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A new edge-detected lift force flow sensor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A lift force gas flow sensor which uses the force normal to the fluid flow to measure the flow velocity has recently been introduced. Two thin plates mounted at an angle are deflected when they are subjected to fluid flow. For most mechanical flow sensors the flow sensitivity is closely connected to the time response. A weaker structure gives higher flow sensitivity but a lower natural frequency, i.e., a slower response time. The lift force sensor is designed for measurements of respiratory gas flow in ventilators, where, in addition to low flow restriction, both high sensitivity and fast response are required. A new type of suspension has now been realized for the lift force flow sensor. The detection is separated from the suspension of the airfoil plate with the strain gauges placed on separate detector beams. This leads to separate parameters for optimization of the lift force concept with "independent" control of flow sensitivity and natural frequency. This paper presents an analytical model, simulations and measurements on the new structure. The new edge-detected sensor has been experimentally evaluated for different lengths (100-600 /spl mu/m), widths (20-100 /spl mu/m) and thicknesses (8-20 /spl mu/m) of the detector beams. In accordance with the theory, the measurements show that the new structure has approximately three times the natural frequency of the old, center detected structure and similar or improved flow sensitivity. The evaluation has also resulted in a design scheme for optimal performance. A flow sensitivity of 0.65 /spl mu/V/V/(l/min)/sup 2/ has been obtained for the best edge-detected sensor with a natural frequency of 3.2 kHz.  相似文献   

针对多维力传感器普遍存在维间耦合效应导致测量精度偏低等问题,设计了一种具有自解耦特性的四柱式六维力传感器,通过结构设计、仿真分析、应变片粘贴和电路组桥等方面的研究,较好的解决了各个分量之间的交叉影响问题,最终通过单分量标定试验得出传感器单个方向精度高于0.1%F.S.,通过交叉影响量标定试验得出传感器交叉影响量小于3%F.S.,达到了设计要求.  相似文献   

利用通电螺线管与永磁铁之间的作用力,提出了一种测量电流的方法.光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)在永磁铁的牵引下发生轴向应变,引起Bragg中心波长的漂移,通过解调中心波长漂移量对电流进行测量.实验中采取多匝数螺线管和小电流来模拟大电流,对0-3A的直流电流进行了测量.实验结果表明:中心波长漂移量与电流有很好的线性关系,线性...  相似文献   

设计了一种小型八角环二维力传感器,利用ANSYS仿真软件对传感器进行了有限元和应变节点分析,通过传感器静态标定实验得到了标定解耦矩阵,解决了由于加工误差和应变计粘贴误差带来的力矩耦合问题.设计了二指平行手爪,搭建了基于力外环控制的夹持器系统.运用手爪测量了不同材料之间的最大静摩擦系数.实际的抓取实验验证了基于力比例控制的稳定抓取具有良好效果.  相似文献   

在智能机械手控制过程中,为了获取指尖力三维信息,设计了一种基于聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)压电薄膜的指尖力触觉传感器,并通过数学模型描述了压电薄膜及传感探头原理,设计了相应的调理电路。以和接触面所呈不同角度的指尖力为测试对象。测试结果显示:所设计的指尖力传感器能准确检测指尖力的三维信息,可用于实际的指尖力检测。  相似文献   

党小超  杨冬冬  郝占军 《计算机应用》2015,35(11):3021-3025
针对三维无线传感器网络中节点非均匀覆盖需求的问题,提出一种基于虚拟力的三维覆盖算法(3D-CAVF).该算法是将虚拟力应用在无线传感器网络中实现节点布置, 通过虚拟力和拥挤度控制, 使节点能够自动覆盖事件, 并且使节点和事件的密度呈现一种平衡的效果.在Matlab平台上进行仿真实验,将所提算法与基于人工势场的三维部署算法(APFA3D)、基于未知目标精确覆盖的三维部署算法(ECA3D)进行比较,在事件呈T型不均匀部署和线型不均匀部署两种情况下进行实验,所提算法的事件集覆盖效能比APFA3D、ECA3D 算法有3.6%、3.1%的提高.仿真实验结果表明所提算法能够有效处理三维无线传感器网络中节点的布置问题.  相似文献   

介绍了基于触力传感器89C52单片机的采集子系统的硬件组成结构和软件的设计方法及其在伤科三指按摩量化测定分析仪中的应用,并给出了试验结果。  相似文献   

S.  P.  J. -L.  F.  S.  G.  Y.  J.  O. 《Sensors and actuators. A, Physical》2004,110(1-3):294-300
This paper describes a compact and low cost micro-opto-electro-mechanical displacement sensor. Our purpose is the fabrication of a long range, nanometer resolved encoder using a standard CMOS technology, in order to integrate the optical metrology system (photodiodes, analog and digital circuits) on a single chip. We introduce the interferometric linear encoder principle using diffraction gratings; then we present results of optical and electrical characterization of an optoASIC including photodiodes and associated electronic integrated on a standard 0.6 μm CMOS process. This CMOS circuitry is then included inside of a prototype of linear displacement encoder using the principle of diffraction gratings in reflection. Finally, we present the fabrication of micrometer and sub-micrometer diffraction gratings etched in silicon material, in order to obtain a higher encoder integration.  相似文献   

新型三维力传感器的研制与应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
在不同的应用背景下 ,对传感器的特性有不同的要求 ,就要用不同原理、结构和工艺来设计传感器。首先介绍一种新型的三维力传感器。并着重分析它的结构、原理及各种影响它准确度的原因和相应解决办法。最后 ,叙述它在拳击等竞技体育中的应用  相似文献   

容栅千分传感器广泛应用于位移测量中,设计的容栅千分传感器,将普通容栅传感器在线路板上的刻线划分移植到了半导体硅片上,利用了半导体的工艺技术,实现刻线划分的高精度、高密度,从而达到普通线路板无法达到的精度,将容栅传感器的分辨力提高至0.001 mm.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design of a micro-scale manipulator based on a six-DOF compliant parallel mechanism (CPM), which is featured by piezo-driven actuators and integrated force sensor capable of delivering six-DOF motions with high precision and providing real-time force information for feedback control. Particularly, the position and screw-based Jacobian analyses of the CPM are presented. Then, the compliance model and the workspace evaluation of the CPM are proposed in order to account for the compliance and obtain design guidelines. Finally, the integrated sensor is introduced. The static features of such a mechanism include high positioning accuracy, structural compactness and smooth and continuous displacements.  相似文献   

针对当前测痛仪存在精度和灵敏度较低等问题,研制了一种基于高精度拉压力传感器的测痛仪。该仪器以C8051F020单片机为核心,通过信号采集和处理电路配合软件编程,实现了压痛阈值的采集、显示和存储等功能。实验表明:仪器获取的压痛阈值精确度高(<0.3 N)、稳定性好,为临床疗效评估和治疗提供了很好的技术支持。  相似文献   

为了对用于摩擦磨损试验机的测力传感器进行静态标定,对其进行加载、卸载试验,根据最小二乘原理,分别采用Matlab和Origin 2种功能强大的数据分析软件对试验数据进行线性回归运算得到测力传感器输入一输出数学模型和灵敏度、非线性误差等静态标定指标.结果表明:2种软件标定结果十分接近,且具有各自的特点.  相似文献   

针对传统方法拟合声表面波(SAW)微力传感器输入—输出曲线的算法为最小二乘法,但无法进行全局搜索,易获得局部最优解的不足,基于SAW微力传感器实测数据,采用广义回归神经网络(GRNN)进行曲线拟合。选取以铌酸锂为压电基底的SAW微力传感器,对其施加微压并通过网络分析仪测量输出频率数据,依据GRNN和最小二乘法基本原理采用MATLAB R2016b分别对频率—压力数据进行拟合并对比。仿真结果表明:与最小二乘法相比,GRNN误差明显减小,约一个数量级,能有效提高拟合精度。  相似文献   

针对传统手写信息采集系统存在的信息获取不全面的弊端,设计了一种基于多维力传感器的手写信息采集系统,给出了系统的总体框架.系统以多维力传感器为核心,不仅实现了对手写过程静态轨迹信息的获取,同时实现了对手写多维力信息的获取.整个系统由用户接口模块、数据采集模块和数据处理模块组成,分析了各模块的设计思想和工作原理,并基于WinCE系统开发了一种手写信息采集系统.实验证明:该系统工作稳定,性能优良,实现了对手写过程中力和位置信息的全面获取.  相似文献   

当机器手抓取时物体受力信息检测是抓取过程顺利进行的基础,检测三维方向上的力便可充分反映物体的受力信息。当前用于抓取过程中三维力检测的触觉传感器还存在着一些不足,基于此,论文拟设计一种基于PVDF的三维力机器人触觉传感器。论文展示了传感器的结构设计,建立了压电薄膜及传感头结构的数学模型,设计了调理电路并对传感器进行测试和验证,结果表明该传感器能有效检测机器手抓取过程中的三维力信息。  相似文献   

斜拉索是桥梁的重要构件,它的索力值大小是评估桥梁整体性能的重要指标。本文研制了基于ZIGBEE技术标准的桥梁索力检测的无线传感系统,给出了利用振动频谱法测定索力的原理,介绍了系统的总体结构及模块化设计,进行了斜拉桥模型和现场斜拉桥的索力测试实验。实验表明,所开发的无线传感系统能够准确地进行索力值检测,从而为桥梁的安全性能评估提供了保障,具有简便实用、布设快捷等特点,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对现有技术对微弱风力检测困难的问题,搭建基于微悬臂梁传感技术的微弱风力检测系统并实现微弱风力检测.传感器平台使用光纤耦合激光器作为光源,对微悬臂梁自由端进行照射.由微弱风力导致的微梁自由端的微小位移经过光杠杆原理放大,通过四象限探测器感光表面上的光斑相对位置实现对微弱风力的检测.利用编写的LabVIEW程序进行数据采集控制,并实时显示微悬臂梁偏转位移曲线.实验结果表明:微悬臂梁的偏转位移和风力具有较好的线性关系,系统3倍噪声对应的风力约为1.5×10-4N,风力检测结果的平均标准差为6.7 ×10-9N,实验数据具有较高重复性.  相似文献   

针对磁弹效应索力传感器工程应用安装与维护技术难题,提出了一种旁路结构的磁弹性索力传感器。应用磁路定律和等效磁路法,对套筒式结构传感器进行磁路系统分析;基于等效磁路原理,设计旁路式结构索力传感器,给出器件结构参数尺寸;搭建相应的传感器试验检测系统,在WDW-300拉伸试验机上对两种传感器进行磁电复合材料诱导电压与拉力比较试验。对旁路结构索力传感器进行抗温性试验研究。结果表明,旁路结构索力传感器检测精度高,重复误差0.02%~0.5%,传感器性能稳定性和温度适应性好,适合于大跨度桥梁结构健康检测的工程应用。  相似文献   

This paper presents the design and development of a silicon-based three-axial force sensor to be used in a flexible smart interface for biomechanical measurements. Normal and shear forces are detected by combining responses from four piezoresistors obtained by ion implantation in a high aspect-ratio cross-shape flexible element equipped with a 525 μm high silicon mesa. The mesa is obtained by a subtractive dry etching process of the whole handle layer of an SOI wafer. Piezoresistor size ranges between 6 and 10 μm in width, and between 30 and 50 μm in length. The sensor configuration follows a hybrid integration approach for interconnection and for future electronic circuitry system integration. The sensor ability to measure both normal and shear forces with high linearity (99%) and low hysteresis is demonstrated by means of tests performed by applying forces from 0 to 2 N. In this paper the packaging design is also presented and materials for flexible sensor array preliminary assembly are described.  相似文献   

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