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Adherence and bouncing of liquid droplets impacting on dry surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper explores liquid drop dynamics over a solid surface, focusing on adherence and bouncing phenomena. The study relies on detailed interface tracking simulations using the Level Set approach incorporated within a Navier–Stokes solver. The investigation deals with moderate Reynolds number droplet flows, for which two-dimensional axisymmetric simulations can be performed. The modelling approach has been validated against experiments for axisymmetric and full three-dimensional impact upon dry surfaces. A drop-impact regime map is generated for axisymmetric conditions, in which the impact dynamics is characterized as a function of Weber number and equilibrium contact angle, based on about 60 simulations. The detailed simulations also helped validate a new mechanistic model based on energy-balance analysis, delimiting the boundary between adherence and bouncing zones at low Weber numbers. The mechanistic model is only valid for moderate droplet Reynolds numbers and it complements existing models for higher Reynolds numbers.  相似文献   

We have designed a microfluidic device for the actuation of liquid droplets or continuous streams on a solid surface by means of integrated microheater arrays. The microheaters provide control of the surface temperature distribution with high spatial resolution. These temperature gradients locally alter the surface tension along droplets and thin films thus propelling the liquid toward the colder regions. In combination with liquophilic and liquophobic chemical surface patterning, this device can be used as a logistic platform for the parallel and automated routing, mixing and reacting of a multitude of liquid samples, including alkanes, poly(ethylene glycol) and water.  相似文献   

This study deals with human fingers touching cold surfaces of four materials (aluminium, steel, nylon and wood) at different surface temperatures (−20°C, −15°C, −10°C, −4°C, 0°C and 2°C). Contact finger skin-surface interface temperature and subjective responses on thermal and pain sensations were determined during touching. Type of material and their surface temperature clearly affected the contact cooling of the finger. Individual variation in finger contact cooling was significant. Contact temperature limits for human fingers touching cold surfaces are suggested according to the experimental results. In addition, time to reach a critical temperature (7°C, 5°C or 0°C) when contacting a cold metallic surface is discussed.

Relevance to industry

The outcome of this experimental study supplies as a basis for the development of an ergonomics database to determine temperature limit values for cold touchable surfaces. The critical temperatures are relevant to all industries where cold surfaces cause a risk of finger contact cooling for the manual protection in the cold operations.  相似文献   

面向"智慧海洋"应用需求,基于微机电系统(MEMS)技术设计制备了一批温度、盐度、酸度(pH值)三参数集成微纳传感器.温度测量采用铂电阻传感器,盐度测量采用4电极电导率传感器,pH测量采用钛/二氧化钛(Ti/TiO2)为工作电极和液接式Ag/AgCl参比电极构成的两电极体系.采用电化学工作站分别测量了三个传感器的基本参...  相似文献   

生物喷水推进机理及其在仿生喷水推进装置中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先介绍了几种水下生物的喷水推进模式;然后分析了喷水推进的机理及其研究进展;最后阐述了仿生喷水推进装置的研究现状,并对此类研究进行了总结和展望.  相似文献   

Land surface soil moisture (SSM) is a fundamental variable in the hydrological cycle and is an important parameter in investigations on water and energy balances at the Earth's surface. Many efforts have been made to derive SSM from remotely sensed thermal infrared data. Using the Noah land surface model (LSM) and the Gaussian emulation machine for sensitivity analysis (GEM-SA) software, a sensitivity study was conducted for bare soil to investigate the interrelationship between the evolution of land surface temperature (LST) and SSM. Based on the diurnal cycles of LST and net surface shortwave radiation, eight parameters intuitively related to SSM were defined, and a sensitivity analysis (SA) was performed in the presence and absence of atmospheric variation. The results provided insight into the relationships between the eight parameters and various environmental factors such as soil physical parameters, soil moisture, albedo, and atmospheric parameters. For instance, the results suggested that the surface air temperature had a significant effect on the LST, especially the maximum, minimum, and average daytime temperatures. For a given atmospheric forcing data set, the LST rising rate normalized by the difference in the net surface shortwave radiation during the mid-morning (T N) was the parameter most sensitive to the SSM, contributing 80.72% to the total variance. In addition, the time at which the daily maximum temperature occurred (t d), the daily minimum temperature, and the LST nocturnal decay coefficient were strongly related to the soil type. Using a linear combination of T N and t d, a method was proposed to retrieve the SSM, and the coefficients of the linear model were found to be independent of the soil type for a given atmospheric condition. Compared with the actual SSM values used in the Noah LSM simulation, the root mean square error (RMSE) of the SSM retrieved from our proposed method was within 0.04 m3 m?3 for all the 20 clear days evaluated in the present study.  相似文献   

Control of self-assembling systems at the micro- and nano-scale provides new opportunities for the engineering of novel materials in a bottom-up fashion. These systems have several challenges associated with control including high-dimensional and stochastic nonlinear dynamics, limited sensors for real-time measurements, limited actuation for control, and kinetic trapping of the system in undesirable configurations. Three main strategies for addressing these challenges are described, which include particle design (active self-assembly), open-loop control, and closed-loop (feedback) control. The strategies are illustrated using a variety of examples such as the design of patchy and Janus particles, the toggling of magnetic fields to induce the crystallization of paramagnetic colloids, and high-throughput crystallization of organic compounds in nanoliter droplets. An outlook of the future research directions and the necessary technological advancements for control of micro- and nano-scale self-assembly is provided.  相似文献   

某船推进装置的建模及动态仿真   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
该文介绍使用全回转舵浆的船舶推进装置的建模和仿真,首先介绍该船舶推进装置数学模型的建立,笔者依据所建立的数学模型,利用动态仿真软件-MATLAB/SIMULINK,建立了相应的图形仿真模型,此模型接受MATLAB语言编写的控制指令程序。最后对该船进行了动态过程的仿真和分析,包括加速、减速以及从全正车到全倒车等运行工况,并得到了合理的结果。  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the effects of pH, ionic strength, and channel height on the mobility and diffusivity of charged spherical particles within planar microfluidic channels. Specifically, we report results of a broad experimental study on the transport and separation behavior of 50 and 100 nm spherical carboxylated polystyrene nanoparticles, confined in 20 μm, 1 μm, and 250 nm deep fluidic channels. We find that pH, ionic strength, and channel height have coupled impacts on mobility changes. In particular, we show that, depending on pH, the dependence of particle mobility on channel size can have opposing behavior. In addition, we also show that at the nanoscale, at lower ionic strengths, there is a substantial increase in mobility, due to enhanced electric fields within the nanochannels. These effects are important to understand in order to avoid potential downfalls in terms of separation efficiency as well as design for better tuning of separation performance in micro- and nanochannels. Finally, we propose a method to estimate the effective zeta potential of spherical particles from measured electrophoretic mobility data. This could prove useful in characterizing a heterogeneous collection of particles having a distribution over a range of values of the zeta potential.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a digital microfluidic droplet sorting platform to achieve automated droplet sorting based on fluorescent detection. We design and fabricate a kind of digital microfluidic chip for manipulating nano-liter-sized liquid droplets, and the chip is integrated with a fluorescence-initiated feedback system for real-time sorting control. The driving and sorting characteristics of fluorescent droplets encapsulating fluorescent-labeled particles are studied on this platform. The droplets dispensed from on-chip reservoir electrode are transported to a fluorescence detection site and sorted according to their fluorescence signals. The fluorescent droplets and non-fluorescent droplets are successfully separated and the number of fluorescent particles inside each droplet is quantified by its fluorescent intensity. We realize droplet sorting at 20 Hz and obtain a linear relationship between the fluorescent particle concentrations and the fluorescence signals. This work is easily adapted for sorting out fluorescent-labeled microparticles, cells and bacteria and thus has the potential of quantifying catalytic or regulatory bio-activities.  相似文献   

Mehra  Rishab  Islam  Aminul 《Microsystem Technologies》2019,25(5):1841-1852
Microsystem Technologies - A low power, temperature compensated, robust design of CS amplifier is proposed in this paper. A new voltage reference is introduced to enhance reliability of the design...  相似文献   

与传统金枪鱼钓船相比,混合动力推进的金枪鱼钓船具有燃油消耗少、污染小等优点.针对延绳钓金枪鱼钓船,设计了并联式混合动力驱动系统.为满足渔船的不同动力需求,通过模糊控制策略合理控制分配动力的输出.通过Matlab/Simulink的仿真研究,金枪鱼钓船的推进效率和燃油经济性均得到提升,有效地验证了混合动力系统和模糊逻辑控制策略的可行性.  相似文献   

飞机在飞行时,外界气流总存在不确定的扰动,对飞机的性能甚至稳定性会产生消极的影响。以某型飞机作为研究对象,在建立了综合飞行/推进系统(纵向)小偏离线性化数学模型后,根据H∞鲁棒控制理论所推导出的线性矩阵不等式,设计出干扰情况下的状态反馈控制器。仿真结果表明,所设计出的鲁棒控制器能够到达控制要求,在存在较大干扰时有一定的抑制作用。对于(LMI)线性矩阵不等式的H∞鲁棒控制方法在设计综合飞行/推进鲁棒控制系统时,是可行的,且能较好的解决飞行时存在的扰动问题。  相似文献   

This article describes the fabrication of polymer structures with lateral dimensions in the sub-micron regime using hard X-rays (λc ≈ 0.4 nm) from the electron storage ring ANKA. Spincoated polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) grades have been analyzed with respect to development rates and contrast. The contrast has been determined to be constant over a wide dose regime but rapidly decreases for dose values below 1 kJ/cm3. Films with a thickness from 2 to 11 μm have been patterned using a high resolution X-ray mask consisting of 2 μm thick gold absorbers on a suspended 1 μm thick silicon nitride membrane. The fabrication of sub-micron X-ray lithography structures with feature sizes down to 400 nm is confined by the mechanical parameters of the resist material and the process conditions. Surface tension after development limits the achievable aspect ratio of isolated pillars and walls, depending on the actual resist height. PMMA structures have been successfully used as template for electroplating of 1 μm thick gold to demonstrate the fabrication capability of sub-micron scale metal parts.  相似文献   

This work presents theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations of electrokinetic transport and separation of droplets in a microchannel. A theoretical model is used to predict that, in case of micron-sized droplets transported by electro-osmotic flow, the drag force is dominant as compared to the dielectrophoretic force. Numerical simulations were performed to capture the transient electrokinetic motion of the droplets using a two-dimensional multi-physics model. The numerical model employs Navier–Stokes equations for the fluid flow and Laplace equation for the electric potential in an Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian framework. A microfluidic chip was fabricated using micromilling followed by solvent-assisted bonding. Experiments were performed with oil-in-water droplets produced using a cross-junction structure and applying electric fields using two cylindrical electrodes located at both ends of a straight microchannel. Droplets of different sizes were produced by controlling the relative flow rates of the discrete and continuous phases and separated along the channel due to the competition between the hydrodynamic and electrical forces. The numerical predictions of the particle transport are in quantitative agreement with the experimental results. The work reported here can be useful for separation and probing of individual biological cells for lab-on-chip applications.  相似文献   

Hot embossing, a polymer molding process conceived by Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, is one of the established replication processes for microstructures The process is especially well suited for manufacturing small and medium series of microcomponents (SPIE Conference 1997; Polymer News 25:224–229, 2000; J Micromech Microeng 14:R1–14, 2004; Sensors Actuators 3:130–135, 2000). However, a wider application of the process currently is seriously hampered by the lack of adequate simulation tools for process optimization and part design. This situation is becoming more critical, as the dimension of the microstructures shrink from micron and submicron levels to the nanoscale and as productivity requirements dictate the enlargement of formats to process larger numbers of devices in parallel. Based on the current scientific work (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, FZKA-Bericht 7058 2003; DTIP Conference Montreux 2004; Microsystem Tech 10:432–437 2004), a German–Canadian cooperation has been started. The objective of this cooperation is to fill the gap mentioned above by developing reliable computer models and simulation tools for the hot embossing process and to incorporate these models in a user-friendly computer code. The present paper will give an overview of the activities in the project. The activities related to material characterization, especially the development of a viscoelastic material model, the characterization of friction between polymer and mold during demolding, the development of an 8-in. microstructured mold, and the fabrication of nanostructured molds will be discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the visualization of droplet formation in co-flowing microfluidic devices using food-grade aqueous biopolymer–surfactant solutions as the dispersed droplet phase and sunflower oil as the continuous phase. Microparticle image velocimetry and streak imaging techniques are utilized to simultaneously recover the velocity profiles both within and around the dispersed phase during droplet formation and detachment. Different breakup mechanisms are found for Newtonian–Newtonian and non-Newtonian–Newtonian model water-in-oil emulsions, emphasizing the influence of process and material parameters such as the flow rates of both phases, interfacial tension, and the elastic properties of the non-Newtonian droplet phase on the droplet formation detachment dynamics.  相似文献   

In two-phase flow microfluidics, there is an increasing interest in technologies which enable the encapsulation of biological cells into aqueous drops and the subsequent study of their molecular (excretion or lysis) products. One not yet available but very promising analysis method is the use of biospecific surface patches embedded in the wall of microfluidic channels. In this paper, we tackle some technological challenges encountered in the development of such applications. In the detection protocol, each drop must be enabled to wet the designated patch, be held in contact long enough for biomolecular detection and subsequently be released. This is engineered via a combination of well-defined chemical sites in the walls of the flow channel and insulated microelectrodes. The tunability of the local electric field allows to modify the competition between chemical (pinning) forces which tend to immobilize the drop and hydrodynamic forces which oppose this process. We developed a prototype microfluidic device which offers this functionality. A channel structure is sandwiched between an actuation surface with electrowetting (EW) electrodes on one side and a detector surface with a hydrophilic patch amidst a hydrophobic environment on the other. Two pairs of carefully aligned EW electrodes are used: one for drop adherence and another one for the subsequent release. We demonstrate these operations and discuss the required voltage signals in terms of the forces on the drop. Finally, we discuss possible steps for further improvement in the device.  相似文献   

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