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用P507-煤油-HCl体系从YCl3溶液中萃取分离La3+和Ca2+   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玉良  赵军 《湿法冶金》2003,22(3):138-141
在生产高纯Y2O3中,YCl3溶液中的Ca2 与La3 均可以用P507萃取分离。经萃取分离后,产品中Ca2 与La3 的质量分数分别低于7×10-6与1×10-6,符合要求。  相似文献   

Large Magnetic Entropy Effect in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The magnetocaloric effect in the colossal magnetoresistance material La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 was studied. From the measurements of temperature dependence of magnetization in various magnetic fields, the large magnetic entropy change associated with the ferromagnetic-paramagnetie transition was discovered. This result suggests that perovskite manganites are suitable candidates as working substance in magnetie refrigeration technology.  相似文献   

钟盛华 《稀土》2012,33(1):1-5
预分离萃取法是首先用少量级数对待分离的原料进行预先分离,然后再流入级数较多的、进行相邻元素间分离的细分离工艺,从而减少进入级数较多的相邻元素分离工艺的料液量。因而,整体工艺的萃取槽体积减少25%~40%,有机相、水相及稀土金属的存槽量减少25%~40%,酸碱消耗也减少30%~40%,废水排放量大为减少。预分离工艺有多种形式,相邻元素间的细分离工艺也有多种类型。本文介绍了预分离萃取法的形成缘由、基本原理,使用这种方法的基本原则和它的各种工艺形式,以及用预分离萃取法分离低钇离子稀土矿的新工艺。  相似文献   

轻稀土矿预分萃取法Nd/Sm新工艺由预分萃取段、预分洗涤段和预洗水相Nd/Sm分组构成。研究结果:5级预分萃取段的出口水相La-Nd轻稀土分离纯度>99.99%,5级预分洗涤段的出口有机相Sm-Lu、Y中重稀土分离纯度>99.995%;只有轻稀土矿的4.2%稀土量进入级数较多30级的Nd/Sm分组中分离,其出口水相出口有机相的分离纯度均可>99.99%。该方法稀土矿处理量大,能耗低,且新工艺的萃取槽体积大为减少,工业生产易于控制。  相似文献   

根施La对大豆幼苗根中Ca、K分布的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
稀土元素对植物的许多生理功能有着积极的影响,是植物的有益元素。目前我国每年有数以吨计的稀土农肥施用于田间,增产和品质改善而获益上千万元以上。研究稀土元素的细胞分布及其对植物生理效应的影响对我们更加科学合理地使用稀土元素具有重要意义。本文以稀土元素La为例,着重研究它对大豆幼苗根部矿质元素Ca 和K的影响,特别是对细胞分布的影响。  相似文献   

本文研究了用“F·B”型分馏萃取法从“P_(507)一步萃取多出口分离富铕中钇稀上矿”得到的粗钐产品中提取纯氧化钐工艺,取得了Sm_2O_3纯度大于99%、分枝槽体中Sm_2O_3产品收率大于95%的良好结果,开创了“F·B”分馏萃取法在稀土分离工艺中应用的先例。  相似文献   

Ca3La3(BO3)5基质中Tb^3+的光致发光   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在254nm紫外光激发下,研究了Ca3La3(BO3)5基质中Tb^3+的激发光谱,发光光谱、发光寿命与Tb^3+的4f^8→4f^75d^1允许迁的激发带位于230~260nm光谱区,故Tb^3+能很好地吸收激活能而发光,成为一种有发展前途的绿粉。Ce^3+可能与Tb^3+争夺激活能而猝灭Tb^3+的发光,一定量的Dy^3+能敏化Tb^3+的发光。  相似文献   

本文对沉淀法分离铅与稀土和溶剂萃取法分离铅与稀土等方法作简单的探讨及综合比较,找出各生产方法的特点及适用性,达到能根据用户对稀土产品中的PbO等非稀土杂质的要求,生产的规格、产品的类型以及稀土产品的价格,灵活选用铅与稀土分离方法,达到简便、快速、有效、经济地生产出用户满意的低铅稀土产品的目的。  相似文献   

侧重介绍了用 P2 0 4和磺化煤油作有机相 ,用溶剂萃取法从卤水中提取镁的小型试验和台架试验结果 ;提出了工艺流程及工艺参数。  相似文献   

采用离线分析手动增量PI反馈控制,在混合澄清槽镧铈分离的两个出口都稳定得到了高于4N和3N纯度的产品。作者认为如用PID反馈控制,可提高控制质量。  相似文献   

郭文锋  徐庆  陈文  黄端平  王皓  袁润章 《稀土》2007,28(1):30-33
采用甘氨酸-硝酸盐法合成La0.8Ca0.2CrO3复合氧化物粉料,对合成产物的晶体结构和显微形貌进行表征,研究烧成温度对La0.8Ca0.2CrO3相对密度和电导率的影响.实验结果表明,烧成温度为1400℃时样品即达较高的相对密度(92.6%),测试温度为800℃时样品的电导率为31.1 S·cm-1.与常规固相法相比,GNP法合成产物的纯度高、颗粒细(100nm~200nm),有良好的烧结活性,能够有效地降低材料的烧成温度和提高材料的电性能.  相似文献   

研究了萃取原液中加入絮凝剂去除杂质并澄清后对铜萃取分相速度的影响.试验结果表明,矿石浸出液在萃取前加入X型絮凝剂絮凝并强制过滤,可去除其中大量悬浮物,适量加入絮凝剂对铜的溶剂萃取分相影响不明显.  相似文献   

用萃取法对氯化烟尘酸浸液中钪的提纯进行了实验研究。萃取体系采用P204+改质剂+磺化煤油。结果表明:钪的萃取率为99.7%,铁、锰的去除率最高分别达到98.1%和99.3%。有机相用NaOH溶液反萃,反萃率可达99.6%,有效地实现了钪与铁、锰杂质的分离。  相似文献   

Niobium and tantalum are found together in natural minerals. Leaching with concentrated acid solution or alkaline roasting followed by water/dilute acid leaching results in a solution containing these two metals. In this work, we reviewed the extraction and separation of Nb(V) and Ta(V) from leach liquors in the absence and presence of hydrofluoric acid by acidic, neutral extractants and amines. Several solvent extraction systems were compared in the light of the requirement of hazardous chemicals, extraction/separation efficiency, and stability/solubility of extractants. Since the cationic species of Nb(V) and Ta(V) are unstable in the aqueous solution, the application of acidic extractants for extraction and separation of these metals is limited. Amines can extract Nb(V) as well as Ta(V) irrespective of the presence of fluoride ion but the separation of these metals from the loaded amines should be carried out in stripping process, resulting in process complexity. Another disadvantage encountered for amine is related to high viscosity in extraction process. Neutral extractants are considered as promising extractants which are effective to separate Ta(V) and Nb(V) from either non-fluoride or to moderate fluoride ion concentration in terms of extraction, separation and stripping efficiency. Compared to the traditional methyl iso-butyl ketone (MIBK) based system, methyl isoamyl ketone (MIAK) is found to be a promising extractant to separate Nb(V) and Ta(V).  相似文献   

溶剂萃取法从含铍溶液中分离铍   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用溶剂萃取法从某复杂低品位铍矿的硫酸浸出液中进行铍的分离,研究了不同因素对铍的单级萃取效果的影响。结果表明,最佳条件为:水相pH=2~2.5、浸出液初始铍浓度1.5~2.5g/L、P204体积分数30%、萃取时间20min、相比为1。在此条件下四级逆流萃取后铍萃取率可达到98.50%。  相似文献   

Considering the growing demand for In(III) and Ga(III) for the manufacture of advanced materials, it is necessary to develop efficient separation processes for recovery of these metals from primary and secondary resources. In the present work, separation of In(III) and Ga(III) from different aqueous mediums by solvent extraction, ion exchange, and solvent-impregnated resins/gels was reviewed. Although complete separation of In(III) from Ga(III) is possible using ion exchange or solvent-impregnated resins/gels, these methods are limited in industrial applications due to low adsorption capacity for metals. Solvent extraction with amines, acidic, and neutral extractants is commonly employed to separate these two metal ions. Amines and neutral extractants can extract both In(III) and Ga(III) and then these metals are separated by selective stripping. By contrast, solvent extraction with acidic extractants including commercial and synthetic extractants results in complete separation of In(III) and Ga(III). Compared to common commercial extractants such as D2EHPA, PC88A, Cyanex 272, and Cyanex 301, synthetic extractants offer higher extraction and separation efficiency, but extraction kinetics and stripping efficiency in these systems should be improved in the future.  相似文献   

实验研究了从铂族金属溶液中草取分离Pt,Pd,Rh,Ir的工艺,较好地分离除去了残金属离子;提出了采用铜试剂+氯仿螯台萃取Pd的新方法.实验证明,采用连续萃取工艺取代部分沉淀法,可提高铑的直收率(>85%),简化工艺,缩短生产周期.  相似文献   

进行了用环烷酸石油亚砜从混合氯化稀土溶液中萃取分离钇的研究。用混合室体积为 1 2 0 L混合澄清槽 ,经 1 2 0级串级分馏萃取分离 ,可获得纯度大于 99.99%的 YC1 3溶液。与环烷酸混合醇体系相比 ,环烷酸石油亚砜体系的分相性能及有机相流动性更好。分离出的 YC1 3溶液经进一步分离非稀土杂质后 ,可用于制取荧光级 Y2 O3产品 ,产品收率可达 90 .5%。  相似文献   

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