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<正>在产品、技术、知识等创新速度日益加快的今天,成长的可持续性已经成为现代企业所面临的比管理效率更重要的课题。企业管理创新,最重要的是在组织高管层面有完善的计划与实施步骤以及对可能出现的障碍与阻力有清醒认识。企业创新是企业管理的一项重要内容。是决定公司发展方向、发展规模、发展速度的关键要素。从整个公司管理,到具体业务运行,企业的创新贯穿在每一个部门、每一个细节中。企业创新涉及组织创新、  相似文献   

人类文明发展至二十一世纪,这个时代是一个科学技术爆发式发展的社会,社会各方各面的发展可以说是日新月异,一个智能的现代化社会蓝图逐渐在人们面前展开。一个国家的科技创新水平,是衡量一个国家综合实力的重要标准,国家和社会对科技创新与应用的发展问题也逐年加深,对科技创新工作十分重视。同时增加的还有科技创新工作的实施难度,对科技创新的技术提升,是时下国家及相关部门的工作重点。文章就是以科技创新与应用为方向展开讨论。  相似文献   

<正>进入21世纪以来,数字化、网络化、无线移动化成为人类社会商业和生活的发展趋势。信息媒介多样化,信息传递方式多元化,使传统政府文印行业也面临创新、思变、发展的新趋势。政府文印部门既需要根据新形势追求创新,思考改变,谋求发展,也要满足政府文印需求,对于政府文印需求新场景有清晰的认知,这将使得政府文印部门在解决方案的搭建上必须提升到一个新的高度,远非简单的软件加硬件。政府文印有安全、准确、及时、绿色的四大基本需求,其中,安全性是指公文在审批流转和印制过程中,对电子和纸质公文采取安全加密管理;及时性是指任何时间的紧急文印印制都能高效及时完  相似文献   

正为进一步推动服务贸易创新发展、优化外贸结构,财政部、税务总局等5部门近期联合发出通知,决定将服务贸易创新发展试点地区技术先进型服务企业所得税政策推广至全国实施。自2018年1月1日起,对经认定的技术先进型服务企业(服务贸易类),减按15%的税率征收企业所得税。通知规定,省级科技部门应会同本级商务、财政、税务和发展改革部门及时将《技术先进型  相似文献   

邬朝辉 2003年,美的集团对烟机灶具这个部门进行了一次大的调整。以前烟机灶具是和其它产品合并在一个部门,经过重组和细分,烟机灶具成立了一个单独的部门。重组后,这个部门有一个很大的改观。首先是对产品的重新规划和产品种类的大规模缩减,原来美的烟机、灶具种类很多,分散了我们的精力;第二是对产品的重新定位,一方面是由于人们生活水平的提高,对厨房环境追求也在变化,对产品的品质要求也  相似文献   

<正>近日,质检总局、国家标准委以国务院标准化协调推进部际联席会议办公室名义印发《推进国家标准公开工作实施方案》(以下简称《实施方案》),要求国务院相关部门向社会免费公开国家标准相关信息。国务院各有关部门、各省(区、市)人民政府可参照方案,开展本部门、本地区的行业标准、地方标准公开工作。这是落实国务院《深化标准化工作改革方案》的一项具体措施,是提升政府公共服务水平、服务"大众创业、万众创新"的一项重要举措。  相似文献   

赵万第 《中国食品》2012,(18):30-31
提高产品质量控制力是一种重要理念,也是改进和创新质监部门监管方式的重要目标、是切实增强质监工作有效性的重要导向。  相似文献   

一、引言脱粒滚筒经长期的研究、使用,已经是一个比较成熟的工作部件。但为了提高脱粒机和联合收割机的工作性能,不少研究部门、工厂仍在继续试验改进。如制作脱粒机部件的室内试验台架,变换结构参  相似文献   

提出了要抓住国家振兴东北老工业基地这一难得的历史机遇,振兴辽宁柞蚕丝绸业。辽宁柞蚕丝绸业的振兴途径是:以点带面、大力培育龙头企业;建立区域性园区进行集群创新;运用现代技术的最新成果进行技术创新;产品结构的调整;市场创新。  相似文献   

<正>2015年7月9日创智会在生产基地中国海门举办,各部门围绕团队、门店、服务、产品、机制、6S规范等创新项目在落实执行的基础上再次不断创新,渠道中心在董事长亲自带领下通过集体巡店,现场整改,持续跟踪,上半年销售同比去年增长,下半年渠道中心将围绕创新任务持续打造标杆门店。市场部则将各部门创新内容放大,通过平面创新,媒介方式创新,打造出智慧凯盛,互联门店。研发中心将  相似文献   

To achieve competitiveness in the global textile and clothing (T&C) manufacturing sectors, strategic planning is required. New product development (NPD) in a revised and updated configuration of resources can have a profound leveraging effect on business competitiveness. The strategic determinants of NPD may lead to sources of competitive advantage for T&C firms. Against this background, this study constructs a research framework, in line with the resource-based view and transaction cost theory, to explore how the strategies regarding NPD can be conceived and deployed to achieve superior competitiveness. An in-depth case study of a representative Taiwanese T&C manufacturer has been employed and examined. The manufacturer has acquired resources, various (dynamic) capabilities and knowledge through its NPD process, resulting in core competences and sources for competitive advantages. The implementation of NPD has allowed the T&C manufacturer to provide an increasing variety of new products and to upgrade its services in order to serve a wider range of buyers, and as a result, continuously capturing business opportunities in today’s dynamic markets.  相似文献   

Textile and apparel manufacturers face severe competition in an increasingly globalized economy and a decline in the industry as the nation becomes economically mature. Therefore, understanding how a textile and apparel manufacturer maintains its competitive advantages in the global industry has become crucial. New product development (NPD) has been adopted by numerous businesses as a factor in their competitiveness. Most NPD studies in the textile and apparel sectors have been conducted in Europe and, or, the USA. This paper presents an in-depth case study of a selected Taiwanese textile and apparel manufacturer located in Asia Pacific, a highly competitive region, and examines how its NPD has been developed to maintain its competitive advantage. A twofold NPD is shown as the key to achieve various competitive advantages: flexibility, relationship building, and strategic repositioning of its services to key customers.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate time to pregnancy after the first service postpartum and pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) in dairy cows managed with 2 resynchronization of ovulation programs. After first service, lactating Holstein cows were blocked by parity (primiparous vs. multiparous) and randomly assigned to the d 32 Resynch (R32; n = 1,010) or short Resynch (SR; n = 1,000) treatments. Nonpregnancy diagnosis (NPD) was conducted 32 ± 3 d after AI by transrectal ultrasonography. Nonpregnant cows in R32 received the Ovsynch protocol: GnRH, PGF 7 d later, GnRH 56 h later, and timed AI (TAI) 16 to 18 h later. Cows in SR with a corpus luteum (CL) ≥15 mm and a follicle ≥10 mm at NPD received PGF, PGF 24 h later, GnRH 32 h later, and TAI 16 to 18 h later. Cows in SR without a CL ≥15 mm or a follicle ≥10 mm at NPD received a modified Ovsynch protocol with 2 PGF treatments and progesterone (P4) supplementation (GnRH plus CIDR, PGF and CIDR removal 7 d later, PGF 24 h later, GnRH 32 h later, and TAI 16 to 18 h later). Blood samples were collected from a subgroup of cows at the GnRH before TAI (R32 = 114; SR = 121) to measure P4 concentration. Binomial outcomes were analyzed with logistic regression and hazard of pregnancy (R32 = 485; SR = 462) with Cox's proportional regression in SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). For P/AI analysis, the TAI service was the experimental unit (R32 = 720; SR = 819). Models included treatment and parity as fixed effects and farm as random effect. The hazard of pregnancy was greater for the SR treatment (hazard ratio = 1.18; 95% confidence interval: 1.01–1.37). Median time to pregnancy was 95 and 79 d for the R32 and SR treatments, respectively. At NPD, 71.3 and 71.2% of cows had a CL for the R32 and SR treatments, respectively. Treatment did not affect overall P/AI 32 ± 3 d after AI (R32 = 31.0% vs. SR = 33.9%) or for cows with a CL at NPD (R32 = 32.7% vs. SR = 32.8%). For cows with no CL at NPD, P/AI was greater for the SR treatment (36.9%) than for the R32 treatment (28.6%). Pregnancy loss from 32 to 63 d after AI was similar for all services combined (R32 = 8.3% vs. SR = 10.4%) and for cows with no CL at NPD (R32 = 13.2% vs. SR = 7.2%) but tended to be affected by treatment for cows with a CL at NPD (R32 = 6.8% vs. SR = 11.9%). Treatment affected the proportion of cows with P4 ≤0.5 ng/mL at the GnRH before TAI for all cows (R32 = 68.4% vs. SR = 81.8%), tended to have an effect among cows with a CL (R32 = 70.0% vs. SR = 81.8%), and had no effect for cows with no CL (R32 = 64.7% vs. SR = 81.8%). We concluded that the SR program reduced time to pregnancy because of a reduction of the interbreeding interval for cows with a CL at NPD and greater P/AI in cows with no CL at NPD.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to evaluate the pattern of re-insemination, ovarian responses, and pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) of cows submitted to different resynchronization of ovulation protocols. The base protocol started at 25 ± 3 d after artificial insemination (AI) and was as follows: GnRH, 7 and 8 d later PGF, GnRH 32 h after second PGF, and fixed timed AI (TAI) 16 to 18 h after GnRH. At 18 ± 3 d after AI, cows were randomly assigned to the G25 (n = 1,100) or NoG25 (n = 1,098) treatments. The protocol for G25 and NoG25 was the same, except that cows in NoG25 did not receive GnRH 25 ± 3 d after AI. At nonpregnancy diagnosis (NPD), 32 ± 3 d after AI, cows from G25 and NoG25 with a corpus luteum (CL) ≥15 mm in diameter and a follicle ≥10 mm completed the protocol (G25 CL = 272, NoG25 CL = 194), whereas cows from both treatments that did not meet these criteria received a modified Ovsynch protocol with P4 supplementation [controlled internal drug release insert plus GnRH, controlled internal drug release insert removal, and PGF 7 and 8 d later, GnRH 32 h after second PGF, and TAI 16 to 18 h after GnRH (G25 NoCL = 53, NoG25 NoCL = 78)]. Serum concentrations of progesterone (P4) were determined and ovarian ultrasonography was performed thrice weekly from 18 ± 3 d after AI until 1 d after TAI (G25 = 46, NoG25 = 44 cows). A greater percentage of NoG25 cows were re-inseminated at detected estrus (NoG25 = 53.5%, G25 = 44.6%), whereas more cows had a CL at NPD in G25 than NoG25 (83.7 and 71.3%). At 32 d after AI, P/AI was similar for G25 and NoG25 for inseminations at detected estrus (38.4 and 42.9%), TAI services for cows with no CL (40.4 and 36.7%), and for all services combined (39.6 and 39.0%). However, P/AI were greater for cows with a CL in G25 than NoG25 (40.6 and 32.8%) that received TAI. More cows ovulated spontaneously or in response to GnRH for the G25 than the NoG25 treatment (70 and 36%) but a similar proportion had an active follicle at NPD (G25 = 91% and NoG25 = 96%). The largest follicle diameter at NPD (G25 = 15.0 ± 0.4 mm, NoG25 = 16.5 ± 0.6 mm) and days since it reached ≥10 mm (G25 = 4.0 ± 0.3 d, NoG25 = 5.8 ± 0.6 d) were greater for the NoG25 than G25 treatment. For cows with a CL at NPD, CL regression after NPD, ovulation after TAI, and ovulatory follicle diameter did not differ. In conclusion, removing the first GnRH of a modified Resynch-25 protocol for cows with a CL at NPD and a modified Ovsynch protocol with P4 supplementation for cows without a CL at NPD resulted in a greater percentage of cows re-inseminated at detected estrus and a similar proportion of cows pregnant in spite of reduced P/AI for cows with a CL at NPD.  相似文献   

We investigated simultaneous analytical methods for pesticide residues in large numbers of agricultural products samples. Extraction of each sample with acetonitrile was followed by a salting-out step using a graduated cylinder. The test solution was cleaned up with gel permeation chromatography (GPC), which separated the pesticide eluate into 2 fractions, and then with a tandem mini-column. Analysis was done with a dual-column GC equipped with a dual NPD and FPD (S mode) detector. Use of the Siltek-deactivated liner, guard column, and Y connector, and Silcosteel-treated NPD jet was effective for preventing the breakdown of sulfur-containing pesticides. Recoveries of 87 nitrogen-containing and sulfur-containing pesticides from fortified spinach, tomato, apple, strawberry and brown rice, ranged from 71 to 127% with RSD values of 1-24%, except for recoveries of aldicarb, amitraz, ethiofencarb, imazalil, propamocarb and triflumizole. Detection limits of pesticides were very good (0.3-5 ppb (NPD) and 2-20 ppb (FPD)) for routine analysis of pesticide residues in foods. Surveillance of pesticides in agricultural products was carried out by using the present method. From 22 out of 33 samples, 21 pesticides (43 in total) were detected. The results indicated that the present method can be applied as an efficient and reliable means for monitoring pesticide residues in agricultural products.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to identify the optimal extrinsic and intrinsic attributes, in terms of new product design, for a range of novel stimulant beverages targeted at specific market segments. A conjoint‐based survey was administered to 400 purchasers of soft drinks in Cork between September and November 2004. This research identified new market segments for stimulant beverages beyond the consumer groups traditionally targeted with stimulant drinks. New product development (NPD) opportunities exist for innovative stimulant juice‐based beverages positioned on a platform that emphasises functional refreshment and naturalness. Understanding consumers’ choice motives and value systems, through the integration of the voice of the consumer during the concept stage of the NPD process, can lead to increased new product success. This research can assist soft drink manufacturers optimally design a range of stimulant juice‐based beverages, and provide guidance for effective positioning and pricing strategies of innovative functional beverages.  相似文献   

据美国市场调研机构NPDGroup最近的报告显示,美国去年整个遥控玩具市场规模达到5.8亿美元,比2010年大幅度上升了15%。今年这部分销售更有望进一步飞跃。另外,美国消费电子产品协会的数据显示,今年美国消费者电子  相似文献   

Determination of carbofuran by GLC/NPD and HPLC in tomato fruits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Two analytical methods, using GLC/NPD and HPLC to analyse carbofuran residues in tomatoes, are described. Both methods have shown a high recovery rate, up to 90%, and their detection limits are below the maximum residue limit set by Codex Alimentarius Mundi for carbofuran in tomatoes. Therefore, both methods may be of use in routine analysis of this pesticide in those fruits.
Rückstandsanalyse von Carbofuran in Tomaten mit GLC/NPD und HPLC
Zusammenfassung Beschrieben werden zwei Arbeitsweisen zur Analyse von Rückständen des Methylcarbamat-Insecticids Carbofuran, die sich gut für routinemäßige Untersuchungen von Tomaten eignen. Die Wiederfin-dungsrate liegt über 90% und die Nachweisgrenze deutlich unter der Höchstmenge des Codex Alimentarius von 0,1 mg/kg.


With today's global competitive marketplace, new textile product development requires a design, marketing, materials and technology interface. An opportunity existed to examine the new textile product development processes being used by global textile companies with a variety of textile product end-uses: apparel, home textiles, transportation, industrial, nonwovens, carpets, and medical textiles. The Crawford and DiBenedetto model (2003) was used as the conceptual framework for the study and data was collected using secondary and primary data sources. A total of 24 global companies, based in the United States, comprised the sample for this study. Each company's new textile product development processes, practices, and new products were examined, with identification of key new product development concepts being utilized. Results indicated that companies were utilizing new product development (NPD) processes as a competitive tool, but are using a combination of NPD strategies to develop and launch products in the global marketplace.  相似文献   

乔慧  高晓娟 《酿酒》2011,38(6):45-46
应用气相色谱与NPD检测器联用技术,建立了快速检测白酒中吡嗪类化合物的方法。实验对条件进行了初步研究,实验结果表明该方法对吡嗪类化合物在所测得范围内具有良好的线性关系,重复测定的相对标准偏差小于4.7%,回收率大于86%。  相似文献   

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