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Soil degradation, e.g. due to soil contamination, is a serious problem in Europe. Therefore, the European Commission believes that a comprehensive EU strategy for soil protection is required. With the purpose of supporting the European soil policy, the possibilities for a common approach in the EU-wide use of ecological risks assessment methodologies are explored. For over ten years now, ecological procedures used in different countries have been discussed in international fora. More recently, within the framework of the HERACLES network a review of ecological risk assessment tools was performed, among other things. From this study it can be concluded that the inclusion of ecological risk assessment in soil quality standards shows an increasing interest in many EU Member States. The study also shows that there are many procedures for ecological risk assessment readily available in several EU countries and will be readily available in even more Member States in the nearby future. Besides, this study clearly shows quite some variation in the ecological risk assessment tools and in the resulting soil quality standards in the different countries. Therefore, an effort was made to look for potential harmonisation of these tools within the European Union. Risk assessment tools used in soil quality assessment include both political and scientific elements, which are often interwoven. Insofar differences in the existing tools originate from geographical or cultural differences between Member States or from political choices, harmonisation is not at all regarded an option. Nevertheless, several differences between existing ecological risk assessment tools have been identified, that merely originate from scientific or technical aspects. These tools could be standardized, which means that there could be a uniform tool to be used everywhere throughout the EU. The development of these harmonised risk assessment tools will imply an intensive international cooperation, with the purpose of at least making the existing differences between those tools from the Member States transparent and to investigate the possibilities for coming to similar tools from a scientific/technical perspective.  相似文献   

The Spanish home ownership sector has been hit hard by the economic crisis. Repossessions stand at around half a million in the period from 2008 to 2014. This article investigates how the authorities, both at the level of the Spanish state and of the autonomous communities (regions), have responded to this problem. We investigated whether they assist troubled home owners and aim to design a less risky housing system, with more (social) rental housing. Our research in Catalonia, the Basque Country and Andalusia shows that Autonomous Communities are playing an increasingly important role in this matter. This finding fits well with theories on the formation of regional varieties of welfare, which indicate that flaws of the central governments in providing social welfare, are increasingly addressed by regions. The Basque Country seems to be on the way of designing the most comprehensive system of housing policies of the three regions, including a strong Right to Housing. All three regions regard the mobilisation of the large vacant dwelling stock as an important means to provide more affordable rental housing. However, the owners are often unwilling and the three regions have proposed drastic measures, such as fines and even temporary expropriations. The central government resists such measures, because they might interfere with the proper working of the country’s financial system. It shows that certain policy competences can never be totally isolated from other policy fields and multi-level distribution of competences makes it all the more complex.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of soil quality criteria for the characterization of soils focused on the potential risk to the ecosystem. The approach combines both Generic Soil Quality standards (GSQs) for individual chemicals and direct ecotoxicity assays on soil samples taken from the site. Criteria establish three main risk levels with their corresponding trigger values. The trigger values to determine high risk or "polluted" soils are exclusively based on direct toxicity assessments. The trigger values for the other categories are established by a combination of the application of GSQs and the results of bioassays. Low-risk is assumed when no toxicity is observed and GSQs based on precautionary ecotoxicity thresholds are not exceeded; high-risk must be considered if acute toxicity above the proposed trigger value is observed in soil or leachate samples. In between these levels, the risk cannot be elucidated and a site-specific assessment is required. The GSQs take into account the current or future land use, thus defining three categories: industrial soils, urban/residential soils and natural/agricultural/forest soils, each of them with different ecological requirements. The GSQ values are established following an inverse risk assessment methodology, integrating ecotoxicity and exposure models and setting the soil levels associated to pre-established criteria for the assumption of low risk. The proposed methodology covers all relevant ecological receptors and processes, soil organisms, potential contamination of ground and surface waters, and exposure of terrestrial vertebrates due to bioaccumulation and biomagnification. Exposure routes and protection criteria are defined in each protection goal. The relevance of each receptor and route is established according to the land use.  相似文献   

Hydrology is a primary control on the ecological quality of river systems, through its influence on flow, channel geomorphology, water quality and habitat availability. Scottish rivers are widely perceived to be of high ecological quality, with abundant flow volumes and high water quality. However, historical and current river flow regulations, and land use change have altered the physical and chemical characteristics of Scottish rivers, with adverse consequences for aquatic biota. Baseline hydrological, geomorphological and water quality conditions in Scottish rivers are thus summarised. The impacts of river regulation and land use change on the hydrology, geomorphology and water quality of Scottish rivers are then discussed. Consequences of these changes for aquatic habitat are examined, with particular reference to the economically significant salmonid species (Salmo salar and Salmo trutta). Policy and management issues relating to the future ecological quality of Scottish rivers are reviewed. These include the impacts of climate change on ecological quality, the calculation and implementation of ecologically acceptable flows, and river restoration and best management practices within integrated catchment planning.  相似文献   

建筑工程项目生态质量管理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李盘铭  马红轩 《山西建筑》2009,35(2):216-218
以可持续发展理论为指导,借鉴全面质量管理理论和过程控制模式,阐述了质量管理的新模式——生态质量管理,并分析了基于产品生命周期的建设工程项目质量管理方法,以使建筑产品的资源利用率最高,从而实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

The broad outlines of plant and animal ecology are indicated and ecosystems are defined. The impact of agriculture and industry on these systems is indicated. The major forces bringing about instability of the soil are pointed out. Wind erosion, water erosion, nutrient and oxygen balances are described in principle. Intensification and specialization of agriculture are described in some detail. These intensive practices are compared to the older “normal” agriculture. Hence, the courses of the modern agricultural problems in environmental pollution and waste management are indicated. The magnitude of the pesticide problem is defined and the need for regulation is emphasized. Special consideration is given to chlorinated hydrocarbons and mercury compounds. The process of eutrophication is defined and is described as a natural process. Sources of artificial enrichment of the water are described as well as city and rural waste water.The remedial measures that need to be taken to maintain and/or improve the environment are discussed. Systems of handling animal wastes are described in some detail. Dry, slurry, and wet systems are described in regard to management. The control of excessive fertilizer nutrients, pesticides, and agricultural chemicals including heavy metals is outlined in some detail. Animal manure management as a part of the soil fertility system is described. Nitrogen and phosphorus management is discussed in some detail. Utilization of city waste water and sewage treatment plant sludges are indicated. Solid waste disposal on the land as a means of environmental improvement is considered from the point of view of disposing of raw sewage, sewage sludge, and solid wastes generally. Fruit and vegetable processing wastes can be treated by a process of overland flow in order to bring about adequate oxidation of these wastes. Wastes from packing plants for animal processing are much stronger wastes and require more complex treatment than fruit and vegetable processing wastes. Oil-spills as a pollutant on land are described in more or less quantitative terms. Remedial measures are given.  相似文献   

探求适宜居住的生态人居环境的设计是当今主流的设计思潮之一,就南方地区的居住建筑,分析了人居生态性建设的可能与措施,力求能对南方地区的居住建筑在生态适宜性的建设上提供一些思路。  相似文献   

基于可靠度理论的分项系数法已在结构工程设计中广泛应用,并成为当前岩土工程设计方法发展的一种趋势。针对土质边坡抗剪强度参数(凝聚力c和摩擦系数f)的分项系数取值进行讨论:首先结合条分法、响应面法以及设计域的概念,在不同工况下标定分项系数的取值;然后评估,在采用不同分项系数组合进行边坡设计时,实际边坡的可靠度水平。研究结果表明:1变异系数对分项系数的标定有重要影响;2减小分位比能够部分抵消一定目标可靠度下由变异系数所引起的分项系数标定值变化以及一定分项系数下实际边坡可靠度水平的波动;3设计验算点是设计域中特殊的一点,它并不是最优的设计值取值点,使用标准化空间里设计域上特定角度一点作为设计值取值点更具优势;4当分位比为0.1,目标可靠度3.2时,经过优化分析,推荐土质边坡分项系数取值为c?=1.30,f?=1.15;5使用该方法,可以对现有安全系数设计方法的可靠度水平进行评估。  相似文献   

Levels of imposex (superimposition of male characters, upon females) and the presence of sterile females are assessed in the gastropod Nassarius nitidus (Jeffreys, 1867), at 22 locations in the Basque Country (northern Spain). At 18 of these localities, butyltin bioaccumulation (tributyltin (TBT); dibutyltin; monobutyltin) was analysed using isotope dilution and GC-ICP-MS. Higher imposex levels and TBT body burden were found in confined harbours, with a large vessel traffic or the presence of a fishing fleet or a shipyard. For the first time, four apparently sequential types of aborted capsules are described in this species. Another novelty is the interspecific comparison between imposex intensities in sympatrically living populations of N. nitidus and N. reticulatus. This showed that sensitivity to TBT pollution of both species is relatively similar (in terms of Relative Penis Length Index). Since N. nitidus has a restricted habitat distribution due to its low presence in wave-exposed habitats, its complementary use with other species is recommended for its use in TBT monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

罗兴德  周劲草 《山西建筑》2006,32(11):154-155
结合工程实例,分析了气泡混合轻质土的性能及形成原理,从施工工艺、配合比参数、质量管理等方面介绍了气泡混合轻质土施工技术,为类似工程的施工提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

现代建筑工程质量管理系统已由仅着眼于技术层面的质量控制系统演变为具有生态特征的质量经营系统.从质量生态的角度出发,以建筑垃圾为切入点找出影响建筑工程质量生态系统的因素,利用网络层次分析法对各因素进行重要性分析,并以各因素的重要度为依据,提出基于工程项目各参与方的建筑工程质量生态管理模型.  相似文献   

分析了高速公路建设中水土流失的成因及危害,介绍了高速公路建设中水土保持生态恢复的内容与原则,提出了水土保持生态恢复的措施,有利于促进我国高速公路建设朝着生态公路的方向发展。  相似文献   

Quality of life differences across areas can be measured by differences in “real wages,” where real wages are computed as nominal wages adjusted for the cost of living. Computing cost of living differences involves several important issues, including how housing prices should be measured. Previous researchers typically have used some combination of rental payments and homeowner housing values, but housing values are forward-looking and may not reflect current user costs. This paper examines differences in quality of life estimates for US metropolitan areas using, alternatively, rents and housing values. We find that the two measures of quality of life are highly correlated. Value-based estimates, however, are considerably more dispersed than rent-based estimates, likely because of the recent housing bubble and because housing values often provide an imperfect measure of the present user cost of housing.  相似文献   

The average nitrate concentration in the groundwater of the Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country) quaternary aquifer rose from 50 mg NO3-/l during 1986 to over 200 mg/l in 1995, which represents an increase of some 20 mg NO3-/l per year. From 1995 to 2002, the nitrate concentration of the groundwater slightly decreased. Nitrate groundwater pollution during the period 1986-1993 was the result of the abusive use of fertilizers and of the modification in the recharge patterns of the aquifer from surface water sources. From 1993 onwards, apart from a possible rationalization in fertilizer use, the change in the origin of water for irrigation and wetland restoration (water is taken now from artificial pools outside the quaternary aquifer) must be explained in order to account for the observed decrease in nitrate concentration in the groundwater. The water of the aquifer and of the unsaturated zone were studied in two experimental plots (one of them cultivated and the other uncultivated) for 18 months (January 1993-June 1994), during the period of maximum contamination, to evaluate the effect of fertilizers on soil water and on the water in the saturated zone. The soil water was sampled using soil lysimeters at various depths. The volumetric water content of the soil was measured at the same depths using time domain reflectrometry (TDR) probes. Samples of groundwater were taken from a network of wells on the aquifer scale, two located close to the two experimental plots. The temporal evolution of nitrate concentrations in soil solutions depends on the addition of fertilizers and on soil nitrate leaching by rain. During episodes of intense rain (>50 mm in a day), the groundwater deposits are recharged with water coming from the leaching of interstitial soil solutions, causing an increase in the groundwater nitrate concentrations. The mass of nitrate leached from the cultivated zone is five times higher than that of the nitrate leached from the uncultivated zone (1147 kg NO3-/ha in the cultivated sector as against 211 kg NO3-/ha in the uncultivated sector), although part of the nitrate leached into the soil had been previously deposited by the rise of the water table. If we consider that the level of groundwater input is similar in both plots, we may conclude that 964 kg NO3-/ha circulated towards the groundwater in the cultivated zone during the period under study, representing 87% of the nitrate applied to the soil in the form of fertilizer during that period.  相似文献   

张雪昀 《山西建筑》2003,29(2):138-138
介绍了回填土质量监控方法,提出了施工中常见问题,并针对性地阐述了解决办法,实践证明,此地既能保证回填土的施工质量,又可加快工程进度。  相似文献   

基于InVEST模型的Biodiversity模块,测定闽江流域的生物多样性生态服务功能,运用模型结果中的生境质量指数和生境稀缺度指数评估闽江流域生态环境质量,对区域生态环境保护具有参考价值。经模型运算得到:2000年、2005年、2010年闽江流域生境质量指数得分分别为27.90、27.82、27.79,10年间下降了0.39%,2005—2010年期间较2000—2005年期间下降速率降低了62.50%;台江、鼓楼、仓山、长乐地区是生境质量较低的地域,其生境质量指数得分10年间均值为0.15、0.23、0.33、0.53;道路、居住地、工业用地、采矿场4种地类对闽江流域生态环境的干扰是生境质量变化的主要驱动因素;森林地类生境稀缺度指数下降了89.80%,生境质量指数10年间均值为0.99,占地面积增加了0.09%。研究表明,10年间闽江流域整体生境质量处于良好水平,且保持稳定。  相似文献   

Nematode communities offer several advantages for assessing the quality of soils. Diversity and maturity indices as well as trophic structure defining parameters based on the composition of soil nematode communities have been used to detect various kinds of man-induced disturbances and monitor ecological recovery. In the present paper we examined the response of these indices in herbaceous Mediterranean ecosystems. Incipient soils, which were developed on the top of waste dumping sites were compared with agricultural soils under fallow. Grasslands and old-fields were considered as reference systems. Either diversity or maturity indices were shown to be very sensitive to changes in soil system caused by waste dumping. However, they were less useful for the categorisation of perturbation in agroecosystems. Trophic composition related parameters were more meaningful for this aim. Plant parasite index (PPI) may be a good generic indicator of recovery processes after perturbation in these annual herbaceous ecosystems.  相似文献   

针对CFG桩和夯实水泥土桩在松散砂土中成桩常出现塌孔、断桩的问题,通过改进施工机械和施工技术手段,优化了在松散砂土中成CFG桩和水泥土桩的成桩质量,进而优化了工程施工质量。  相似文献   

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