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为实现对工业废弃物粉煤灰的剩余价值利用,尝试以粉煤灰作为主要原料制备焊接复合活性剂,并在AZ91镁合金板上进行A-TIG焊.利用焊缝的电特性实时采集、焊接温度场采集、电弧力测试等手段研究活性剂对电弧影响,通过熔池Bi粒子示踪实验探究活性剂对表面张力温度梯度影响.结果 表明:与常规TIG焊相比,粉煤灰复合活性剂可以使焊缝熔深增深1.4倍,熔宽减小,深宽比是常规TIG焊的1.43倍.粉煤灰复合活性剂中氟化物的解离和电离吸热过程、带电粒子的电子扩散和复合过程可以促进电弧收缩,使焊接电压升高,热输入量提高.而活性剂中的氧化物既可以通过对电弧的机械压缩作用强迫电弧收缩,又可以通过电离产生的氧元素实现对熔池液态金属表面张力温度梯度系数的改变,提高熔池中心热输入.A-TIG焊AZ91镁合金熔深增加是电弧收缩理论和表面张力温度梯度改变理论共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

活性剂涂敷量对A-TIG焊熔深影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常规TIG焊生产效率低,单道焊可焊厚度小,活性化TIG焊(A-TIG),同常规TIG焊相比可大幅度地提高焊缝熔深,从而提高焊接效率,针对不锈钢材料,通过宏观断面分析方法研究了单一成分的活性剂(SiO2,CaF2,TiO2,Cr2O3和NaF)对焊缝熔深的影响,结果表明:同常规TIG焊相比,上述5种活性剂在涂敷量较小时,焊缝熔深均随活性剂涂敷量的增加而明显增大,氧化物活性剂增加熔深的作用效果大,氟化物的作用效果较小;5种活性剂在熔深增加能力上均有一个饱和点;电弧收缩和熔池表面张力梯度的变化是活性剂增加熔深的主要原因。  相似文献   

为了探究粉煤灰作为A-TIG焊活性剂的可行性,以粉煤灰和不同含量的二氧化硅制备复合活性剂在Q235钢基体表面进行A-TIG焊,研究了复合活性剂成分含量对焊缝截面形貌、显微组织和元素分布的影响.结果表明:采用粉煤灰-40%SiO_2作为复合活性剂进行A-TIG焊时,可将6 mm厚Q235钢板一次性焊透,焊缝深宽比可达到0.85;焊缝出现明显的中间收缩倾向,呈"深口杯"状,可实现单道焊双面成型的效果;其焊缝柱状晶数目较多、组织排列规则且具有方向性,熔合区和热影响区组织均匀细小,可降低焊接母材的过热倾向;相对于100%SiO_2活性剂,Si元素的溶入量和溶入深度显著增加,这说明粉煤灰中其他成分的存在对Si元素溶入焊缝、进而增加焊缝熔深起到促进作用.采用粉煤灰-40%SiO_2为活性剂进行A-TIG焊时焊缝熔深的增加机理可能是以电弧收缩理论为主,但考虑到Al元素溶入较深且溶入量较多,粉煤灰中其他物相又十分复杂,在高温电弧作用下各物相之间相互反应放热致使电弧热输入增加、其他组分在熔池中改变了熔池表面张力温度梯度等均可能致使焊缝熔深增加.  相似文献   

A-TIG焊研究进展及前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对活性化钨极氩弧焊(A-TIG)焊接工艺、活性剂的研发及其在增加焊缝熔深机理等方面的研究做了比较详尽的综述,并指出活性化TIG焊研究过程中存在的问题、发展前景及今后研究方向。认为对活性焊剂增加熔深的机理还有待深入研究,可以利用数值模拟过程结合活性化TIG焊试验深入研究活性焊剂增加焊缝熔深的机理。可以基于A-TIG焊基本思想结合其他方法研发新的活性焊方法。总之,A-TIG焊具有巨大的发展潜力和良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的研究焊接参数对焊缝成形和接头宏观组织的影响。方法改变焊接电流、焊接速度、焊接电压以及活性剂中的一个参数,固定其他3个参数不变,对奥氏体不锈钢进行焊接,分析其接头宏观形貌、组织和力学性能。结果随着电流、电压的增加,焊接接头的熔深和熔宽都在增加,随着焊接速度的增加,焊接接头的熔深和熔宽都在降低,在相同参数下,将不同活性剂下的A-TIG焊接头的熔深和熔宽进行比较,发现涂敷C4活性剂接头熔深最大达到4.29mm,而常规TIG焊接头熔深为1.38mm,涂敷C4活性剂的接头熔深为TIG焊的3.11倍,且熔宽也有所减小。结论 C4活性剂A-TIG最佳工艺参数为:I=175 A,U=14 V,v=80 mm/min,此时能将6 mm板材焊透,成形良好,在此工艺下焊缝等轴晶范围最大,焊缝组织最为细小。相比于TIG焊,涂敷C4活性剂接头强度系数提升4.1%。  相似文献   

目的研究涂敷活性剂条件下1Cr18Ni9Ti奥氏体不锈钢的熔深增加机理。方法采用B1活性剂,涂敷在1Cr18Ni9Ti奥氏体不锈钢表面,进行A-TIG焊试验,分析活性剂对电弧形貌、阳极斑点、电弧电压和焊缝熔深的影响情况。结果涂敷活性剂后,电弧和阳极斑点都发生了收缩,电弧宽度由4.97 mm变为4.12mm,减小了17.1%,阳极斑点长轴长度由9.92 mm变为8.22 mm,短轴长度由4.75 mm变为4.35 mm,电弧电压提高了2.7 V,阳极区和弧柱区收缩,提高了弧柱电场强度;相同参数下,涂敷活性剂后熔宽缩小0.62mm,熔深增加了3.01 mm,显著增加熔深。结论阳极斑点收缩和电弧收缩是活性剂增加不锈钢A-TIG焊熔深的主要原因。  相似文献   

In laser deep penetration welding, the knowledge on the temperature history of the material is of great interest for the assessment of the quality properties of the weld. For this purpose a hybrid process model that enables the fast calculation of temperature distributions as a function of process parameters is applied. The interaction between laser and material is taken into account by a reduced keyhole model, which exploits a hierarchy in the spatial dimensions occurring at high feed rates. The resulting shape of a stationary keyhole is introduced as a Dirichlet boundary into a thermal finite element simulation in which it is moved through the workpiece according to the process control of the laser beam. The boundary is mathematically described by a level set function and immersed in a fixed computational mesh. The Dirichlet boundary condition is imposed using an embedded boundary method. The calculated temperature distributions are evaluated by means of bead on plate welds conducted in 0.9 mm thick sheets of 1.4301 (AISI 304) stainless steel.  相似文献   

目的 选用430铁素体不锈钢作为研究对象,对比研究添加SiO2、TiO2、Cr2O3和未添加活性剂对A-TIG焊接接头显微组织和力学性能的影响。方法 采用3种活性剂涂覆在430铁素体不锈钢上进行A-TIG试验,分析活性剂对接头熔深、组织、性能、元素含量的影响情况。结果 同一焊接工艺参数下,活性剂的加入均能提高焊缝的熔深和深宽比,减少熔宽;其中,SiO2为活性剂时获得了最佳的焊缝几何形貌。同时,对比常规TIG焊接(未添加活性剂)接头的显微组织及力学性能可知,活性剂的加入并未改变焊接接头的显微组织且无新相的生成;活性剂的添加能够细化接头组织,从而使得接头硬度有所提高。结论 活性剂的加入能够显著增加铁素体不锈钢TIG焊缝熔深,改善接头组织,提高接头硬度。  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of variable parameters on arc shape and depth of penetration in twin-wire indirect arc gas shielded welding were investigated. The variation of arc shape caused by changes of the parameters was recorded by a high-speed camera, and the depths of penetration of specimen were measured after bead welding by an optical microscope. Experiments indicated that proper parameters give birth to a concentrated and compressed welding arc, which would increase the depth of penetration as the incensement of the arc force. Several principal parameters including the distance of twin wires intersecting point to base metal, the included angle, and the content of shielding gas were determined. The arc turned more concentrated and the depth of penetration increased obviously as the welding current increased, the arc turned brighter while unobvious change of penetration occurred as the arc voltage increased, and the deepest penetration was obtained when the welding speed was 10.5 mm/s.  相似文献   

In the present work, the influence of process parameters such as welding current (I), welding speed (S), and flux coating density (F) on different aspects of weld bead geometry for example depth of penetration (DOP), bead width (BW), depth to width ratio (D/W), and weld fusion zone area (WA) were investigated by using the central composite design (CCD). 9–12% Cr ferritic stainless steel (FSS) plates were welded using A-TIG welding. It was observed that all input variables have a direct influence on the DOP, BW, and D/W. However, flux coating density has no significant effect on WA. Mathematical models were generated from the obtained responses to predict the weld bead geometry. An optimized DOP, BW, D/W, and WA of 6.95?mm, 8.76?mm, 0.80, and 41.99?mm2, respectively, were predicted at the welding current of 213.78 A, the welding speed of 96.22?mm/min, and the flux coating density of 1.99?mg/cm2. Conformity test was done to check the practicability of the developed models. The conformity test results were in good agreement with the predicted values. Arc constriction and reversal in Marangoni convection were considered as major mechanisms for the deep and narrow weld bead during A-TIG welding.  相似文献   

It is of great significance to obtain a thorough understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for humping bead phenomenon in high speed gas metal arc welding (GMAW) in order to raise welding efficiency. Experiments were conducted to observe the weld pool behaviors in high speed GMAW, and it was found that both the severely deformed weld pool surface and strong backward flowing play a dominant role in humping bead formation. In this study, a mathematical model is developed to quantitatively analyze the forming mechanism of humping beads for high speed GMAW through considering both the momentum and heat content distribution of the backward flowing molten metal inside the weld pool. The transient development of temperature profiles in the weld pool with severe deformation demonstrates the humping bead forming process under some welding conditions. The predicted and measured humping bead dimensions are in agreement.  相似文献   

The weld-bead geometry in 304LN and 316LN stainless steels produced by A-TIG welding plays an important role in determining the mechanical properties of the weld and its quality. Its shape parameters such as bead width, depth of penetration, and reinforcement height are decided according to the A-TIG welding process parameters such as current, voltage, torch speed, and arc gap. Identification of a suitable combination of A-TIG process parameters to produce the desired weld-bead geometry required many experiments, and the experimental optimization of the A-TIG process was indeed time consuming and costly. Therefore it becomes necessary to develop a methodology for optimizing the A-TIG process parameters to achieve the target weld-bead geometry. In the present work, genetic algorithm (GA)-based computational models have been developed to determine the optimum/near optimum process parameters to achieve the target weld-bead geometry in 304LN and 316LN stainless steel welds produced by A-TIG welding.  相似文献   

Current numerical models of gas metal arc welding (GMAW) are trying to combine magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) models of the arc and volume of fluid (VoF) models of metal transfer. They neglect vaporization and assume an argon atmosphere for the arc region, as it is common practice for models of gas tungsten arc welding. These models predict temperatures above 20 000 K and a temperature distribution similar to tungsten inert gas (TIG) arcs. However, current spectroscopic temperature measurements in GMAW arcs demonstrate much lower arc temperatures. In contrast to TIG arcs they found a central local minimum of the radial temperature distribution. The paper presents a GMAW arc model that considers metal vapour and which is in a very good agreement with experimentally observed temperatures. Furthermore, the model is able to predict the local central minimum in the radial temperature and the radial electric current density distributions for the first time. The axially symmetric model of the welding torch, the work piece, the wire and the arc (fluid domain) implements MHD as well as turbulent mixing and thermal demixing of metal vapour in argon. The mass fraction of iron vapour obtained from the simulation shows an accumulation in the arc core and another accumulation on the fringes of the arc at 2000 to 5000 K. The demixing effects lead to very low concentrations of iron between these two regions. Sensitive analyses demonstrate the influence of the transport and radiation properties of metal vapour, and the evaporation rate relative to the wire feed. Finally the model predictions are compared with the measuring results of Zielińska et al.  相似文献   

The results of the accurate experimental observations on binary Al-Si alloys are presented, which clearly demonstrate that the solidification cracking is a result of the accumulation of macroscopic tensile displacement in aβmicroscopic intergranular liquid film of segregates at the final stage of the weld metal solidification. The reconstructed mechanism of crack initiation provides a clear phenomenological interrelation between the cracking susceptibility, parameters of the welding process and properties of the base and filler material. The correspondent numerical model takes into account the effects of displacement accumulation as well as the influence of thermo-dynamical and thermo-mechanical properties of the welded material. It is successfully applied for development of technological means for elimination of the solidification cracking during welding of aluminium alloys AA6056, such as a multi-beam welding.  相似文献   

高速动力车构架侧梁焊接结构优化研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
控制高速动力车转向架构架侧梁的焊接变形是控制构架生产质量的关键,而侧梁的结构对其焊接变形产生重要影响,为此,采用焊接数值模拟与目标函数相结合的方法对侧梁结构进行优化设计,得到既能保证侧梁整体刚度又可以控制焊接变形的结构方案,为高速动力车转向架构架的结构优化设计提供了数值依据.同时,也使数值模拟和目标函数相结合的结构优化方法在大型焊接结构件的焊接变形控制上获得了成功应用.  相似文献   

基于焊接电弧特性和发尘特性提出等效发尘面积概念,通过分析发尘量与焊接参数之间的关系,建立了电弧焊焊接气溶胶喷射速率的数学物理模型,并推导出数学表达式.用该式对不同焊接线能量时E5015焊条电弧焊气溶胶喷射速率进行计算,结果表明随着焊接线能量的增加焊接气溶胶的喷射速率也相应增大,且速率值与一般实测结果基本一致,说明本文提出的焊接气溶胶喷射速率模型是合理的.这对焊接气溶胶扩散的数值模拟,更有效地实现对焊接气溶胶的控制具有重要意义.  相似文献   

FGH96合金惯性摩擦焊过程材料流动行为的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用DEFORM软件建立了FGH96合金惯性摩擦焊的三维有限元分析模型,研究了焊接过程中的轴向缩短量变化及材料塑性流动行为的规律.数值模拟结果表明,随着焊接时间的增加,试件轴向缩短量的变化幅度呈现先增加后减小的趋势,这与摩擦界面上材料的流动速度变化规律相同;当焊接过程达到稳态后,摩擦界面两边界附近的材料主要向界面外流动,而中心区域的材料流动方向主要与试件旋转方向相同.  相似文献   

为研究异型头弹丸半侵彻金属靶的侵深特性,基于量纲方法对影响侵深的主控因素进行了分析,采用弹道枪加载和LS-DYNA软件对异型头弹丸半侵彻金属靶的作用过程进行了试验和数值模拟研究,分析了异型头弹丸结构、弹丸初速、靶板厚度等因素对侵彻深度的影响规律,获得了侵深随弹丸初速以及靶板厚度的变化曲线。研究结果表明,弹丸初速和靶板厚度是影响侵彻深度的关键因素,并拟合得到了弹丸初速和靶板厚度综合影响下的半侵彻侵深经验公式。研究结果可为半侵彻作用的研究及新型侵彻的工程计算方法等提供参考。  相似文献   

轴肩结构对搅拌摩擦焊过程中材料流动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑材料参数随温度的变化关系以及搅拌头的实际结构形式,利用ANSYS FLUENT软件对搅拌摩擦焊过程中材料的流动行为进行了数值分析,研究了轴肩结构分别为平面、内凹与同心圆时的材料流动规律.研究表明,当轴肩结构发生变化时,焊件表面及内部的材料流动趋势基本相同;靠近焊件表面的材料流动速度在轴肩结构为同心圆时最大,在轴肩结构为平面时最小.从避免搅拌摩擦焊根部缺陷的角度看,同心圆轴肩的搅拌头优于内凹轴肩,这一规律得到了试验证实.  相似文献   

In this paper, Ductility Dip Cracking (DDC) susceptibility in Inconel600 companion Filler Metal 82 (FM82) under different stress states is investigated. Inconel600 is a Ni-Cr-Fe alloy with excellent resistance to general corrosion, localized corrosion, and stress corrosion, which has been widely used in nuclear power plants. However, the companion FM82 has been shown to be susceptible to DDC in welding process. To resolve the problem, this work is mainly focused on evaluating DDC susceptibility in FM82 in welding process. First of all, Strain to Fracture (STF) test is used to achieve the DDC criterion under simple stress state, and the formation mechanism of DDC was explained. Real welding is a process with complex stress state. Later, to get the DDC susceptibility under complex stress state, models about multi-pass welding were built up by means of finite element method. According to numerical simulation results, relationship of deformation and temperature history is achieved. Moreover, susceptible locations and moments could be determined associated with STF results. The simulation results fairly agree with welding experiment from another research.  相似文献   

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