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针对老年人这一特殊群体设计更具可用性的手机操作界面,具体阐述了“以用户为中心”设计理论中的需求分析,界面设计及可用性评估的方法和原则。并通过用户测试实验证明“以用户为中心”的设计方法提高了手机用户操作界面的可用性,解决了手机向老年用户群体普及难的问题。  相似文献   

在IF中国奖2008年度的评选中,第二代英特尔学生笔记本电脑以其为学生贴切的设计而获奖。英特尔新兴市场研发部一直以来致力于对学生电脑的开发,目前已有两款产品上市。本文结合了在产品设计开发工作中的经验及体会,以学生笔记本电脑的设计为例,从产品设计方法入手,大致介绍了以用户为中心(UCD)的设计方法在产品设计中的运用。  相似文献   

以用户为中心的场景设计方法研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
图形用户界面(GUI)的可用性在于给用户的任务提供了有用的图形表示和操作,以使用户无须分心于那些不必要的交互和领域特征,然而,当前的GUI设计通常反映了系统的状态和操作,迫使人们学习和适应预定义的系统任务,以用户为中心的GUI设计旨在提高系统可用性,但是众多的以用户为中心的设计研究只给出一些设计准则和经验性的方法,缺乏对实际软件设计的可操作指导,基于场景的设计是GUI设计的有效方法,然而,场景本身并没给出好的实现以用户为中心设计的方法,该文在研究以用户为中心的设计和基于场景的设计的基础上,提出一种以用户为中心的场景设计方法,力图给出一种提高GUI可用性的更有效的方法,该方法的核心是:用场景描述方式来体现用户为中心的设计思想,并将其贯穿到系统开发的各个阶段,真正实现从用户的角度设计系统,最后以ATM机的界面设计为例说明使用该方法进行设计的有效性。  相似文献   

一种用户目标驱动的交互设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向对象的软件工程是面向对象技术在软件工程领域的全面运用,提高了软件的可修改性和可维护性,但软件的可用性并没得到有效解决。提出了以用户目标为中心,用户目标驱动功能的开发和界面交互设计的思想;描述了交互设计与面向对象设计的结合方法;划分了交互设计师和建模人员的职责。在保证软件可维护性的同时提高了软件的可用性。  相似文献   

一种用户目标驱动的交互设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向对象的软件工程是面向对象技术在软件工程领域的全面运用,提高了软件的可修改性和可维护性,但软件的可用性并没得到有效解决。提出了以用户目标为中心,用户目标驱动功能的开发和界面交互设计的思想;描述了交互设计与面向对象设计的结合方法;划分了交互设计师和建模人员的职责。在保证软件可维护性的同时提高了软件的可用性。  相似文献   

交互设计随着互联网时代的兴盛展现了其发展的勃勃生机,尤其在产品设计领域,交互设计逐渐占据了一个重要的角色,影响了用户在使用产品过程中的对产品满意度的评价。产品交互设计师究竟采取什么样的交互设计方法才能设计出令用户满意的交互产品也变得尤为重要。针对不同交互产品,设计师采用的交互设计方法也存在着不同,着重点不同,得到的效果也千差万别。本文主要从交互设计方法中的“基于剧情的设计(scenario-based design)”和“以用户为中心的设计(UCD)”为基础,来探讨这些方法在交互设计中的实际运用。  相似文献   

使用研究是研究使用者、产品与使用环境之间关系的一套系统的方法论,是以用户为中心的设计(UCD)的重要工具之一。本文将简单介绍使用研究的概念和方法论,并阐述其在家电产品设计中的应用。  相似文献   

用户体验、以用户为中心的设计方法是时下设计界讨论的热点话题,本文通过网站设计引出这一话题,并且对这一话题进行了深入分析,介绍了其重要性及基本研究方法。  相似文献   

可用性工程是开发高可用性交互式软件和IT产品的有效途径,这要求根据开发组织的可用性成熟度状况,把以用户为中心的设计方法结合到产品生命周期过程中,为指导可用性工程在国内的引进和推广,我们按照可用性能力成熟度模型UMM,选择代表性的软件企业进行了一次可用性能力成熟度评估。本文介绍这次评估依据的UMM模型,所采用的评估方法和评估结果,重点讨论所发现的阻碍企业应用可用性工程的问题,并提出过程改进的对策。  相似文献   

一种笔式用户界面软件领域模型及其应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
笔式用户界面软件以其自然、高效的交互方式,在很多领域中有着广泛的应用.笔式用户界面软件具有以交互为中心、用户个性化需求高的特点,由此也决定了用户在软件设计中的主导地位.以用户为中心的设计的关键问题在于,如何使用户的思想如实地反映到设计中.通过建立笔式用户界面软件特征模型PUIDM(thedomain model for pen-based user interface software),构造了一个连接用户与软件设计的平台.从上下文、软件实体、界面特征、体系结构等角度,对该模型的建立进行分析,并给出了相应的XML描述.在此基础上,描述了用户使用该模型进行软件设计的过程.实例表明,PUIDM能够正确引导用户进行设计,将用户意图充分地引入到软件设计和最终实现中,使软件满足可用性要求.  相似文献   

目前,老人手机被老年群体广泛使用,但对老人手机易用性评估还尚缺,不利于老人手机研发。针对老人手机易用性评估的问题,提出基于云模型的老人手机易用性评估方法。构建老人手机易用性评估指标体系,并把熵权法和层次分析法相结合来确定各指标间相对权重,利用云模型对指标信息进行评估。实例分析表明该方法可以有效地处理老人手机易用性评估中的不确定度和模糊性,提高易用性评估结果的客观准确性,为老人手机在易用性设计方面提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This study examined usability principles and interface designs in order to understand the relationship between the intentions of mobile e-book interface designs and users' perceptions. First, this study summarised 4 usability principles and 16 interface attributes, in order to conduct usability testing and questionnaire survey by referring to Nielsen (1993), Norman (2002), and Yeh (2010), who proposed the usability principles. Second, this study used the interviews to explore the perceptions and behaviours of user operations through senior users of multi-touch prototype devices. The results of this study are as follows: (1) users' behaviour of operating an interactive interface is related to user prior experience; (2) users' rating of the visibility principle is related to users' subjective perception but not related to user prior experience; however, users' ratings of the ease, efficiency, and enjoyment principles are related to user prior experience; (3) the interview survey reveals that the key attributes affecting users' behaviour of operating an interface include aesthetics, achievement, and friendliness.  相似文献   

Usability has become established as an important aspect of product design. This paper describes an investigation that was carried out to identify the importance of usability in product choice related to other product attributes. Interviews were initially carried out to identify possible attributes that contribute to product choice. Experiments were then undertaken using the methods of active information search, structured preference elicitation, ranking and interviews in order to find out what attributes were important to people when choosing an example product – mobile phones. It was found that usability is indeed important in product choice but perhaps not as much as users themselves believe. Other attributes that were found to be more important were features, aesthetics and cost. The process of product choice was found to be complex and it may be the case that people have come to expect usability in their products. Further research is needed to understand more fully the changing role of usability in product choice and to further improve the quality of the user–product relationship.  相似文献   

A multilingual disaster information system (MLDI) has been developed to overcome the language barrier during times of natural disaster. MLDI is a web-based system that includes templates in nine languages so that translated texts can be made available immediately. Mobile phone e-mail with graphic text is a useful tool for delivering multilingual disaster information. The visibility of graphic text on mobile phones was measured and found to be equivalent to the built-in font. However, visibility deteriorates as the character size becomes smaller, especially, on displays with poor resolution. This article also discusses the necessity of multilingual information and measures for a safe and barrier-free society.  相似文献   

Increased use of mobile phones and associated services in China highlights the need for effective Chinese input methods for mobile devices. Mapping thousands of characters to a standard telephone keypad is a significant challenge. Structure-based methods provide an appealing known-character/known-code solution, but assigning multiple strokes to each key forces users to learn new, often unfamiliar, mappings. Using an established stroke input method, our study revealed important effects of keypad legend on performance. Novice user performance was evaluated with several alternative keypad designs. The results confirmed that both abstract symbols and concrete examples helped improve the usability of the keypad in Chinese text-entry tasks. Further, combining abstract symbols and concrete examples resulted in performance nearly tripling as compared to the original design. The stroke-to-key mapping accuracy also increased significantly. Handwriting analysis confirmed that the reduced errors are directly associated with the keypad-based text-entry technique.  相似文献   

Increased use of mobile phones and associated services in China highlights the need for effective Chinese input methods for mobile devices. Mapping thousands of characters to a standard telephone keypad is a significant challenge. Structure-based methods provide an appealing known-character/known-code solution, but assigning multiple strokes to each key forces users to learn new, often unfamiliar, mappings. Using an established stroke input method, our study revealed important effects of keypad legend on performance. Novice user performance was evaluated with several alternative keypad designs. The results confirmed that both abstract symbols and concrete examples helped improve the usability of the keypad in Chinese text-entry tasks. Further, combining abstract symbols and concrete examples resulted in performance nearly tripling as compared to the original design. The stroke-to-key mapping accuracy also increased significantly. Handwriting analysis confirmed that the reduced errors are directly associated with the keypad-based text-entry technique.  相似文献   

对移动学习的相关理论知识与技术方法进行了研究,以算法与数据结构课程为例,采用服务器结合客户端的模式设计了基于Android的移动课件。该课件在Android手机上顺利通过了测试,并且在计算机专业学生中应用,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Mobile phone networks are increasingly supporting the transmission of textual messages between mobile phones and between mobile phones and other services. This paper describes the current text entry method on mobile phones and describes a new text entry method using a single key-press per letter together with a large dictionary of words for disambiguation. This approach, which is similar to technology recently licensed, independently, to several phone companies, is then extended with automatic word completion. The paper reports the results of initial user tests comparing the text entry methods, analysis of word clashes with the dictionary-based methods and keystroke level modelling of the different input methods.  相似文献   

A novel technique to design a mobile phone antenna by using an ultrawideband (UWB) antenna configuration is proposed. The technique is validated with a novel printed slot antenna configuration. The slot is composed of a circle connected to a trapezoid and fed by means of a 50 Ω microstrip line connected to a patch with similar shape to the slot. An UWB antenna with size of 19 mm × 24 mm and measured ?10 dB bandwidth of 2.97‐11.32 GHz is developed based on the configuration. When the configuration is applied in a system circuit board of 60 mm × 115 mm to design a mobile phone antenna, the simulated ?6 dB bandwidths are 1.0‐1.2 GHz and 2.25‐15 GHz. To enhance antenna bandwidth, another slot with rectangular shape is etched in the ground plane, and the microstrip line is moved to the center of the circuit board and folded to distribute along the rectangular slot. The measured ?6 dB bandwidths of the mobile phone antenna are 0.69‐1.09, 1.68‐2.75, 3.45‐3.52, and 3.62‐15 GHz.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether there are differences in technique between young adults with and without musculoskeletal symptoms when using a mobile phone for texting and whether there are differences in muscle activity and kinematics between different texting techniques. A total of 56 young adults performed a standardised texting task on a mobile phone. Their texting techniques were registered using an observation protocol. The muscular activity in six muscles in the right forearm/hand and both shoulders were registered by surface electromyography and the thumb abduction/adduction and flexion/extension were registered using a biaxial electrogoniometer. Differences in texting techniques were found between the symptomatic and the asymptomatic group, with a higher proportion of sitting with back support and forearm support and with a neutral head position in the asymptomatic group. Differences in muscle activity and kinematics were also found between different texting techniques. The differences in texting technique between symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects cannot be explained by them having symptoms but may be a possible contribution to their symptoms.

Statement of Relevance: There has been a dramatically increased use of mobile phones for texting especially among young people during the last years. A better understanding of the physical exposure associated with the intensive use is important in order to prevent the development of musculoskeletal disorders and decreased work ability related to this use.  相似文献   

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