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Snake模型在医学图像分割中的应用已经越来越广泛,但在应用该模型时,如何选取合适的初始轮廓是一个难题;在对血管内超声医学图像的研究基础上,提出了一种基于灰度信息与ROI区域的初始轮廓获取方法,根据IVUS图像的灰度特征对其进行自适应阈值分割以及面积滤波,然后获得分割轮廓点集进而得到snake初始轮廓点集;在matlab7.0环境分别对不同类别的2种IVUS图像的中外膜边缘提取进行仿真实验,实验证明该方法获得的初始snake轮廓较为逼近目标真实轮廓且适合于snake模型进行迭代收敛,由于其初始轮廓已较为接近目标真实轮廓,因此节省了snake模型的迭代次数,算法运行效率也优于手工提取初始轮廓的snake方法,可以较为方便的应用于实际领域。  相似文献   

目的 血管内超声(IVUS)图像动脉壁边界分割不仅对血管壁和斑块特征的定量分析至关重要,而且对血管弹性定性分析和重建动脉3维模型也是必需的。针对IVUS图像传统分割方法建模复杂、运算量大且需分别设计算法串行提取内膜和外膜的缺点,本文提出基于极值区域检测的IVUS图像并行分割方法。方法 本文方法包含极值区域检测、极值区域筛选以及轮廓拟合3部分。对单帧IVUS图像提取极值区域,经面积筛选后得到候选区域,并将区域的局部二值模式(LBP)特征、灰度差异和边缘周长的乘积作为筛选矢量在候选区域中提取代表管腔和介质的两个极值区域,并进行轮廓的椭圆拟合化,完成分割。结果 在包含326幅20 MHz的IVUS(intravascular ultrasound)B模式图像的标准公开数据集上,定性展示极值区域轮廓和椭圆拟合轮廓,并与专家手动绘制的结果进行对比;然后使用DC(dice coefficient)、JI(jaccard index)、PAD(percentage of area difference)指标以及HD(hausdorff distance)对本文算法做鲁棒性测试和泛化测试,实验中内膜各指标值分别为0.94±0.02,0.90±0.04,0.05±0.05,0.28±0.14 mm,外膜各指标值分别为0.91±0.07,0.87±0.11,0.11±0.11,0.41±0.31 mm,与相关文献的定量对比实验结果表明本文算法提取的内外膜性能均有所提高。此外,本文方法在临床数据集上的测试效果也很好,与专家手动描绘十分接近。结论 结合极值区域检测的IVUS图像并行分割,算法在精度和鲁棒性方面均得到了改善。  相似文献   

提出一种基于像素块最大后验概率的视频运动对象快速分割算法。首先根据连续3帧视频序列构建参考帧,计算基于像素块的差分图像;然后用Gibbs随机场模型描述基于像素块的差分图像,通过最大后验概率方法分割运动对象块;最后使用基于颜色梯度的snake模型提取运动对象轮廓。实验结果表明,该算法能避免视频对象的缺失,降低图像噪声的影响,减少误分割,同时具有较快的计算速度。  相似文献   

基于改进活动轮廓的视频对象自动分割及跟踪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了能够从视频序列图像中准确地提取出运动视频对象,提出了一种基于改进活动轮廓的视频对象自动分割及跟踪方法。该方法首先采用连续帧间差的4次统计量假设检验来确定视频对象的运动区域,并使用形态滤波消除残余噪声和空洞;然后根据3帧序列图像得到的前后运动区域的相与运算来有效地解决运动视频对象前后帧的遮挡问题,以获得视频对象模板,当提取出视频对象模板的边缘轮廓后,再用梯度向量流场作为外力的改进活动轮廓算法来获得视频对象的精确轮廓;最后以此视频对象的轮廓为基础进行运动补偿,以得到下一帧图像的初始曲线,再使用改进的活动轮廓算法对下一帧图像进行分割,即可实现视频对象的跟踪。该方法不仅能够消除差分图像中的显露背景,得到运动视频对象精确的轮廓,并且可进行多目标的分割与跟踪。  相似文献   

针对超声心动周期序列图的腔室自动分割过程中,弱边缘轮廓难以有效提取的问题,提出一种基于加速健壮特征(SURF)拟合算法和Chan-Vese模型的超声图像腔室分割方法。首先对序列中第一帧图像进行人工标记弱边缘轮廓;然后,提取弱边缘轮廓周围的SURF点,建立Delaunay三角网;接着,通过相邻两帧之间的特征点匹配,预测后续帧的弱边缘轮廓;之后,用Chan-Vese模型提取粗糙轮廓;最后采用区域生长算法得到精确的目标轮廓。实验结果表明,该算法能较好地完整提取超声序列图像中含弱边缘的腔室轮廓,并且与专家手动分割结果相近。  相似文献   

针对序列血管内超声(IVUS)图像相邻两帧具有很大相似性的特点,提出一种基于 序列 IVUS 图像配准的自动提取管腔内膜的方法。首先利用形态学运算以及连通分量法提取初 始帧的大致管腔内膜边缘,然后采用前景和背景像素的颜色直方图特征对相邻两帧图像进行建 模并进行配准:利用巴氏系数度量相邻两帧图像之间的相似性,建立仿射变换模型,优化模型 并计算模型参数,从而将轮廓相对准确地定位到管腔内膜附近;最后通过变分法、最速上升法 使目标轮廓曲线准确地收敛到管腔内膜处。以经验医师提取的管腔内膜作为评价标准,分别 与文献[17]和[4]相比,该方法的均方根误差分别平均减少了 0.124 和 0.063,相对差异度上分 别平均减少了 0.51%和 0.16%。实验结果证明,该方法可以准确地提取到序列 IVUS 图像的管 腔内膜。  相似文献   

为了快速有效地提取出图像序列的边缘,提出了一种基于改进的测地线活动轮廓(GAC)模型的图像分割算法。在该方法中,只需在第一幅图像中感兴趣区域的内部给出大致的初始轮廓。在后续图像中,首先采用运动估计与区域统计特征结合的方法得到轮廓模型的初始轮廓,然后利用结合先验信息的测地线活动轮廓模型进行分割。此外,为了有效地减少算法运算时间,采用手工办法在第一张图像上选定模型演化的区域,该区域在后续图像上将依据分割结果自动调整大小和位置。实验结果表明:方法能够快速有效地提取目标物体的边缘。  相似文献   

一种改进的GVF模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在基于snake模型的图像分割中,搜索范围和深度凹陷区域的分割是难点.以往sanke模型的改进多是针对它的外部力场,通过比较改进的传统snake模型--距离snake、GVF和NGVF的优缺点,在不改变力场的情况下,综合它们的优点,提出一个新的模型.先采用距离snake模型使初始轮廓逼近目标物体边缘,然后结合NGVF使收敛进入目标物体的凹陷部分.实验表明该模型具有较大的捕获区且能快速收敛到物体边缘的凹陷部分,提取出感兴趣目标的轮廓.  相似文献   

针对视频序列图像中的运动目标分割,提出了将马尔可夫随机场模型和活动轮廓模型相结合的运动目标分割算法。该算法首先利用马尔可夫随机场模型的运动检测算法,得到运动目标的初始模板。在此基础上提取出活动轮廓模型的初始轮廓点,然后构造活动轮廓模型的能量函数。用改进的贪婪算法求得能量函数最小值,提取出运动目标的精确轮廓,从而得到具有精确边缘的运动目标。实验结果表明该算法能有效地分割和提取出视频序列中的运动目标。  相似文献   

提取超声图像的轮廓对医学诊断有着积极意义。然而,由于超声图像具有目标与背景间对比度低、信噪比低等特点,以往的边缘检测算法在解决图像噪声、精确定位边缘以及获得连续光滑的边缘线之间的矛盾均未得到理想的效果。GVF snake能较好地解决以上矛盾,且具有更大的捕获范围和更强的凹陷域收敛性。但GVF snake初始轮廓线需手工勾勒,不仅比较繁琐,而且目标提取的结果在很大程度上受人工初始化的影响。为此,提出一种多尺度小波变换模极大值与GVF snake算法结合的方法来提取颈部淋巴结超声图像轮廓。该方法首先运用小波变换模极大值多尺度边缘检测算法得到目标图像的边缘图,再在边缘图上分别选取上、下、左、右四个不同方向若干个特征点,即可自动获得较为客观的初始轮廓线,最后利用GVF snake模型提取图像的精确轮廓。实验表明该方法能得到目标图像连续光滑的轮廓线,同时比GVF snake提取的轮廓更加精确,更能反映轮廓的局部细节。此外,由于初始轮廓更加接近给定图像的真实边缘,从而减少了梯度矢量流力场迭代(GVF)次数,提高了轮廓的收敛速度。  相似文献   

High quality 3D visualization of anatomic structures is necessary for many applications. The anatomic structures first need to be segmented. A variety of segmentation algorithms have been developed for this purpose. For confocal microscopy images, the noise introduced during the specimen preparation process, such as the procedure of penetration or staining, may cause images to be of low contrast in some regions. This property will make segmentation difficult. Also, the segmented structures may have rugged surfaces in 3D visualization. In this paper, we present a hybrid method that is suitable for segmentation of confocal microscopy images. A rough segmentation result is obtained from the atlas-based segmentation via affine registration. The boundaries of the segmentation result are close to the object boundaries, and are regarded as the initial contours of the active contour models. After convergence of the snake algorithm, the resulting contours in regions of low contrast are locally refined by parametric bicubic surfaces to alleviate the problem of incorrect convergence. The proposed method increases the accuracy of the snake algorithm because of better initial contours. Besides, it can provide smoother segmented results in 3D visualization.  相似文献   

目的 心血管内超声(IVUS)图像内膜和中—外膜(MA)轮廓勾画是冠脉粥样硬化和易损斑块定量评估的必要过程。由于存在斑点噪声、图像伪影和各类斑块,重要组织边界的自动分割是一个非常困难的任务。为此,提出一种用于检测20 MHz心电门控IVUS图像内膜和MA边界方法。方法 首先利用深度全卷积网络(DFCN)学习原始IVUS图像与所对应手动分割图像之间映射,预测出目标或者背景的概率图,实现医学图像语义分割。然后在此基础上,结合心血管先验形状信息,采用数学形态学闭、开操作,平滑内膜和MA边界,降低分割过程中错误分类像素或区域的影响。结果 针对来自10位病人的IVUS图像及其标注信息所组成的435幅国际标准公开数据集,从线性回归、Bland-Altman分析和面积交并比(JM)、面积差异百分比(PAD)、Hausdorff距离(HD)、平均距离(AD)等性能指标上,评价本文方法。实验结果表明,算法检测结果与手动勾画结果的相关性可达到0.94,其超过94.71%的结果落在95%置信区域内,具有良好一致性。内膜和MA边界的AD指标分别为:0.07 mm和0.08 mm;HD指标分别为:0.21 mm和0.30 mm。JM指标分别为0.92和0.93;PAD指标分别为5%和4%。此外,对临床所采集的100幅IVUS图像进行了测试,证明本文学习的模型在跨数据集上具有较好的泛化能力。结论 与现有的国际算法比较,本文方法提高了各类斑块、声影区域和血管分支等因素的识别能力,不受超声斑点的影响,能准确地、可重复地检测出IVUS图像中的关键目标边界。  相似文献   

Accurately tracking the video object in video sequence is a crucial stage for video object processing which has wide applications in different fields. In this paper, a novel video object tracking algorithm based on the improved gradient vector flow (GVF) snake model and intra-frame centroids tracking algorithm is proposed. Unlike traditional gradient vector flow snake, the improved gradient vector flow snake adopts anisotropic diffusion and a four directions edge operator to solve the blurry boundary and edge shifting problem. Then the improved gradient vector flow snake is employed to extract the object contour in each frame of the video sequence. To set the initial contour of the gradient vector flow snake automatically, we design an intra-frame centroids tracking algorithm. Splitting the original video sequence into segments, for each segment, the initial contours of first two frames are set by change detection based on t-distribution significance test. Then, utilizing the redundancy between the consecutive frames, the subsequent frames’ initial contours are obtained by intra-frame motion vectors. Experimental results with several test video sequences indicate the validity and accuracy of the video object tracking.  相似文献   

Automatically extracting lesion boundaries in ultrasound images is difficult due to the variance in shape and interference from speckle noise. An effective scheme of removing speckle noise can facilitate the segmentation of ultrasonic breast lesions, which can be performed with an iterative disk expansion method. In this study, a disk expansion segmentation method is proposed to semi-automatically find lesion contours in ultrasonic breast image. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, the simulations with seven types of cysts, three in vitro phantom images and 10 clinical breast images are introduced. The mean normalized true positive area overlap between simulated contours and contours obtained by the proposed method is over 85% in simulation results. A strong correlation exists between physicians’ manual delineations and detected contours in clinical breast images. In addition, the method is also verified to be able to simultaneously contour multiple lesions in a single image. In comparison with the conventional active contour model, our proposed method does not require any initial seed within a lesion and thus, it is more convenient and applicable.  相似文献   

We investigate different Vickers indentation segmentation methods and especially concentrate on active contours approaches as these techniques are known to be precise state of the art segmentation methods. Particularly, different kinds of level set-based methods which are improvements of the traditional active contours are analyzed. In order to circumvent the initialization problem of active contours, we separate the segmentation process into two stages. For the first stage, we introduce an approach which approximately locates the indentations with a high certainty. The results achieved with this method serve as initializations for the precise active contours (second stage). This two-stage approach delivers highly precise results for most real world indentation images. However, there are images, which are very difficult to segment. To handle even such images, our segmentation method is incorporated with the Shape from Focus approach, by including 3D information. In order to decrease the overall runtime, moreover, a gradual enhancement approach based on unfocused images is introduced. With three different databases, we compare the proposed methods and we show that the segmentation accuracy of these methods is highly competitive compared with other approaches in the literature.  相似文献   

The problem of segmenting an image into separate regions and tracking them over time is one of the most significant problems in vision. Terzopoulos et al. (1987) proposed an approach to detect the contour regions of complex shapes, assuming a user selected initial contour not very far from the desired solution. We propose to further explore the information provided by the user's selected points and apply an optimal method to detect contours which allows a segmentation of the image. The method is based on dynamic programming (DP), and applies to a wide variety of shapes. It is exact and not iterative. We also consider a multiscale approach capable of speeding up the algorithm by a factor of 20, although at the expense of losing the guaranteed optimality characteristic. The problem of tracking and matching these contours is addressed. For tracking, the final contour obtained at one frame is sampled and used as initial points for the next frame. Then, the same DP process is applied. For matching, a novel strategy is proposed where the solution is a smooth displacement field in which unmatched regions are allowed while cross vectors are not. The algorithm is again based on DP and the optimal solution is guaranteed. We have demonstrated the algorithms on natural objects in a large spectrum of applications, including interactive segmentation and automatic tracking of the regions of interest in medical images  相似文献   

In this article, a segmentation approach for cloud detection in Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) multispectral images is proposed. The proposed algorithm uses recursive segmentation that dynamically reduces the number of classes. This algorithm consists of two steps. First, an initial segmentation of the image is obtained using local fuzzy clustering. The clustering algorithm is formulated by modifying the similarity measure of the standard fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm. The new similarity function includes the spectral information as well as the homogeneity and spatial clustering information of each considered pixel. In the second step, a hierarchical region-merging process is used to reduce the number of image clusters. At each iteration, the segmentation algorithm proceeds with a new partition until the final result of the segmentation is obtained. The proposed method has been tested using synthetic and MSG images. It yields a compact and coherent segmentation map, with a satisfactory reproduction of the image contours. Moreover, the different types of clouds are well detected and separated with appropriate accuracy.  相似文献   

目的 由于岩心CT图像分辨率不高,目标边界较为模糊,无法完全自动化地对岩心CT图像的目标分割和提取。为保证效果,在分割过程中往往需要进行人为干预。但作为3维重建的岩心CT图像,图像数据规模较大,达到成百上千帧。如果对每一帧都进行人为干预,工作量将会很大。针对这种情况提出一种在保证分割效果的前提下只需进行少量人为干预的高效实用的分割方法。方法 先对CT图像中的某一帧设定分割阈值,利用CT图像层间相关性对相邻帧自动计算合适的分割阈值,从而分割出整个CT图中的目标。并根据需要,选定其中分割效果较好的一帧,其他帧根据此帧进行自动区域生长修复,从而更加完善分割效果。还可以手工修复其中一帧中的目标,其余帧的所有相关目标将会自动进行识别和修复。结果 通过对多组不同数据规模和分辨率的岩心CT图像进行实验测试,使用本文方法均可达到期望的分割效果,并且分割速度较大津分割法提高近1倍,与固定阈值分割方法速度相当。结论 岩心CT图像分割方法充分利用图像层间相关性,可快速有效地批量提取具有连续性的序列图像中的目标。  相似文献   

孙正 《图学学报》2010,31(1):116
针对X射线血管造影和血管内超声各自显示血管形态的局限以及互补性问题,提出将两种数据进行融合,准确重建血管的方法。首先从在超声导管回撤路径起点拍摄的两个角度的造影图像对中提取出导管并进行三维重建。然后采用基于snake模型的半自动方法从各帧超声图像中提取出血管壁的内外膜边缘。最后,在Frenet-Serret标架中确定各相邻帧超声图像间的相对方位后,利用非迭代的统计优化方法确定各帧超声图像沿导管轴向的绝对方位,完成两种数据的融合。采用临床数据的实验结果验证了算法的可行性,并分析了可能存在的误差和计算成本。  相似文献   

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