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自动化专业的实验室建设是培养大学生实践创新能力的重要环节。本文针对著名企业与高校联合共建高水平自动化专业实验室的现状,探讨如何建设具有自动化特色的专业实验室。强调要突出系统论与信息化特色的自动化专业实验室建设理念,为学生提供自主、开放式实验平台。提出改变现有自动化专业实验室运行机制和教学模式,将教学实验与自动化工程实践相结合,倡导教师、学生与企业工程技术人员联合开展自动化专业的实践教学活动。  相似文献   

围绕长安大学办学定位、专业特色和学科优势,以自动化专业为改革与实践对象,构建“培养目标、师资队伍、课程体系、教学资源和保障机制”五位一体的专业建设模式,形成“汽车+交通+IT技术”的专业特色,初步建成契合社会经济发展需求、行业特色鲜明、广受社会认可的自动化一流本科专业。该模式对于促进自动化专业的建设与发展,培养具有社会责任感与创新精神的一流人才具有重要意义。  相似文献   

结合西南交通大学电气工程及其自动化特色专业建设、改革工作,在分析了对专业人才培养方案培养模式进行改革的必要性的基础上,根据国家级特色专业建设目标和时代发展对高素质电气工程及其自动化专业人才的需求,重点介绍了特色专业建设过程中有关专业人才培养方案、培养模式以及教学内容课程体系的改革建设思路与方案。  相似文献   

孙春方 《通讯世界》2016,(7):235-236
特色数据库的建设满足了现代信息社会用户对于信息收集和利用的高效性需求,提高了高校图书馆的辨识度,一些数据库已经成为高校图书馆的品牌代言,丰富了学科资源建设,极大地推动了我国高校图书馆的数字化建设进程,促进了地区经济文化的发展和传承。笔者对代表我国自建特色数据库较高发展水平的几所重点高校图书馆进行调研分析希望可以借鉴其成功的经验,探讨适合自己高校图书馆实际情况的特色数据库建设发展之路。  相似文献   

在新疆“社会稳定,长治久安”的发展总目标下,信息安全一直扮演着十分重要的角色。然而,在高校中,信息安全人才的培养存在着实践教学资源短缺、专业师资力量薄弱、实践教学形式单一、管理机制不健全等问题,导致信息安全人才缺失。文章从“长治久安”的目标角度出发,针对信息安全人才培养存在的问题,突出地方专业特色建设,通过构建“3+2+1+1”实践模式和丰富学科竞赛举措等,进行信息安全实践团队教学模式创新,不断探索培养高素质、高水准信息化人才的教学模式,扩充信息安全队伍储备人才,改善高校信息安全人才培养理念,实现新疆及国家科技繁荣发展的目标。  相似文献   

高校实施大类招生和培养是当前学科交叉、渗透的必然趋势。本文对所在高校电子信息科学与技术专业依托物理学大类招生的人才培养模式开展了探索性研究,从培养方案制定、课程体系建设、学科交叉融合等方面展开了讨论,并结合专业优势进行了改革,形成了具有一定特色的人才培养模式,着力培养物理基础扎实、实践能力强的卓越工程技术人才和基础教育科技创新人才。  相似文献   

郝婷婷 《电子世界》2014,(7):182-182
高校数字图书馆是数字自动化的高级阶段,以及信息资源共享的方向,但目前却存在着数字化信息建设不规范、专业学科资源匮乏、服务意识较差等问题,所以只有拥抱现代互联网,提高信息捕捉能力、加强资源共享和信息存储、简历有专业特色的馆藏文献并提升馆员的专业素养,才能加快推进高校数字图书馆的建设步伐。  相似文献   

自动化专业是个多学科渗透、面向广泛的应用领域、理论性和实践性都很强、且国际交流密切的综合性学科。因此,自动化类课程开展"双语教学"是培养高素质复合型人才的需要。当前我国高校在自动化类课程中实施双语教学还存在若干问题。本文将对自动化专业本科双语教学课程体系设置、双语教学模式、教材建设等存在问题进行讨论,并在此交换自动化专业电子线路CAD课程双语教学实践的体会。  相似文献   

本文结合我校办学定位、学科特色,明确自动化专业培养目标和建设重点,提出了优化自动化人才培养方案。通过自主设计建设方案,构建人才培养模式、教学团队、课程教材、教学方式和教学管理等重要环节的综合改革措施,可以促进人才培养水平的整体提升。  相似文献   

地方院校自动化专业创新型应用人才培养模式改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方院校自动化专业应用人才培养中存在着人才培养特色不鲜明、学生实践能力不强、教学内容与生产实际和技术发展结合不紧密的问题。本文以满足地方经济建设和技术发展对自动化高素质应用人才的需求为目标,在加强基础理论教学的同时,注重学生工程实践能力和创新意识的培养,提出并实践了自动化专业创新型应用人才"1433"培养模式,较好的解决了上述问题,取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

信息科技发展对工科本科专业设置提出了新的要求.尽管目前部分院校可自设本科专业,但光学工程类专业名称的定位仍是普遍性问题.本文提出了光学工程类专业在新时期的几种调整归并方案,并重点分析了从仪器仪表转向信息工程的科学性、前瞻性和可操作性.  相似文献   

Digital signal processing has developed into a key technology for a wide range of applications in electrical and information engineering. Nonlinearity appears to be a recurrent theme in the analysis and processing of signals, independent of their origin from natural, technical or economic processes. The control and exploitation of these nonlinearities is the key task for engineers working in the emerging discipline of “Nonlinear Signal Processing”.  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1994,31(8):46-49
Pioneered in Japan embraced in Europe and the United States, the engineering discipline of mechatronics seeks to design optimum performance into subsystems of electromechanical products. Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of precision mechanical engineering, electronic control and systems thinking in the design of products and manufacturing processes. The author examines the benefits of mechatronics by discussing the example of the design of an electronic braking system for automobiles  相似文献   

Digital technology has revolutionized electrical engineering education. Students entering engineering schools have a strong background in discrete mathematics that is often augmented by a knowledge of programming and of microcomputers. The electrical engineering curriculum has changed to include digital techniques in all major fields. Computer science and engineering, a discipline that may be taught in either computer science or electrical engineering departments, continues to grow. Software engineering is gaining increasing stature. Digital technology has affected instruction in electrical engineering and other university-level subjects less than it has affected curriculum, but significant computer-assisted or computer-managed instruction can be found. The practice of elecltrical engineering has changed with its acceptance of the computer as a design tool and the advent of the microprocessor.  相似文献   

“自动控制原理”课程内容抽象、理论性强、章节衔接紧密,传统的教学内容和方法难以达到人才培养的预期目标。教学团队通过优化教学内容、重构教学过程、建设线上资源、改进考核方法、注重课外延伸等,使课程内容反映学科前沿、突出课程的工程应用性及思政性、最终形成了融知识、能力、素质为一体的专业特色的教学体系,受到了督导、学生及线上学者的一致好评。  相似文献   

Within the classic information technology (IT) engineering disciplines (software and hardware engineering), there is sometimes skepticism about the status of technical writing. How can the manipulation of words and images compare with the rigors of producing efficient code or densely populated boards? Many technical writers don't have a degree with “science” in the title. To outsiders, their world seems an odd one, where trivial matters like the location of hyphens are intensely debated. The author addresses the question of whether technical writing is an engineering discipline by examining an authoritative set of criteria used to define systems engineering. This examination will take the form of worked examples from systems engineering and technical writing to see how each discipline matches these criteria. The conclusion is that technical writing, done correctly, meets the strict definition of an engineering discipline. Technical writing is not consistently accepted as such because of cultural differences, most specifically noted in the relative weight of academic qualifications  相似文献   

Mechatronics, once started as a scientific and industrial experiment, has shown to be a well established scientific discipline with a broad industrial area of applications. Unchanged is the claim of Mechatronics to create a scientific discipline, which offers a new approach to industrial and scientific problems by a synergetic integration of electrical and mechanical engineering with control. Two examples from the field of steel manufacturing systems, namely a hydraulic actuator and a bridle roll device, are chosen in order to demonstrate how one can improve the system performance by linear and nonlinear control. The theory of PCH-systems (port controlled Hamiltonian systems) is used in the nonlinear case, and a combination of partial input-output decoupling and H2-design is applied to the linear plant. The measurements of the hydraulic actuator and the simulations of the bridle roll system demonstrate the performance of the closed loop. Of course, the presented controllers can easily be used for similar plants. Furthermore, the presented ideas are transferable to similar or related problems in a straightforward manner.  相似文献   

王炜 《移动信息》2023,45(3):180-182
随着电气工程以及自动化行业的蓬勃发展,自动化生产控制系统进一步与人工智能融合,根据电气工程的自动化特性,智能化设备已经能够实现故障实时监测、智能化设备故障检修、智能规划分析等功能,充分适应当前电气工程及其自动化行业的发展需要。文中基于智能化技术的概念,阐述了智能化技术在电气工程中的应用优势与实际应用效果。  相似文献   

Packaging of high-speed optical components is a complex process involving many interdisciplinary engineering efforts. The design of a packaged component is an interesting combination of optical, mechanical, electrical, and process engineering. This article shows how solving assembly and packaging problems can accelerate the progress in microsystem applications. In this article, automated assembly integrates over 50 specific functions into an array for a low-cost component. The techniques are applicable for other measurement microsystems in different fields of applications for measurement, control, and communications.  相似文献   

本文结合我校近年来开展的控制科学与工程一级学科"最优控制"学位课研讨式教学改革的经历,探讨了通过开展科研实例剖析、学生专题讲座、实验室仿真实验等多种形式相结合,来调动学生学习的积极性,培养学生自主创新、实践应用及语言表达能力。  相似文献   

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