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近年因为Ebay、淘宝等C2C平台对网民在网络购物方面的普及教育作用,加上快递行业、网络银行等外部环境的成熟,使得我国的网络购物人群大幅增长。许多企业开始尝试通过建立独立的B2C网站来开展在线销售。但是在实际的运作中,多数商家对产品评论功能不够重视,使得网站的用户体验度不够,尽管有些网站流量很大,但是用户成功购买的转化率不高。本文主要从产品评论的角度,倡导网站应该注重用户交互与体验。  相似文献   

eBuy电子商城是一个动态、交互式的B2C模式的电子商务系统,由前台的B/S模式购物子系统和后台的C/S模式管理子系统两部分组成。通过平台用户可以实现在线会员注册,进行商品搜索与选购,查看订单、取消订单等电子商务活动。  相似文献   

本文介绍了基于数字电视数据挖掘新一代电视电子商务系统平台的技术方案。该平台通过多屏互动、电视映像触控,结合数据挖掘、行为分析技术,突破传统电视购物的交易方式,为数字电视用户提供了一种新颖、时尚的购物消费模式,并可以对接广电运营商的BOSS系统、在线支付系统,使用户能方便、快捷地在电视上进行购物并支付。  相似文献   

随着电商在线数据的海量增长,如何通过挖掘这些海量数据的有效特征,对用户进行精准的产品推荐成为工业界和学术界的研究热点.对用户的精准产品推荐能有效提高用户购物体验,提高电商的销售业绩,具有双赢的效果,所以对产品推荐算法的性能研究具有重要意义.本文利用Amazon的购物数据综合分析了现存产品推荐算法的性能,为推荐算法在平台...  相似文献   

文章针对目前号码百事通电子商务平台存在的跨业务支付繁琐,用户对购物体验差的问题,提出了构建号百电子商务综合购物车系统,解决用户通过手机终端、话音、互联网、即时通讯工具等多种手段在不同商家、不同厂家实现的多个业务系统中实现多方购物,一次支付的问题,用以提升用户感知,提高号百业务支持关联消费的能力。  相似文献   

灵活、价格低以及覆盖面广是C2C电子商务的主要特点,也是其发展迅猛的主要原因,新时代的消费者在消费过程中不仅关注商品的价格,也重视对购物的体验和得到的服务。因此,对于C2C电子商务的经营者而言,给顾客带来体验式的购物消费是具有重要意义的。本文着重介绍了如何将体验式营销及C2C电子商务购物模式结合在一起,在互相补充的基础上进行网络营销的建议。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,零售行业发展迅猛,用户对购物方式智能化的需求越来越强烈,因此本文设计了一款智能购物车系统。该系统硬件部分配备了STM32与树莓派作为主控,同时搭配多种数据采集传感器,采用OneNET云平台进行数据传输,同时系统添加微信小程序实现数据的显示和与人进行信息交互的功能,从真正意义上实现了硬件—OneNET—微信小程序—JavaWeb网站四方协作的系统通过不同模式优化用户的购物体验。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的蓬勃发展和各种购物平台的涌现,商品信息的数量和种类呈现爆炸式增长,给用户带来了巨大的信息搜索压力。面对海量的商品数据,用户在网购时获取商品信息的效率不高,并在比对商品价格时耗费大量的精力,为此文章提出一种基于RPA技术的优惠商品信息实时收集平台,采用RPA机器人流程自动化技术实时抓取各个购物平台的商品信息(价格、优惠信息和用户评价等),并进行信息整合和数据可视化,从而为用户提供更多的选择和参考,帮助他们做出明智的购物决策,极大地提升了用户的购物体验和满足感。  相似文献   

本系统是一个基于Internet,采用B2C(Business to Consumers)模式的平台。系统采用B/S模式,以SQL2000为后台数据库,Tomcat作为Web服务器,设计并开发的基于JSP的在线购物系统。系统实现了用户管理员登陆、购物车模块、订单模块、留言评价模块、商品交互模块等功能模块。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍用户体验的基本概念,提出用户体验设计在整个项目开发周期中的时间点以及不同的平台、不同的产品的用户体验设计要以自身产品的使用环境为基础。接着以Viber的成功为例,提出智能手机平台上应用程序的用户体验设计,要紧扣智能手机平台的特点,并兼顾智能手机用户的使用习惯,提高易用性,从而使产品获得很好的推广。  相似文献   

电子商务网站在线支付模块的集成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现有的第三方网络支付平台中,淘宝在线支付业务占全国市场份额的47.1%,占据统治地位。而2003至2011年以来,网络购物规模一直保持一个快速增长的趋势。对于需要自己开办网站从事网络购物的商家和公司,为满足客户购物在线支付的需要,应该考虑在购物网站集成在线支付功能。最后,以如今使用最广泛的网络支付平台"支付宝"为例,讲述如何在电子商务网站中集成在线支付功能。  相似文献   

张亮  王斌 《电信科学》2012,28(7):10-14
基于e声网的调研数据,重点讨论了目前网络购物用户群的细分,研究各细分用户群网上购物的行为和动因,分析各用户群在电信运营商网上营业厅的消费现状和评价以及判断他们未来可能的消费态度,最后建议运营商发展电子商务应针对不同用户群,突出重点,构建三位一体的电子渠道,强化自有网上营业厅的用户体验。  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to study consumers’ purchase intention on web-based and social-based B2C e-commerce platforms. This research is one of the first empirical studies to employ the Stimulus-Organism-Response Model (S-O-R Model) as a main research model. The researchers found six findings which contrast with the previous literature. First, the two-way communication tools provided by the platform are not powerful enough to significantly affect the emotional needs of online consumers. Second, the stimulus that affect user’s interpretation of online information is the two-way communication tools provided by the platform. Third, the risk perceived by a consumer in contemplating a particular purchase action does not significantly affect the emotional needs of consumers. Fourth, the stimulus that affects users’ curiosity aroused while interacting with the platform is the ability of the platform to enhance user participation in the platform’s activities. Fifth, consumers’ emotional needs significantly affect online consumers’ purchase intention. Finally, the degree of users’ attention while using the platform significantly affects consumers’ purchase intention.


The present study aims to examine purchase behavior in personalized online shopping by employing complexity theory, based on customers’ online shopping experience and online shopping motivations. To address its objectives, a conceptual model is proposed along with research propositions. The research propositions are validated through a survey on 401 customers’ experience with online shopping, by using the data analysis tool fsQCA (fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis). The results, indicate nine configurations of online shopping experience and online shopping motivations that lead to high purchase intentions. This study takes a step further the literature of online shopping and the theoretical ground of how customers’ online shopping experience combines with their online shopping motivations in order to predict and explain increased intention to purchase. The findings offer implications for both researchers and online retailers, regarding the development of new theories in personalized e-commerce and the provision of personalized services.  相似文献   

The increase in the ageing population worldwide poses a severe challenge in assisting older individuals to live independently, including the provision of mobility assistance and support in daily activities. In this paper, a practical robotic system is developed to provide intelligent support for older persons using a wheeled mobile manipulator (WMM), consisting of an omnidirectional mobile platform and a robotic arm. We focus on two critical needs: (1) mobility assistance, and (2) object manipulation support. The tasks are not executed simultaneously and each uses a task-dependent end-effector. Learning from demonstration, or kinesthetic teaching, is adopted to help the WMM to learn an elderly or disabled user’s walking pattern or an able-bodied person’s object manipulation skill. The robotic system can assist the user in conducting a number of daily operations. For mobility assistance, the WMM is reconfigured into a smart walker, where a novel variable admittance control is adopted to detect the user’s walking intention. A learning approach based on dynamic movement primitives is implemented to capture and adapt the WMM to the user’s walking pattern. For object manipulation support, a demonstrator first collaborates with an elderly user to conduct the task, and then the WMM takes the role of the demonstrator to assist the user. The Gaussian mixture model and Gaussian mixture regression are used to learn and reproduce the demonstrator’s experience, respectively. The advantages and effectiveness of the proposed approach are experimentally demonstrated with a four-wheel omnidirectional WMM.  相似文献   

随着通信计算机技术的飞速发展,手机已经不仅仅满足人们通信需求,其丰富的功能及应用已经遍及我们生活的方方面面,如看书、购物、娱乐等等。为用户提供方便的固件升级工具已成为满足用户手机个性化的需求必不可少的一部分。本文针对高通6240/6270芯片平台,对固件升级的技术原理进行了分析和研究,设计实现多路升级,通过实际应用验证了设计的正确性,具有较高的使用价值。  相似文献   

在移动群智感知任务分配中,数据平台不知道用户的感知质量或成本值的前提下,如何建立合适的用户招募机制是该文需要解决的关键问题,不仅需要在用户执行的过程学习其感知质量值,还要尽可能保证移动群智感知平台的高效性和利润最大化.因此该文提出基于组合多臂赌博机(CMAB)的移动群智感知用户招募算法来解决用户成本已知和未知的招募问题...  相似文献   

As the mobile application market rapidly expands, the mobile shopping market is also expected to follow suit. Further, a new form of online-to-offline (O2O) services available in mobile shopping applications, which helps users instantly search for what they want online, try them in the offline stores nearby, and pay online, is becoming increasingly popular. Thus, our study investigates the effects of O2O-based mobile shopping application (MSA)’s information and service quality on the user’s perceived privacy protection, satisfaction, and loyalty. In this study, we collected 1063 questionnaire responses, out of which 969 were used to estimate the structural paths using PLS-SEM (partial least-square structural equation model) for the hypothesis test. Our empirical findings are drawn from Chinese respondents who use Chinese leading MSAs, such as Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent. We confirm that qualified information and services of O2O MSAs positively affect both perceived privacy protection and customer satisfaction, which finally lead to customer loyalty through the lens of the information systems success model. Further, we present effective practical implications for business strategy and application characteristics suitable for users in the O2O-based mobile shopping industry.  相似文献   

目前主流的点击预测模型采用线性模型和深度神经网络相结合的方法学习用户与物品之间特征交互,忽略了用户的历史行为本质上是一个动态序列的事实,从而导致无法有效捕获用户行为序列中蕴含的时间信息。为此,该文提出了基于用户行为序列的短视频用户多行为点击预测模型(USCP)。该模型将用户的历史行为按交互时间的顺序排序,生成用户历史行为序列。在DeepFM模型的基础上引入词嵌入模型Word2Vec,根据用户历史行为序列自适应学习到该用户的动态兴趣,有效捕获到用户兴趣的变化。在某短视频平台上公开的脱敏数据集上进行了对比实验,评价指标采用GAUC(Group AUC),结果表明该模型性能优于其他几个模型。  相似文献   

张怡  周渊 《信息技术》2011,(11):63-65
随着网络技术的发展,接入网络的服务器数量呈现出指数级增长的态势。在海量信息面前,人们对信息的利用率渐渐降低,盲目地在网络中搜寻需要的内容。用户急需一种能够帮助他们购物的辅助工具,该工具能够按照用户自身的兴趣爱好自动地进行推荐。通过改进一种混合模式的推荐技术解决该问题,实验部分也进行了相关验证。  相似文献   

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