano Barletta Stefano Guarino Gianluca Rubino Vincenzo Tagliaferri 《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》2007,47(3-4):483-495
This paper deals with the internal finishing of tubular components made from a high strength aluminium alloy (AA 6082 T6) using a fluidized bed assisted abrasive jet machining (FB-AJM) system.Firstly, a Taguchi's experimental plan was used to investigate the influence of abrasive jet speed, machining cycle, and abrasive mesh size on surface roughness and material removal trends. Secondly, the leading finishing mechanisms were studied using combined 3d profilometer-SEM analysis to monitor the evolution of the surface morphology of machined workpieces. Finally, the circumferential uniformity and precision machining of the inner surface of workpieces were tested by evaluating the values of the more significant roughness parameters in different circumferential locations.Consistent trends of surface roughness vs. operational parameters were measured, and significant material removal was found to affect the workpieces during machining. As a result, FB-AJM was found to preferentially machine the asperities and irregularities of the surface, thereby altering the overall surface morphology producing more regular and smoother finishing. Moreover, the good circumferential uniformity and machining accuracy FB-AJM guarantees even on ductile aluminium alloy workpieces ensure that this technology can be applied to a diverse set of industrial components. 相似文献
为了改善化学机械抛光的接触状态和被加工工件的表面形态,基于生物学的叶序理论设计了仿生结构的抛光垫。从单颗磨粒切削理论出发,建立了抛光运动方程和材料去除率分布模型。利用所建立的运动方程和材料去除率分布模型进行了晶片表面材料去除率分布的计算分析,得到抛光机的运动参数及抛光垫的叶序参数对材料去除率的影响规律。结果表明:当抛光盘的转速较大、工件转速适中、摆臂摆动频率较小、摆臂中心角较小及叶序参数取值较小时可以获得更好的材料去除分布。 相似文献