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冻干技术在速溶咖啡生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了真空冷冻干燥的机理及在速溶咖啡工业上的应用 ,冻干速溶咖啡的生产工艺、设备。  相似文献   

冻干技术在速溶咖啡生产中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了真空冷冻干燥的机理及其在速溶咖啡工业中的应用,阐述了冻干速溶咖啡的生产工艺和设备。  相似文献   

速溶葛根淀粉的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过利用正交实验方法,得到生产速溶葛根淀粉的最佳配方,并完善成品的感观质量,此工艺方法简单,适宜中小食品企业加工生产。  相似文献   

该文对商品速溶咖啡进行调查统计的基础上,运用因子分析法中的主成分分析法的多元统计分析方法,对样本的特征性指标进行主分析。结果表明:速溶咖啡特征性指标中能量、蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物为同一类指标,钠为另一类指标。此结论基本上是正确合理的,对速溶咖啡的质量控制及其质量检验部门的初步检测等都具有一定的指导作用,可以减少检测步骤、提高检测效率、节约检测成本,为选用步骤少效率高低成本的检测对象来反应速溶咖啡质量提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

主要对咖啡豆浸提工艺条件以及咖啡矿泉水的配方进行了研究,通过比较咖啡豆破碎前后,浸提液随豆水比以及温度、时间的不同而表现出的不同浸提效果,确定了最佳浸提工艺参数,并在此基础上经过试验选出了咖啡矿泉水的最佳配方。   相似文献   

咖啡矿泉水的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
主要对咖啡豆浸提工艺条件以及咖啡矿泉水的配方进行了研究,通过比较咖啡豆破碎前后,浸提液随豆水比以及温度、时间的不同而表现出的不同浸提效果,确定了最佳浸提工艺参数,并在此基础上经过试验选出了咖啡矿泉水的最佳配方。  相似文献   

近日,由德宏后谷咖啡有限公司投资建设的中国最大的速溶咖啡生产线在云南德宏傣族景颇族自治州建成投产。该生产线的建成打破了速溶咖啡生产外国垄断的传统格局,同时将带动中国咖啡产业提速发展。  相似文献   

国内酸奶品种单一,市场需求急需增加酸奶品种,本文探讨了果味酸奶的加工技术,详细介绍了果味酸奶的加工工艺及生产过程,对其生产过程中原料乳的选用、处理;发酵剂的制备,以及香精、果料的适宜添加量等问题作了深入介绍。  相似文献   

以全脂乳粉、脱脂乳粉、咖啡为主要原料,添加蔗糖,以安琪酵母8型菌为发酵剂,酸奶感官品质评分和酸奶黏度的综合评分为考察指标,采用正交试验方法对凝固型咖啡酸奶配方进行优化,得到最佳的发酵咖啡酸奶的工艺与配方。结果表明,在发酵温度为42 ℃条件下发酵6 h,脂肪含量3.4%,咖啡添加量1.0%,蔗糖添加量6%,8菌型发酵剂添加量0.1%,发酵后在4 ℃条件下冷藏24 h,获得的发酵酸奶的感官品质评分为89分,黏度为5 640 mPa·s,产品组织状态均匀,口感细腻,略带有咖啡香味,感官评价最佳。最佳发酵条件下的酸度为88 °T,pH值为4.24,乳酸菌活菌数为1.25×108 CFU/mL,符合GB 19302—2010对酸奶品质的规定。  相似文献   

The microbiology of a coffee production line, as well as of the final products was investigated. Lactic acid bacteria were found to be the predominant microflora with lactobacilli as the major group and L. plantarum as the dominant species. Growth kinetics of this species were examined in the presence of pure caffeine solutions and at different concentrations of total solids of instant coffee. Total inhibition of growth was obtained at 15 mg ml?1 of a pure caffeine solution and at 60% total solids of non-decaffeinated coffee.The growth kinetics of some pathogenic bacterial strains were examined in both decaffeinated and non-decaffeinated coffee; coffee liquor was not a suitable medium for growth of these strains. The spoilage micro-organism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was not inactivated in coffee liquor.  相似文献   

Norharman and harman are two neuroactive β-carbolines present in several plants and thermally processed foods, including roasted coffee. The objective of this study was to evaluate their amounts in commercial instant coffee-based and coffee substitute beverages (n = 48), with variable amounts of coffee, chicory, barley, malt, and rye. All samples contained variable amounts of both β-carbolines, always with a higher proportion of norharman than harman. The highest levels (p < 0.01) were found in 100% instant coffees, with mean amounts of 3.8 μg/g and 1.5 μg/g for NH and H, respectively, followed by plain chicory. The lowest amounts were found in 100% barley, with 1.1 μg/g for NH and 0.3 μg/g for H. The NH and H content was statistically higher (p < 0.01) in all mixtures with coffee when compared to those without it. Nevertheless, and except for 100% barley, the amounts provided by beverages based on coffee substitutes are within those reported for standard coffee brews.  相似文献   

荞麦“咖啡”生产工艺研究报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用养麦发芽、浸泡、烘炒的方法,生产出的荞麦“咖啡”色浓、味香,且芦丁保留量较高。正交试验结果表明,荞麦“咖啡”生产的最优工艺条件为:将荞麦进行发芽处理,荞米浸泡吸水时间为90min,烘炒温度及烘炒时间分别为220℃、35-40min。  相似文献   

This paper describes modern production methods resulting from the developments that have been taking place recently in the field of instant coffee and coffee substitutes. Such developments involve new processing techniques to achieve higher extraction yields and improve extract concentration, and more efficient spray drying. A tabulated comparison of operating conditions when spray drying chicory, pure coffee and chicory/coffee mixtures is given.  相似文献   

目的 开发焙焦油莎豆粕速溶咖啡并对其品质进行研究。方法 将制备的焙焦油莎豆粕速溶粉与咖啡速溶粉、白砂糖、脱脂奶粉进行复配,通过单因素和正交试验设计,以感官评分为指标,优化产品配方。再利用气相色谱-质谱法对咖啡品质和理化性质进行分析。最后利用微流变分析冲释稳定性,确定食用条件。结果 确定焙焦油莎豆粕速溶咖啡最佳配比为焙焦油莎豆粕速溶粉添加量35%,咖啡速溶粉添加量5%,白砂糖添加量35%,奶粉添加量30%。咖啡成品脂肪含量为0.99%,蛋白质含量为10.01%,溶解度为94.58%,酸度为22.52%,固形物含量为7.75%。咖啡中含有34种香气成分,冲释后2h内具有较好的流变学品质。结论 油莎豆粕中含有丰富的功能活性因子,本产品的成功研发强化了咖啡的功能特性,拓宽了油莎豆副产物的应用范围,提高了油莎豆副产物的应用价值。  相似文献   

The sensory profiles of 11 instant coffees including pure coffees (PC), coffee blends (CB) and a chicory instant drink (CID), commercially available in South Africa, were described and quantified. These were then related to consumer preferences (n=199) for the instant coffees using preference mapping. Based on consumer preferences, four consumer groups were identified, “pure coffee lovers” (23%), “coffee blend drinkers” (30%), “general coffee drinkers” (37%) and “not serious coffee drinkers” (10%). The “pure coffee lovers” prefer the more astringent, bitter, roasted, nutty and full-bodied flavour of the pure coffee samples. The less intense coffee flavour character, but higher sweetness and root flavour, typical of chicory blended instant coffee, were attributes that were preferred by the “coffee blend lovers”. The “general coffee drinkers” seem to consume coffee out of habit and are less concerned about the specific sensory properties of the coffee.  相似文献   

目的 开展海南即溶咖啡粉中丙烯酰胺的膳食暴露风险评估, 为咖啡粉质量安全的监管提供技术支撑。方法 采用食品安全风险评估的一般步骤: 危害识别、危害特征描述、膳食暴露评估、风险特征描述, 对海南即溶咖啡粉中的丙烯酰胺进行膳食暴露风险评估。结果 各年龄段居民的理论暴露量均低于其理论每日允许摄入量。结论 海南产即溶咖啡粉中的丙烯酰胺不会对消费者身体健康产生危害, 不必进入风险管理程序。  相似文献   

速溶咖啡生产控制和质量改善的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
简述了速溶咖啡的生产工艺及质量控制关键因素的调控方法以及品质改善的方法。  相似文献   

在确定灵芝脱苦工艺的基础上,以脱苦灵芝水提液为主料,甜味剂等为辅料,采用正交试验进行了灵芝饮料的研制。结果表明,灵芝的最优脱苦工艺为:按灵芝∶95%食用酒精=1∶50(m∶v)的比例加入酒精,常温浸泡10h后过滤得脱苦灵芝;脱苦灵芝加水煮沸60min得脱苦灵芝水提液;灵芝饮料的最佳配方为:灵芝水提液∶脱苦灵芝水提液=3∶17(v∶v)、蔗糖浓度3.0%(m∶v)、阿斯巴甜浓度0.005%(m∶v)。  相似文献   

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