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In addition to the hydrogeological setting, monitoring of landfills and contaminated sites has to consider space and time aspects of physico-chemical processes in the subsurface. The zonal monitoring approach ( Dörhöfer et al. 1991) provides a firm hydraulic basis for the evaluation of compound-specific transport behaviour and mechanisms linked to early warning capabilities. The complexity of the hydrogeological settings becomes clear when hydrogeological units and subunits, which in turn are monitored individually, are defined. Monitoring of contaminants at landfills must better take into account the hydrochemical as well as rock geochemical knowledge about retardation and attenuation processes. The monitoring concept has to aim at hydrochemical groundwater zones with indicator substances of high vulnearbility and retardation capabilities. The usual (passive) point monitoring of downgradient groundwater flow using (non-pumped) wells, must be given up in complex cases for an (active) integral monitoring concept using pumped wells or drainage elements. The selection of triggering concentration values for remediation must be adjusted to the zone boundaries and should take the efficiency of mitigation processes into consideration. The inner monitoring zone(s) can be defined, used and monitored as natural buffer zones for contaminants.  相似文献   

在欧洲,大部分旧港口区域都被改造成高质量的居住区.美丽的景观、水岸、毗邻市中心、原始的海岸生活等特点都让这些改造快速获得成功,而其中最吸引人的是综合了现代生活方式的由仓库改建的公寓.  相似文献   

Grundwasser - Im Oberen Muschelkalk Südwestdeutschlands sind zwischen Donau und oberem Neckar unterschiedliche Mineral-Thermalwässer erschlossen. Eine hydrogeologische Modellvorstellung...  相似文献   

In order to account for complex interactions between humans climate and the water cycle, the research consortium GLOWA-Danube (www.glowa-danube.de) has developed the simulation system DANUBIA which consists of 17 coupled models. DANUBIA was applied to investigate various impacts of global-change between 2011 and 2060 in the Upper Danube Catchment. This article represents part 1 of an article series and describes groundwater and natural aspects of the investigations, while part 2 describes socio-economic aspects (Barthel et al. in Grundwaser 16(4), doi:10.1007/s00767-011-0180-y, 2011). Here we describe concepts of GLOWA-Danube and DANUBIA as well as groundwater-related model components. This leads to selected simulation results for water balance, groundwater quantity and quality. The chosen scenarios show decreasing precipitation, increasing temperatures, and changes in the annual distribution that lead to significant decreases in groundwater recharge. Regional predictions of groundwater quality were difficult to achieve because of complex soil and groundwater processes. However, climatic change will probably have little impact.  相似文献   

In order to account for complex interactions between humans climate and the water cycle, the research consortium GLOWA-Danube (www.glowa-danube.de) has developed the simulation system DANUBIA which consists of 17 coupled models. DANUBIA was applied to investigate various impacts of global-change between 2011 and 2060 in the Upper Danube Catchment. This article describes part 2 of an article series with investigations of socio-economic aspects, while part 1 (Barthel et al. in Grundwasser 16(4), doi:10.1007/s007-011-01794, 2011) deals with natural-spatial aspects. The principles of socio-economic actor-modeling and interactions between socio-economic and natural science model components are described here. We present selected simulations that show impacts on groundwater from changes in agriculture, tourism, economy, domestic water users and water supply. Despite decreases in water consumption, the scenario simulations show significant decreases in groundwater quantity. On the other hand, groundwater quality will likely be influenced more severely by land use changes compared to direct climatic causes. However, overall changes will not be dramatic.  相似文献   

The joint research project SAFIRA, which is supported by the Federal Ministry of Science and Education (BMBF), deals with the development of innovative technologies for the in situ remediation of heavily contaminated groundwater at the in situ pilot facility in Bitterfeld. In order to evaluate the new promising technological approaches comprehensively, methodological tools are developed to comparatively address economical, ecological as well as a environmental issues of related remediation scenarios. The design period for innovative technologies can hardly be forecasted and/or its success be guaranteed. To prove a long-term stability as well as to reach a sound economical and ecological evaluation for new approaches an on site operation over extended periods of time is needed. Therefore a variety of technologies are tested and optimized simultaneously, in order to achieve a thorough comparison of technologies at the end of the project.  相似文献   

The use and protection of urban – area aquifers such as the groundwater resources below the city of Nuremberg is becoming increasingly important. Hence, we present a stratigraphic and hydrogeologic overview of the “Nuremberg Syncline”.The Nuremberg Syncline regional aquifer system can be divided into seven units. Geochemical and stable isotope investigations have shown that strict hydraulic separations between aquifers and aquitards do not always exist. Connections may be enhanced, for example, via tectonic discontinuities that enable the rise of CO2-rich groundwaters from deeper units. This is confirmed by frequent occurrences of artesian well conditions. Important subsurface structures in the near-surface aquifers include four palaeo-valleys that cut deep into the stratigraphic units of Keuper sandstones (Keuper Group; Middle and Late Triassic). These remarkable palaeo-valleys have been investigated with more than 2400 boreholes. The gravel and sand deposits of these aquifers offer, for instance, ideal possibilities for both heating and cooling of buildings by geothermal heat pumps.  相似文献   

Bridges made of High Strength Concrete – Experiences with Pilot Projects High strength concrete (HSC) has taken its place in building construction in recent years. Design rules are available in the new German standard 1045-1 [1]. For the application on bridge construction, an “administrative consent as exceptional case” is still necessary, although this building material is predestined for bridges due to its high strength and increased durability. In this contribution four bridges made of HSC as pilot projects are presented. The main experiences regarding planning, concrete technology, tendering, and implementation of these pilot projects are summarized. The achievements of the projects with different construction companies reveal that the characteristics of HSC in bridge construction are manageable if sufficient experience is available. The attained experiences can be applied well to other projects.  相似文献   

Bei einer auf der Ladefl?che eines Lkws montierten Videowand, die eine seitliche Abstützung des Lkws sowie eine externe Stromversorgung erfordert, handelt es sich um eine "ortsfeste" Werbe- und Ankündigungseinrichtung.  相似文献   

Die Novelle der ober?sterreichischen Bauordnung aus dem Jahr 2006 (LGBl 96) wirft ernsthafte Praxisprobleme auf. Im Folgenden sollen jene, die sich aus der Modifikation der Vorschrift zur Bewilligung geringfügiger Abweichungen vom Bebauungsplan (§ 36 Abs 1 o? BauO) ergeben k?nnen, kurz dargestellt werden. Als praktischer Hintergrund dient den Ausführungen die Annahme, dass ein Bauwerber ein bewilligungspflichtiges Bauvorhaben gem § 24 Abs 1 Z 1 o? BauO realisieren und dabei geringfügig vom Bebauungsplan abweichen will.   相似文献   

A former gasification plant with a variety of organic contaminants within the aquifer serves as a field test site. Both contaminants in phase (contamination source) and dissolved (contaminant plume) can be detected. After extending the test site infrastructure various methods for the investigation of groundwater flow and transport have been applied and compared. The geometry of the aquifer is variable and a pronounced heterogeneity of the hydraulic conductivity can be observed. The influence of the sedimentary setting on the structure of the aquifer is shown. A relation between discrete grain size distributions and the petrographical composition of the aquifer material is established. Using this relation, the sorption properties of the aquifer can be derived. Following the first measurements, the observed differential spreading of pollutants within the contaminant plume is influenced by microbial degradation. Further field tests to investigate the biodegradation rates are proposed.  相似文献   

Material properties of old iron and steel and related adequate material testing and rating. Numerous load carrying structures made of iron and steel during the period of time after 1840 are in use up to now in Germany and in other industrialised countries. They are still under traffic after decades or even centuries of service. Mostly, there is no need to replace them now. Only the lack of knowledge of the engineers involved in the investigation and rating of old structures is very often the only reason for their decommissioning. To some extent, the inadequate knowledge about the material properties of the iron and steel of the early times of engineering construction is the real reason of replacing some structures. There is real lack of knowledge about of how to perform material test and to interpret the results. After many years of being concerned with the problem under consideration, in close co-operation with colleagues from competent institutes, the author intends to present a state of technology reached in two centuries of intensive research and application in practice.  相似文献   

Prefabricated superstructures for bridges made of high-strength concrete – faster, slimmer and more sustainable In order to speed up the urgent modernization of bridges in the German road and rail network, it is also necessary to modernize the construction technology for bridges. The new bridges should be able to be built as quickly as possible and be beautiful, sustainable and robust. It turns out that prefabricated construction methods can be particularly advantageous for this requirement profile. The opportunities offered by this construction method should therefore be used more intensively in the future. The new option of using prefabricated parts with high-strength concrete has proven to be a particularly powerful innovation. This means that the area of application for bridge superstructures made of prefabricated concrete parts can be significantly expanded and adapted to the requirements of bridge modernization. The existing long-term experience with bridges with high-strength concrete also suggests that these structures will be of excellent durability and sustainability.  相似文献   

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