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Target patterns presented to uncued locations on a single fingerpad were followed by either same-shape (SS) maskers or different-shape (DS) maskers presented to either the same location (SLoc) or a different location (DLoc). DS maskers interfered with identification more when they were at SLoc than when they were at DLoc, but the reverse was true for SS maskers; they interfered more at DLoc than at SLoc. When targets were presented to cued locations, performance in the absence of maskers improved, but the pattern of interference from maskers resembled that for uncued presentation. The proportion of masker responses on incorrect trials revealed that both temporal masking and response competition may be involved in the effects of location on pattern identification.  相似文献   

The sensation of a single sound event can be altered by subsequent sounds. This study searched for neural mechanisms of such retroactive effects in macaque auditory cortex by comparing neural responses to single tones with responses to two consecutive tones. Retroactive influences were found to affect late parts of the response to a tone, which comprised 53/134 of the recordings of action potentials and 88/131 of the recordings of field potentials performed in primary, caudal, and medial auditory fields. If before or during the occurrence of the late response to the first tone a second tone was presented the late response was suppressed. Suppression of late cortical responses parallels perceptual phenomena like backward recognition masking, suggesting that suppression of late responses provides a neural correlate of auditory backward effects.  相似文献   

Previously, it was shown that the minimum conditions for the illusion of auditory apparent motion (AAM) depend on stimulus timing but not spatial separation. In the present experiment, the effects of stimulus timing and source separation on the perceived velocity of AAM were examined. Eight listeners estimated the velocity, duration, and distance traveled of AAM, using a no-modulus, magnitude estimation procedure. Four burst durations (25, 50, 100, and 300 msec), 10 stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs; 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120 msec) and two separations (10 degrees and 40 degrees) were tested. Perceived velocity estimates were related to the total duration (burst duration + SOA) of the stimulus sequence. The effect of separation on velocity was extremely small but statistically significant. These results are similar to those obtained previously on the minimum conditions for AAM. Duration estimates were related only to total duration, but separation estimates were related to both separation and total duration. These results suggest that velocity is possibly a primary dimension of AAM that is independent of source separation.  相似文献   

Simultaneous masking of pure tones was studied in the primary auditory forebrain of a songbird species, the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). The responses of 32 multi-unit clusters in the input layer of the auditory neostriatum (field L2a) were recorded via radiotelemetry from freely moving birds. The probe was a 10-ms tone burst at the units' characteristic-frequency (CF) presented 20 dB above the threshold. The masker was an 80-ms tone burst presented either at the units' CF (excitatory masker) or at a frequency located in inhibitory side-bands (inhibitory masker) of the units' tuning curves. The probe was presented either 3 ms or 63 ms after masker onset. Probes presented at a 3-ms delay were influenced at significantly lower levels of an excitatory masker than probes presented at a 63-ms delay. The mean difference in masker level at the detection thresholds for both probe delays was 8 dB. No difference in masker level was observed for inhibitory-frequency maskers. The observed neural masking effects may be explained by at least four mechanisms: (1) swamping of the probe response by the response to the masker, (2) a reduction of the probe response during neural adaptation of the response to the masker, (3) a reduction of the probe response during side-band inhibition in the central nervous system, and (4) suppression originating in the cochlea.  相似文献   

Directional masking in the amphibian auditory periphery was investigated by presenting frogs with a continuous tone from above and a continuous broadband noise from four different horizontal directions. This paradigm mimics the natural situation in which frogs are located in three-dimensional space and interference can and does arise from any direction. Intracellular recordings were made from single auditory-nerve fibers of the anesthetized adult leopard frogs using a dorsal approach. Vector strength (VS) and the mean preferred firing phase (MP) were measured for 94 low-frequency fibers. Thirty-six percent of the fibers demonstrated direction sensitivity of noise masking of VS. Most fibers exhibited a maximum decrease in VS at 90 degrees or 270 degrees noise incident angle and a minimum decrease in VS at 0 degrees or 180 degrees noise incident angle, suggesting higher noise susceptibility to the lateral fields than to the anterior or posterior field. Forty-nine percent of the fibers demonstrated direction sensitivity of noise masking of MP. Maximum shift in MP occurred most often at 90 degrees or 180 degrees noise incident angle, whereas minimum shift in MP occurred most frequently at 0 degrees or 270 degrees noise incident angle, suggesting higher noise susceptibility to the ipsilateral or posterior field than to the contralateral or anterior field. The difference in the directionality patterns of VS and MP suggests different mechanisms underlying noise masking of these two measures of phase locking in the amphibian auditory nerve.  相似文献   

In the first portion of this study, the effects of two levels of contralateral masking on the auditory brainstem response (ABR) were investigated in 10 normal-hearing subjects. No significant changes were observed in the mean latency-intensity functions or the mean amplitude-intensity functions of this group of subjects when noise of various levels was added to the nontest ear. In the second portion of this study, ABRs were also recorded from the poorer ear of four subjects with a profound unilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Results from the latter group revealed a crossed-over wave V in all cases when the stimulus was delivered to the poorer ear and the nontest (better) ear was not masked. Contralateral masking obliterated this "crossed ABR" in all four unilaterally impaired subjects. These results provide support for the use of contralateral masking when recording from the poorer ear of subjects having asymmetrical hearing loss.  相似文献   

A sparse mask that persists beyond the duration of a target can reduce its visibility, a phenomenon called object substitution masking. Y. Jiang and M. M. Chun (2001a) found an asymmetric pattern of substitution masking such that a mask on the peripheral side of the target caused stronger substitution masking than on the central side. Assuming spatial attention was focused toward the target, the peripheral and central masks were located in the same and opposite direction of an attentional path with reference to the target in their study. We hypothesized that this asymmetric mask configuration relative to the attentional shift contributes to asymmetric substitution masking. To test this hypothesis, we conducted four experiments among which the presence or absence of the center–periphery relationship and the presence or absence of the asymmetric mask configuration were manipulated independently and orthogonally. The results suggest that asymmetric substitution masking occurs relative to the direction of spatial attention irrespective of the central–peripheral relation. We propose that the asymmetry in substitution masking might be explained by attentional momentum associated with orienting toward the target. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A target identification paradigm was used to study cross-modal spatial cuing effects on auditory and visual target identification. Each trial consisted of an auditory or visual spatial cue followed by an auditory or visual target. The cue and target could be either of the same modality (within-modality conditions) or of different modalities (between-modalities conditions). In 3 experiments, a larger cue validity effect was apparent on within-modality trials than on between-modalities trials. In addition, the likelihood of identifying a significant cross-modal cuing effect was observed to depend on the predictability of the cue-target relation. These effects are interpreted as evidence (a) of separate auditory and visual spatial attention mechanisms and (b) that target identification may be influenced by spatial cues of another modality but that this effect is primarily dependent on the engagement of endogenous attentional mechanisms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared the frequency resolving power of 3 male budgerigar birds and 3 humans on several nonsimultaneous masking procedures in which one pure tone was used to mask another. Similar patterns of frequency selectivity were found for all 3 masking procedures (forward, backward, and combined forward/backward) for both species. Budgerigars showed considerably greater frequency resolving power on all 3 procedures than humans. Budgerigars also showed differences in frequency resolving power across masking conditions, but human Ss did not. Results indicate that the budgerigar auditory system may be even more highly tuned than was previously thought and suggest fundamental differences between the mechanisms of frequency selectivity of birds and humans. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments examined transfer of noncorresponding spatial stimulus-response associations to an auditory Simon task for which stimulus location was irrelevant. Experiment 1 established that, for a horizontal auditory Simon task, transfer of spatial associations occurs after 300 trials of practice with an incompatible mapping of auditory stimuli to keypress responses. Experiments 2-4 examined transfer effects within the auditory modality when the stimuli and responses were varied along vertical and horizontal dimensions. Transfer occurred when the stimuli and responses were arrayed along the same dimension in practice and transfer but not when they were arrayed along orthogonal dimensions. These findings indicate that prior task-defined associations have less influence on the auditory Simon effect than on the visual Simon effect, possibly because of the stronger tendency for an auditory stimulus to activate its corresponding response. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested 40 mongrel cage-reared kittens in 4 age groups (45, 60, 120, or 180 days) for locomotor delayed responses to auditory cues in a 2-choice situation. Each S was trained for 15 days (300 trials); delays of 5 different durations (0-27 sec) were randomly given in each session. Performance did not improve as a function of age. All groups showed some immediate capacity for the task, all improved with training, and in all ages more errors were made after longer than after shorter delays. The ability to remember the locus of a brief sound over short periods of time appears to be mature before weaning in kittens. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Nonsimultaneous two-tone interactions were studied in the primary auditory cortex of anesthetized cats. Poststimulatory effects of pure tone bursts (masker) on the evoked activity of a fixed tone burst (probe) were investigated. The temporal interval from masker onset to probe onset (stimulus onset asynchrony), masker frequency, and intensity were parametrically varied. For all of the 53 single units and 58 multiple-unit clusters, the neural activity of the probe signal was either inhibited, facilitated, and/or delayed by a limited set of masker stimuli. The stimulus range from which forward inhibition of the probe was induced typically was centered at and had approximately the size of the neuron's excitatory receptive field. This "masking tuning curve" was usually V shaped, i.e., the frequency range of inhibiting masker stimuli increased with the masker intensity. Forward inhibition was induced at the shortest stimulus onset asynchrony between masker and probe. With longer stimulus onset asynchronies, the frequency range of inhibiting maskers gradually became smaller. Recovery from forward inhibition occurred first at the lower- and higher-frequency borders of the masking tuning curve and lasted the longest for frequencies close to the neuron's characteristic frequency. The maximal duration of forward inhibition was measured as the longest period over which reduction of probe responses was observed. It was in the range of 53-430 ms, with an average of 143 +/- 71 (SD) ms. Amount, duration and type of forward inhibition were weakly but significantly correlated with "static" neural receptive field properties like characteristic frequency, bandwidth, and latency. For the majority of neurons, the minimal inhibitory masker intensity increased when the stimulus onset asynchrony became longer. In most cases the highest masker intensities induced the longest forward inhibition. A significant number of neurons, however, exhibited longest periods of inhibition after maskers of intermediate intensity. The results show that the ability of cortical cells to respond with an excitatory activity depends on the temporal stimulus context. Neurons can follow higher repetition rates of stimulus sequences when successive stimuli differ in their spectral content. The differential sensitivity to temporal sound sequences within the receptive field of cortical cells as well as across different cells could contribute to the neural processing of temporally structured stimuli like speech and animal vocalizations.  相似文献   

This research attempted to improve the reading performance of dyslexic children through two different methods: reading acceleration and auditory masking. Participants were 52 dyslexic children and 52 reading-level matched normal, novice readers. Results indicated that whereas acceleration improved reading performance in both groups, auditory masking was beneficial to dyslexic children only. Furthermore, a combined condition of both acceleration and masking was the most effective in enhancing dyslexic children's comprehension. It is argued that because normal readers use the phonological route quite effectively, its masking is detrimental to performance. On the other hand, auditory masking reduces the impact of the presumed phonological impairment of dyslexic children. Analysis of decoding mistakes suggested that both manipulations might have resulted in a more effective utilization of orthographic information and enhanced top-down context effects for dyslexic and novice readers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The spatial relevance hypothesis (J. J. McDonald & L. M. Ward, 1999) proposes that covert auditory spatial orienting can only be beneficial to auditory processing when task stimuli are encoded spatially. We present a series of experiments that evaluate 2 key aspects of the hypothesis: (a) that “reflexive activation of location-sensitive neurons is not sufficient to produce attentional facilitation” and (b) that “any task constraint that makes space important for the listener will produce auditory spatial cue effects” (p. 1236). Experiment 1 showed significant reflexive-orienting benefits on a nonspatial task, refuting the first claim. However, Experiments 2 to 4 reveal that informative spatial cues can improve performance on a nonspatial task, consistent with the second claim. Auditory spatial-cue benefits found with nonspatial tasks appear smaller and less reliable than those found in visual spatial-orienting studies, possibly due to differences in the coding of spatial information in vision and audition. The final experiments consider the mechanisms by which auditory spatial orienting might facilitate auditory processing and provide tentative evidence that attention enhances processing at one ear rather than influencing neurons tuned to the attended location. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of phonological information in English word identification and the activation pattern of phonological and associative dimensions were investigated with a backward-masking paradigm. Mask type (graphemic, homophonic, associative, unrelated word control, and nonletter #-baseline) and target exposure duration were manipulated. Graphemic and homophonic but not associative masks influenced target recognition at 28 ms, and homophonic masks inhibited recognition relative to graphemic masks. At 42 ms, homophonic masks facilitated recognition, and associates inhibited, rather than enhanced, recognition relative to word controls. These results suggest that phonological computation occurs before associative computation and that phonological inhibition arises from lexical competition. The phonological and associative inhibitory effects are interpreted in terms of the center-surround perceptual principle. In this interpretation, backward-masking conditions cause observers to seek orthographic rather than phonological codes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Steady-state responses (SSRs) or steady-state fields (SSFs) show maximum amplitude when tone pulses are presented at repetition rates near 40 Hz. This result has led to the hypothesis that the SSR/SSF consists of superimposed transient 'middle latency' responses which display wave periods near 40 Hz and summate with one another when phase locked by 40 Hz steady-state stimulation. We evaluated this hypothesis by comparing the cortical sources of the 40 Hz auditory SSF with sources of the middle latency Pa wave which is prominent in electrical and magnetic recordings, and with the cortical sources of the familiar N1 wave, at different carrier frequencies between 250 and 4000 Hz. SSF sources determined for the different carrier frequencies were found to display a 'medial' tendency tonotopy resembling that of the N1m (sources for the higher frequencies represented more deeply within the supratemporal sulcus), opposite the 'lateral' tendency tonotopy of the middle latency Pam (sources for the higher frequencies situated more laterally). A medial SSF tonotopy was observed in each of the subjects investigated, including three subjects for whom Pam and N1m maps were also available. These findings suggest that the 40 Hz SSF may not consist of summated or entrained middle latency responses, as has previously been proposed. Alternative mechanisms for the SSR are discussed.  相似文献   

The interface between concrete dam and rock foundation is one of the most important regions governing the strength and stability of gravity dams. Many researchers have attempted to extend the fracture mechanics approach to study this rock concrete interface assuming stress free crack surfaces. In a real-life situation, because of the combined compression and shear loading, the crack faces come in contact resulting in a sizeable contact zone near the crack tip. Thus, frictional contact of the crack surfaces cannot be neglected. The frictional contact alters the stress singularity to become either weaker or stronger than the inverse square root singularity observed in homogeneous crack problems. Consequently, the strain-energy release rate as conventionally defined, either vanishes or becomes unbounded and thus cannot be used as a fracture parameter. In this work, an attempt is made to include the effect of friction associated with the sliding of crack surfaces and compute the energy dissipated during crack propagation. It is shown that the total energy release rate decreases with crack length when friction is accounted for between the rock-concrete interface in gravity dams.  相似文献   

Perceptual integration of the sound directly emanating from the source with reflections needs both temporal storage and correlation computation of acoustic details. We examined whether the temporal storage is frequency dependent and associated with speech unmasking. In Experiment 1, a break in correlation (BIC) between interaurally correlated wideband or narrowband noises was detectable even when an interaural interval (IAI) was introduced. The longest IAI, which varied markedly across participants, could be up to about 20 ms for wideband noise and decreased as the center frequency was increased for narrowband noises. In Experiment 2, when the interval between target speech and its single-reflection simulation (intertarget interval [ITI]) was reduced from 64 to 0 ms, intelligibility of target speech was markedly improved under speech-masking but not noise-masking conditions. The longest effective ITI correlated with the longest IAI for detecting the BIC only in the low-frequency (≤400 Hz) narrowband noise. Thus the ability to temporally store fine details contributes to perceptual integration of correlated leading and lagging sounds, which in turn, contributes to releasing speech from informational masking in noisy, reverberant environments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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