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Linear Scheduling Methods are best suited to projects that display repetitive characteristics, but their use in the construction industry is limited. Line‐of‐Balance (LOB) is a Linear Scheduling Method that also makes use of network technology. Its benefits and shortcomings are investigated in a high‐way surface treatment project where LOB has been used experimentally. It was determined that LOB is extremely sensitive to errors in man hour, crew size, and activity duration estimates. There are also problems of a visual nature with the presentation of the diagram. On the other hand, LOB allows a better grasp of the project than any other scheduling technique because it is possible to adjust activities' rates of production. It provides a smooth and efficient flow of resources and requires less time and effort to produce than network schedules. Research to make Linear Scheduling Methods more attractive is recommended.  相似文献   

SIREN (SImulation of REpetitive Networks) is a computer model of repetitive construction such as the construction of multi‐story buildings, housing estates, linear projects, etc. The user interactively inputs a precedence diagram for the repetitive unit (e.g., one floor of a skyscraper) and additional “sub‐networks” that are not part of the repetitive sequence (e.g., first floor of skyscraper). From this information, the computer generates the whole network. Data is input via an IBM‐PC at which point extensive error checking is carried out. The model itself is coded in the GPSS language and runs on a remote mainframe computer. It simulates the various crews as they queue to carry out activities. A working schedule and cumulative cost curve are produced and statistics are gathered on crew and equipment utilization, all being output graphically. A Monte‐Carlo simulation is also included as probability distributions may be associated with the duration of each activity. This yields confidence intervals on cumulative costs throughout the project and on milestone attainment.  相似文献   

A general mathematical formulation is presented for the scheduling of construction projects and is applied to the problem of highway construction scheduling. Repetitive and nonrepetitive tasks, work continuity constraints, multiple-crew strategies, and the effects of varying job conditions on the performance of a crew can be modeled. An optimization formulation is presented for the construction project scheduling problem, with the goal of minimizing the direct construction cost. The nonlinear optimization is then solved by the neural dynamics model developed recently by Adeli and Park. For any given construction duration, the model yields the optimum construction schedule for minimum construction cost automatically. By varying the construction duration, one can solve the cost-duration trade-off problem and obtain the global optimum schedule and the corresponding minimum construction cost. The new construction scheduling model provides the capabilities of both the critical path method (CPM) and linear scheduling method (LSM) approaches. In addition, it provides features desirable for repetitive projects, such as highway construction, and allows schedulers greater flexibility. It is particularly suitable for studying the effects of change order on the construction cost. This research provides the mathematical foundation for development of a new generation of more general, flexible, and accurate construction scheduling systems.  相似文献   

Several efforts have been made by many researchers to develop a model for schedule and cost integration in construction projects, but it is difficult to integrate and manage schedule and cost in an actual construction site using such a model. The integrated schedule and cost model developed in this study (1) enables the planning and control of repetitive construction processes and (2) can be used by a project manager in an actual construction site. Furthermore, an integrated schedule and cost model for the core wall construction, which is an important repetitive process in the recently booming high-rise building construction in terms of scheduling, was developed using the integration model developed in this study. It is expected that the integrated schedule and cost model developed can allow project managers to integrate the schedule and cost of repetitive construction processes more effectively and support the project managers’ decision-making.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of an object-oriented model for scheduling of repetitive construction projects such as high-rise buildings, housing projects, highways, pipeline networks, bridges, tunnels, railways, airport runways, and water and sewer mains. The paper provides an overview of the analysis, design, and implementation stages of the developed object-oriented model. These stages are designed to provide an effective model for scheduling repetitive construction projects and to satisfy practical scheduling requirements. The model incorporates newly developed procedures for resource-driven scheduling of repetitive activities, optimization of repetitive construction scheduling, and integration of repetitive and nonrepetitive scheduling techniques. The model is named LSCHEDULER and is implemented as a windows application that supports user-friendly interface including menus, dialogue boxes, and windows. LSCHEDULER can be applied to perform regular scheduling as well as optimized scheduling. In optimized scheduling, the model can assist in identifying an optimum crew utilization option for each repetitive activity in the project that provides a minimum duration or cost for the scheduled repetitive construction project.  相似文献   

Linear repetitive construction projects require large amounts of resources which are used in a sequential manner and therefore effective resource management is very important both in terms of project cost and duration. Existing methodologies such as the critical path method and the repetitive scheduling method optimize the schedule with respect to a single factor, to achieve minimum duration or minimize resource work breaks, respectively. However real life scheduling decisions are more complicated and project managers must make decisions that address the various cost elements in a holistic way. To respond to this need, new methodologies that can be applied through the use of decision support systems should be developed. This paper introduces a multiobjective linear programming model for scheduling linear repetitive projects, which takes into consideration cost elements regarding the project’s duration, the idle time of resources, and the delivery time of the project’s units. The proposed model can be used to generate alternative schedules based on the relative magnitude and importance of the different cost elements. In this sense, it provides managers with the capability to consider alternative schedules besides those defined by minimum duration or maximizing work continuity of resources. The application of the model to a well known example in the literature demonstrates its use in providing explicatory analysis of the results.  相似文献   

Linear scheduling methods provide an alternative way of scheduling repetitive projects, to the commonly used network methods. Critical path identification is a major attribute for both methods; therefore, it is very important for practitioners to understand the function of the two methods in this area. The present paper compares the critical path of the recently developed Kallantzis-Lambropoulos repetitive project model against the network scheduling critical path method (CPM), aiming at delving into and pointing out the differences and similarities between them. Initially, the rules for transforming the linear project into an equivalent CPM network are proposed. Then, the rules are applied on a sample linear project. Due to the additional constraint for maintaining resource continuity that the linear method takes into account, the critical paths vary. The constraint is subsequently removed from selected activities and comparison is repeated; the critical paths then coincide. In order to validate the findings and ensure impartiality of results, a random linear project generator is developed. A group of twenty-five random linear projects and their equivalent networks is produced. Their critical paths are analyzed, compared and classified. Conclusions support that the proposed comparison could be beneficial to users of linear scheduling methods, while the random project generator can serve other related research.  相似文献   

In recent years, the state departments of transportation have implemented a number of highway rehabilitation projects across the country. These projects differ fundamentally from new highway projects in that they require an uninterrupted flow of traffic throughout both the duration and geometric length of the project. Synchronization of traffic closure with the construction activities is crucial in such projects to avoid the traffic conflicts and prevent idle time for equipment and labor. Although most highway rehabilitation projects involve predominantly linear activities, the techniques of linear scheduling are not readily applicable to highway rehabilitation projects due to the conflict between the workzone and traffic flow. This paper documents the development of a traffic closure integrated linear schedule (TCILS) that addresses both traffic closure and work progress issues. The TCILS generates a single schedule for both the construction activities and the associated traffic closures. Visual and graphical features are also applied in the system, which makes it particularly applicable for highway rehabilitation projects. An actual concrete pavement rehabilitation project using the TCILS is presented as a sample of application. The findings from the sample project, although they are limited, show that the TCILS can be applied to an actual project. With recommended future development, the system is believed to be beneficial for both construction practitioners and academics.  相似文献   

Contractors are required by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) to submit a progress schedule identifying the controlling path of activities for a construction project. During the 2000 construction season, MDOT allowed contractors to submit a progress schedule with overlapping or concurrent controlling operations. Prior to this, only one activity at a time could be controlling on the progress schedule. This paper reports on the results of a research project where the focus was to examine the accuracy of the progress schedules, which only list controlling items. Eight construction projects were studied and a determination of progress schedule accuracy was made. This was done to determine if there was an increase in accuracy of the schedules when concurrent controlling operations were used. Included in the eight projects were four without concurrent controlling activities and four with concurrent controlling activities. A comparison based upon similar projects with and without concurrent activities was made. Additionally, 22 projects were analyzed, all without concurrent controlling activities, to determine the accuracy of progress schedules for two types of projects. The comparison revealed that, in three of the four cases, the accuracy of progress schedules increased with the allowance of concurrent controlling activities. The 22 projects revealed that the accuracy of progress schedules varied considerably. It was also determined that contractors overestimated the duration of activities included in progress schedules.  相似文献   

In projects with repeating activities (such as multistory buildings, highways, or pipelines consisting of reiterating identical or similar units) and in which the activity unit production rates are characterized by uncertainty or imprecision, fuzzy set theory and the well-established repetitive scheduling method (RSM) can be combined to ensure uninterrupted usage of resources between similar activities in different units. The reason for this approach is that in practice the application of RSM may be hindered by several considerations, for example, repetitive units may be slightly different from each other, the performance of construction crews may vary, and there may be complex resource matching and sharing between activities and work sites. The proposed methodology is termed fuzzy repetitive scheduling method (F-RSM), and it requires a generalization of RSM in which schedules are represented by two- or three-dimensional graphs and whereby the concepts of a control segment and the controlling sequence area are introduced. The resulting methodology addressing the original RSM scheduling problem is presented in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework for simulating weather-sensitive construction projects that are executed under extreme weather conditions. It applies the framework steps to enable simulating and planning pipeline construction activities under severe cold weather conditions. The uncertainties caused by weather, such as extreme cold, heat, wind, or precipitation, can significantly affect a project’s schedule and produce significant deviations from the baseline schedule. The proposed framework structures a project in the way an engineer would approach it, setting out a breakdown of work activities to quantify weather effects and account for their impact on the project baseline. The proposed weather-sensitive construction simulation framework is employed to determine the effects of weather on the construction process of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe installation. The relevant simulation findings are reported to clarify the impact of extreme weather events on construction projects and to assist in project planning and decision support.  相似文献   

Resource leveling problem is an attractive field of research in project management. Traditionally, a basic assumption of this problem is that network activities could not be split. However, in real-world projects, some activities can be interrupted and resumed in different time intervals but activity splitting involves some cost. The main contribution of this paper lies in developing a practical algorithm for resource leveling in large-scale projects. A novel hybrid genetic algorithm is proposed to tackle multiple resource-leveling problems allowing activity splitting. The proposed genetic algorithm is equipped with a novel local search heuristic and a repair mechanism. To evaluate the performance of the algorithm, we have generated and solved a new set of network instances containing up to 5,000 activities with multiple resources. For small instances, we have extended and solved an existing mixed integer programming model to provide a basis for comparison. Computational results demonstrate that, for large networks, the proposed algorithm improves the leveling criterion at least by 76% over the early schedule solutions. A case study on a tunnel construction project has also been examined.  相似文献   

Time-cost trade-off analysis represents a challenging task because the activity duration and cost have uncertainty associated with them, which should be considered when performing schedule optimization. This study proposes a hybrid technique that combines genetic algorithms (GAs) with dynamic programming to solve construction projects time-cost trade-off problems under uncertainty. The technique is formulated to apply to project schedules with repetitive nonserial subprojects that are common in the construction industry such as multiunit housing projects and retail network development projects. A generalized mathematical model is derived to account for factors affecting cost and duration relationships at both the activity and project levels. First, a genetic algorithm is utilized to find optimum and near optimum solutions from the complicated hyperplane formed by the coding system. Then, a dynamic programming procedure is utilized to search the vicinity of each of the near optima found by the GA, and converges on the global optima. The entire optimization process is conducted using a custom developed computer code. The validation and implementation of the proposed techniques is done over three axes. Mathematical correctness is validated through function optimization of test functions with known optima. Applicability to scheduling problems is validated through optimization of a 14 activity miniproject found in the literature for results comparison. Finally implementation to a case study is done over a gas station development program to produce optimum schedules and corresponding trade-off curves. Results show that genetic algorithms can be integrated with dynamic programming techniques to provide an effective means of solving for optimal project schedules in an enhanced realistic approach.  相似文献   

Time-cost analysis is an important element of project scheduling, especially for lengthy and costly construction projects, as it evaluates alternative schedules and establishes an optimum one considering any project completion deadline. Existing methods for time-cost analysis have not adequately considered typical activity and project characteristics, such as generalized precedence relationships between activities, external time constraints, activity planning constraints, and bonuses/penalties for early/delayed project completion that would provide a more realistic representation of actual construction projects. The present work aims to incorporate such characteristics in the analysis and has developed two solution methods, an exact and an approximate one. The exact method utilizes a linear/integer programming model to provide the optimal project time-cost curve and the minimum cost schedule considering all activity time-cost alternatives together. The approximate method performs a progressive project length reduction providing a near-optimal project time-cost curve but it is faster than the exact method as it examines only certain activities at each stage. In addition, it can be easily incorporated in project scheduling software. Evaluation results indicate that both methods can effectively simulate the structure of construction projects, and their application is expected to provide time and cost savings.  相似文献   

Network scheduling is typically performed in three phases—network creation, analysis, and development. Although the critical path method (CPM) constitutes a well-established logic in network analysis, human intuition and experience are required for the creation and development of the network. Because of this, a variety of alternative CPM networks can be created in scheduling the same project. The use of the most desirable network can lead to a considerable reduction in the duration of the projects. This can be achieved by accurately identifying activities and linking them in an appropriate manner. Many researchers insisted that network scheduling lacks efficiency in scheduling repetitive-unit projects. Because of this, many scheduling methods have been developed to model such types of projects. However, most are not network based and require a large amount of input data, although most leading scheduling software remains network based and field engineers desire networklike forms of the schedule. In an effort to overcome this limitation, this paper presents a procedure for creating and developing networks for repetitive-unit projects. This network-based model incorporates a two-dimensional arrangement of activities, resource-space coordinates, for ease in creating a network and optimizes the activity linkage, thus resulting in the most desirable results. The model is applied to a typical repetitive-unit project to illustrate the use and capabilities of the model. The model can serve as an aid for inexperienced schedulers in creating a network as well as its optimization. An experienced scheduler can also check the desirability of his or her own created network via the use of this model.  相似文献   

An expressway project is often divided into subprojects with different tendering packages, and carried out by several general contractors that apply different scheduling practices. Each schedule may contain hundreds of activities, each of which is associated with multiple pay items that determine its earned monetary value. With such huge amount of information, the reviewer can only check a sample piece of information, and the quality of review highly depends on the reviewer’s experience and devotion. Automated schedule review provides a solution to reduce such problems encountered in the industry. This paper presents a module-based schedule generation and review model, which includes a predefined set of network modules, network builder assistant computer system that helps schedulers manage and reuse the modules to build a new schedule, and another computer system network review assistant (NRA) that helps reviewers review schedules. The NRA uses generalized rule forms to represent the schedule critique knowledge collected from the industry. When potential errors are found, the NRA adopts case-based reasoning to suggest possible correction based on similar cases. The evaluation conducted by the practitioners using real projects indicates that NRA reduces review time, and provides more accurate review on finding activities and related pay items not conforming to standards, and reminding users of important but often omitted activities.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a software, Stochastic Project Scheduling Simulation (SPSS), developed to measure the probability to complete a project in a certain time specified by the user. To deliver a project by a completion date committed to in a contract, a number of activities need to be carried out. The time that an entire project takes to complete and the activities that determine total project duration are always questionable because of the randomness and stochastic nature of the activities’ durations. Predicting a project completion probability is valuable, particularly at the time of bidding. The SPSS finds the longest path in a network and runs the network a number of times specified by the user and calculates the stochastic probability to complete the project in the specified time. The SPSS can be used by a contractor: (1) to predict the probability to deliver the project in a given time frame and (2) to assess its capabilities to meet the contractual requirement before bidding. The SPSS can also be used by a construction owner to quantify and analyze the risks involved in the schedule. The benefits of the tool to researchers are: (1) to solve program evaluation and review technique problems; (2) to complement Monte Carlo simulation by applying the concept of project network modeling and scheduling with probabilistic and stochastic activities via a web based Java Simulation which is operateable over the Internet, and (3) to open a way to compare a project network having different distribution functions.  相似文献   

Scheduling of construction projects that have multiple units, wherein activities repeat from one unit to another, always represent a major challenge to project managers. These projects require schedules that ensure the uninterrupted usage of resources from an activity in one unit to the similar activity in the next unit and maintaining logic constraints at the same time. The scheduling method presented in this paper considers both logic and resource continuity constraints. The method utilizes the critical path method network of a single unit. Start-to-start and finish-to-finish relationships are used. Constant activity production rate is assumed. The proposed approach determines the controlling path (logically and resource critical units) in a simplified way. To automate the proposed algorithm, a macroprogram has been written on commercial scheduling software. Details of the model development and implementation are described, and an example application is presented to validate the proposed approach. The advantages, limitations, and future extensions of the proposed approach are then discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model designed to integrate the planning and scheduling phases of highway construction projects, focusing primarily on the planning aspects. The model automatically generates the work breakdown structure (WBS) and precedence network respecting job logic and stores a list of construction operations typically encountered in highway projects. The generated network can subsequently be modified to suit the unique requirements of the project being considered. An object-oriented model is developed for planning highway construction operations. The model employs resource-driven scheduling in order to suit the repetitive nature of this class of projects. It accounts for (1) resource availability; (2) multiple preceding and succeeding activities; (3) transverse obstructions; (4) activities with varying quantities of work along the highway length; (5) the impact of inclement weather on crew productivity; and (6) the beneficial effect of the learning curve. At the core of the model is a relational database designed to store available resources and their respective unavailability periods. The model enables both: (1) activities executed by own force; and (2) activities subcontracted out. The model is incorporated in a prototype software that operates in the Microsoft Windows environment and generates schedules in both graphical and tabular formats. An example project is analyzed to demonstrate the features of the developed model.  相似文献   

Cost and schedule planning and control are two of the most important management functions in the construction industry. Major research efforts are focused on developing procedures for improving the effectiveness of these functions. As a result, researchers are concerned with the quality, integrity, and timeliness of data that flows through such planning and control systems. A number of data models have been proposed to integrate cost and schedule control functions because such integration is viewed as the solution to the many problems facing the management of construction projects today. This paper provides an overview of cost and schedule control, and discusses how these research findings were incorporated in the construction courses offered at the Construction Division of the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction at North Dakota State University.  相似文献   

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