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目标规划法在预测控制滚动优化及在线辨识中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
余世明  杜维 《自动化学报》2002,28(6):995-1000
针对有约束多目标多自由度预测控制问题,应用目标规划方法,提出了一种既适合于参数模型又适合于非参数模型的在线滚动优化策略,并且通过计算饥仿真研究,验证了该方法的有效性.然后,对于参数模型预测控制问题,提出了一种抗扰动的最小绝对值辨识算法.由于该辨识算法可用目标规划快速求解,因此可作为慢时变工业过程控制的在线辨识算法.  相似文献   

以油田措施增产最大化为目标,兼顾成本、措施量等目标,建立了油田措施配置的随机机会约束规划模型,并给出了模型的混合智能算法。实例表明,该模型理论基础严格,求解方法科学有效,并具有一定的智能性,为油田措施配置提供了新的决策依据。  相似文献   

高阳  刘军 《计算机系统应用》2013,22(7):16-21,15
针对再制造逆向物流网络设计问题, 在考虑产品回收量和消费市场需求量不确定的条件下, 以第三方物流企业收益最大化和制造商收益最大化为目标建立了基于第三方回收多周期再制造逆向物流网络模型. 利用该模型可以确定每个周期制造商购买第三方物流企业产品的最优价格, 可以确定网络中回收中心和检测/拆卸中心的开设数量以及各设施间的物流量分配. 将不确定参数用三角模糊数表示, 借助模糊机会约束规划方法将该模型转化为确定性等价模型. 利用算例验证了模型的有效性, 并用目标规划法分析了两个目标之间的关系.  相似文献   

联合更换策略的机会性Lagrangian松弛方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零部件的联合更换是通过协调不同零部件的更换决策使其尽可能共享资源以节约费用的优化问题. 这类随机组合策略优化问题在实际中大量存在,对生产生活的经济性起着重要影响. 由于随机因素和组合效应,其有限阶段的策略求解非常困难. 本文针对飞机引擎维护中的零部件联合更换问题,利用问题中随机耦合约束的特征, 给出了一个可分解的模型及相应的分解协调方法机会性Lagrangian松弛(Opportunistic Lagrangian relaxation, OLR). 与现有的两种利用先验最优策略规则的方法相比, OLR方法可在无先验知识的情况下直接得到更佳的协调效果.  相似文献   

为了使能量受限的无线网络寿命更大化,提出了MANET中基于能量约束的机会路由(ECOR)。根据节点的能量消耗模型(NECM)建立了候选节点等待时间函数(WTF);提出了基于能量的节点转发候选集选择策略(ECETX),综合考虑每个节点的归一化能量值(PI)与链路状况来产生投递矩阵(delivery matrix),以确定转发候选集中节点的优先级;利用以上策略设计了基于能量约束的机会路由(ECOR)。仿真实验表明,提出的ECOR比ExOR的网络寿命有明显提高,平均增长55%~70%左右,吞吐量也有15%~23  相似文献   

资源受限的机会网络节点激励策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对机会网络中节点自私性问题,结合资源受限的机会网络特性,提出了一种基于买卖模型的节点激励策略——BIP.BIP策略采用货币支付模式,综合考虑节点自身资源、拥有的虚拟货币以及消息属性对消息进行定价,从而激励自私节点合作,同时有效地解决节点盲目合作带来的网络性能退化问题.博弈论分析证明,节点达成交易后,BIP策略可以有效地约束节点参与消息转发.通过仿真实验进一步验证BIP策略的有效性和实用性,结果表明BIP策略降低了能量消耗,减小了时延,提高了交付率.  相似文献   

郑斐峰  陈克政  刘明 《控制与决策》2024,39(8):2783-2790
针对要求迅速处置突发公共卫生事件的需求,作为有效隔离控制疫情扩散的关键举措之一,提前规划应急医疗设施选址及规模,对于快速响应、节约建设成本和社会资源具有重要意义.对此,针对需求不确定的突发疫情状况,研究应急医疗设施的建设选址以及床位规模的优化决策问题,以最小化建设选址与运营成本以及床位资源供求比差异为优化目标,建立双目标整数规划模型.根据模型特点,设计epsilon约束精确算法和基于就近原则思想的启发式算法进行求解,同时运用非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-II)进行对比分析.数值实验结果验证了所设计算法的运行效率.研究结论对于应急医疗设施建设选址及规模决策具有良好的应用指导价值,可为管理者决策提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

The transportation network design problem (NDP) with multiple objectives and demand uncertainty was originally formulated as a spectrum of stochastic multi-objective programming models in a bi-level programming framework. Solving these stochastic multi-objective NDP (SMONDP) models directly requires generating a family of optimal solutions known as the Pareto-optimal set. For practical implementation, only a good solution that meets the goals of different stakeholders is required. In view of this, we adopt a goal programming (GP) approach to solve the SMONDP models. The GP approach explicitly considers the user-defined goals and priority structure among the multiple objectives in the NDP decision process. Considering different modeling purposes, we provide three stochastic GP models with different philosophies to model planners’ NDP decision under demand uncertainty, i.e., the expected value GP model, chance-constrained GP model, and dependent-chance GP model. Meanwhile, a unified simulation-based genetic algorithm (SGA) solution procedure is developed to solve all three stochastic GP models. Numerical examples are also presented to illustrate the practicability of the GP approach in solving the SMONDP models as well as the robustness of the SGA solution procedure.  相似文献   

In this journal, Pantoja has described a deterministic optimal control problem in which his stagewise Newton procedure yields an exact optimal solution whereas differential dynamic programming (DDP) does not. This problem is also quoted by Coleman and Liao (in another journal) as a correct instance with some emphasis on the advantage of Pantoja's procedure over DDP. Pantoja argues that the problem involves nonlinear dynamics in his terminal-cost problem formulation, and therefore DDP and stagewise Newton methods are different. The purpose of this paper is to show that, while for a general nonlinear optimal control problem DDP and Pantoja's method differ, his problem has a special structure such that it is a false example of this claim; more specifically, the reason is twofold. First, he made an obvious algebraic error in his computation. Second, his example is equivalent to a problem of linear dynamics and quadratic criterion (LQ in short). It is true that when a general LQ that involves quadratic stage costs is transformed to a terminal-cost problem, the nonlinear (quadratic) state dynamics would result from each quadratic stage cost of the LQ. Yet the LQ-solution procedure remains the same, i.e., with the same discrete (Riccati) recurrence equations that can be derived by classical dynamic programming. This means that DDP obtains the exact minimum point of the transformed terminal-cost criterion just as does the Newton method. Using a standard LQ of general type, we formally prove this equivalence in its terminal-cost version even with nonlinear state dynamics.  相似文献   

从图像处理方法的角度对红外图像中小目标的检测、跟踪进行了研究,给出了系统总体设计框图,整个检测算法的前端图像滤波预处理采用FPGA实现,识别跟踪采用DSP实现。详细介绍了系统各功能模块的设计方法。实验表明该系统实现了小目标检测跟踪的功能,工作稳定可靠。  相似文献   

介绍的NHD(Network Hard Disk)系统,在计算资源和存储资源物理分离的基础上,根据不同应用的需求,通过在客户端提供的一种特殊硬件设备将两者动态重组以构建新的计算机系统.这样形成的计算环境具有动态性、个性化和便于管理等特点.  相似文献   

In order to address the output feedback issue for linear discrete-time systems, this work suggests a brand-new adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) technique based on the internal model principle (IMP). The proposed method, termed as IMP-ADP, does not require complete state feedback-merely the measurement of input and output data. More specifically, based on the IMP, the output control problem can first be converted into a stabilization problem. We then design an observer to reproduce the full state of the system by measuring the inputs and outputs. Moreover, this technique includes both a policy iteration algorithm and a value iteration algorithm to determine the optimal feedback gain without using a dynamic system model. It is important that with this concept one does not need to solve the regulator equation. Finally, this control method was tested on an inverter system of grid-connected LCLs to demonstrate that the proposed method provides the desired performance in terms of both tracking and disturbance rejection.  相似文献   

车间作业计划安排与实际执行的同步是制造执行系统需要解决的核心技术问题。通过系统的分析动态调度的问题类型,形成了动态调度的机制和策略;根据车间执行实时反馈信息,提出了基于任务调整的同步重调度解决框架;针对车间设备故障对调度方案更新的分析,建立了动态工作日制模式;从充分发挥调度人员经验的角度,提出了人机交互协调的调度方案调整技术。最后,开发了支持任务调整、工序执行与计划同步调整、故障模式、设备工作模式调整下的调度方案更新以及人机交互调度与方案调整等功能的调度软件,有效地提高了车间制造执行的有序、协调、可控的水平。  相似文献   

This paper presents a Distributed Shared Array runtime system to support Java-compliant multithreaded programming on clusters of symmetric multiprocessors (SMPs). As a hybrid of message passing and shared address space programming models, the DSA programming model allows programmers to explicitly control data distribution so as to take advantage of the deep memory hierarchy, while relieving them from error-prone orchestration of communication and synchronization at run-time. The DSA system is developed as an integral component of mobility support middleware for grid computing so that DSA-based virtual machines can be reconfigured to adapt to the varying resource supplies or demand over the course of a computation. The DSA runtime system also features a directory-based cache coherence protocol in support of replication of user-defined sharing granularity and a communication proxy mechanism for reducing network contention. We demonstrate the programmability of the model in a number of parallel applications and evaluate its performance on a cluster of SMP servers, in particular, the impact of the coherence granularity.  相似文献   

To account for nonlinear nature and huge model uncertainties of underground coal gasification (UCG) process, a robust model based control strategy is to be employed. The available models in the literature do not lend themselves to control applications easily. In this work a control oriented one dimensional (1-D) packed bed model of UCG is developed, which can be used in a closed loop configuration with a robust controller to maintain a desired heating value of the exit gas mixture by manipulating the flow rate of injected gases. The model is also capable of predicting time and space profiles of some important parameters, which include solid temperature, composition of exit gas mixture, rates of different chemical reactions and expected life of the UCG reactor in response to different operating conditions and coal properties. Most of these parameters are either impossible or very expensive to measure. There is uncertainty in some coal properties which is addressed by optimizing few input parameters using sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm, a nonlinear optimization technique. The model results are compared with actual field trials which show a good agreement for the calorific value of exit gas.  相似文献   

针对大型企业资源计划( ERP)系统升级技术复杂、停机时间长、风险巨大的问题,从技术角度分析了ERP升级的风险、技术难点和关键要素,并在此基础上提出了一种快速的ERP系统软硬件同步升级方法。该方法基于数据导出再导入的异构迁移方式,使用新旧双路系统升级架构,同步升级ERP系统的软件和硬件,既能缩短系统升级期间的停机时间,又能降低升级的风险。使用该方法成功实现了某大型企业ERP系统的升级,将传统升级方法近80小时的停机时间压缩到50小时以内,并且一次升级成功。研究表明,基于异构系统迁移的ERP升级技术解决了大型ERP系统升级效率低、风险高、评估困难的问题,并且实施容易,具有较好的推广性。  相似文献   

It is proved that an automaton that is state and input isomorphic to a linear primitive automaton is only state isomorphic to the latter automaton. A criterion of state isomorphism between an irredundant signature analyzer (SA) and some linear SA with the zero initial state is found. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grant 98-01-00113. Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 4, pp. 41–46, July–August, 2000.  相似文献   

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