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Cyclin D1-deficient mice have small eyes with thin retinas. We observed that there was a lower level of retinal cell proliferation and a unique pattern of photoreceptor cell death. Death was first observed in scattered clusters of cells in the retina. It then appeared to spread from these few cells to nearby photoreceptors, eventually producing extensive holes in the photoreceptor layer. These holes appeared to be filled with interneurons from the inner nuclear layer. The death mainly occurred during the second to fourth postnatal weeks. Other models of photoreceptor degeneration in rodents differ in that they occur more uniformly across the retina, with death proceeding over a longer period of time until all, or nearly all, of the photoreceptors degenerate. We also tested whether expression of a bcl-2 transgene could prevent the death and found that it could not.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that overexpression of the epsilon isoform of protein kinase C (PKCepsilon) in rat colonic epithelial cells causes malignant transformation, possibly by interacting with the ras signal transduction pathway (Oncogene 12: 847, 1996). We have now performed experiments to examine certain early steps in the ras signaling pathway. A marked increase of Raf-1 phosphorylation was detected in tumorigenic ras-transformed D/ras as well as in D/epsilon cells (overexpressing PKCepsilon), compared to the nontumorigenic D/WT parental line. Moreover, in the PKCepsilon-transformed D/epsilon cell line, stable transfection with a dominant-negative raf-1 (DNraf) sequence caused complete regression of the neoplastic phenotype. These results suggested that PKCepsilon-induced transformation was associated with increased Raf-1 activation, and that DNraf could block the oncogenic effect of PKCepsilon. Furthermore, transfection of D/WT cells with dominant-negative ras induced arrest of cell growth, and subsequent transfection with PKCepsilon cDNA enhanced cell proliferation and induced neoplastic transformation. These results suggest that ras acts upstream of PKCepsilon, and that overexpression of PKCepsilon circumvents the block in cell proliferation caused by dominant-negative ras. We conclude that PKCepsilon exerts its oncogenic activity in rat colonic cells by affecting the ras signaling cascade at the level of Raf-1 activation.  相似文献   

Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer is associated with defects in DNA mismatch repair. Here, we characterize tumor susceptibility of the recently described Msh2-deficient mouse model. Within the first year of observation, all homozygous mice succumbed to disease, with lymphomas observed in at least 80% of the cases. The majority (70%) of animals 6 months or older developed intestinal neoplasms associated with APC inactivation. Microsatellite instability was more common in carcinomas than in adenomas, but uncommon in normal tissues. Some animals (7%) developed a variety of skin neoplasms analogous to the Muir-Torre syndrome. Msh2-/- mice implicate a direct role for mismatch repair in several neoplasms with striking phenotypic similarities to humans.  相似文献   

Jak3, a member of the Janus family of tyrosine kinases, participates in signaling through cytokine receptors that contain the common gamma-chain, including the receptors for interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15. Jak3- and gamma c-deficient mice have pleiotropic defects that can be attributed to their inability to respond to multiple specific cytokines. A great deal of recent work has focused on the T cell defects in these mutant mice. Specifically, Jak3- and gamma c-deficient mice have small thymuses revealing a defect in T cell development, and in addition, have functionally unresponsive peripheral T cells with an activated/memory cell phenotype. The thymic defect in these mutant mice strongly resembles that seen in IL-7 and IL-7 receptor knockout mice, suggesting that the lack of IL-7 receptor signaling accounts for this defect in Jak3-/- and gamma c- mice. To characterize this defect further, we have examined the earliest stages of T cell development in adult and fetal Jak3-/- thymuses. These studies identify two discrete developmental defects at the CD4-CD8- stage of T cell maturation. Analyses of peripheral T cells in Jak3-/- and gamma c- mice have also revealed a number of abnormalities. All of the T cells in these mutant mice have an activated phenotype and a large fraction of them are proliferating in vivo. In addition, Jak3-/- and gamma c- T cells are more prone to undergo apoptosis than wild-type T cells. Together, these features account for the decreased IL-2 secretion by in vitro-stimulated Jak3-/- T cells. Overall, many of the lymphoid defects of Jak3- and gamma c-deficient mice can be accounted for by the lack of IL-7R and IL-2R signaling; however, other cytokine systems must also be involved in maintaining peripheral T cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

Activating mutations in the c-K-ras gene occur in about 40% of human colorectal carcinomas, yet the role of this oncogene in tumorigenesis is not known. We have developed a model cell culture system to study this problem, utilizing the immortalized but non-tumorigenic epithelial cell line IEC18, originally derived from normal rat intestine epithelium. These cells were cotransfected with the drug resistance selectable marker tk-neo and the plasmid pMIKcys, which encodes a mini human c-K-ras gene (15 kb) containing a cysteine mutation at codon 12. Drug resistant clones were isolated. Clones which also expressed the activated c-K-ras gene displayed a transformed morphology, decreased doubling time, increased level of diacylglycerol, anchorage independent growth in soft agar and an aneuploid karyotype and they were also tumorigenic when injected into nude mice. These clones also displayed increased expression, at both the mRNA and protein levels, of cyclin D1 and Rb. These findings may be of clinical relevance since human colorectal tumors also frequently display increased expression of both cyclin D1 and Rb. This model system may be useful for understanding the role and interrelationship between activation of the c-K-ras oncogene and increased expression of cyclin D1 and Rb in colorectal tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The influence of Chernobyl NPP outburst on cattle from farms in Russia and Belorussia was examined since 1988 to 1996. Changes in the level of thyroid hormones and imbalance in cAMP/cGMP ratio with increased cAMP concentration in blood were found. The content of cAMP and E, F2a prostaglandins was varied because of the disturbances in the rate of their metabolism. Two critical periods of pregnancy in cows were revealed. In the first half of pregnancy (the 4th-5th month) disorders in thyroid prevailed. In the second half (7th-9th month) changes in testosterone, progesterone, estradiol and estriol concentration were the most actual.  相似文献   

Thy-1 is a cell surface glycoprotein expressed mainly on brain and lymphoid tissue. Although the functions of Thy-1 are incompletely understood, evidence exists that Thy-1 participates in T cell activation. To examine the functional role of Thy-1 in cutaneous immune responses in vivo, Thy-1 gene-targeted mice (Thy-1-/-) and wild-type mice (Thy-1+/+) were immunized with the hapten oxazolone. After challenge with oxazolone, contact hypersensitivity responses in Thy-1-/- mice were reduced by 25% compared with Thy-1+/+ mice. Likewise, irritant dermatitis induced by croton oil was also decreased. In addition, Thy-1-/- mice showed a significantly reduced delayed-type hypersensitivity response after injection of allogeneic spleen cells into the hind footpads of allosensitized animals when compared with Thy-1+/+ mice. Moreover, proliferative responses to immobilized anti-CD3 were decreased in peripheral Thy-1-/- lymphocytes; this decrease was associated with a significantly reduced intracellular Ca2+ influx and protein tyrosine phosphorylation, indicating impairment of early lymphocyte activation. In contrast, the T cell proliferation induced by mitogens was normal, suggesting that Thy-1 expression weakly contributes to TCR-mediated T cell activation. Epidermal Langerhans cells and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells from Thy-1-/- mice exhibited a normal expression of costimulatory surface molecules as well as an unaltered ability to stimulate allogeneic T cells. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that a lack of Thy-1 expression does not generally compromise the immune system; however, Thy-1 expression may be involved in the fine-tuning of T cell-mediated immune responses.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicles can be coated in vitro in a reaction that is ARF-, ATP-, and temperature-dependent and requires synaptic vesicle membrane proteins. The coat is largely made up of the heterotetrameric complex, adaptor protein 3, recently implicated in Golgi-to-vacuole traffic in yeast. Depletion of AP3 from brain cytosol inhibits small vesicle formation from PC12 endosomes in vitro. Budding from washed membranes can be reconstituted with purified AP3 and recombinant ARF1. We conclude that AP3 coating is involved in at least one pathway of small vesicle formation from endosomes.  相似文献   

Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales Special Population norms are presented for four groups of individuals with autism: (a) mute children under 10 years of age; (b) children with at least some verbal skills under 10 years of age; (c) mute individuals who are 10 years of age or older; and (d) individuals with at least some verbal skills who are 10 years of age or older. The sample included 684 autistic individuals ascertained from cases referred for the DSM-IV autism/PDD field trial collaborative study and five university sites with expertise in autism. Young children had higher standard scores than older individuals across all Vineland domains. In the Communication domain, younger verbal children were least impaired, older mute individuals most impaired, and younger mute and older verbal individuals in the midrange. Verbal individuals achieved higher scores in Daily Living Skills than mute individuals. The expected profile of a relative weakness in Socialization and relative strength in Daily Living Skills was obtained with age-equivalent but not standard scores. Results high-light the importance of employing Vineland special population norms as well as national norms when evaluating individuals with autism.  相似文献   

Potent antagonists of bombesin-like peptides have shown great potential for applications in cancer therapy. A 99mTc-labeled agent capable of identifying patients who could benefit from these emerging therapies would have a great impact on patient management. This study involves the synthesis and initial evaluation of technetium diaminedithiolate analogues derived from the potent bombesin analogue Pyr-Gln-Lys-Leu-Gly-Asn-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Leu-Met-NH2 (Lys3-bombesin). We coupled two diaminedithiol (DADT) bifunctional chelating agents (BCAs 1 and 2) to the Lys3 residue at the N-terminal region that is not required for binding to the receptor. 99mTc labeling was performed by ligand exchange on addition of [99mTc]glucoheptonate to a solution of the adduct at room temperature. Two products were obtained from each adduct on analysis by HPLC. The major to minor product ratios of the 99mTc-labeled analogues were 3:1 for products from BCA 1 and 9:1 for the products from BCA 2. Macroscopic amounts of the 99Tc analogues were similarly prepared using [99Tc]glucoheptonate. In this case, the major to minor ratios were 2:1 for the products from both BCAs. For initial evaluation of the binding of the Tc-labeled peptides to bombesin receptors, the 99Tc analogues were used in vitro in competitive binding assays in rat brain cortex membranes against [125I-Tyr4]bombesin. Results of the in vitro assays showed that the inhibition constants (Ki) of the major and minor products were 3.5+/-0.7 and 3.9+/-1.5 nM, respectively, for the products from BCA 1; and 7.4+/-2.0 and 5.2+/-1.5 nM for the products derived from BCA 2, respectively. The high affinity exhibited by these technetium analogues is an indication of their potential for use in non-invasive in vivo biochemical characterization of cancers that possess receptors for bombesin.  相似文献   

The leukocyte integrin LFA-1 plays an important role in leukocyte trafficking and the immune response. Using LFA-1-deficient mice, we demonstrate that LFA-1 regulates the trafficking of lymphocytes to peripheral lymph nodes, and, to a lesser degree, to mesenteric lymph nodes and acute inflammatory sites. LFA-1, either because of its role in initial adhesion and/ or the passage of leukocytes across endothelial cells, plays a vital role in T lymphocyte and neutrophil transendothelial migration. Neutrophils and activated T lymphocytes from LFA-1-deficient mice were unable to cross endothelial cell monolayers in response to a chemokine gradient, whereas wild-type (WT) T lymphocytes and neutrophils were capable of migration. By contrast, LFA-1-deficient T lymphocytes displayed normal chemotaxis to the same chemokine. Our studies with LFA-1-deficient monocytes indicate that LFA-1 acts in concert with complement receptor 3 to mediate transendothelial migration of these cells, as anti-CD18 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) blocked both WT and LFA-1-deficient monocyte transendothelial migration, whereas anti-CD11 b mAb preferentially blocked transendothelial migration of LFA-1-deficient monocytes. Finally, whereas anti-CD31 mAb blocked WT monocyte and neutrophil transendothelial cell migration they did not block LFA-1-deficient monocyte and neutrophil transendothelial migration.  相似文献   

When human fibroblast, TIG-1, was growth-stimulated with fetal bovine serum, the induction level of cell cycle-dependent genes was generally much lower in senescent cells than in young counterparts. Exceptionally, the expression level of cyclin D1 in senescent cells was constitutively higher than in young cells and further increased after serum stimulation, which was confirmed by Northern and Western blots and immunoprecipitation. This was also true in other human diploid fibroblast lines, TIG-3 and MRC-5. However, cyclin D1-dependent kinase activity was not detected in senescent cells. When sense- or antisense-cyclin D1 cDNA driven by beta-actin promoter was transfected into young TIG-1 cells, the number of appeared colonies from sense-strand transfected cultures was lower than that from antisense-strand-transfected ones. However, clones expressing cyclin D1 at low or undetectable level which were isolated after transfection with antisense-cyclin D1 proliferated up to the same division limit as untransfected and sense-strand transfected cells. Four clones of SV40-transformed TIG-1 expressed cyclin D1 at moderate levels during their extended proliferative lifespan. It appears that, if the extremely overexpressed cyclin D1 could cause an inhibition of cell proliferation at senescent stage, cellular senescence occurs regardless of overexpression of cyclin D1.  相似文献   

To study the immunotherapeutic potential of interleukin-4 (IL-4) delivered in vivo via a recombinant vaccinia virus, a thymidine kinase-negative (TK-) vaccinia virus that expressed the murine IL-4 gene (VV1/IL-4) was constructed. When mice were inoculated with 10(7) plaque-forming units (pfu) of VV1/IL-4 subcutaneously (s.c.), 10(5) pfu/cm2 were found in skin, and smaller numbers in liver and kidney between 1 and 7 days after infection; few viral pfu were found in spleen and lung, or in any organ after intravenous infection. This suggested that recombinant vaccinia viruses might be most efficient at delivery of cytokine genes to the skin. Because IL-4 has recently been found to have potent anti-tumor activity, the effect of recombinant virus infection on the development of s.c. tumors was studied. A single s.c. inoculation with VV1/IL-4 delayed the development of NCTC 2472 tumors, but when VV1/IL-4 was inoculated s.c. weekly for 8 weeks, tumor development was completely prevented in 93% of mice. Similarly, the development of M-3 melanoma tumors was also prevented by weekly s.c. inoculations of VV1/IL-4. About 40% of mice treated with control VV2/beta gal by the same regimen also failed to develop tumors. Weekly virus treatment did not prevent NCTC 2472 tumor development in athymic nu/nu mice, suggesting that mature T cells are required for expression of VV1/IL-4 induced antitumor activity. Thus, recombinant vaccinia viruses may be especially well suited for convenient therapeutic delivery of immunomodulator genes to skin-related sites.  相似文献   

As health care has become more complex in light of technological, economic, and organizational advances and changes, ethics has increasingly become a required component in decision making. This article examines four major trends: philosophical and practical problems with the place of ethics in health care, the necessity to broaden the focus of ethics committees, increase emphasis on interprofessional collaboration, and changes in the marketplace of health care delivery that will impact ethical decision making in the future.  相似文献   

To study the involvement of cyclin D1 in epithelial growth and differentiation and its putative role as an oncogene in skin, transgenic mice were developed carrying the human cyclin D1 gene driven by a bovine keratin 5 promoter. As expected, all squamous epithelia including skin, oral mucosa, trachea, vaginal epithelium, and the epithelial compartment of the thymus expressed aberrant levels of cyclin D1. The rate of epidermal proliferation increased dramatically in transgenic mice, which also showed basal cell hyperplasia. However, epidermal differentiation was unaffected, as shown by normal growth arrest of newborn primary keratinocytes in response to high extracellular calcium. Moreover, an unexpected phenotype was observed in the thymus. Transgenic mice developed a severe thymic hyperplasia that caused premature death due to cardio-respiratory failure within 4 months of age. By 14 weeks, the thymi of transgenic mice increased in weight up to 40-fold, representing 10% of total body weight. The hyperplastic thymi had normal histology revealing a well-differentiated cortex and medulla, which supported an apparently normal T-cell developmental program based on the distribution of thymocyte subsets. These results suggest that proliferation and differentiation of epithelial cells are under independent genetic controls in these organs and that cyclin D1 can modulate epithelial proliferation without altering the initiation of differentiation programs. No spontaneous development of epithelial tumors or thymic lymphomas was perceived in transgenic mice during their first 8 months of life, although they continue under observation. This model provides in vivo evidence of the action of cyclin D1 as a pure mediator of proliferation in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous injection of epidermal growth factor 1. significantly shortened the latency period for the appearance of methylcholanthrene induced skin tumors and 2. increased the average number of papillomas elicited per mouse in both the Swiss Webster and C3HeB/FeJ strains.  相似文献   

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