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林强  王轶杰 《工业工程》2010,13(3):99-104
提出通过分析供应商过程能力,对其潜在质量风险进行定量评估的方法。针对特定的质量特性,计算供应商的过程能力指数;根据关键指标和相关资料计算供应商的真实风险系数,确定供应商风险程度划分的依据,并通过建立供应商来料质量的风险预警系统,判断供应商的风险水平,确定相应措施。实例证明所提方法可行且具可操作性。  相似文献   

刘谦 《硅谷》2009,(14)
网络安全给个人,企业和政府带来的损失越老越大。事实证明没有绝对的网络安全,但是采用风险评估,预防处理可以有效降低对网络威胁带来的损失。首先分析网络安全和风险评估的含义,以及网络安全风险评估的对象。最后运用网络安全评估模型,对风险评估过程进行详细的分析。  相似文献   

翟潇  彭晓辉  赵连法  刘佩 《中国标准化》2024,(6):181-184+218
本文以某地区炼油厂遗留地块为调查分析对象,对厂区进行人员访谈、资料收集、现场踏勘,并据此设置该地块土壤及地下水采样分析监测方案,根据调查结果评价该地块的污染状况,对土壤污染的风险作出评估。调查结果表明,该地块土壤样品均检出镍元素、苯酚及石油烃超标,超标功能区主要是炼油厂车间、炼油车间及煤油储罐。在假定暴露场景下,该地块特征污染物镍、石油烃会带来不可接受的人体健康风险,需要对该地块进行土壤修复工作。  相似文献   

罗佳 《硅谷》2012,(2):86-86
有效的信息安全风险评估方法能准确评估出信息系统风险,使组织采取相应的有效措施对风险进行控制,使机构风险被降低到一个可被接受的水平,主要比较几种常用的信息安全风险评估方法的优缺点,并指出信息安全风险评估方法应是几种风险评估方法的结合,定性与定量评估评估系统风险,使评估结果更准确。  相似文献   

用 ICP—AES 及 ICP—MS 方法对香港12个海洋沉积物及厦门9个海洋沉积物中的有毒重金属元素进行了相态分析;用 GC—MS 方法分析了这两个地区海洋沉积物中的 PAH's;用多种表面分析技术对海洋沉积物表面无机—有机组分的相互作用进行了表征。根据实验结果对香港及厦门地区的环境污染状况行了评价。  相似文献   

首先用尼梅罗指数法对城市各功能区各重金属离子进行污染等级评定,然后用聚类分析对造成环境污染的离子做降维处理,用模糊数学和层次分析法改进尼梅罗指数法,用改进后的尼梅罗指数法对各功能区做综合污染等级评定。再用Matlab做出重金属离子在城市分布的散点图,根据分布散点图分析造成各种金属离子污染的主要原因。  相似文献   

人们约有70%的时间在室内渡过的,因此室内空气质量的好坏直接影响人们的身体健康和生产、学习、工作等活动。最近两本有关室内空气质量的国家标准出版发行。  相似文献   

如何强化实验室风险管理,确保质检机构自身安全,是实验室管理者在风险社会背景下面临的严峻挑战。本文运用国际通用的风险管理原则,对实验室检验运作过程进行失效模式分析及风险评估,找出检验过程中存在较高风险的问题点并制定相应的预防措施,提高质检机构检测结果的准确性,防止失效检验报告的发生。  相似文献   

检测实验室合同评审质量的风险评估及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用通用的风险管理原则,对检测实验室合同评审过程进行失效模式分析及风险评估,建立了合同评审的风险评估和预防方法,旨在为实验室合同评审风险评估提供方法借鉴,从而使实验室质量管理体系有效地进行。  相似文献   

辽河流域河流健康综合评价方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2009年5月太子河流域水生生物(藻类、鱼类和大型底栖动物)调查结果,以藻类、鱼类、大型底栖动物、基本水质和营养盐作为候选参数,采用总体线性回归模型和相关性分析法对它们进行筛选,构建了多指标河流健康综合评价指数,对辽河流域河流健康进行了评估。结果表明,辽河流域河流健康受损较重,未达到“良”等级的样点有146个,所占比例高达83 %,主要分布在浑河、东辽河和西辽河流域,这些流域受到来自城市、工业及农业面源污染较大;“良”等级的样点只有30个,主要分布在太子河流域上游地区,这些样点受到人类干扰较少;整个流域鱼类类群存在显著退化趋势,其中西辽河的鱼类类群衰退现象最明显。  相似文献   

辽河流域六价铬和无机汞应急水质标准研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对辽河流域的特征污染物六价铬和无机汞,广泛搜集、筛选了水生生物的急性毒性数据,对国际物种敏感度分布(SSD)主流方法的基准计算结果进行了评价。基于评价结果,以澳大利亚和新西兰的SSD技术为基础,初步建立了综合的应急水质标准方法学。将受污染物暴露胁迫的水生生物比例达到5 %、15 %、30 %和50 %时对应的生态风险级别分别设定为I级、II级、III级和IV级,且对应于4级应急水质标准。推算了六价铬和无机汞的辽河流域应急水质标准限值,提出了相应的流域风险指示生物。结果表明,六价铬的4级应急水质标准分别为2.85 μg/L、21.0 μg/L、161 μg/L和797 μg/L,风险指示生物为溞类(II级)、青虾(III级)和鳙鱼或蝌蚪(IV级);无机汞的4级应急水质标准分别为0.59 μg/L、2.32 μg/L、6.25 μg/L和15.6 μg/L,风险指示生物为鲫鱼或溞类(II级)、青虾(III级)、水丝蚓或蟹类(IV级),为突发性水环境污染事故风险分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

辽河流域重污染行业集中,水环境污染严重。通过对辽河流域重污染行业废水处理技术的分析,针对重污染行业废水处理技术使用范围和具有明显行业特性的问题,使用模糊-灰色综合评判法、层次分析法等综合评价方法,分行业对废水处理技术进行多指标、综合性的评价研究,对废水处理技术的处理效果、减排效果及经济性进行综合评价。针对评价过程涉及数学模型复杂、计算量大,导致评价工作效率不高、难以保证精确度的问题,开发并利用计算机软件实现这一过程,设计了评价系统的指导思想、结构、评价功能等。结果表明,废水处理技术评价系统可大幅度提高评价工作的效率和精确度。  相似文献   

One cannot manage a health or environmental risk of unknown dimension. Thus, the rational and cost-effective control of any risk lies first in its reasoned assessment. The assessment of risk is a scientific endeavor which embodies the intellectual use of information to reach a determination or assignment of an ascribed level of danger. It is, however, a decision process and approach whose details are substantially value laden. As such, it is potentially subject to a myriad of subjective interpretations from individuals with special interests and perspectives. Given this nature, it is incumbent upon those responsible for risk assessment in any organization to formulate a broad-based scientific consensus regarding the principals of quality assurance for the risk assessment process in their organization. This paper attempts to outline a rational and prudent consensus-based system for the quality assurance of risk assessment concerned with the danger to human health and the environment posed by the use of chemical products. We present it as a model that we hope could be accepted and implemented.  相似文献   

Dealing with uncertainty is an important and difficult aspect of analyses for complex systems. Such systems involve many uncertainties, and assessing probabilities to represent these uncertainties is itself a complex undertaking utilizing a variety of information sources. At a very basic level, uncertainty is uncertainty, and attempting to distinguish between ‘types of uncertainty’ is questionable. At a practical level, on the other hand, a close look at such distinctions suggests that they are driven by important modelling issues related to model structuring, probability assessment, information gathering, and sensitivity analysis. Anything that brings more attention to these issues should improve the state of the art. However, I would prefer to attack the issues directly instead of working indirectly through the notion of ‘types of uncertainty.’  相似文献   

Sequential extraction technique was used to study the mobility and dynamics of operationally determined chemical forms of heavy metals in the sediments and their ecological risk on the biotic species. The results reveal that high environmental risk of Cd, Ni, Co and Pb, are due to their higher availability in the exchangeable fraction. Substantial amount of Cd, Co, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni and Pb, is observed as carbonate bound, which may result due to their special affinity towards carbonate and their co-precipitation with its minerals. Colloids of Fe-Mn oxides act as efficient scavengers for the heavy metals like Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, Co, and Ni. Toxic metals like Ni, Pb and Cd are of concern, which occasionally may be associated with adverse biological effects based on the comparison with sediment quality guidelines (SQGs). The risk assessment code (RAC) suggests that the highest mobility of Cd poses a higher environmental risk and also threat to the aquatic biota. Factor analysis reveals that the enrichment of heavy metals in bioavailable fraction is mostly contributed from anthropogenic sources. These contributing sources are highlighted by cluster analysis.  相似文献   

国家"十一五"期间,辽河流域水污染治理取得了突破性进展,实现了流域干流水质化学需氧量(COD)消灭劣V类的目标。为了巩固辽河干流治理成果,实现可持续发展的长远目标,辽宁省划定了辽河保护区,成立了保护区管理局,这是国内成立的第一个以流域综合管理为目标的行政机构,并进行了辽河保护区治理与保护研究。本研究以建设防洪安全、水质良好、生态健康、景观优美的健康河流生态系统为出发点,融合了水利学、生态学、环境学、景观学、经济学等多学科交叉理念,统筹考虑水利工程、污染治理工程、生态修复工程、示范区建设工程等项目的相互影响及关系,分别进行了土地利用、生态系统修复、河道综合治理、生态示范区建设、治理与保护能力建设5个方面的研究。  相似文献   

谭金波  唐贞信 《计量学报》1995,16(2):137-141
研制出一种天然基质的河流沉积物环境放射性标准物质。由多个实验室用多种准确可靠的方法对其中9种天然的和人工的放射性核素进行了定值。介绍样品制备、均匀性及稳定性检验、核素定值方法和定值结果。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the construction of risk as a social process. It provides a critique of Jasanoff's ‘two cultures’ model of the risk assessment community, arguing that corresponding rhetorics serve to obscure the hybrid nature of risk. It is argued that a new perspective, based on the contextualisation of expert scientific knowledge is needed, which transcends reductionist tendencies that view risk assessment as simply about either material artefacts or social constructions. Such approaches have the potential, it is suggested, to address not only the complexity but also the moral and political dilemmas associated with a wide range of risk management problems.  相似文献   

A constrained noninformative prior distribution, a generalization of the Jeffreys noninformative prior, is defined for a single unknown parameter as the distribution corresponding to the maximum entropy distribution, subject to the assumed constraint(s), in the transformed model where the unknown parameter is approximately a location parameter. This note illustrates this idea with binomial and Poisson data models, and gives an example from risk assessment showing the practical usefulness of the constrained noninformative prior.  相似文献   

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