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张畅  谢克家  麻倩倩  张月  宋睿智  张恒博 《矿产勘查》2022,13(10):1525-1532
东非大裂谷代表岩石圈层位的一个大型减薄带,是陆地上最大的断裂带。东非大裂谷埃塞俄比亚段贯穿整个埃塞俄比亚岩石系列单元,是埃塞俄比亚板块(努比亚板块)和索马里板块的离散边界,延伸超过1000 km。本文通过系统总结该区域多年来的地质学、地球物理等研究成果,结合部分地质调查结果,得出埃塞俄比亚裂谷系统的北部为阿法尔洼地,是一个规模巨大的三角形构造拗陷地带;南部为埃塞俄比亚主裂谷,其内部形成较为对称的地堑系统,进而发育了数量众多的断陷湖。由于埃塞俄比亚板块和索马里板块持续性裂谷作用,裂谷系统内形成了丰富的地热资源。其中,阿法尔洼地的Danakil地区及主裂谷的阿巴塔湖(Lake Abiata)和莎拉湖(Lake Shala)的地热资源具有较好的资源勘查潜力,值得当地企业进一步关注。  相似文献   

Among the present environmental issues drinking water quality and more specifically organic micropollutants receive not the highest priority. The long tradition of potable water quality assurance and the sophisticated evaluation methodologies provide a very useful approach which has great potential for wider application in environmental research and policy making.Water consumption patterns and the relative importance of the drinking water exposure route show that inorganic water contaminants generally contribute much more to the total daily intake than organic micropollutants. An exception is chloroform and probably the group of typical chlorination by-products. Among the carcinogenic organic pollutants in drinking water only chlorination by-products may potentially increase the health risk. Treatment should therefore be designed to reduce chemical oxidant application as much as possible.It is expected that in the beginning of next century organic micropollutants will receive much less attention and that the present focus on treatment by-products will shift to distribution problems. Within the total context of water quality monitoring microbiological tests will grow in relative importance and might once again dominate chemical analysis the next century.As disinfection is the central issue of the present water treatment practice the search for the ideal disinfection procedure will continue and might result in a further reduction in the use of chemical oxidants.  相似文献   

The Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes (ERVLs) are water resources which have considerable environmental, economic and cultural importance. However, there is an increasing concern that increasing human activities around these lakes and their main inflows can result in increased contamination of these water bodies. Information on total concentrations of some trace elements is available for these lakes and their inflows; however, data on the trace element speciation is lacking. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the low molecular mass (LMM) trace element species and also, evaluate the influence of flooding episodes on the LMM trace element fractions. At-site size and charge fractionation system was used for sampling of water from the lakes Koka, Ziway and Awassa and their main inflows during the dry and wet seasons. The results showed that chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and lead (Pb) in Lake Koka and its inflows as well as in Lake Ziway were predominantly present as HMM (high molecular mass, i.e., > 10 kDa) forms, while arsenic (As), selenium (Se), cadmium (Cd) were more mobile during the dry season. In Lake Awassa, all except Cr and Mn were predominantly found as LMM species (low molecular mass, i.e. < 10 kDa) which can be attributed to the high concentrations of LMM DOC (dissolved organic carbon). During the wet season, results from the Lake Koka and its inflows showed that all trace elements were predominantly associated with HMM forms such as colloids and particles, demonstrating that the mobility of elements was reduced during the wet season. The colloidal fraction of elements such as Cr, Ni, and Cd was also correlated with dissolved Fe. As the concentration of LMM trace element species are very low, the mobility, biological uptake and the potential environmental impact should be low.  相似文献   

This study investigates the mechanisms of arsenic (As) and other naturally occurring contaminants (F, U, V, B, and Mo) mobilization from Quaternary sedimentary aquifers of the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) and their enrichment in the local groundwater. The study is based on systematic measurements of major and trace elements as well as stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in groundwater, coupled with geochemical and mineralogical analyses of the aquifer rocks. The Rift Valley aquifer is composed of rhyolitic volcanics and Quaternary lacustrine sediments. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) results revealed that MER rhyolites (ash, tuff, pumice and ignimbrite) and sediments contain on average 72 wt. % and 65 wt. % SiO2, respectively. Petrographic studies of the rhyolites indicate predominance of volcanic glass, sanidine, pyroxene, Fe-oxides and plagioclase. The As content in the lacustrine sediments (mean = 6.6 mg/kg) was higher than that of the rhyolites (mean: 2.5 mg/kg). The lacustrine aquifers of the Ziway-Shala basin in the northern part of MER were identified as high As risk zones, where mean As concentration in groundwater was 22.4 ± 33.5 (range of 0.60–190 μg/L) and 54% of samples had As above the WHO drinking water guideline value of 10 μg/L. Field As speciation measurements showed that most of the groundwater samples contain predominantly (∼80%) arsenate-As(V) over arsenite-As(III) species. The As speciation together with field data of redox potential (mean Eh = +73 ± 65 mV) and dissolved-O2 (6.6 ± 2.2 mg/L) suggest that the aquifer is predominantly oxidative. Water-rock interactions, including the dissolution of volcanic glass produces groundwater with near-neutral to alkaline pH (range 6.9–8.9), predominance of Na–HCO3 ions, and high concentration of SiO2 (mean: 85.8 ± 11.3 mg/L). The groundwater data show high positive correlation of As with Na, HCO3¯, U, B, V, and Mo (R2 > 0.5; p < 0.001). Chemical modeling of the groundwater indicates that Fe-oxides and oxyhydroxides minerals were saturated in the groundwater, suggesting that the As reactivity is controlled by adsorption/desorption processes with these minerals. The data show that As and other oxyanion-forming elements such as U, B, Mo, and V had typically higher concentrations at pH > ∼8, reflecting the pH-dependence of their mobilization. Based on the geochemical and stable isotope variations we have established a conceptual model for the occurrence of naturally occurring contaminants in MER groundwater: 1) regional groundwater recharge from the Highland, along the Rift margins, followed by lateral flow and water–rock interactions with the aquifer rocks resulted in a gradual increase of the salinity and naturally occurring contaminants towards the center of the valley; and (2) local δ18O-rich lake water recharge into adjacent shallow aquifers, followed by additional mobilization of As and other oxyanion-forming elements from the aquifer rocks. We posit that the combined physical-chemical conditions of the aquifers such as oxidizing state, Na–HCO3 composition, and pH>∼8 lead to enhanced mobilization of oxyanion-forming elements from Fe-oxides and consequently contamination of local groundwater. These geochemical conditions characterize groundwater resources along the Eastern African Rift and thus constitute a potential threat to the quality of groundwater in larger areas of Eastern Africa.  相似文献   

Chernet T  Travi Y  Valles V 《Water research》2001,35(12):2819-2832
The natural waters of the Lakes Region in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) show serious problems of chemical quality. The high content of fluoride reaches 300 mgl(-1) and affects the health of the population who live in this area. Furthermore, the alkaline and sodic characteristics (8 2(Ca + Mg)]. which results from the weathering and dissolution of the volcanic rocks. The predictive qualities of the model AQUA were tested in the context of this region. A simulation of the concentration of the waters by evaporation has shown chemical variations relatively similar to those obtained with field data which include the minor chemical elements such as the fluoride or the dissolved silica. For field data, enrichment is more variable and may represent localised conditions of mineralization. This model is then used to study a method of defluoridation by supplying these waters with calcium in the form of gypsum. This method also allows the reduction of the alkalinizing and sodifying characteristics of the waters without reaching the fluoride standard concentration accepted for drinking waters. For drinking purpose, waters of the Ethiopian rift should undergo another method of defluoridation.  相似文献   

西南地区堆积层斜坡众多,在降雨等诱发因素下,发育有大量规模较小的浅层堆积层滑坡,威胁到广大人民的生命财产安全。该文以陈家岩滑坡为典型,分别介绍了残坡堆积层滑坡和崩滑堆积层滑坡的地质灾害特征,分析了其变形机制和影响因素,并提出了相应治理措施,以期为同类型滑坡灾害的勘查治理提供参考。  相似文献   

Research programmes planned and sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) are executed by the Joint Research Centre which belongs to the Community (direct action) and through the collaboration of research institutions of the member countries (indirect action). In the tatter case national laboratories carry out investigations under contract with the CEC thus providing scientific and technological data needed in the implementation of Community policies in various fields such as Agriculture, Industrial Affairs, Energy, Environment.To sustain the Community policy on the environment, adopted in 1973, the CEC proposed and the Council of the EC approved, in parallel with direct action programmes, the first Environmental Research Programme of indirect action for the period 1973–1975 and the second Environmental Research Programme of indirect action for the period 1976–1980. Both programmes have contributed to improve the understanding of problems concerning the presence of pottutants in the environment and their ecological and health effects.  相似文献   

Khirbet As-Samra (KA) treated wastewater is being used in irrigation in the Central Jordan Valley. The treated water is collected in King Talal Dam (KTD) and then mixed with King Abdullah Canal (KAC) water, which is diverted from the Yarmouk River for further use in agriculture. The treated water has adversely affected the water quality of Yarmouk River. Comparison of the results of water quality tests with guidelines for water to be used for irrigation, salt tolerance of agricultural crops and the influence of water quality on the potential clogging of drip irrigation systems reveals that treated effluent from KA can be used for irrigation with restrictions. Moreover, concentrations of all trace elements were found to be low and within guidelines for irrigation water. Clogging of drip emitters is expected due to high calcium and magnesium contents, besides the high bacterial counts and nutrients that promote algal growth.  相似文献   

G.Fred Lee 《Water research》1973,7(11):1525-1546
Increasing emphasis is being placed on the use of bioassay techniques to evaluate potential water quality problems in the aquatic environment. Although the physical environment is carefully maintained, often less emphasis is placed on maintaining the proper chemical environment in bioassay tests. Considerations of oxidation state, solubility, complexation, ionic strength, type and amount of solids, salt ratios and concentrations and organic content are essential in extrapolating the results from the test conditions to the environment. The chemical history of the test organism must be controlled to insure meaningful results, and analytical measurements should be made to insure that the proper chemical species is maintained throughout the test period. If the environmental conditions are not duplicated, studies are needed to determine how the results are dependent on the test environment used. This paper discusses examples in which changes in the chemical environment of a bioassay test may affect the results of the test and recommends procedures for minimizing problems of this type.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the most extensive database on fluoride distribution in Ethiopia. Of the total 1438 water samples tested, 24.2% had fluoride concentrations above the 1.5 mg/l recommended optimum concentration recommended by WHO. Regionally, by far the highest fluoride levels were recorded in the Rift Valley, where 41.2% of all samples exceeded the 1.5 mg/l level. Only 1.0% of the samples from the central and northwestern highlands and 10.0% in the southeastern highlands exceeded 1.5 mg/l. Larger proportions of deep wells (50.0%) and hot springs (90.0%) than shallow wells (27.2%) and cold springs (12.6%) exceeded the 1.5 mg/l level. The highest fluoride concentrations were recorded for Rift Valley lakes Shala (264.0 mg/l) and Abijata (202.4 mg/l) and the lowest in Lake Tana, and rivers, wells and springs in the highlands. The fluoride concentrations of the Awash River, which originates in the highlands and flows through the Rift Valley, increase downstream, giving concern over the current diversion of high-fluoride water from Lake Beseka. Of the various flourosis prevention methods tried in Ethiopia, the treatment of surface water has been shown to be the most feasible and effective for towns and large commercial farms in the Rift Valley, although defluoridation methods should be considered for smaller rural communities.  相似文献   

Various methods of disinfection are being successfully used to control waterborne diseases due to biological contaminants in water (viruses, bacteria, protozoa). These methods of chemical control are adding chemical contaminants to the drinking water. For example, trihalomethanes may be formed by the interaction of chlorine with humic and/or fulvic acids. In addition, chemical contaminants may arise from natural, agricultural, industrial or distributional sources. Acute or chronic exposures to these chemicals may result in adverse health effects that are immediate or delayed, reversible or irreversible. Since these contaminants rarely occur singly, chemical interactions (additives, synergistic, antagonistic) must be considered. The nature of the adverse health effects can usually be determined from properly designed and executed animal experiments and/or human epidemiological studies. Potentially toxic agents may also be identified by the use of short term or in vitro tests. Other methods of identification of potentially toxic agents include chemical similarity with known toxicants.Attempts should be made to reduce the number of potentially toxic chemical contaminantsbut the microbiological quality of drinking water must not be compromised.  相似文献   

Climatological influences and catchment pressures have altered the natural energy regime in the lower Mara River in Tanzania, creating conditions favourable for sedimentation. Wetland growth in the lower Mara River is investigated through particle size analyses and high resolution micro-XRF screening of sediment cores from the area. Geochemical profiling indicates that the Mara wetlands serve as an important trap for contaminated sediments originating the North Mara Gold Mine complex. Heavy metals and arsenic (As) appear to be reasonably well bound in alluvial stores of the wetlands but selected elements (e.g. Cr) may become progressively mobile over time. Human activity in the catchment presents risks to the biodiversity of the wetland area, and also to its ability to buffer Lake Victoria by assimilating pollutants. Changes to the hydrological regime of the Mara wetlands could reverse the patterns of sedimentation and adversely affect water and sediment quality in Lake Victoria. Furthermore, the study highlights a deficit of data relating to sediment sources, deposition patterns and associated contamination, which must be understood before effective management strategies on sediment and contaminants can be applied.  相似文献   

目的探讨拉萨河谷典型农牧区饮水安全问题类型及现状,分析该地区饮水安全的主要影响因素,提出农牧区饮用水安全保障对策。方法采取现场实际调查方法,制定统一问卷调查表,对农牧区的水源环境背景、水质、水量进行问卷调查。结果拉萨河谷农业生态系统典型农牧区的水源类型79%为山泉水,自来水占总体取水方式的87%,22%农户饮水供应存在一定的季节性缺水现象,主要分布在以4 000 m高海拔的半农半牧区及牧区,47%的农户居住的区域存在人畜共饮的情况。结论该地区饮水水质与我国其他地区比较相对较好;农牧民的饮水供给情况绝大多数都能满足需要,但仍有少数地区的牧民存在饮水困难,特别季节性缺水较为典型;人畜共饮现象在该典型农牧地区仍是饮水安全的一个主要原因。  相似文献   

饮用水水源水质健康风险评价及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用水质健康风险评价模型,对佛山主要水源——北江多年来的水质监测资料进行了分析和评价.结果表明:北江流域水质健康总风险值较高;水质健康风险沿北江先增大后又有所下降,最高值出现在主城区河段.基因毒物质是造成北江水质健康风险值高的主要污染物质,其中Cr的健康风险值最高,其次为As和Cd.对于躯体毒物质,主要风险来源于Hg、Pb、NH,三种污染物;氨的风险值呈增加趋势,2004年以后取代Hg成为主要的躯体毒物质风险源.针对北江水源的水质健康风险特点,提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

随着城市的建设和发展,高层建筑剧增,原有的城市供水系统越来越不能满足需要,二次加压供水方式应运而生。由于二次供水增加了水体与外界环境直接接触的机会,因而容易造成供水水质的二次污染,从而威胁人们的生命健康。  相似文献   

The variation of the water quality of the Guadarrama river and its tributaries in a section of Las Rozas‐Madrid, Spain, was studied during the time period between January 2003 and January 2008. The parameter water quality index (WQI) was used to determine the water quality based on the conventional parameters of pollution. It was found that the WQI was slightly affected in the section evaluated. The value of the WQI was in the range of 56–64, which corresponded to the classification of ‘good quality’. It was determined that 64.3% of the organic matter present in the river was removed in the section of Las Rozas‐Madrid. The river acted as a plug flow reactor and a first‐order kinetics governed the ultimate biological oxygen demand (BOD5) (BODU) decay. The value of the first‐order constant demonstrated the river's high self‐purification capacity. In addition, a high linear relationship was found between the WQI and the dissolved oxygen deficit (D). Therefore, a quick determination of WQI may be carried out if the values of D are known. These are easily obtainable by field measurements.  相似文献   

Tien CJ 《Water research》2004,38(7):1779-1790
Changes in elemental concentrations of diatoms and river water from the river Erh-Jen were determined using scanning electron microscopy energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Relatively large amounts of copper and lead found in both planktonic and epilithic diatoms implied these algae might play an important role in biogeochemical cycles and in the transfer of those elements to higher trophic levels in the aquatic environment. Changes in elemental concentrations within diatom cells were found to vary with other elements within cells and the same or different elements in water. Planktonic and epilithic cells showed different correlation patterns. For epilithic diatoms, negative correlations were found between concentrations of total phosphorus and phosphate in water and those of phosphorus within cells, and between concentrations of lead in water and in cells. Concentrations of chromium and mercury within planktonic cells and those of phosphorus, manganese and lead within epilithic ones were found to be easily influenced by other elements in river water, indicating appearance of the competitive manner on uptake of such elements by algal cells. Relatively high concentration factors (CFs) for cadmium, mercury and lead by diatoms in this study suggested they are good accumulators for these heavy metals. Significant negative corrections were found between the CFs of diatoms and the concentrations of elements in river water.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the health aspects of nitrate in drinking water with particular reference to methaemoglobinaemia and carcinogenic risk. It examines regional trends in gastric cancer mortality in England and Wales in relation to nitrogenous fertiliser usage, and mortality from gastric cancer in rural districts in eastern England in relation to nitrate concentrations in public water supplies.  相似文献   

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