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The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was standardized and assessed as a potential diagnostic test for infectious laryngotracheitis using conjunctival swabs collected from experimentally infected chickens. Polymerase chain reaction primers based on the sequence of a 1.1-kb BamHI restriction enzyme fragment of the Ontario 1598 (Ont 1598) strain of infectious laryngotracheitis virus were selected and 300 fg of purified viral DNA were detected by ethidium bromide staining of agarose gels or 30 fg were detected by DNA hybridization. At least five different strains (Ont 1598, ATCC N-71851, LT-IVAX, Laryngo-Vac, and a local strain 322) were amplified whereas other avian pathogens and uninfected cell cultures tested negative. Swabs collected from experimentally infected chickens were analyzed by both PCR and virus isolation on various days postinfection. A comparison of virus isolation to PCR indicated that, in the mid-postinfection phase, PCR and virus isolation appeared to be comparable with a kappa value of greater than 0.8. The polymerase chain reaction was shown to be the better test later in infection, when clinical recovery had occurred.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the in vitro activity of fusidic acid against bacterial isolates from conjunctival swabs. Conjunctival swabs from 213 patients with conjunctivitis were examined. One or more pathogens were grown from 73 patients. Forty per cent of isolates were resistant to fusidic acid on disc sensitivity testing. Reduced sensitivity was detected by minimum inhibitory concentration testing in many isolates of H. influenzae and an isolate of S. pneumoniae. In addition, the in vitro activity of fusidic acid was determined against upper respiratory tract isolates of H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae and M. catarrhalis; this showed that many isolates had a reduced sensitivity to fusidic acid. Topical fusidic acid may not be optimal empiric therapy of bacterial conjunctivitis.  相似文献   

There are increasing numbers of cancer prevention and control investigator trainees. On the basis of experience as research proposal reviewers and on reviews of a large number of current trainees, we offer some perspectives on the discipline and important aspects of optimal training programs. The historical importance of public health activities, the significant differences between prevention and treatment, and the breadth and public interest in prevention all have significant implications for trainees. In training, the need to focus efforts and to have active mentoring are critical. More attention to data analysis and complete development of a specific research proposal are also key elements of high-quality training. Although the need for cancer prevention and control investigators is great, more attention to the quality of their training is warranted.  相似文献   

Cognitive therapists suggest panic disorder to result from 'catastrophic' misinterpretation of bodily sensations. The patient suffering from panic disorder consistently misinterprets normal anxiety responses, such as racing heart, breathlessness or dizziness, as indicating impending disaster. Cognitive therapists, who challenge the traditional view of anxiety as 'free-floating' and irrational, argue that the patient's anxiety is an understandable response to their misinterpretations, and advocate a treatment method based on the patient's specific cognitive make-up and on the principle of collaborative empiricism. The patient is gently guided to identify and challenge idiosyncratic cognitions, and to consider alternative interpretations of danger signs. The article provides an outline of the treatment method and its empirical support.  相似文献   

This is the second of four articles on lower limb amputation. The first article (Vol 6(17): 970-7) discussed the indications for amputation and briefly outlined the treatment options that may be tried before the amputation stage is reached. This second article examines the factors that need to be addressed once the decision to amputate has been made. It stresses the importance of preparing the patient and his/her family both psychologically and physiologically for the operation. The techniques and rationale for selecting the optimum level of amputation are then discussed. Finally, the specific levels of lower limb amputation are outlined. The next article in this series will explore the nurse's role in preparing the patient for an amputation, and the final article will address the issues raised when a patient decides that death is preferable to living as an amputee.  相似文献   

A study of the incidence of diphtheria in the State of Victoria, Australia, was carried out. Numerical analysis of the characteristics of 264 strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae isolated between 1962 and 1971 placed them into 18 varieties plus six strains which were unique in their combination of reactions to the characteristics examined. During the 10-year period, some varieties appeared intermittently and were recognized by certain defining characteristics but exhibited a gradual change in their antigenic structure. In contrast, when the outbreaks were examined over shorter periods of time, a number of varieties and single strains were found which differed greatly from each other yet possessed the same major serotype antigen. These findings are discussed in terms of a 'one-parent' concept in which the varieties and single strains represent phases of a common ancestor. By inspection and analysis of the characteristics of the strains, certain associations were apparent. For instance, a correlation was found between the antigenic structure of the organism and the colonial appearance on tellurite blood agar. Similarly, correlation was observed between bacteriophage type, diphthericin type and biochemical activity in that a strain which was highly active in one of the properties was also very active in the other two.  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,一向竞争激烈的国内钢铁市场还将向世界打开大门。而对国际国内的强劲对手,攀钢按照国家经贸委要求,整合西南钢铁市场,壮大自己的实力,把自己也变成强者,才能沉着应对复杂、多变的竞争局面。攀钢整合西南钢铁市场给耐火材料产业重组带来的机遇和希望,为金山耐材基地的发展提供了机遇和市场。  相似文献   

The colonial morphology and other cultural characteristics of Branhamella ovis were studied. The current investigation showed that colonies could be designated R (rough) and S (smooth) dependent on their appearance on agar. The colonial variants were apparently stable and each produced distinct types of pitting when grown on agar. A CAMP-like reaction was also shown to be a characteristic of B. ovis.  相似文献   

Over a 6-year period 11 yellow-pigmented gram-positive rods (GPRs) with an oxidative carbohydrate metabolism were isolated from clinical specimens or were received as reference cultures and tentatively identified as "Corynebacterium aquaticum" according to the guide of Hollis and Weaver for the differentiation of GPRs (D. G. Hollis and R. E. Weaver, Gram-Positive Organisms: a Guide to Identification, 1981). Because these isolates seemed to be rather heterogeneous, comparative analyses with the type strain of "C. aquaticum" as well as six type strains of species belonging to the genus Aureobacterium were performed by biochemical and chemotaxonomic methods. Only four clinical strains were found to be "C. aquaticum," whereas seven strains were found to belong to the genus Aureobacterium. Discriminative phenotypic reactions between "C. aquaticum" and Aureobacterium spp. included hydrolysis of gelatin and casein (both reactions negative for "C. aquaticum" strains but positive for most Aureobacterium strains). Moreover, peptidoglycan analysis provided a reliable means of differentiating yellow-pigmented GPRs at the genus level (diaminobutyric acid as the interpeptide bridge in "C. aquaticum" and glycine-ornithine as the interpeptide bridge in Aureobacterium spp.). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing revealed that vancomycin showed an intermediate MIC for three of the four clinical "C. aquaticum" isolates, whereas all Aureobacterium strains were susceptible to vancomycin. To our knowledge, this is the first report outlining the isolation of Aureobacterium spp. from clinical specimens. However, Aureobacterium isolates could not be identified to the species level by the tests used in the study.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that the expected day of delivery (EDD) determined on the basis of an ultrasound scan is more accurate than using a calendar method. The aim of this paper is to assess the evidence in support of this claim. A critical review of the methodologically best research revealed that among women with regular cycles and know first day of the last menstrual period, Naegele's rule predicted the EDD to be 3.3 days too early, on average, whereas prediction based on ultrasound scans was 2.0 days too late. The standard deviations of the two distributions were the same. After correction for the systematic biases, the two methods of prediction were thus equally precise. It is concluded that the EDD should be calculated by adding 283 days to the date of the last period rather than by adding 280 days. For women with regular cycles and known first day of the last menstrual period, ultrasound dating does not lead to a more precise prediction.  相似文献   

Four strains of an unknown coryneform bacterium were isolated in pure culture from females with urinary tract infections. Strong urease activity and the ability to slowly ferment maltose but not glucose were the most significant phenotypic features of this catalase-positive, nonmotile, nonlipophilic, rod-shaped bacterium which served to distinguish it from all other presently defined coryneform bacteria. Chemotaxonomic investigations demonstrated that the unknown bacterium belonged to the genus Corynebacterium. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that the isolates were genealogically identical and represented a new subline within the genus Corynebacterium, for which the designation Corynebacterium riegelii sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Corynebacterium riegelii is CCUG 38180 (DSM 44326, CIP 105310).  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of thiamphenicol plus lincomycin (TP + LCM) and thiamphenicol plus tylosin (TP + TS) combinations using checker board method on the growth of Pasteurella (P.) multocida, P. haemolytica and Mycoplasma (M.) bovis by calculating the fractional inhibitory concentration index (FIC index). The results showed that the FIC indexes of the TP + LCM combination for P. multocida, P. haemolytica and M. bovis were 0.36 +/- 0.10, 0.72 +/- 0.09 and 0.81 +/- 0.18, respectively. The FIC indexes of the TP + TS combination for P. multocida, P. haemolytica, and M. bovis were 0.79 +/- 0.20, 0.66 +/- 0.11 and 0.32 +/- 0.14, respectively. Thus, these combinations are assumed to have a more synergistic or additive effect on bacteria growth than a single antimicrobial agent.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ideally, an effective preventive strategy for the control of Chlamydia trachomatis infection should take into account the following attributes: rapid and simple specimen collection, low cost and noninvasive test processing. Therefore, we compared the performance profile of urine-based detection of C. trachomatis antigen in first-void urine with that of testing urethral and endocervical samples in men and women. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Urethral and endocervical samples and first-void urine from 285 men and 192 women attending the Sexually Transmitted Diseases Outpatient Clinic at the Medical University in Plovdiv, Bulgaria were tested using direct immunofluorescence assay (DFA) (MicroTrak, Syva, Palo Alto, CA, USA). RESULTS: Seventy (25%) of all men tested were positive for C. trachomatis antigen in either urethral or urine samples. 65 men (93%) had both a positive urethral and urine sample, three men (4%) had only a positive urethral sample and two (3%) had only a positive urine sample. Thirty-five women (18%) had C. trachomatis infection. Twenty-six women (74%) had both a positive endocervical and urethral sample, 6 (17%) had only a positive endocervical sample and 3 (8%) had only a positive urethral sample. All women with positive urethral samples tested positive on their urine samples. Two of the women with a negative urethral sample and a positive endocervical sample had a positive urine sample. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that using direct immunofluorescence assay on first-void urine samples is a reliable noninvasive method which can replace urethral swabs in the diagnosis of C. trachomatis infection in symptomatic men. Urine-based strategies are also an acceptable alternative for the diagnosis of C. trachomatis infection in symptomatic women when it is not possible to obtain an urogenital sample.  相似文献   

Spreadsheet templates which calculate cumulative exposures to other persons from patients to whom radioactive materials have been administered have been developed by the authors. Calculations can be based on any specified single-, bi- or tri-exponential whole-body clearance rate and a diurnal (or any other periodic) contact pattern. The time (post-administration) during which close contact should be avoided in order to constrain the radiation exposure and exposure rates to selected limits is also calculated using an iterative technique (Newton's method), and the residual activity at the time when contact can resume is also calculated. These templates find particular application in the calculation of exposures to persons who are in contact with patients who have received 131I for therapeutic purposes. The effect of changing dose limits, contact patterns and using individually derived clearance rates may be readily modelled.  相似文献   

One way prokaryotes respond to environmental stresses is by modifying selected outer membrane components. Iron, in the form of hemin, has been shown to be a significant regulator of Porphyromonas gingivalis growth and virulence and of the expression of outer membrane proteins and lipopoly saccharide. Since lipopoly saccharide has profound effects on host immune cells, this study compared the effect of hemin-restricted and hemin-normal P. gingivalis growth conditions on lipopolysaccharide priming of N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine-induced superoxide generation by human neutrophils. P. gingivalis was grown in a chemostat under normal (5 micrograms hemin/ml) and hemin-restricted (0.08 microgram hemin/ml) conditions. Purified lipopolysaccharide from both P. gingivalis normal and hemin-limited environments increased N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine-induced superoxide release by neutrophils in a dose-dependent manner. Lipopolysaccharide isolated from the hemin-normal conditions was a significantly more potent neutrophil priming agent than the lipopolysaccharide isolated from hemin-restricted conditions. Addition of normal human serum enhanced the priming effect of both lipopolysaccharide preparations; this effect, however, was more evident with the hemin-normal lipopolysaccharide. Further, this enhancing effect of serum was partly reduced in the presence of antibodies raised against the serum lipopolysaccharide-binding protein. The differences in the biological activity of the two lipopolysaccharide preparations could be associated with structural differences detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. These results indicate that hemin availability affects regulation of an aspect of P. gingivalis virulence, lipopolysaccharide-human neutrophils priming. The reduced capacity for neutrophil priming by hemin-restricted lipopolysaccharide appears to be related to lipopolysaccharide-neutrophil interactions and not to serum factors Targeting bacterial cell-surface components involved in hemin transport might be effective therapy for P. gingivalis-associated periodontal diseases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite having appropriate sonographic equipment available many radiologists remain unfamiliar with B mode sonography of the eye. OBJECTIVE: This article reviews the advantages and disadvantages of B mode sonography of the paediatric eye. We illustrate the spectrum of eye abnormalities occurring in paediatric practice and the sonographic appearance of clinical entities for which sonography is appropriate. MATERIALS AND METHOD: We reviewed our experience of eye sonography within a paediatric radiology department over 8 years. A total of 212 sonographic examinations were performed on 206 eyes in 103 children, aged from 3 days to 16 years (mean 4.6 years). RESULTS: Sonography was well tolerated by the children, was a very useful imaging modality and was the only diagnostic imaging modality required in 94%. Supplementary computed tomography (CT) was performed in ten of 206 eyes (5%) and magnetic resonance imaging (MR) was performed in two of 206 eyes (1%). CONCLUSIONS: B mode sonography is a very useful imaging modality for suspected ocular or orbital pathology in children and is often the appropriate first line investigation following clinical evaluation. Radiologists familiar with sonography of the eye can provide valuable support to their ophthalmology colleagues.  相似文献   

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